Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 710: Luo Tianmen

Chapter 98: Mixed In Luo Tianmen

Li Xing doesn't need to look inside. He always knows his physical condition, which is the benefit of true shape. After some self-examination, he found that if he wants to achieve his true shape, he should start with improving his strength.

When condensing the true form, he absorbed a large number of fruits of fruit, chaos, and order, and gained the power of the gods and the power of the dragon elephant. These powers merged into his body.

Unfortunately, all this is not enough to support him to complete. At this moment, it feels like a person who eats many foods, but feels hungry.

"Master, what's your advice for the elderly?" At this time, Li Xing asked the Emperor Tianxie.

"True form does not seem to have reached its true strength yet, it is still growing." Emperor Tianxie said his own view, "thinking of the teacher to observe, you can start from that dragon elephant power."

"The power of the dragon elephant?" Li Xing's heart moved. He remembered that when he was on his way, the dragon emperor let him slay the dragon elephant mage and get the practice method of dragon elephant. There are many similarities between Longxiangong and Zhenli in ancient times.

Even Dragon Power and Dragon Elephant Power have similar features. The power of the dragon elephant was entangled in his Dantian. When the true form condensed, these forces all burst out, but this does not mean that Li Xing already owns them.

As a matter of fact, the power of this dragon elephant only broke one true element. Just one true yuan also brought great benefits to Li Xing at the beginning, and made him reap great achievements. The power of the dragon elephant is obviously extremely mysterious and powerful.

It is rumored that the world was created by dragon elephants. Dragon Elephant Gong is also the practice of a true king in ancient times, the dragon king. What is the strength of the true king? Li Xing is unknown, presumably not weaker than Taoist today?

Dragon power, elephant power, dragon elephant power, real human power ... What does all this have to do with it? After thinking for a long time, Li Xing said, "Okay, first find the Master of the Dragon Elephant, and see if there is anything special about the Dragon Elephant Gong, and maybe I can confuse me."

Before setting off, he took out three strange stones plundered from Wanfamen and prepared to take a look. The first strange stone, like a crouching stone monkey, Li Xing snapped it down, and the stone shell cracked.

A strong spirit burst out and turned into an electric light. Li Xing had long been ready to catch the electric light in his hands. With a close look, there was a fist-sized, sparkling little monkey in his hand, alive.

Li Xing opened his eyes wide, pinched the monkey's tail, looked carefully, and said, "Master, look at this monkey, it seems to be born naturally."

The little monkey "squeaked" wailed and waved monkey claws at Li Xing angrily.

Emperor Tianxie raised his eyebrows and said, "Take this little thing as a teacher. Teach." As soon as he reached out, the little monkey disappeared.

Li Xing then remembered that he still had a little sister and sister, the reincarnation of Heaven and Man, I do not know where he was hidden by the evil, and he must have grown up a lot at this time, he smiled and said nothing. I felt that Emperor Tianxie should be lonely and want to teach one more disciple.

This stone monkey should be very extraordinary, at least not weaker than that reincarnated little sister, otherwise the Emperor of Heaven will not be impressed.

After cutting this piece, Li Xing took out the watermelon-sized stone and patted it with another palm. The stone was broken, there was nothing in it, and only a wicked red light shot made him roll his eyes.

The red light was obviously sealed by the stone, and I didn't know what it was, it was of no value.

Li Xing then cut a third stone. When this piece of stone was broken, hundreds of Guanghua shot out, and in each Guanghua, an ancient text was wrapped!

"it is good!"

Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he laughed loudly, grasping with both hands, grabbing all the ancient authentic texts into his hands. There are three hundred and six ancient authentic texts, and what pleases him is that there are three ancient authentic texts that he needs most, namely the words God, Holy, and Beast.

Three hundred and sixty authentic texts were directly included in ancient Xuanjing, filling the gap. The ancient Xuanjing obviously needs a lot of authentic texts, but on the first page, there are two words to complete it. These two words are "ghost" and "buddha".

Every word has the flavor of the road, it seems to tell the truth to others.

"Unfortunately, there are only two authentic texts left, and you can practice this ancient Xuanjing." Li Xing felt a little regretful, and then his eyes fell down.

The stone shell fell off and a quaint seal appeared. The founder of this large Indian square is obviously not artificially made, but naturally formed. It is covered with road patterns, representing the order of the avenue.

Li Xing took a sigh of cold air: "Creation is really magical! He can form such a fetish!" He felt that this Fangyin simply represents the nature avenue.

Emperor Tianxie said: "This thing is not a trivial matter. Even ancient texts must be attached to it. If it is made into a seal in the future, it will move the world." He seemed to think of something, saying, "I was an emperor in my year as a teacher, I wanted to engrav the seal of a real emperor, but unsuccessfully failed because I couldn't find such a talent. "

Li Xing smiled: "Master, if a disciple can become the emperor of Jiuzhou in the future, use it to engrave a big seal and give your elderly face a long light."

He put away the natural seal, and broke out with Baiyang Jingtian, and continued to avenge the enemy. Of course, by the way, that dragon elephant mage was killed, and he was forced to ask about the dragon practice practice.

Li Xing turned into an ordinary ninefold **** and appeared in Tianchen Kingdom with great swing. After inquiring, he learned that Luo Tianmen has five halls, namely Tianyi Hall, Tianzang Hall, Tianming Hall, Tianzhan Hall, and Zongtang Hall.

In addition to the mysterious main hall, which is located in Tiantiantian, the four halls of Tianzang, Tianming, Tianbing, and Tianyi are located in Taiwei and Tianchen. Among them, Tianchen Middle School has Tianbing Hall and Heavenly Battle Hall.

Tianzhantang is a newly opened institution, the purpose of which is to recruit the strong in the world and to work for Luo Tianmen. The master of the Heavenly Battle Hall has the same status as the three Gods, and the cultivation is also Daojun rank.

Entering the boundary of Tianchen Kingdom, Li Xing traced among the monks and asked for news. That Luo Tianmen has already planted a puppet emperor in Tianchen Kingdom, and has recruited qualified disciples to expand his strength.

The information that can be found outside is limited after all, so Li Xing decided to mix it into the battle heaven. His cultivation is Jiuzhong, and outsiders don't see the depth. It is not difficult for him to mix into the Heaven Battle Hall under the name of trust only if he is an ordinary monk.

The battle hall is located in the former capital of the Tianchen Kingdom, Tiancheng City. At this moment, almost all monks are coming and going in the city. Originally, the characters at the level of law and sky were not easy to appear, but in the city of heaven, the masters of law and sky, as long as they stand on the street for a moment, they may meet at any time.

As for the ranks of gods and human beings, there are even more ox hairs here, and Li Xing has a feeling of being in the crowd.

Tiancheng City has many squares for issuing notices. At this moment, a table was set up in a square, and two mages were sitting there, and they were recruiting people from the level of gods to join Luo Tianmen.

There are not a few people who want to join Luo Tianmen. Many people gather in the square, but most of them are waiting to see the lively.

After looking at Li Xing for a while, two heavy gods joined Luo Tianmen. They were taken away at that time and entered the Heaven Battle Hall for assessment. This place is just the place to register, as long as it is not too bad, you can register.

Li Xing looked at it a few times, and when he knew what was going on, he strode to the stage. Before reaching the stage, a mage didn't look up, and asked, "Say name, place of origin, age, division, and Xiuwei and the past."

Li Xingdao: "Li Changxing, Jiuzhong is a god, Tianchen Kingdom, 28 years old, without a teacher, and he has been in retreat and practiced hardly. There is nothing in the past."

The mage nodded: "Yes, you are practicing Jiuzhong. As long as you are not undercover, there is a great chance to join Luo Tianmen." Then, a waving man brought Li Xing and went to report.

On the way, Li Xing asked the patriot: "Brothers, haven't many gods and people joined Luo Tianmen recently? It seems that the competition must be fierce."

The god-man is relatively bullish in the eyes of the patriot. The patriarch said politely: "That is, I heard that more than a hundred thousand god-people have joined Luotianmen in just over a year." "I heard that some small martial arts were destroyed for no reason. The disciples under the door had no choice but to come to Luotianmen."

Li Xing moved in his heart and asked: "Brother said, is Luo Tianmen doing this?"

"I didn't say it," said the scholar immediately. "You said it."

Li Xing smiled and stopped asking. But he thought, "It seems that Luo Tianmen is trying to dominate the world by a monk and dominate the world. This is an opportunity to fight it!"

Not long after, Li Xing was brought into a courtyard. The courtyard is not large, and the hall inside is full of gods and men, and they are all gods who practice God. All enrolled gods and men are received separately, one **** and one yard, and two **** and one yard.

Here, there are more than twenty places where Jiuzhong Shenren stays, and Li Xing has now become one of them.

Every so long time, there is a nine-fold **** enters the living room ~ www.readwn.com ~ so the appearance of Li Xing attracts everyone's attention. The eyes of these people are not very friendly. After all, everyone wants to join Luo Tianmen. There is a competitive relationship and hostility is inevitable.

There were no chairs in the living room, and everyone was standing. Most people, two or three together, a few stand alone. Among them, in the most central position, Malaysia sat with one young man and sat on the other.

This young man, in a black robe, grew up and had a face like a silver basin, but he was also handsome. Unfortunately, his expression was full of suffocation, and no one dared to approach him.

The seated young man, with a blue nose and a swollen face, was very humiliated, but did not dare to resist, clenching his fists, and gritting his teeth without saying a word.

Li Xing entered the living room, glanced at each other slightly, and said nothing. However, there is always a very arrogant person in the world, even if others look at it.

The sitting man and his eyes flashed suddenly to Li Xing: "boy, come here." The expression on Li Xing who had just seen it was light and gentle, and he was very upset.

Li Xingyuan didn't glance at him, walked to the side and stopped, took out a fruit to eat. That fruit is a rare ginseng fruit.

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