Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 698: Ancient forest

Chapter 86: Ancient Forest

Tu Ba stopped ten steps in front of Li Xing, and the bluish red light on his body became more intense. This person's cultivation is that only Fa Tian is triple, but the momentum on his body is far more than that of "Bug" of Fa Tian.

"Ancient hunting is a great event for demons, and outsiders are not allowed to participate." Tuba said indifferently. "You can join if you want to, and go through my level first."

Li Xing nodded, and didn't have a few extra words. The two of them, one is the Sky Wizards, and the other has revived the blood of the floods and famines.

Li Xing split it with one palm, and the force was fierce, as if Wanshan was settling down, the meteor fell, the mountains and seas fell, the rumble was unstoppable, and Teng Teng rushed to open the Galaxy. The trajectory of the fist palms shows the lines and lines of the law, representing the principles and rules between heaven and earth.

Simple and simple, but it was so fierce that it made Tu Ba change color. He snarled and greeted him with a heavy punch, which was extremely fast and extremely heavy.


The whole world shook. The people on the square were smashed by a rage, and only a few remained standing.

Tu Ba felt a supreme force hitting him, knocked his power back, then destroyed it, and entered his body. The tyrannical beasts of the wild wasteland could not bear such great power, and there was a sudden pain.

He felt his body sinking down, and the whole person was hit into the ground by the palm of Li Xing, only one neck was exposed. Tu Ba opened his eyes wide and cried out, "Good strength!" Then he spit out a blood spit, and the whole square took him as his center, showing that the concentric circles began to crack, explode, and dust.

Li Xing slammed Tu Ba into the ground like a nail, sighed and shook his head. On this person, although he regained a barbaric and violent power, he was not full-bodied and played quite unpleasantly.

As soon as he reached out, he lifted Tu Ba from the ground and asked, "Is there anything better than you?"

This sentence made Tu Ba spit another blood and said fiercely: "Yes!"

Li Xing's eyes lit up: "Oh? Where is the person?"

"He is not here, in the ancient forest." Tu Badao said, "He has been in the ancient forest for three hundred years, and he has been fighting the beasts for the past 100 years!"

Li Xing let go of him and said, "Okay, I must meet him, and you will lead the way."

Tu Ba actually knew that Li Xing had left his hand, otherwise he could be shot again if he came again. He stared at the other person severely and said, "I hope you don't regret it, that person can destroy me with one finger!"

Li Xing said lightly: "It's the best."

There was silence all around, and the eyes of many monk monks almost stared out. The strength shown by Li Xing was too powerful. In one move, he defeated Tu Ba, who was said to be the strongest in the young generation of demons.

Tu Ba's body flickered back to his place. "My Eighteen" looked ugly and asked, "How?"

Tu Ba shook his head and said to the rest of the people: "You don't have to take a shot. He is too strong. Only that lunatic can suppress him."

"You actually think so!" A young man narrowed his eyes. His name was Jin Rui, known as the first sword skill, and his strength was not under Tuba.

"Yes, only that lunatic can suppress him, even ..." Tu Ba smiled bitterly, "may not be able to suppress it."

"Impossible!" Jin Rui shook his head. "The lunatic had already hit the world a hundred years ago, and he was invincible under the conditions. Now that a hundred years have passed, I don't know how scared he is."

Tu Ba smiled faintly: "This is the best, let's watch a battle of dragons and tigers, I'd like to see, which one of these two is strong!"

No one came forward to stop Li Xing, only then his fierce blow made everyone see the depth. At least, none of the young people present was his rival. Below the state of affairs, few people can suppress him.

Not long after waiting on the square, a huge portal suddenly appeared in the center, ten meters wide and about thirty meters high. Within the portal, Guanghua flashed, and the young talents came in orderly one by one.

Xiaoxue Road: "Brother, through this door, you will directly enter Gumanzhou. You must be careful. I'll wait for your good news here."

Li Xing smiled, "You can rest assured." Then he turned around and strode into the portal.

Among the crowd, the next son Liuxia watched the cold light and secretly communicated with several monks around him: "Is everything ready?"

"It's all right, then this person will be put into the time furnace in one fell swoop, and he will be refined to death!" A monk monk symbolized.

Prince Liuxia said: "Not in a hurry, after the madman fights with him, let's talk about it again. Hum! The ancient forest is the stage for our demons. This kid dare to pass by, isn't he looking for death?"

Li Xing stepped into the portal, and the light and shadow changed in front of him, as if the water was in chaos and entered a palace. The hall is very large, and it is full of people, all of whom are involved in hunting.

As soon as he arrived, Niu Busan and Ma Busi also appeared and followed him.

Li Xing looked around and said, "What are you doing?"

Niu Busan: "By the orders of the princess, take care of the master." At this time, he was still called a master.

Li Xingdao: "No, you are waiting for me."

Niu Busan shook his head: "Master, we know that no one can hurt you. However, if you are unfamiliar with this place, it is best to let us follow."

Li Xing thought about it, felt reasonable, and immediately stopped saying anything.

Everyone walked out of the main hall. Under the main hall, there were endless, huge ancient forests, ancient forests!

As soon as these people came out, they swarmed in all directions and began to hunt immediately.

Na Tu stared at Li Xing and said, "I'll give you a surprise then!" After finishing speaking, several people around me disappeared.

"I'm going hunting, too, Master?"

Li Xingdao: "Naturally ~ www.readwn.com ~ At present, Niu Busan and Ma Buquan lead the way, and three people have started hunting.

The ancient forest is extremely huge. The three of them walked for thousands of miles and encountered many beasts along the way. Most of Li Xing could not name them, and some of them were very powerful, but they could not pose a threat to them.

"Master, this place is located in a relatively peaceful place in the forest. To see powerful monsters, you must enter the restricted area." Niu Budao said, "but the restricted area is dangerous. Generally, it will be three or more times before entering."

"The forbidden area is divided into nine layers, the outermost is the first. The 100,000-mile inward is the second, and so on until the core area. It is a circular area, the central area of ​​ancient forests. Now, we It's just outside, it's far from the ninth heavy penalty zone. "

Li Xingdao: "Since you are here, of course you have to enter the restricted area and go!" He said nothing, and after asking for directions, he should fly first.

Niu Busan and Ma Buzi reluctantly had to follow behind, stubbornly followed, they knew that they would face great danger.

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