Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 60: Blood training 8 disabled

霜 Chen Shuang and Chen Xue's injuries are good. Li Xing said to the cave, "Two people, please meet on the spider web."

Zhang Xie came down first, supported her hands, and quickly reached Li Xing, smiling, "You only healed her very quickly, and it seems that I and I have some hope."

Li Xing said: "There is no full certainty, but it is 70 to 80% possible."

Zhang Jie said: "Enough is enough, please!"

Li Xing first checked Zhang Jie and found that his body's meridians had been damaged and shrunk, and his bones, muscles, tendons, skin, and viscera were all damaged. It can be said that it is a miracle that this person can live to this day. This also proves that Zhang Jie has strong vitality and high qualifications.

"Turn around." Li Xing said.

Zhang Jie immediately turned to face and gave back to Li Xing.

Li Xing's palm was stuck on Zhang Jie's back, and the power in Jiuyang Pearl soon penetrated into Zhang Jie's body. Zhang Jie clearly felt this power, and his body suddenly trembled.

This is not Zhang Jie's pain. On the contrary, it is because he finds that there is a great possibility to restore strength today, so he is extremely happy.

Zhang Jie's injury was too serious. After 30 full hours, he gradually recovered the meridians and repaired the old diseases on his body. In the meantime, Chen Xue and Chen Shuang took turns guarding each other.

Li Xing opened his hand and laughed, "Presumably you have recovered."

Zhang Xie Yangtian screamed loudly, and the whole body suddenly burst into force. With a long howl, Sister Chen Xue was overshadowed by shock.

"I still have today!" Zhang Jie turned around, bowed his head and worshiped, "Engong is above, and worshiped by Zhang Jie!"

Cheng Bin could not wait any longer, and quickly asked: "Are you recovered? Have you recovered completely?"

Zhang Jie laughed and said, "Complete recovery! Eun Gong really took Xuanjie Pill!"

In the same way, Li Xing spent more than 30 hours and repaired Cheng Bin's old injury. At this point, nearly three days have passed since the three men fell.

Xi Chengbin was well hurt, Li Xing said: "Now that we have all recovered, we must first find a way to leave here."

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin turned around and glanced at the big spider. Zhang Jie said, "Hong Lao, come to see you later."

The cricket spider called "Sisi", Zhang Jie slightly stretched, and continuously ejected between the cave walls, gradually rising. Later, Li Xing and others also went up in the same way. More than a hundred distances will arrive soon.

Zhang Jie came out first, and the realm of practicing blood was fully exerted.

Subsequently, Cheng Bin, Li Xing, Chen Xue, and Chen Shuang successively stepped out.

Chen Xue looked at Li Xing: "What to do?"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Li Jie discovered Xuan Jing, we had better figure out the situation first."

Chen Shuang: "Should you inform Sanyiyuan?" The two sisters first asked Li Xing about something. Unconsciously, Li Xing became a person they trusted.

Li Xing said "Hey" and smiled: "It is easier to do this in private." He pointed at Zhang Xie and Cheng Bin. "With two experts to help, we can at least protect ourselves."

At the moment, several people negotiated and hid, then went out to investigate the situation when it was dark.

Things came back two days ago, with his clothes ragged and bloody, Simone returned to Sanyi Garden alone. His appearance immediately shocked the entire Sanyi Garden, and Chen Jinsong came forward to ask. Xi Mentai prepared his speech early and informed Chen Xue and Chen Shuang that they were **** by a group of masked men.

Some of those people were top-notch blood-setters. Simone was out of control and desperately escaped to report.

Chen Jinsong was furious and immediately sent someone to investigate. But he never imagined that it was Simmente. Even the matter of checking accounts was temporarily put on hold.

The target of the Sanyiyuan investigation was the remaining forces in Qingyun City.

The investigation was unsuccessful for three days, and Xi Mentai came to the mine tonight. At this time, several people from Li Xing had already escaped from the mine.

杰 Li Jie is in a night clothes at this moment, and there are five followers standing next to him, each of them is a four-five-strong warrior, who is his close guard and can be trusted.

As soon as Xi Mentai arrived, Li Jie rushed forward and asked: "The outside is ready,"

Simon Tai nodded: "People are ready, just wait to transfer everything out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Jie sighed gently and said without worry:" Xuan Jing is too precious. We lost too much! "

Simone dismissed it and patted Li Jie on the shoulder: "I'm doing something, aren't you relieved? After the completion of the matter, I will shoot some Xuanjing. With this wealth, even if you build another Sanyi Garden, it is not difficult! "

Li Jie's eyes lit up and she smiled, "That's right!"

Xi Mentai, Li Jie and five followers left the mine in the dark. Five followers, each carrying a large iron box weighing thousands of pounds.

After a few talents left, Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin followed. A few Li Xing, due to poor repair, are far behind.

Xi Mentai and Li Jie first went out of the mine, then ran to a hill.

After limping for more than an hour, it was hundreds of miles away from the mine, and several people entered a valley. Ten warriors were already waiting in the valley. These warriors, all of them are practicing in blood.

As soon as Li Jie arrived, he saw that the ten people in Gu Zhong were not weak, and said, "Okay! Then I can rest assured!"

Suddenly, Xi Mentai punched Li Jie in a punch. Li Jie was caught off guard, and he never expected that Simmente would strike him.


杰 Li Jie was blown away like a kite with a broken wire. At the same time, ten waiting warriors also shot and tried to kill Li Jie's followers.

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