Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 701: Time bottle

Chapter 89: Time Bottle

Father Liu used the time bottle to collect Li Xing with pride. The rest also praised: "It is indeed the treasure of Liuxia's family, and the power is so great. Legend has it that there is time in the time bottle, and one day in the inside, one thousand years outside."

"Yes, one day outside, there is a millennium in the time bottle. After a thousand years, this son will definitely be ashes and die in the bottle." Prince Liuxia said faintly, then stared at Niu Busan and Ma Busi, sneer, "You two Minions, kneel and scratch your head for mercy if you don't want to die! "

Niu Busan looked pale, pointing at Liuxiaxia, and trembled: "Release people quickly! Master is the son of Dragon Emperor, Brother Taixumen, you can't kill him!"

Ma Busi said in a deep voice: "Prince Liuxia, you probably don't know our master's position in Taixumen. If you kill him, the three Daoxu of Taixumen will definitely come to your door. At that time, Her Majesty the Demon King will I won't protect your family. "

"Hum!" Prince Liuxia didn't care, "Kill and kill! Liuxia's family doesn't have Daojun, aren't you afraid of being too virtual?"

Niu Busan and Ma Busi were desperate. If Li Xing really killed, how would they explain?

As soon as the time bottle came out, Li Xing felt great coercion and was absorbed into it without any suspense. At this moment, he was in a strange light of seven colors, and felt that time was passing at a fast speed.

This time is different from the passage of time in the Taoist figure, but it is similar to the experience of the dead Jedi. His life force is being consumed at a terrible speed. The stored 4,000-year-old vitality has not been consumed for decades.

"Damn! It's a congenital treasure!" Li Xing was frightened and angry, knowing that he might not rush out. Gradually, he calmed down and thought about his escape strategy.

"The beauty of this treasure is that it consumes the enemy's life force. For a long time, I have to die!" Li Xing searched and used the chaotic array to estimate the power of time.

Half a day later, he opened his eyes and said, "It turned out to be a force of decay!"

He finally sensed that in the surrounding space there was a decaying power that was constantly corroding the power of his life. This decaying power, he had come into contact with before, did not expect such horror.

Emperor Tianxie has been observing the time bottle, and said at this time: "You must leave immediately. This real treasure has many wonderful functions. Unreal characters cannot be opened. Once opened, you can turn you into flying ash."

Li Xing said in his heart, "The power of decay and the power of life are mutually restrained. You can try it out, maybe you can break out." He stunned his life with a flash of Guanghua in his hand and a sword of life appeared.

This sword of life is condensed with 2,000 years of life force, it is magnificent and magnificent. Li Xing held the sword in both hands, staring at the light, stabbing the sword into the void and yelling, "Open!"

"Click!" With a whistle, the space woven by the decaying force was split open, and a dark crevice appeared. Li Xing said nothing, flashed into it.

At the same time, the time bottle was shaken a little, and Prince Liuxia's face changed greatly, shouting, "No!" He quickly urged the treasure bottle, but unfortunately, it had promoted Li Xing.

"What happened?" The others asked.

"Li Xing, I'm gone!" Gongxia Liuxia's expression was astonished, "I don't know where to go!"

The time bottle can erode the life force, and the life force can also restrain the decaying force, and the two restrain each other. At the expense of 2,000 years of life, Li Xing was killed in one fell swoop and entered a different space.

In the alien space, there was darkness all around, and there was nothing around it. Li Xing wondered where to go, relying on floating in it. In space, there are occasional terrifying strangulation powers, powerful. If it weren't for his physical arrogance, the flesh and blood would immediately collapse and be lost in it.

Li Xing was not idle. He was about to make a full blow and break the space twice to return to the real world. Of course, luck was needed, because he didn't know where he would enter after breaking through the space.

He was about to cast a second blow of life. Suddenly, in the dark, a large Guanghua hand grabbed him. He couldn't resist, feeling his body tight and being caught out.

The next moment, he was in a space. Around the vast, countless panlong giant pillars stood up, not high. In front of him, a middle-aged man from Wei'an stood, beside him, Xiaoxue.

"Brother!" Xiao Xue cheered and greeted him.

Li Xing stunned and asked, "Xiao Xue, did you save me?"

"Not me, it's the third father." Xiaoxue smiled, pointing at the middle-aged man.

Li Xing knew immediately that this man was one of the great monks who couldn't be Dao, and quickly stepped forward to thank him.

The middle-aged man is blurry, can't see his appearance, but expresses horror. This momentum is much more arrogant than the three Taoists who are too virtual. Although both sides are Daojun, they also have different points.

Unable to ask, "How did you break through the time bottle?"

Li Xing also did not hide it, saying: "The younger generation gave a life blow and used the power of life to split the space."

Daojun nodded and nodded: "Forget your life, the children of the Liuxia clan do not understand the magical use of the time bottle, but only use it to hold people. Otherwise, you have already turned into blood and died."

Li Xing was in doubt and asked, "How did the seniors know when the younger one was killed?"

Xiao Xue came out and explained that when Li Xing was leaving, she secretly left a mark. When Li Xing was killed, the mark changed, and Xiao Xue was alarmed. When Xiao Xue panicked, she found the impossibly Tao Jun and asked him to rescue Li Xing. So, shortly after Li Xing split the space, Jun Dao couldn't shoot. With the breath of the mark, he found his position in countless spaces.

The inability to dominate the monarch's magical powers is undoubtedly amazing. There are countless different spaces and boundlessness, but he found them in a short time, which requires supreme magical powers.

It is rare to be able to see Jun Daojun, Li Xing took the opportunity to ask something.

This cannot be said, because Xiaoxue's relationship gave Li Xing a high look, and he must ask the symbol.

What Li Xing asked was mainly the restricted area in the ancient forest, among which the ancient royal family.

Talking about the ancient royal family, he couldn't change his tone to solemnity and asked, "Have you ever been to the restricted area?"

"Yes, the junior also slayed a humanoid monster, I wonder if it is a royal family." Li Xing said the experience in the meantime.

After being unable to listen to Dao Jun, he was amazed by Li Xing's fighting power and said, "You did kill the ancient royal family, and the strength is not weak, you were killed."

"Seniors, it is said that the royal family in ancient times can compete with the real people in ancient times. How can they be confined to the ancient forest?" Li Xing asked.

"Apart from the restricted area, this world is no longer suitable for the survival of the ancient royal families." Said Dao Jun, "unless this world returns to the ancient times."

This is impossible to understand, and the understanding of the ancient royal family is limited to the surface. He told Li Xing that the threat of the ancient royal family was one of the reasons that most of the demons relocated from the ancient forest.

Among the ancient royal families, there are many powerful characters who can drive away the monsters with amazing destructive power. Many powerful demons have died in their hands.

After talking about the ancient royal family, the monarch couldn't say suddenly: "What's your opinion on the girl's marriage?"

Li Xing jumped in his heart and said, "The younger generation thought that marriage was a big event, provided that Xiaoxue volunteered, and this was the only one."

Unable to say that Jun no longer said anything, with a wave of his sleeves, Li Xing and Xiao Xue both returned to the Ziyu Palace. The place where the two of them left was Dongtian who could not be Daojun.

As soon as the person came out, Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, brother is fine!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "After a few days, they should come out, and then I will make them look good."

Sure enough, seven days later, everyone returned from the forest far below. The son of Liuxia and the son of Ling came to the Purple Jade Palace together, and pushed Niu Busan and Ma Busi over.

When they saw Li Xing beside Xiaoxue, Niu Busan and Ma Busi yelled, "Master is all right?"

Prince Liuxia was stunned, angrily: "Are you not dead?"

At first, Li Xing disappeared for no reason. He thought that he had directly refined the chemical. He didn't expect to come back early, which surprised him.

Li Xing stepped forward: "I will let you down!"

Prince Yanashita immediately sacrificed the time bottle and was about to attack. Xiaoxue stepped forward to block, angrily: "Dare you!"

Liuxiaxia laughed with a grin: "Why am I afraid? He killed Tutian ~ www.readwn.com ~ and committed the crime of death, which must be removed!"

At this moment, a ray of light fell into the air, revealing one person. This man has an ancient face, wearing a green robe, holding a yellow silk in his hand, and reclining: "The demon emperor has a purpose, too hypocritical Li Xing, a visitor from afar, all parties of the demon tribe can not be difficult!"

The old man announced his will and left immediately.

Son Liuxia's face changed constantly, and he put away the time bottle indignantly, staring at Li Xing and said, "It's your luck today!"

Three days later, the hunting convention officially ended. Li Xing hunted a diamond beast, and that beast was taken by Xiaoxue. Of all the young demons involved in hunting, only his diamond ball is the most precious.

With diamond beads, Li Xingli beat the heroes. Coupled with his ambiguous relationship with Xiaoxue, the demon emperor had the words first and followed Xiaoxue's opinions. Therefore, the Liuxia clan no longer mentions marriage.

Of course, Li Xing also offended the Liu family. Although the Liuxia clan did not dare to be dissatisfied with the demon emperor, they hated Li Xing.

In a few days, Li Xing and Xiao Xue left the demon forest together, and it was Li Xing Ji who lit up the nirvana lamp and quietly left.

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