Chapter 85: Floods

"Actually, I want to enter Gumanzhou." Li Xing was surprised, which shows that the monster people did not completely abandon Gumanzhou, and often traveled between the two continents.

"How are you, dare you?" Liuxia challenged, his eyes flashed with murder.

"Why don't you dare?" Li Xingdan said indifferently. "If you go to the ancient forest, you can have a long experience, and teach you a meal by the way."

Seeing that Li Xing promised to go down, Liuxia's son was not angry. He smiled and turned away. As long as he enters the ancient forest, he will have a way to kill Li Xing, where the demon world is!

Xiaoxue looked worried, and said, "Brother, are you really going to the ancient forest?"

Li Xing did not answer, but only asked: "Suppression of this person, can the marriage contract be terminated?"

Xiao Xue's big eyes flickered and flickered, her jade muscles and ice bones, her body leaned into Li Xinghuai's arms, and said, "Will that elder brother marry me?"

Li Xing coughed and said, "Xiao Xue, don't you know that there are already a lot of people in my family. You are following me, aren't you afraid of grievance?"

"Frightened." Xiaoxue bit her lip. "But the man's three wives and four wives are also normal. There are dozens of concubines in the dad."

Li Xing was speechless for a while, but Bai was worried. This little girl was very enlightened. However, in his heart, he thought of the young girl as his younger sister seven or eight minutes, and didn't think much about it yet.

After hearing what she meant, she said, "Xiao Xue, after all, you are a princess of the demons tribe. It is difficult to marry you. This matter, I will say it when I step into Fatian. What do you think?"

Xiaoxue blinked: "Okay, at that time, I should have already entered the realm, and my dad couldn't control me."

Li Xing couldn't help rolling his eyes, saying that it wasn't right, Xiaoxue would be able to step into the realm by then.

Tomorrow is about to enter the ancient forest. Li Xing took the time to ask some things about Gumanzhou. The map of the mountains and rivers is not entirely located in Tianyuanzhou, but is located in Gumanzhou and half in Tianyuanzhou.

Therefore, the mountain and river map itself is equivalent to a passage that opens up Gumanzhou and Tianyuanzhou.

In the kiosk, Li Xing and Xiao Xue were chatting, and suddenly a terrible coercion landed. A rude voice called: "Sister Xiao Xue, I heard someone bullied you?"

A young man, with a magnificent figure, was so imposing that he suddenly went outside the pavilion. Seeing this person, Li Xing secretly was surprised, what a powerful guy!

When Xiao Xue met the person, he smiled and said, "My noble!" Then he waved to him and introduced Li Xing. "My noble, this is the elder Li I often mention to you."

"Hey! What big brother Li, I don't think this boy is a good thing. Wait for me to teach him!" The "eighth brother" did not know where the anger was. He grabbed his hand and locked Li Xing's left shoulder, pulling hard .

Unexpectedly, Li Xing didn't move, but asked curiously, "Why don't you know me, why do you do it to me?"

My naughty five fingers were pinched fiercely, and I wanted to learn something, but it felt as if he had pinched a diamond, which caused his five fingers to be in pain, and Li Xing was safe.

"Good boy! Eat me a punch!" He yelled, turned into a fist, and slammed it down.

He is a man of Fatian's strength. This smashing is not a trivial matter. There is a layer of golden light under his fist to continuously hang and cut. Obviously, he has used a powerful method.


Li Xing didn't move. He let the opponent punch the head and Mars sputtered. He was intact. On the other hand, the "starling" was fisted open, his arm was sore, and he screamed strangely.

After being beaten twice, Li Xing's eyes also glared, and said, "Looking at you as Xiaoxue's face, you don't have general knowledge with you. If you do it again, I will fight back."

Xiaoxue stretched out her little white powdery hand and rubbed it gently on Li Xing's forehead, glaring at the starling, saying, "What are you doing?"

My anxious, pointing at Li Xing, "Xiao Xue, why are you so close to him? Is it really like Liu Xiachun's boy said, you are getting better?"

Xiaoxiu blushed: "My business, don't worry about you."

This is undoubtedly confessing, my brother roared loudly and pointed at Li Xing and said, "Okay! I must kill him today!"

This time, Li Xingpin had a taste. It seemed that the "myna" was also interested in Xiaoxue, and then when he was fooled by the son of Liuxia, he ran to give a shot.

The third shot, Li Xing no longer polite with him, stretched out his hand, the eighteen mage was locked by his wrist, unable to move.

"Xiao Xue, who is he?" Li Xing had to ask before he started.

"Three dad's sons, three dads gave birth to seventeen sons, he ranks the eighth, I call him my eighth brother." Xiaoxue was a little worried, "brother, don't hurt him."

"Can he hurt me?" My elder was furious, and her other hand was suppressed against Li Xing.

Unfortunately, he encountered Li Xing. There was no ancient man before him, and no one came after him.

Li Xing snorted and smashed in the middle, hitting the opponent's forehead.


The myna is very talented and physically strong, but he was beaten up against Venus all of a sudden.

Li Xing stood up and stepped forward to lift him up and asked, "Did you hurt?"

My elder brother wanted to die. He was mentioned by Li Xing. He was struggling. He was struck by the supreme power *. This power, like Hai Xiangyuan, is boundless. He has never encountered such a powerful opponent.

"Boy! Don't be crazy!" Myna still screamed hard.

Li Xing threw him to the ground, and said lightly, "You put out a word, I Li Xing will also participate in hunting tomorrow. In the ancient forest, the young talents of your demons are unconvinced, even if they come out to challenge!"

Upon hearing this, My Eighth Eyes suddenly lit up, pointing at Li Xing: "This is what you said! Boy, my cultivation is among the peers, it is weak, and you will look good at that time!"

After that, the myna walked away angrily, leaving Xiaoxue and careless Li Xing looking more worried.

"Brother, this is a lot of trouble." Xiaoxue smiled bitterly. "There are many geniuses in the entire demons, and it is difficult to deal with."

Li Xing didn't take it for granted. He practiced for over 10,000 years with boring heads and the guidance of the Emperor of Heavenly Evil. If even the young generation of the demons couldn't handle it, it would be practiced on dogs for more than 10,000 years.

"You don't have to worry, as long as I am not a figure of state, I can win it." He was flat, but full of confidence and pride.

Xiao Xue breathed a sigh of relief: "The figures in the state of affairs are not yet there, but they have blood in their bodies."

"Huanghuang bloodline?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow. "Very powerful?"

"In the era of floods, the demon clan's combat power was very powerful, and some could even compete with real people in ancient times. However, the power of the demon clan has been greatly weakened, which is far from what it was before. But there are also some demon who will awaken the memories of the famine and Strength and combat power are extremely horrible. "Xiao Xuedao," so don't take it lightly. "

Li Xing was taken aback: "Is there such a great thing? Can you actually fight against real people in ancient times?"

"The ancient times of barrenness were the world of real people and powerful monsters, and even the gods were overshadowed." Xiaoxue was very sure. "This is what Dad told me before."

Li Xing thought for a moment, and said, "That's about to meet them. What's so extraordinary about seeing the bloodline of Honghuang?"

As the only princess of the monster clan, Xiaoxue has great power and high status. She arranges for Li Xing to enter the ancient forest. The next day, she brought a group of guards to accompany Li Xing to a square in the central city.

This square is so large and stretches for ten miles. At this moment, it is full of young monk monks. These people, often in groups of three or five, seem to belong to different forces. Xiaoxue came out, and those in the square evaded one hundred steps, then bowed their heads to salute.

"Big brother, hunting in ancient forests is very important for many demon families. It is the time for them to show their strength. Large families such as Liuxia and Lingjia send out the most children and send hundreds or thousands of people at one time.

Looking at Li Xing, it turned out that there were a large number of people. He nodded, and Xiaoxue reached the forefront of the square. Here, the standing monks are all relatively high-end, and the "myna" is among them.

Beside him, there were more than a dozen people, and on each of them, a breath of famine was released, like a dormant beast.

The appearance of Li Xing, these people all took Sen Leng's eyes, as if they were swords.

Xiaoxue took a breath at this time and said, "My Eighth actually found all the geniuses who opened up the blood of Honghuang, and it seems to be against you." She now regrets a little, and should not promise Li Xing to allow him to enter the ancient forest.

"Trust me," Li Xingdan said lightly. "Although they are strong, they can't help me."

At this time, a young man out of the group walked heavily. With each step, the ground will tremble heavily. The whole square rises and falls at his pace ~ ~! You see, the young generation of the demon tribe, the fighter who claims to be the first strength, has shot! "Suddenly someone screamed, apparently this Tuba is the elite of the young generation of the Yao tribe, and has a good reputation.

"Who is Tuba going to deal with this time? It seems ... seems to have gone to the princess ... Well! How can there be a human beside the princess? Is Tuba going to shoot at that human?" Immediately someone noticed Li Xing.

As Tu Ba approached step by step, Li Xing felt a mountain-like pressure and emptied, causing the demons around him to retreat.

"Xiaoxue, you will step back, I will meet this person." Li Xingdan said indifferently, before he came to the demon forest, he knew that the trip was difficult, and he had already prepared for it, and was not afraid of trouble.

Tu Ba finally approached. He was born with big ears, a tiger's back, and a layer of blue-red light constantly exploding all over his body, which contained explosive terrorist power. Is it the power of the blood of the wild waste?

Li Xing's eyes narrowed and he practiced for thousands of years in retreat. His hands had itchy for a long time. That's why he hadn't fight with people for a long time. At this moment, there was no pressure in his heart, no worry, only excitement, and he felt that the person in front of him was worth his shot.

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