Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 702: Ready to break

Chapter 90: Prepare for a Breakthrough

Not that Li Xingfei had to bring Xiaoxue out, but this little girl had to follow her. Of course, her departure did not get the permission of the demon emperor, so she quietly left. However, the two also knew that it was impossible for the demon emperor not to know the matter, and if it was not blocked, it means that he did not object.

Out of the mountain and river map, leaving the demon forest, Li Xing wants to return to Taixumen. In the recent period, Taixu Men will experience great events, and he must be a master.

Along the way, Xiaoxue was very happy. She is much more mature than before. In fact, for a long time, although she was in the demon tribe, she always paid attention to every move of Li Xing. To her, Li Xing is a trustworthy person, like a big brother, and of course mixed with other emotions.

On the other hand, Xiaoxue also helped Li Xing at first, and that Xuanjie Yuanzhang was sent by her. It can be said that without this chick, Li Xing would not have achieved today. For him, Xiaoxue is the closest person and cannot tolerate a little bit of grievance.

Because of this, he suspended his cultivation and came to deal with Xiaoxue's affairs.

Soon after limp, he entered the territory of Taiwei and Taixu Beyongyuan was about to arrive. Suddenly, Li Xing sank and said to Xiao Xue: "Xiao Xue, you hide first." As soon as he waved his sleeve, he took Xiao Xue into Baiyang Jingtian.

Protect Xiaoxue well, Li Xing's eyes are covered with purple light, but it is he who opens the eyes of no delusion. The eyes without delusion can break all the delusions and see the essence. He cultivates three thousand star powers, and one of them is the no star power.

Eyes without delusions belong to a kind of astrology, one of the astrologies produced by delusional astral forces, which specifically breaks the illusion.

Surrounded by a low mountain, the wild surroundings were captured by Li Xing. He knew that someone had set up a killing game here.

Suddenly, he moved, pointing back. In the void, a blood splattered, and a man in black was put on his head with the same finger, and he was completely out of breath. God kills everything, kills him with one finger.

The person killed was a fatal assassin, but couldn't stop Li Xing's severe blow.

"Sen Lingling!"

Eight sword lights came up and down from the Quartet respectively, and each sword light was very horrible, a fatal blow from a character at the level of law and heaven.

Li Xing's eyes were cold, his body turned into a phantom smoke, and in a split second, eight fingers were connected, each finger facing a sword light.


Guanghua exploded, the stars were a little bit, breaking the sword light. At the same time, Li Xing's other hand turned into a big hand to cover the sky, and he was severely suppressed, covering two of them.


The flesh shattered, and the two killers exploded. All of them were captured by Li Xing, thrown into the altar and sacrificed.

The remaining six failed in one hit, each hitting a rune. As soon as Fu Guang came out, the space was frozen, and Li Xing's movement became slow.


A killer yelled, and six of them shot swords twice.

Six swords, light, cold and cold, pointed at the key.

At the dangerous level, a sword of life appeared in Li Xing's palm. Jian Guang was shocked, and the **** of space was cut off.


The bright Jianguang was cut to the air, no one can describe its speed and sharpness, the Jianguang was broken, and some of the six killers were beheaded, and some were beheaded. The sword of life, it is life that is beheaded, and they are instantly furious.

Killing nine people in a row, Li Xing reached out and grabbed, and on top of the killer's body, nine runes, flying fate!

"Destiny!" Li Xing frowned, this horrible killer organization.

At the same time, in an ancient palace, a Taoist pinched his killing hand, stared at the strange light, saw the infinite distance, and locked the breath of Li Xing. At this moment, Li Xing had a chill, and shouted, "Not good!"

He didn't care about several killer corpses and limped quickly.

The man grunted and pointed.

A finger pointing at light, crossing infinite time and space, immediately behind Li Xing, turned into a huge fingerprint, the town seized it. This talented man is actually going to obliterate Li Xing!

The air machine was locked, Li Xing couldn't even get into Baiyang Jingtian, and he had no choice but to play a talisman.

At the time, the Dragon Emperor gave him three amulets, one of which had been used and two were left.

The fingerprints hit the treasure light on the amulet, and a loud noise was made, and Li Xing struck Li Xing with a fight, but intact.

He jumped up and pointed at the sky: "No matter who you are, Li Xing will surely chop you in the future!" Then he fluttered and darted toward Taixumen.

In the ancient hall, the Taoist said a slap, and said to himself, "There are dragon amulets, huh! Let you live a few more days!"

Li Xing returned to Taixumen with a calm face, and immediately met several high-level officials. When he learned that someone had been assassinated in him, Dongxu said: "So brave! Is Luo Tianmen going to fight with Taixumen?"

The tunnel machine also said: "You must return the color, otherwise, I will be fooled when I'm too empty!"

There is no doubt that the person who started it is Luo Tianmen! Luo Tianmen first sent a destiny killer, found Li Xing, and then led him to shoot. At the same time, another capable man killed him from the air. Without the Dragon Emperor amulet, Li Xing would be seriously injured if he did not die.

Li Xing shook his head and said, "The head, it is better to be patient. Luo Tianmen is too powerful, and the internal problems have not been resolved. It is not advisable to fight with others. As long as the disciples are careful, they will take me no help. "

I have to admit that Li Xing is very reasonable. Now Taixumen is preparing to level down Dongxuanmen and has no energy to fight Luo Tianmen. Luo Tianmen has gathered a group of talented people, and has the foundation of God's will, destiny, and Tianzang. The strength is too strong, and the virtual door cannot be suppressed.

After a moment of silence, Dongxu said, "Li Xing, before you kill Dongxuan, you can no longer leave Taixumen half a step and practice for me until you break through."

At this moment, a few of Dongxu Taoists were shocked and angry, and the big disciples were almost killed. This is a big thing and it touched their killing power. However, as Li Xing said, at this time, he can only swallow his voice until Taixumen has enough strength to rise.

Li Xing smiled bitterly, and now seems to be the case.

In the end, Dongxu decided that Taixu Beiyuan would be guarded by Fugui for the time being. Li Xing prepared for three days, and then entered the heavenly man cave to practice in peace. In the cave of a Taoist, even Dao Zun, it is not easy to kill him.

Only three days later, Li Xing introduced Xiaoxue to Chen Xue's daughters. For Xiao Xue's appearance, the girls were quite calm. One of them knew the origin of Xiaoxue's identity, and the other two girls gradually became weaker due to cultivation.

When the practice reaches their realm, understanding the laws of the heavens and the earth has become more open to the love of men and women. As long as Li Xing does not go too far, he will be fine.

Three days later, Li Xing entered the sky of the heavenly operator, ready to break through to the nine levels of training, condensing the true form!

When I went out, I was almost killed by a time bottle and almost assassinated by Luo Tianmen. This made him aware of the crisis, and he had to improve his strength, otherwise he couldn't do it step by step, step by step, how could he walk the world?

"After consolidating the true form, I don't know what level my strength can reach?" Li Xing was looking forward to it.

It ’s very difficult for the seventh child to be perfect. With a solid foundation, it is much easier to practice the eighth form of the god.

"Finally condensing the metaphysical steps." Tian Xie, the emperor, was a little excited. "On this step, you are qualified to become a strong one."

True form is the foundation of Fatian. As long as True Form succeeds, its strength will soar and reach a horrible level.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and asked, "Master, apprentice I condensed the true form. I wonder if I can fight against Taoists?"

"You have practiced three thousand astrology and three thousand destiny star wheels. At this stage, you can consolidate the destiny star wheel and master the means of star emperor. It is not impossible to fight against Taoists." The source is strong, and I can't say for the teacher, how much success can be achieved in the end. "

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "I will know soon!"

The next is painful and boring practice, often self-injury, and then practicing sericulture, so that the physical body and the Yuanshen continue to transform. The remaining 4,000 years of life power consumed more than 2,300 years with one blow of life, with only 1,700 years remaining.

The speed of Dongtian's time lapse was adjusted, one day outside and 100 years inside.

Time and again metamorphosis, the emperor's silk merit is indeed the unforgettable marvel of the emperor's true sage, each time can produce the power of metamorphosis, making Li Xing stronger. It can be said that as long as he is given enough time, Tian silkong can increase his strength without limit.

Of course, this is just a corollary. No one can die, no infinite life to consume.

Time and again, Li Xing still felt that the physical body and Yuanshen were still lacking.

Year after year, 1,500 years passed, and he finally felt that the Yuanshen was full, the flesh was solid, and it was time to consolidate the true form.

He opened his eyes and shot two strange lights in his eyes, breaking through time and space and looking to infinity.

When the man in Tianzhuo moved his mind, Li Xing was photographed out of Dongtian and appeared in the Taixu Hall. He laughed: "Your physique is too strong, and when you consolidate the true form, it will definitely cause Tianjie ~ www.readwn.com ~ Most monks do n’t feel the scourge when they consolidate the true form. However, there are some people who are against the sky, but they may cause scourge, such as Li Xing. Therefore, the celestial Taoist took him from Dongtian. Out, so as not to be ravaged, to lead the sky into the cave.

At this point, the three dongxu, dongji and dongyin also arrived, and they will work with the Tianzhu Taoist to protect Li Xingfu's failure and witness his true form.

In an ancient palace, a ghost image flickered and stood high in the center. On both sides, there were six old men, all of whom were Taoists and powerful.

"The Great God reckons that the too-virtual gate 'The Emperor's Emperor' is about to consolidate the true form. Once it succeeds, it will be difficult to suppress it in the future. It must be removed today. You six, go together and kill this son."

An old man said: "Master, there are three Taoists in Taixumen, I'm afraid it's not easy to succeed."

"Anyway, Dong Xuan Daojun will attack today and devour the great wasteland. The three cannot be distracted. You only need to suppress the four Taoists." God calmly said, "You can only succeed and you must not fail."

"Yes!" The six bodies disappeared gradually.

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