Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 711: Law Enforcement Battalion 9

Chapter 99: Nine Enforcement Battalions

The scent of ginseng fruit permeated the audience, and everyone around him drew his nose. However, the man with the golden sword sat down, his face sinking, reaching for a grasp, Shenguang lasing, and a true-shaped big hand attacked Li Xing.

The true shape is unpredictable, and even after the completion, it can change magically. The arm can be extended to the limit. There are all kinds of incredible means. It's just a simple little way to catch people like this.

The palm of his hand was three feet away from Li Xing, and suddenly he flew open. The man screamed, trying to recover the scattered real breath, but Li Xing turned his head and took a breath.

In this breath, a five-colored magic smoke was blown out, and the fluttering atmosphere was ignited with a "puff". These breaths are the physical body of the god-man and the Yuanshen. Once the fire burns, the pain is extremely painful.

The five-colored smoke is the real fire of the Five Elements by Li Xing. This real fire has been integrated into his body and can be sent out at any time.

This man who dared to do something to Li Xing couldn't sit still any longer, and "Teng" had to stand up and look over in horror. The outsider didn't know, but he knew that only when the other side sent out a divine thought, he exploded his true form.

What a terrible power this should be? He couldn't help but dread deeply, knowing that he had met an expert.

Li Xing hurriedly ate the fruit, clapped his hands, and said lightly to that person: "Your strength is stronger than the average nine-thousand gods, but this does not mean you can bully others.

With a wave of his sleeves, a horrible force suppressed him, the man tightened, sitting on the ground with his hips, hissing, "Don't kill me!"

"Don't want to die, just be my chair." Li Xing said lightly.

The man's face changed, but he did not dare to resist after all. He lay down, bowed his waist like a dog, and became a "chair". Like him, Li Xing sat down with a golden knife.

Everyone stayed, and sure enough, there was a mountain high!

The man who had just kneeled underground was finally relieved, stood up, and saluted Li Xing deeply. The latter reported a smile and nodded.

Sitting on the "chair", Li Xing waited a short time, and a character from France and Tian came in. He glanced at the hall. He did not care about Li Xing sitting on the "chair" and announced to everyone: You follow me. "

A group of twenty-seven gods, including Li Xing, followed the mage out of the hall. Then jumped to the next light, soared into the sky. During the flight, an hour passed, and everyone saw a continuous house below, and Faguang landed shortly after.

Everyone was taken directly into a palace. Inside the palace, a mage with four heavens and four mages sat. He glanced flatly at Li Xing and others and said, "Apply medicine."

Immediately, the twenty-seven boys came out, each holding a tray with a tea bowl on it, containing a longan-sized pill inside.

"This medicine, called 'Dream Soul Bone Pill', is supplemented by a secret spell. As long as you don't have a rebellious heart after joining Luo Tianmen, the medicine will not occur. Let you become fly ash. "The mage sitting in the town said," You can choose to take it or leave. "

Many people are nervous, shouldn't they have to completely control the pills? Moreover, I am afraid that this small pill is not so simple, maybe it will become Luo Tianmen's puppet.

Suddenly, thirteen people retreated and stood up and said, "Mage, we choose to leave."

The mage didn't look at them, but asked others: "How about you? Choose to take medicine?"

Speaking of poisons, Li Xing is the ancestor of poisoning. He is naturally not afraid, so the first one said, "Choose medicine next."

The other people originally wanted to join Luo Tianmen for development. Although unwilling, they were also reluctantly acceptable and were still static, willing to take poison.

The mage nodded: "Okay, you guys immediately obey."

Fourteen people, including Li Xing, expressed their willingness to swallow the pills on the spot. At this moment, a layer of five-color smoke erupted on the ground, and it “rolled up”. Thirteen people who did not swallow the medicine were slammed with poisonous smoke, and suddenly screamed, their skin ulcerated, and they turned into a pool of black water in a blink, soaking into the ground.

The fourteen survivors were taken aback and looked at the quadruple mage in fear.

The mage smiled slightly: "Since it can't be used by Luo Tianmen, what's the use of being alive? You are fine, I will be my disciple in the Luo Tianmen battle hall in the future." With a wave of his hand, he walked out of a mage wearing a red and green flower robe and brought everyone Bring out of the hall.

The master of the flower robe, as soon as he left the hall, revealed his strange look and gestures, and pointed to the crowd: "After that, you are the disciples of the 9th Battalion of the Battle Hall, please do something good for me and don't cause trouble for Lao Tzu."

Fourteen people, with the exception of Li Xing, are all just a promise. No wonder, the mage is simply an undefeated myth to the god-man, and can only look up.

The mage saw the disapproval expression on Li Xing's face, sneered, and leaped in front of Li Xing, and waved toward him.

It was obvious that the other person was deliberately insulting.

Who knows, Li Xing moves faster than him, raising his hand is a slap, hit the other person's face.


This one was really fierce, and the power was astonishing. It was like a thousand mountains crashing, Master Huapao screamed, and was pumped off like a ball. Half-pulled his head was flattened. He vomited blood on the floor and his teeth fell.

Li Xing stepped forward with a cold face, stepped on his face and asked, "Don't think that the Master is great. I cut off the Master last year!"

The sound of air-conditioning came from behind, God, this man is actually a god!

The gods, the existence of legends, the strong who can resist the mage, they are the monarchs among the gods and men, and there is nothing in them. Such people often become mage easily and have a bright future.

Master Huapao stared viciously at Li Xing: "Boy! Luo Tianmen cannot tolerate you!"

Li Xing smiled: "It looks like you're hit lightly." With a little effort on his feet, the other person's head "clicked" and cracked a few gaps.

The mage's body is still true in nature, and can be dissipated into anger. However, the force field under Li Xing's feet locked his vitality, and therefore could not be changed. This head was torn, and of course it could not be recovered, causing great pain.

With a terrifying sound, Master Huapao finally begged for mercy: "God forgiveness! The villain knows wrong!"

Li Xing stepped away and said lightly, "Don't waste time, take us over."

Master Huapao didn't dare to put a fart, and obediently led the way. At this time, thirteen other people completely served Li Xing. The god-man who was seated on the chair by Li Xing before now also obeys and knows that he really met a strong man. The mage was overwhelmed by him. What is this little **** man?

Master Hua Pao brought Li Xing and his party to the Ninth Battalion of the Battle Hall.

In the Heavenly Battle Hall, the inner disciples who practiced the sixth to tenth of the gods were put into the law enforcement camp. Thirty-six law enforcement battalions were formed in the battle hall, with about 30 disciples in each law enforcement battalion.

The purpose of the law enforcement battalion is to attack and destroy some factions and incidentally plunder resources. In this way, those homeless disciples can choose to join Luo Tianmen. Luo Tianmen did not conceal this goal, and put it on the table in a grand manner, informing each disciple.

The number of people in the 9th camp was almost full. In addition to the new group of 14 people Li Xing, exactly 32 people were full. Jiuying was located in a square courtyard. After arriving, Master Huapao called out, and all of them stood out, for a total of thirty-two.

Master Huapao took a look at Li Xing and said, "Sir, according to the rules, the 9th Battalion will choose a head camp school. The prince is extraordinary in strength and can just serve." Face cheap.

Li Xing said, "Um," and asked, "What are the rules? Let me talk to you and let everyone listen." He accepted the camp.

Master Huapao explained the situation obediently, Li Xing made a note of it, and then waved his hand to let him leave.

At this moment, the people in Jiuying looked very strange at Li Xing, and felt that this person was too much to make the mage the same as his grandson. And the fact is true, so no one dares to be convinced, even the god-man who has been burned with one hand is just a promise and very obedient.

The 9th Battalion belongs to one of the 36th Battalion and has been established for some time. However, a few days ago, when the 9th Battalion attacked a small martial art, the entire army was destroyed, so it was reorganized. If not, Li Xing may not have the opportunity to enter the law enforcement battalion.

That night, Li Xing asked the surnames of all the people, who reported themselves to the family one by one, expressing their willingness to obey the order of the camp school.

Law enforcement battalion 36 is very busy every day. Soon after it was established, the mission was set up the next day, and a fuling flew to the courtyard of Jiuying. A voice came from the command: "Jiuying obey!"

Li Xing and others went to the hospital ~ www.readwn.com ~ and obeyed the order.

The voice in the Fuling said: "Fate Jiuying to the destination and destroy the blue ghost gate!"

Li Xing said "yes" and stepped forward to receive the sign. This order is not only able to give orders, but also a tool for communication, and can indicate the position of the target. It is extremely useful and cannot be lost.

Moreover, after the event is completed, Jiuying wants to receive the reward, and also has to rely on the information recorded on this sign. Among the orders, there are complicated and exquisite magical matrices with various peculiar functions.

After taking the order, Li Xingshen said, "Brothers, this is the first task. As a camp school, our school has decided to act alone. You will honestly stay in the courtyard for tea and chat, until our school comes back."

At these words, these people almost died of anger and rolled their eyes one by one. Alright, it's going to take credit for it alone. But no one dared to say anything, but his face was not very good-looking. When they came to Luotianmen, they wanted to make progress. Without credit, they couldn't talk about development. Li Xing cut their future.

Li Xing, no matter how much, said a word, he rose into the sky and went to Qingguimen alone. During his trip, naturally, he did not want to destroy Qingguimen, but used this identity to severely crack Luo Tianmen's expansion plan.

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