Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 61: 1 night getting rich

杰 Li Jie was trained to five times, and was seriously injured by a seven-time training.

The strength of the two sides was huge, and Li Jie's people fell into a pool of blood instantly.

Xi Mentai looked at a corpse, and calmly ordered: "Take care, leave here quickly!"

"Would you like to go?" Li Xing stepped out of the darkness. In front of him, Zhang Xie and Cheng Bin stood, and behind them were Chen Xue and Chen Shuang.

Xi Mentai was startled. He didn't understand why the three Li Xing didn't die? How could such a severe injury survive?

"Xi Mentai! If you do this, you are not afraid of the anger of Sanyi Garden?" Chen Xue asked coldly.

After the initial shock, Xi Mentai turned calm and smiled, "If I'm afraid, I won't do it. You are really fatal, and you haven't died like that. It really surprised me."

Li Xing was far more lazy and said, "Please kill this guy!"

Zhang Jie and Cheng Bin suddenly moved, one killed Xi Mentai, and one dealt with ten warriors.

Training blood is sevenfold, penetrates the whole body's blood, and the strength is greatly increased, reaching up to ten fights!

While practicing the blood, the strength of the body is compressed, and the strength is increased several times. Therefore, the strength of the eight-strength warrior is much higher than the seven-strength blood-strength.

As soon as the two sides got started, they saw a gap in strength. Zhang Jie's three or two moves have already forced Ximentai to retreat, with a shocked look, the more he frightened, the more he fought. Eventually Zhang Jie printed a palm to his chest.

Zhang Xie's eight-strength Zhang Jie has powerful blood, up to twenty fights. This palm directly hurt Simmente. Because Li Xing gave the order of "killing", Zhang Xie succeeded in one move and immediately rushed over, hitting ten consecutive palms.

The ten palms of the eight-strength warrior, even pig iron, have been beaten, let alone humans?

Ximentai could not die anymore. His bones were smashed, his muscles were eroded, and the meridian burst. Even if Li Xing used Jiuyangzhu to rescue him, he would never survive.

On the other side, Cheng Bin also solved ten warriors in two or three attempts.

Chen Shuang walked in front of Li Jie, stretched his feet to kick him, but was pulled by Li Xing.

霜 Chen Shuang frowned: "You still have to save him?"

Li Xing shook his head: "It is not to save him. If Li Jie dies, what will happen today will be discovered sooner or later. If he does not die, he will find a way to conceal it."

He said, Li Xing went to the five large iron boxes and opened one of them. Suddenly, a layer of purple gas rushed into the box, rising into the sky. Li Xing quickly closed the box and said, "Five boxes, there are at least 3,000 pieces of mystery!"

A piece of mysterious crystal is equivalent to one thousand blood crystals. In other words, these five boxes are equivalent to three million blood crystals! Sanyi Garden, with a year's income, has only two or three thousand blood crystals. It takes a thousand years to save three million blood crystals!

I have such a huge fortune in front of me, and even Chen Xue and Chen Shuang are still at a loss.

Li Xing laughed: "Chen Shuang and Chen Xue, I mean, temporarily hiding Xuan Jing. Such a treasure, if it is in the hands of Sanyi Garden, may not be a good thing."

雪 Chen Xue thought for a while and nodded: "You're right, Xuan Jing arrived at the Sanyi Garden and will be known by the Qi Yun faction, I'm afraid I must turn in."

霜 Chen Shuang asked Li Xing: "Where are you hiding?"

Li Xing said: "I'll arrange it." He put out a sentry arrow and let it go.

For about five minutes, a dark shadow appeared in the distance, and Li Xing greeted him and gave a few words in secret. The black figure stiffened, then nodded fiercely.

After Li Xing returned, he laughed: "These Xuanjing have been arranged by us and we return to Sanyi Garden. On the way, we must think of an excuse to tell others what happened."

Chen Xue was surprised: "Just gone?"

Li Xing said: "They can all trust."

Chen Xue stopped talking, and the five of them left the valley together.

After Li Xing left, the messenger of money called five subordinates and silently moved things away. A moment later, two other messengers arrived.

"What the young master asked to save is really valuable and requires your cooperation." The two ambassadors were taken aback, and the news said, "Why so many?"

The money emissary smiled "Hey": "It seems that the master's handwriting is bigger than the master."

On the way, Zhang Xie and Cheng Bin were arranged to live in Qingyun City Inn temporarily by Li Xing. He returned to Sanyi Garden with Chen Xue and Chen Shuang. Once a few people returned, they went to see Chen Jinsong immediately and reported what happened on the road.

雪 Chen Xue told Chen Jinsong that they were hunted down by a group of masters of unknown origin on the way. The three of them tried hard before they fled back. This statement is obviously different from Simmentai's. However, Chen Jinsong was obviously more willing to trust his daughter, and after comforting a few words, he let a few people go to rest.

On the night, Chen Jinsong met with Bai Pingdu and Li Ying.

Li Ying asked: "Why did Brother Chen start?"

Chen Jinsong: "It's not certain yet, but it's obviously coming from our Sanyi Garden."

Bai Pingdu nodded: "It seems that the lessons of Flying Knife Gate last time have not made more people sober."

劲 Chen Jinsong shook his head: "I don't think this matter is so simple, and it will take a while to investigate." At present, the three set up their manpower and continue to investigate the matter.

雪 As soon as Chen Xue and Chen Shuang came back, they got together and talked about their experiences in the past few days.

Chen Xue: "This time I escaped, thanks to Li Xing."

霜 Chen Shuang looked at her sister and grinned, "Sister, are you tempted now?"

雪 Chen Xuebo raised his face: "I just thank him for saving my life. Don't bullshit."

霜 Chen Shuang shook his head and sighed: "Never tell me the truth, forget it, I don't ask." He paused, "I don't know if Zhao Yun will appear."

雪 Chen Xue finally found an excuse to tease the younger sister, and said, "Well, show him your heart and let him elope with you?"

霜 Chen Shuang was startled and covered Chen Xue's mouth: "Sister is nonsense! I just thank him."

He did not say the secrets of the second female boudoir, but said that after Li Xing returned, she returned to Zizhuwan. Life and death today made Li Xing realize that his strength was so weak. When faced with the masters of training seven heavy, eight heavy, it is simply unbeatable.

"It seems to reach the seventh level of blood training as soon as possible and penetrate the whole body." Li Xing secretly resolved.

That night, Li Xing changed his clothes and did not alarm Xiaoxiu, practicing blood in the bamboo house alone.

On the second day, the spies sent by Sanyiyuan got a message: Ma Boxiong appeared in Qingyun City.

The appearance of Ma Boxiong immediately alarmed Li Ying. He convened Chen and Bai to discuss, saying, "Ma Boxiong ~ www.readwn.com ~ has a magic weapon in his hand, which can be called within ten miles It ’s great to take the first class. The news from our people, he came to Qingyun City, there must be some plans. "

Chen Jinsong frowned, thinking suddenly, suddenly said, "Is he related to the group who attacked Chen Xue?"

Xi Baipingdu: "There are such possibilities, but I think, more likely, this Ma Boxiong has another purpose." At this time, someone came to report.

The monks worshiped and said, "Just now, it seems that Ma Boxiong intends to go to Sanyi Garden to capture the" Five Lingshens. "

Upon hearing the "Five Lingshens", Li Ying was furious and shot the case: "Well, Ma Boxiong, bully me in Sanyi Garden?"

Wu Lingshen is the elixir that Li Ying obtained a year ago. Unexpectedly, Ma Boxiong dared to make an idea.

Furious, Li Ying calmed down again and asked, "Where did the news come from?"

This subordinate said: "Ma Boxiong raised an outhouse, the woman named Zhou Zhenzhen said personally. The woman said that Ma Boxiong would give him a kind of ginseng in the future, which can make her look beautiful. The villain concluded that there is this The only effective medicine is Wuling Ginseng. "

英 Li Ying nodded: "You step back."

After the man retreated, he quickly left the Sanyi Garden and released the secret signal by secret means. About ten minutes later, the news messenger got the news and commanded the people around him: "Li Yingzhong has made a plan. The next step is to protect the master's safety. You start immediately!"

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