Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 688: Spirit boy

Chapter 76: Spirit Boy

"Of course I'm afraid. Our master slapped him with a slap, and pinched him with a finger. And, do you not know the origin of this boy?" Ma Busi asked loudly.

The two live treasures sang and drank. Everyone heard the taste and calmed down and let them speak.

Ma Busan said "Oh" and patted his bald head with few hairs, and said, "Remember, this kid is not a demon forest spirit?"

Ma Bu nodded his head: "Yes, there is a race in the demon forest, the spirit ape. The spirit ape and the fox, Sirius, and flying tiger are also known as the four major demons. The spirit ape has a surname. Spirit, the self-named Spirit family. The people of the Spirit family have always been timid. This spirit boy dare not fight with the master, which is also expected. "

Ma Busan Zuo suddenly realized that, "It's no wonder then."

Red and green Shuangsha also interjected, Hongsha argued: "Nonsense, why are the apes timid? Our red and green Shuangsha, who also came from the apes, are very daring."

This red and green double evil also has an unusual origin. They originally belonged to the genus of the apes. Due to their different nature, they had two heads on one body, so they were abandoned, leaving them to die on their own.

Later, this weird ape was fed by a boar sperm, and he was regarded as his mother. He also hated the ape family and had no feelings.

Lvsha immediately took the word and said, "Brother, we have one more head than the spirit ape. Naturally, they are smarter and bolder than them, so they cannot testify."

Hongsha said: "Yes, every one of the spirit apes is as timid as a mouse, all his mother's **** and bastards! Two heads are called loyalty and righteousness, wisdom and handsome are equal, and bold and careful."

Laughed at by such a taunt, the spirit boy almost vomited and bleed, screaming: "Bold hairy demon!" Pointing out, divided three swords of light, and beheaded and killed a few people.

When Li Xing stretched out his hand, there was a surging force bursting out, dispersing the three sword lights, and sneering: "What do you mean, spirit boy? It's not a place for you to be wild!"

After all, the spirit boy is a demon, and his energy is not enough. He can't stop the tone in his heart, his eyes are open, and he drinks, "How? A little god, how can you help me?"

Li Xing laughed with a "haha": "Ignorant Mao Yao, take it down!" He waved his hand and suppressed the past.

This repression is not trivial. Regardless of the majestic divine power, just 3,000 kinds of star power can form the spirit boy directly to death. King Kong is not bad, he touched it at once, covering the world.

The son of Ling Ling shouted, holding a seven-color lotus flower in his hand. The lotus radiated hundreds of millions of colors, and actually shot Li Xingjing's palm.

Li Xing snorted, re-strengthened, and shouted, "Break!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, even though the lotus flower was strong, was burst open, and Ling Ling yelled and was held by Li Xing.

At this time, Lord Xiaotian said: "Li Xiaoyou, there is some connection between the old and the spirit family. Look at me on the thin side and spare him once."

Li Xing nodded: "The predecessor is alive, dare not obey." He let the spirit son go, but held the Qiran lotus tent in his hand, and said, "You disturb the wedding banquet today, you should have been executed, at least you must abolish it. Cultivate. But Lord Xiaotian pleads for you and spares you, get out! "

There was a thousand hatreds and ten thousand kinds of resentment in the heart of the spirit son, but he didn't dare to express it, stared at Li Xing resentfully, and flew up. He couldn't stay here any longer.

Lord Xiaotian was very pleased to see Li Xing giving his face like this, secretly saying: "Li Xiaoyou, this thing is called a seven-color fairy lotus and it is a treasure of the fairy gate. It was won by the Ling family eight hundred years ago. With nourishment, you can grow and produce seven-colored lotus seeds.

Li Xingdao: "Thank you for your guidance."

When the Taixumen wedding banquet was held, three high-rises, Dongxuan, Dongzhen and Dongming, were gathering together in the west of the barren mountains. Opposite them, there were two princes of heaven, Qingman, who lived in Wanfamen.

Dong Xuan frowned: "Dong Xu actually made an alliance with Dragon Palace, this is not a good thing! Tianyou Taoyou, what do you think?"

Tian Jun Dao Jun: "Here, I have to discuss this with my Taoist friends. The core figure of the Dragon Palace and Taixumen alliance is actually Li Xing. When Li Xing died, the so-called alliance was destroyed."

Dong Xuandao Jun nodded: "It's true, but the climate is already here, and it's difficult to get rid of it unless I wait for it."

"Not necessarily," said Tian Jun Dao Jun. "As far as I know, the destiny organization has started to kill this child, but it has not yet succeeded."

Dong Xuan thought for a moment, and said, "In the fate of heaven, only the heavenly killer can deal with Li Xing, but he has some hope."

"So, I ca n’t wait to pin my hope on Destiny," Tian said, "we have to think of a way to get rid of this."

"Do you really want to do it yourself?" Dong Xuandao Jun frowned, apparently thinking that this was the next step and extremely inappropriate.

Tianxuan Daojun laughed: "I shouldn't take action when waiting for nature, otherwise I would just rip off my face and fight against Taixu Men. This is not yet a step. However, I already have a plan in my heart, but I need the cooperation of Dongxuan Taoists."

Dong Xuan Daojun sighed: "This little **** man is worthy of our calculations! It is also his honor. Taoist, what is your idea?"

"This little **** is not easy." Tian Yaodao Jun looked coldly, and he watched his eldest son beheaded by Li Xing, unable to do anything.

"There is a disciple on Tianxin Island, called Lu Tianjiao. This Lu Tianjiao has a better relationship with a female disciple of Wan Famen. From his mouth, I have learned a message." Tianying Taojun said, "Li Xing once forced him He then informed Li Xing of a secret. "

"What secret?" Dong Xuandong asked.

"A group of treasures in Tianzang were snatched, and those people finally took the treasure and fled into the dead Jedi." Tiansao Daojun sneered, "So Li Xing will definitely go to the dead Jedi. Isn't it a good time to kill him?"

What kind of character is Dong Xuan Daojun, and after turning his mind, he said, "It seems that Lu Tianjiao intentionally disclosed this news to you."

"This is not important. What is important is that this is an opportunity to kill Li Xing," Tian said. "As long as you know when Li Xing will go to the dead Jedi, this matter will be easy to resolve."

"So you come to me?" Dong Xuandao Jun laughed.

"Exactly, although Dongxuanmen and Taixumen are opposite, but they are half of the same, after all, it is most appropriate for you to come forward." Tianshen said, "As long as you know when and where Li Xing will start, there is a way to kill him. By the way , Also have the opportunity to get those treasures. "

Dong Xuandao Jun knows that this nature must have thought of the means of lore, all he has to do is to induce Li Xing to enter the dead Jedi at a certain time.

After thinking a little, Dong Xuan felt that there was no risk, and agreed to: "Okay, I'll take care of this!"

The wedding banquet lasted seven days and nights, and the guests had gradually dispersed. Li Xuanbai and the five princesses moved into a palace built by Taixumen and lived with grandeur.

Although the five princesses are from the Dragon Palace, they are married to Li Xuanbai, who is too vain, so they have also visited the ancestors and met many high-level officials.

This great event is finally over. Li Xing is rare to sneak away and enter the sky to spend some time with women.

At this moment, Chen Shuang was lying naked in Li Xinghuai's arms, pouting with anger.

Li Xing was wondering, this little girl was just crying, why was she angry again? She took a slap on her smooth and soft jade rabbit and smiled, "Shuanger, who are you mad at?"

Chen Shuang sighed: "You see how beautiful the wedding is, how can it be like us, nameless, hum!"

Li Xing now understands that he and the six women have indeed not formally established their identities, nor have decent weddings been held. Thinking of this festival, he couldn't help feeling guilty, kissed the girl's face, and said softly, "This day won't be long."

At this moment, although he is in the virtual gate, Tianyuanzhou is brewing great changes, and he has no idea that the wedding is not appropriate for the time being.

"How long?" Chen Shuang asked fiercely, "Wait five hundred years?"

Li Xing laughed: "It doesn't take five hundred years for me to become a mage, and you will be greeted by the scenery immediately. And my parents are unknown, how can I get married?"

Speaking of the whereabouts of Li Ziran and his mother, he was a little sad: "I hope that the barriers of Jiuzhou will break open soon, and I can enter the Heavenly Gate and save my parents."

Chen Shuang nodded: "Xing brother, I will also work hard to cultivate and help you."

Li Xingdao: "At that time, you can also enter the Nether Continent to search for Jiuyin Aura, and you will be able to fully enhance your Jiuyin skills."

His Jiu Yang Gong still needs the cooperation of Jiu Yin Gong in the end, so this matter must be done, and sooner or later he will go to Youmingzhou and his party.

During this time, Li Xing took the seven-colored lotus flower and threw it into Qingyang Jingtian. As soon as the lotus flower got the aura, it began to **** insanely and grew quickly. The dense roots and whiskers under the shower bonnet were plunged into the spar.

Then ~ www.readwn.com ~ Qingyang Reiki actually gathered around the seven-colored lotus flower, condensing into a Wang Lingyou. Yes, this is Qingyang Reiki's condensed liquid, Qingyang Liquid.

More and more liquids turned into a pond. In the pond, the seven-colored lotus root takes root, and it won't take long for it to grow new lotus leaves.

"These seven-colored lotus flowers really have some meaning. Does Master know its origin?" Li Xing asked.

"The seven-colored fairy lotus has infinite usefulness, and you will know it in the future," Tianxie said, "but wait for it to bear fruit first."

In Jingtian, Li Xing didn't care much about everything, so he left it behind.

Within a few days of ease, Li Xing left Jingtian because the cave of Dong Xuanmen really came suddenly and brought a message. Dong Xuan sent a disciple among the dead Jedi to find the relics of the ancestral master too. However, the relic was surrounded by restraints, and the disciple could not take it out.

That Taixu ancestor, after the founding of the Taixu Gate, traveled the world, I do not know where he is, so far I do not know whether it is death or life. At this time, the relics of the ancestor were discovered. This was a big event, and sincere Daojun and others were also alarmed.

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