Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 689: Perfect assassination

Chapter 77: Perfect Assassination

After deliberation, both the Dongxuan School and Taixu Men thought that since they were the ancestors' things, they must find a way to find them. Eventually, the two factions decided to join forces to enter the death-colored land in search of the ancestor's relics.

Death Jedi has a characteristic that the characters at the level of law and heaven cannot enter, and the cultivation at the level of **** and man is the most suitable to enter. Therefore, Li Xing is naturally the best candidate. After entering the dead Jedi, he is almost invincible, which is most reassuring.

Of course, Too Xuanmen is not without doubting the motivation of Dong Xuanmen. However, they are quite confident in Li Xing, believing that even if the Dongxuan faction had any conspiracy in this move, they would not be able to count Li Xing in the death of the Jedi. Because in the level of God and man, no one can conceal Li Xing.

After hearing the news, Li Xing was pregnant. He is also preparing to enter the Dead Jedi, looking for the treasure that Tianzang lost, and he can get things done by the way.

Dong Xuanmen seemed quite anxious, and after three days of preparation, he set off. On the side of Dong Xuanmen, only three gods and men were dispatched, all of whom were ten masters in training, one called Huang Lishi and one called Gao Pengcheng.

The side of Taixumen saw Dong Xuanmen like this, and it was not good for too many people, so he just sent Li Xing alone. Some high-level officials understand that sending a few gods to the past will actually become a burden on Li Xing.

Although there were not many people sent, each side sent escorting characters from the state. Seen in the assassination of Li Xing by the Taoist figures, Taixumen is the most cautious. The two Taoists, Tian operators and Dongji, protect Li Xing from going together.

This will prevent one from being assassinated, and the other will prevent Dong Xuanmen from doing anything.

Three Taoists, three God-men, rushed to the dead Jedi together. The dead Jedi is located in a very desolate sea in the southwest of the South China Sea. In this area, the sea people rarely arrive, let alone humans.

Arriving near the dead Jedi, Li Xing saw a breath of death suffocate in front of him, suffocating. A dark cloud covered the entire sea.

Tian Suan Tao warned: "Li Xing, from ancient times to the present, countless gods have entered the dead Jedi, but not many live out, so you need to be careful."

Li Xing nodded: "Master, rest assured, disciples understand."

The tunnel machine said: "Li Xing, if encountering danger, the ancestor's relics can be abandoned, safety first."

Dong Ming on the side of Dong Xuanmen is another explanation, Shen said: "The relics of the ancestor are not trivial, even if they die, they must be brought out for me!"

Huang Lishi and Gao Pengcheng looked excited, and Shen said, "The disciples understand! They must not insult the mission!"

Paying respects to their respective teachers, the three joined the dark cloud. Just entering it, Li Xing felt a breath of death entangled, making him extremely uncomfortable.

The other Huang Lishi and Gao Pengcheng were dizzy and started to vomit. The flight speed was much slower.

Li Xing didn't even plan to be with these two wastes at all. As soon as he accelerated, he flew far and went directly into the depths of the dead Jedi. In fact, 80% of him came here for the treasures of Tianzang.

As for the ancestor's relics, he felt that 80% of the incident was a conspiracy of Dong Xuanmen. Even if there are real relics, it is probably not a precious meager.

However, only people at the level of gods and men can come in here, even if Dong Xuanmen has any tricks, he absolutely cannot help it. God-man level, he spikes any being.

Going deeper, the breath of death began to condense into channels, leading to unknown spaces. After he distinguished it carefully, he went towards a passage.

As soon as people left, two gray shadows followed, and they followed Li Xing.

Walking through the passage for a moment, into a dark space, the sky was gray, and the same was true all around. Underground, it is a hayfield, and there seems to be a vague outline of mountains in the distance.

"Here, it is a bit similar to the Forbidden City in the South China Sea, but I don't know what kind of danger it is." He thought, suddenly looking cold, turning to look over.

Two figures appeared in front of Li Xing. He knew all of them, one was the Taoist who assassinated him, and the other was the black robe mage who issued a blue sword light at the wedding banquet.

"It's you!" Li Xing was very surprised. Death Jedi could only be entered by gods and men. How did these two come in when they were so high?

The figure in that situation sneered, "Are you very scared and surprised?"

Li Xing smiled: "Make me scared? Do you have that qualification? The two of you can enter this place because nothing is used to suppress cultivation. The death Jedi can't sense the breath."

"You're smart." The Taoist said arrogantly. "Unfortunately, no matter how smart you are, you will die today."

Li Xing looked calm and asked, "Who are you? Why kill me?"

"Do you know?" Taoist sneered.

"Destiny?" Li Xing frowned, and he couldn't figure it out any more.

"Yes, both of me are destiny-level killers. This is to kill you. This time, we cooperated with Wan Famen, didn't you think?" Daoist said coldly.

"First of all, I am a member of Destiny. The next day I should know my other identity. There is no reason to strike at me." Li Xing sneered. "I really can't think of it."

"Is the emperor pretty?" The black-robed mage mocked, "It's because the people are pretty emperor that I've got you started."

At this moment, the man took out a string of bells. As soon as the bell rang, Li Xing's spirit shook a bit, and his heart moved, saying, "So you want to control me?"

"You finally guessed that controlling you is controlling the Emperor, and controlling a group of King Zhou." The Taoist sneered, "You have refined the Heavenly Sword Sword Pill? The mark has been planted on the Sword Pill, You are destined to fall today. "

The bell dangled, and the sound of "Ding Bell" made Li Xing tremble, and finally he sat on the ground with his buttocks, his eyes gradually blurred. Dozens of rays of divine light flew from him and were absorbed by the bell.

Immediately, the Taoist shook the bell and said, "Get up!"

Li Xing obediently stood up from the ground, looking like a zombie, as if she had no consciousness.

The Black Robe humanely said, "Which wizard is the same."

"Hai Lan, don't underestimate him. This is a trivial matter. If he can grow up, he must be a worldly figure." Taoist said, with the help of a bell, he controlled Li Xing's actions and directed Ruyi.

"Killman, you and I have borrowed the Lord's Dementor Bell, and explored his background one after the other during the wedding banquet. Now I use the precious fake ghost Dan to hide and repair. The adventures come here, I think both Extra. "Hai Lan shook her head." In fact, only one Dementor Bell is enough. "

Murderer, smiled slightly: "Be careful sailing the ship of ten thousand years, you are always so impatient, next time, I will never work with you, you plant it in the target sooner or later."

Hai Lan did not agree, and said, "As long as a sword is in hand, no one can hurt me."

The killer Taoist did not fight with him, shaking the dementor bell, making Li Xing's facial features gradually become more flexible, no different from before.

A moment later, God killed the Taoist: "Perfectly, with him, we have completed the task of Lord God, and we can make a difference." As soon as he rang the bell, Li Xing came over and stood behind them.

Hai Lan shook her head: "This is the most boring task."

Murderer was about to speak, and suddenly his face changed, and he slaps his palm towards Li Xing.

I don't know when, Li Xing's eyes flashed, his punch hit the murderer. This punch did not make every effort, but let the murderer have to deal with it.


The power of the subconscious movement reflects that the fake Dandan of the human immediately exploded, and the cultivation of his state of mind appeared in an instant, rising steadily.

"No!" It was too late for the killer to realize this.


The jedi of death and jedi were all motivated, and a force of death came down, as if a big invisible hand caught the murderer. Li Xing and Hai Lan were also involved and were bounced off.

Li Xing was okay, but he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and the navy "banged" directly, his body exploded and his soul was crushed.

Murderers are even more miserable. The internal body died directly, and the flesh suddenly lost its life. It suddenly stopped like a stone statue. There was still the expression of fear on his face, and he shouted openly.

It is the power of death, the killer who instantly kills.

This isn't the end, and the signs of life are gradually appearing on the body of the murderer, and it seems to be resurrected.

Li Xing was startled and shouted, "This death Jedi is really terrible. He can actually turn the character of the state into a corpse monster!" He said nothing, and his big hand covered the past, and the corpse monster that had not been completely "resurrected", Ingested directly above the altar.

Suddenly, the murderer turned into a terrifying corpse monster in the altar. But the next moment, it was sacrificed, it disappeared in a moment, and it was exchanged for considerable swift power. Along with the Dementor Bell, and all the magic weapons on him, it was sacrificed.

Li Xing regretted that the Dementor Bell was obviously a good thing. Most of the swift power was obtained by the Dementor Bell. On the contrary, the body of the murderer did not change much power.

Fast power, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com can increase Li Xing's speed of action, it is most suitable for melee, but it is also suitable.

As for the sea blue, it was directly hanged, and no residue was left.

At this time, Li Xing had some lingering fears. If it had not taken him 1,500 years, he had practiced 30,000 times of wormworms with great pains and pains, which made his physique much stronger, and then he would inevitably end up with Hai Lan and turn into powder.

"It seems that this is the conspiracy of the Dongxuan School." Li Xing exhaled. "Fortunately, I did not sacrifice the Tiansha Sword Pill at all, otherwise there will be no life today."

The destiny's information is wrong, Li Xing is not the Emperor at all, and the Emperor does not pretend to be Li Xing. Only Li Xing and Tai Xumen know this. Because Li Xing was mistakenly considered to be the imperial emperor, Tian Ming decided that Li Xing must have sacrificed Tiansha Jianmaru.

Even Hailan and Murderous Taoist quoted Li Xing once for their swords. They also thought that Li Xing had already sacrificed Tiansha Jianmaru, otherwise it would not have been possible to use it freely. Where do they know that Li Xing's practice of Heavenly Sword and Heavenly Soul Body can completely control Jian Wan.

These mistakes directly led to the failure of the Destiny Plan, which was originally a perfect plan and impeccable.

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