Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 691: Tianzang Treasure

Chapter 79: Heavenly Treasures

Li Xing beckoned, and two stone beads fell into his hands. This stone bead is made of space crystal and has a huge space inside, which is very precious. The cold ice beads he obtained before also belonged to a kind of space crystal.

"Space Crystal, see what's in it!" He gave a slight joy, infiltrated the divine thoughts, and his whole body was shocked.

The first space crystal, which covers an area of ​​about ten acres and is about 100 meters high, contains rows of tall jade frames. Above the jade frame, there are grids, and in each grid, a jade box is placed with a number written on it.

The things in the jade box include 10,000-year elixir, magic medicine, real medicine, spiritual fetus, heaven and earth treasures, etc. There are large and small jade boxes with seals banned on them, so that these wonders will not wither.

"So many precious medicinal herbs!" Li Xing's eyes lit up, and a cursory glance revealed that these things are the best of alchemy, and some anti-celestial medicine can be made.

In the second space crystal, the space is larger, and a jade box is also placed. However, the seal in the jade box is not the medicinal material, but the finished elixir. The worst grade is also the xuanjie elixir, and more is the anti-elixir.

"It seems that the Daojun who broke into the dead Jedi has become a corpse and a puppet in the Jedi. This death Jedi is so horrible, what is it?" Li Xing couldn't help asking Tianxie.

Emperor Tianxie: "Dead Jedi has existed in ancient times. At first, it was too high for the teacher to enter. However, there were people who sent in to check it. There was no gain."

Li Xing nodded: "There must be a secret in this dead Jedi and this sacred tree." He observed the sacred tree for a while, and then he arched down the mountain.

When he was away from the mountain peak, the world suddenly shook slightly, and he suddenly felt that the vitality in his body was flowing at a very fast speed.

"What?" Li Xing was taken aback. "What's going on?"

"That's it! The core of Death Jedi Terror lies in the word 'Death'. The breath of death here can draw people's vitality and leave this place quickly!"

Li Xing said nothing and accelerated his escape. The life force of 30,000 years is so precious that it must not be wasted here.

Fortunately, the route had been remembered by him, and he was limping fast, and soon afterwards, he saw the dead Jedi. But even so, the life force of 30,000 years has been consumed for 20,000 years!

"Hateful!" Li Xing was in pain for 20,000 years! Inestimable!

When people reached beyond the dead Jedi, they saw the billowing black smoke in the Jedi, condensing into a huge black skull, roaring in the sky, it was terrifying.

Dongji and Tiandao saw Li Xing come out with a sigh of relief, then stared at the skull and said, "This Jedi is really weird, the evil door is very good!"

Li Xing then told the story and the two Taoists were shocked and angry. The tunnel machine said: "How can this be true! Wanfamen is actually collusion with the sky!"

Li Xingdao: "This death Jedi is also extremely dangerous in itself, because of the tree of life, otherwise I would have died in it." He was still worried at this time. With 20,000 years of vitality, he can die directly and become a corpse monster of the Jedi.

The heavenly man said: "It's all right, Li Xing. Now that you have tens of thousands of years of vitality, you might as well return to the martial arts to practice for a period of time and improve your strength."

Li Xing still had something to do, saying, "Master, the apprentice is still looking for something, and he will be able to return later."

The heavenly man was not reluctant, and he was instructed to take care, and Dongzhen returned. As long as no one knows his specific location, the two will not worry about safety.

The thing Li Xing was looking for was the Eye of the Star Emperor, which was not far from the dead Jedi, and he decided to take it away.

In the eyes of the Emperor Xing, there must be a very powerful star power. If you absorb and refine it with the tree of faith, you can produce Xingdi fruit. In this way, his cultivation in star power may be able to advance by leaps and bounds.

The beggars of the world were already dead when Li Xing was practicing the three thousand star wheels, but he had asked for directions before, and it was not difficult to find the eye of the star emperor.

The Eye of the Emperor is located in a reef cave on the bottom of the sea. Because he didn't know the specific location, Li Xing searched for half a month, and searched with divine mind continuously, and finally found it. At this point, he was diving into the reef cave.

The entrance is small and only one person can pass, but the more you swim in, the more space you have. At the back, a wide cave appears, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. He searched around but found no eyes of the Emperor.

"Don't someone get on board first?" Li Xing shook his head and was ready to withdraw. At this moment, a human face suddenly appeared above the cliff, the face was quite weird, with a long tongue, a funny image, and looked at Li Xing.

Li Xing recognized at a glance that this was an elf in the sea, calling it "the essence of words." He stretched out his hand and grabbed his divine power, so he absorbed the essence of the words into his palm and pinched, "Want to die?"

"Nonsense, of course I want to live." The story whispered, his voice was clear and crisp, and he heard Li Xingle.

"How long have you been here? Do you know what happened?" Li Xing asked.

"Two hundred years, nothing has happened." The words were fine. "Except for one hundred years ago, a Taoist took something here."

"Taoist? Which Taoist?" Li Xing asked quickly.

"I don't know, but the man wore a red robe with five white skulls embroidered on it." The words were fine.

Li Xing searched his memory, and thought about such a Taoist, then let go of the story and said, "Thank you very much." Then he left ten goddamns and left directly.

The words cheered ~ www.readwn.com ~ and shouted: "Thank you very much!" With these gods, it will be possible to cultivate an adult form and walk on land.

Li Xing was not disappointed when he could not find the Eye of the Star Emperor. As long as he had enough time, he could cultivate the Star Emperor to a very high level.

"Ten thousand years of life force should be able to condense all the Tao patterns, so that the infant child is complete and enters the next level." Li Xing made a plan in his heart and returned to Taixumen at that time, ready to practice with peace of mind for some time.

When they came, they were carried by the Taoist Taoist and the Taoist Taoist. They flew quickly. When they returned, they had to fly by themselves. The speed was much slower. After walking for half a month, they were approaching the land, but they encountered something.

A tall man with a height of one hundred feet, with a beard and a red eyebrow, has a strong body, locked a white dragon with an iron chain, and is heading for land. The white dragon was still young, and its scales were relatively delicate, giving out a weak dragon yin, and the voice was full of terror and anger.

Li Xing himself is also a dragon, and he couldn't stand it immediately. He shouted, "Friend, please!"

Suddenly, the big man turned around, with a rushing wind in his body, his eyes glared, and he asked, "What is it?"

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