Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 699: Ancient royal family

Chapter 87: The Ancient Royal Family

The three went deep into the core of the ancient forest and gradually approached the restricted area. Behind them, Liu Gongzi, Ling Gongzi, and others quietly followed, wanting to use secret calculations. However, when they realized where Li Xing was going, they stopped in surprise.

"Is this guy crazy? Dare to enter the restricted area? It's the place where the ancient royal family lived!" Liu Gongzi widened his eyes, and then sneered, "It's better, he will die even worse!"

Another humane: "People below the realm of the state are afraid to step into the restricted area at all. Legend has it that the royal family there is terrible. They are not demon and inhuman, but they are the kings of ancient times, and they have battled with the real people of ancient times.

Gongzi Liu: "Some elders have said that the reason why the demon tribe left the ancient forest has a great relationship with the ancient royal family. They are a group of extremely terrible beings and have their own ancient traditions."

The further you go, the more ancient creatures Li Xing can see, and the existence of some giants gradually appears. Around, there are many unseen vegetation.

Niu Busan cried, "Master, I have come to the penalty area first!"

Li Xing nodded: "You are waiting here."

Niu Busan and Ma Bu looked at each other and shook their heads, "Master, we are responsible for your safety."

"No need to say more." Li Xing turned around and disappeared, but it was a sacrifice of nihility. He is not a reckless person. Since this place is called a restricted area, even the demons are afraid to go deep, it must be full of danger and you must be careful.

Niu Busan and Ma Busi lost the trace of Li Xing, and could only laugh a bitterly, waiting obediently.

"Sir, do you say that the master will be fine?" Niu Busan asked worryingly.

Ma Busi: "It's hard to say, the restricted area is too dangerous, and we haven't entered it yet. I heard that only people in the state can dare to enter it. The ninth most important place is to die if you don't enter the rank of Dao.

With the help of the nimble lamp, Li Xing kept deepening. His cultivation is already very strong. Although the nihilistic lamp cannot be used for sacrifice, it can also play a magical role, and casual figures cannot see it through, unless the state of the mind carefully observes it.

Not long after, I saw a huge white tiger that was 30 meters away and passed by. On his head, a large bird of 100 meters in the wings of the temple, blood-red across the body, passed silently, without even a trace of wind.

Along the way, a variety of strange animals and birds continued to appear, which made Li Xing's eyes wide open. Unconsciously, he has entered the third forbidden zone and felt many terrible breaths around him, each breath being stronger than him.

"There must be many secrets in this restricted area, and it is very dangerous." He stopped, preparing to return. The restricted area came here just to satisfy my curiosity. I have already seen it, so there is no need to venture deeper.


Suddenly, there was a big earthquake, and a drop of smoke and blood ran in front of it. It was extremely fast. Li Xing quickly moved away and saw a golden ape fighting with a leopard.

The golden ape, three meters tall, looks like gold-plated, and each hair is shiny, large in size, and full of explosive power. The leopard, as dark as ink, was four meters in length, strong and strong, with sharp fangs.

They move fast, with immense power, the roar is soaring, the earth is turned upside down, the smoke and dust are rolling around, other animals around are stunned away, and the vegetation is destroyed by large tracts.

The two monsters are simply destroying the machine. Wherever they go, nothing can survive.

This scene surprised Li Xing. He felt the strength of the two, the physical body was inaccessible, and the lethality was amazing.

At this moment, a yellow light descended from the sky, only to hear a "bang", the leopard and the giant ape were forcibly separated by a force, popped to the left and right, and hit the ground heavily.

In the central position, a young man appeared. This man, half-human, half-beast, he was born like a human, and his appearance can be called handsome. However, a yellow horn was born on the head of this humanoid monster, with scales all over the skin, and yellow eyes gloomy and cold, without any human emotion.

The golden ape and the leopard smashed to the ground, and remained motionless, twitching, bleeding from the seven holes. The yellow-eyed monster killed two powerful beasts!

Li Xing took a sip of air-conditioning, so strong!

The humanoid monster looked at Li Xing's invisible position, shot a yellow light, and hit the vanity lamp. Suddenly, Li Xing was struck by a lightning bolt and was suddenly ejected. The vanity fan also failed for a moment.

"What?" He was taken aback, knowing he couldn't hide, and simply removed the nimbus.

The humanoid monster stared at Li Xing, with yellow eyes full of killing intention.

Instead, Li Xing calmed down and asked, "Who are you?"


The humanoid monster did not answer, and shot directly. He clawed at Li Xing with one claw, his yellow palm, his five fingers sharp and covered with scales. As if a big grinding disc, the horrible pressure hit.

Li Xing snorted coldly, and the golden hands flew up to meet the opponent's blow.


The air blasted, and Li Xing's lower body was blasted directly into the soil. The other party was also flicked by Li Xing. After a dozen or so fights in the air, he landed, and looked at Li Xing in amazement.

On the palm of his hand, Li Xing secretly was surprised: "Good strength!" He felt that the strength of the other side was not much weaker than him, and he could not see through it.

"Ancient royal family!" Said Tian Xie, the emperor. "Be careful, don't entangle with him, exit immediately!"

When Li Xing moved, he re-sacrifice the nimbus lamp and left.

But he said that the humanoid monster was numb by shock, and at this time, when Li Xing was about to leave, he slammed and turned into a yellow light, chased him down, and the speed was incredible.

The two of them limped at a fast speed, and immediately came out of the third restricted area, the second restricted area, and entered the first restricted area. Li Xing's speed was almost a line faster, but at this time he was chased and killed, and his heart was very upset. He suddenly stopped and turned and smashed in the palm of his hand.

"Large chaotic fingerprints! Give me death!" He gave a deep drink and shot with all his strength.

The monster was too fast, and Li Xing suddenly turned around and shot, and hit him. The powerful coercion covered it, and the monster's expression changed greatly.

The moment his palm landed, he trembled a little, but it was a blow that he gave back to Yuan Yuan and hit ten times the power at once! At this time, his power was too powerful to play as many as hundreds of thousands of times.

Ten times the combat power is equally horrible, plus the "breaking energy" in martial arts.


With a loud noise, the humanoid monster was smashed directly into the ground like Li Xing before, and his expression froze suddenly.

With a slap, Li Xing turned and walked away. This ghost place was really dangerous, so he left early. And the humanoid monster had its scales erected, and silver blood overflowed from the seven holes.

Li Xing's blow, ten times his combat power, shocked him directly. The five internal organs have been broken, and Nedan has been broken.

After a while, Li Xun found Niu Busan and Ma Busi, and said, "Go!" The wind was a roll, and the three of them made a heavy forbidden area.

Feeling safe, Li Xing stopped.

Niu Busan thought that Li Xing had encountered a strong enemy and asked: "Master, did you meet the ancient royal family?"

Slightly nodding, when talking about the ancient royal family, Li Xing secretly asked Tian Xie: "Master, what is the ancient royal family? Isn't it human?"

"It is rumored that the emergence of humankind is still after the ancient royal family. Before that, there were countless races on Jiuzhou, some of which were very tyrannical and called royal families. These ethnic groups have primitive and powerful methods of spiritual practice. Refining qi, seeing heaven. "

Li Xing: "No wonder it's so powerful, you can realize it directly!"

The practice of Dharma begins with the practice of Qi, then with God, then with the heavens and the heavens, gradually, and finally, they enter the Tao. And these ancient royal families can actually realize it directly, are they so qualified?

"Ancient royal family, it is said that they can compete with real people, and naturally they will not be weak. But I am surprised for the teacher. Since the ancient royal family has strong power, why do we shrink here and not come out."

"The apprentice also has this doubt." Li Xingdao said, "The monster that has just encountered is definitely not inferior to the power of Fatian Yae. I don't know what position he has in the ancient royal family."

Niu Busan said at this time: "Master, the monsters left the ancient forest, a large part of the reason is because the ancient royal family, you actually encountered the royal family!" His face was full of fear, apparently very afraid of the ancient royal family.

"Did you leave because of the ancient royal family?" Li Xing was taken aback, but the demon emperor is the strongest of Taoist ranks. Can't he control those ancient royal families?

"Hearing the old story, when Her Majesty the Emperor decided to move to the Demon Clan, she had entered the forbidden area three times, and each time she stayed for a long time before coming out, and I didn't know what to do." Ma Busidao said, "In the ancient royal family, there are It has a very strong blood lineage, and its combat power is overbearing. It does not seem to be afraid of the Emperor. "

Li Xing was silent. Is there such a powerful race in the world?

The three talked and walked away from the restricted area. However, this does not mean staying out of trouble. It didn't take long for a golden monster to appear all over the body, ten meters long, shaped like an ape, giving birth to a pointed and long head, with only one eye, sparkling green.

"No! Donkey Kong!" Niu Busan and Ma Busi screamed, his face changed greatly.

Li Xing glanced at ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said: "Since the hunter came, he can't return empty-handed, it's it!" He changed his shape, turned ten meters high, and rushed towards the diamond.

Niu Busan and Ma Bu retreated back and forth, looking at each other, saying that the master is really fierce!

The Diamond Beast, as the name suggests, is extremely strong in flesh. Outside the restricted area, it can be regarded as the king of the forest.


Li Xing said nothing, raising his fists was a smash. On physical fitness, his physical body is absolutely above this beast; on power, he also far surpassed, and won steadily.

The Diamond Beast was so arrogant that he came up with a big mouth and wanted to eat Li Xing. Today, it has eaten no less than ten, and regards Li Xing as a vulnerable person.

However, when Li Xing's fist was knocked down, his strong teeth broke and he knew he was terrible.

"Hello ~"

Vajra screamed in pain. Li Xing's second punch came, and he slammed it hard into his head.

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