Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 59: Red spider

Li Xing's eyes shot a sensational killing, forced the body's qi and blood to recover, and healed the meridians in 1988. The severe pain and pain made Li Xing tremble.

Behind him, Chen Shuang pinched Li Xing's heel.

Li Xing didn't dare to turn back. He should pay close attention to this red spider and ask, "What's wrong?"

"I have three soul hunting arrows, and I should be able to shoot them." Chen Shuang was frightened just now, and forgot that he still had soul hunting arrows.

Li Xing stretched one hand behind and took Chen Shuang's soul-stealing arrow. This kind of thing is easy to launch, Li Xing can understand how to use it at a glance. He stared at the giant spider and sneered: "Ugly thing, you better stay away from us!"

"Young man, you shouldn't be so rude to an old man." Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the stone cave.

When I heard this voice, all three of Li Xing were taken aback. Chen Shuangjiao scolded: "Who are you?"

A voice that is completely different from the one just said: "It is natural to be able to speak."

As soon as he heard that there was more than one person in the cave, Li Xing was more vigilant, and he said in a deep voice, "How can some be here?"

"Aren't you here?" The first voice said, "Hong Lao has saved your life, do you even call it ugly?"

Li Xingyi: "You mean this spider?"

"Who else besides it? If it wasn't for the cobwebs, and you've fallen into mud, should you be grateful to the old man?"

Li Xingxin: The two are strange, but it is not appropriate to be an enemy for the time being. Ask them clearly before you talk. He put away his soul-quieting arrow and bowed his hand to the spider: "Thank you, Red Old, for your life-saving grace."

In the cave, a sneer came out: "You are a sensible young man."

Li Xing said: "I just offended and misunderstood Honglao to eat us."

A voice said: "Hong Lao never eats people, he only eats blood crystals."

Behind Li Xing, Chen Shuang and Chen Xue have regained their composure. Chen Xue asks, "What are these two people?"

"Apart from the miners, who else will be left here? In the past 12 years, a total of 2,723 people have been left in this mine, but only the two of us have survived. They have also been left behind. Disabled. "

During the conversation, Li Xing saw two young men with shaved heads and pale faces leaning out of their heads. Both men walked on the ground with both hands. Their legs were obviously broken and the meridians were closed.

For twelve years, the two were still so young, and when they were thrown into the hole, they were still young. Li Xing thought of this. At the same time, he also noticed that the two were blood-training figures, and they were not weak.

Li Xing thought for a while and asked, "What mistakes did these people make and are they thrown away?"

"Miners are people who have no freedom. Killing is like killing chickens and cows. If you make no mistakes, you can also be killed. However, both of me were not subject to control before they were seriously injured and thrown here. Here they are Called a death cell, all corpses, wounded, and sick will be left. "One man, he pointed to the spider," Hong Lao caught everyone who fell, but unfortunately, only the two of us were alive. Come down. The others are either dead when they fall down, or they are alive, but because they are too injured, they can't live long. "

The two men detailed their past, and to the surprise of the three Li Xing, both of them were actually powerful men who had practiced blood. And when they practiced blood, they were only fourteen a year and fifteen years old.

This shows that both of them have very high qualifications.

Two people, one is Zhang Jie, 28 years old this year. The other is Cheng Bin, 27 years old.

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin have been here for twelve years, and they have been living on the corpses that fell on the spider web. Of course, occasionally, the spiders will bring some blood crystals for use by the two.

After talking about the experience, Zhang Jie said, "The three of you have been so badly injured, but they haven't died. Is it really the role of Xuanjie Pill?" Obviously, he heard the lies fabricated by Li Xing before.

Li Xing could only admit it and nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin sighed at each other. Cheng Bin said: "Unfortunately, we have been injured for too long. I am afraid that your elixir can't help it recover. If I were not so seriously injured, I would have left here.

Li Xing looked up and saw that the walls were smooth as mirrors, and it was not easy to go up. Zhang Jie was seriously injured and almost became a wasteful man, unable to escape.

"These two, when they were fourteen or fifteen years old, had already practiced eight bloods, and they both seemed to have excellent qualifications. They were seriously injured and put to death, wasting their good qualifications. If I use Jiuyangzhu to beat them Healed, or they may receive His Majesty. "

I thought so in my heart, Li Xingzhengzheng said: "I meet two people, it is fate. The medicine on the lower body may not be able to cure the old injuries of the two. It is better to try it, maybe it is effective.

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin actually wanted to give it a try, but they first met with Li Xing, and it was not easy to speak rashly. At this time, they heard that Li Xing was willing to offer help, and the two were happy. Cheng Bin sighed: "Thank you very much! Even if it doesn't work, you will be grateful for life."

Li Xing laughed: "Just before I help the two, I have to cure the two companions."

Zhang Jie: "Natural. Please help yourself, my two are avoiding for the time being." Then, both of them and the big spider retreated into the cave.

霜 Chen Shuang blushed and said, "My injury is not a big deal."

Li Xing whispered in Chen Shuang's ear: "The enemies and friends of the two are unknown. Before you help them, it is best that you and the two recover from their injuries." He did this for insurance and caution, and Chen Shuang understood immediately.

She struggled for a while and smiled bitterly: "You ... come on."

Li Xing laughed: "very moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can act now, I don't have to be like before." Secretly hide the purse in the palm of his hand, and then put it on Chen Shuangxiang's shoulder.

霜 Chen Shuang is in a sober state, she can clearly feel that a strange power has entered her body. This made Chen Shuang ecstatic, thinking that this must be the medicinal power of Xuanjie Dan medicine. She could not have imagined that this power was issued by Li Xingzhu from Li Xing.

After five full hours, Chen Shuang felt that his injury had completely recovered, and sighed, "Xuanjie Pill, it is amazing! My injury is all right."

Li Xing nodded and walked to Chen Xue's side.

Chen Xue saw that it was no longer the kind of overwhelming method to help her. The original tension disappeared a lot, nodded, and passed a hand with a red face.

Li Xing smiled, holding her jade hand lightly. The tenderness of his small hand made Li Xing's heart twitch, and he couldn't help pinching it lightly.

雪 Chen Xue shook her hand slightly, as if she wanted to pull away, but she just shook it, and finally did not pull away. After Li Xing's Meng Lang's move, he was a little embarrassed and honestly healed him, but he didn't make any special moves.

The power of Xun Jiuyangzhu entered her through the palm of Chen Xue. After another five or six hours, Chen Xue's injury completely disappeared.

雪 At this moment, Chen Xue was even more surprised than Chen Shuang, and understood why Li Xing was so unbeatable on the ring. It seems that it is the magical use of the mysterious xuanjie medicine, not Li to rescue him naturally.

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