Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 713: Live Meridians

Chapter 1: Live Meridians

"It will be awful when the dragon dragon's power is fulfilled. It is invincible in the world, and even Dao Zun can be killed!" Said Master Longxiang proudly, pushing his body at the same time, "slamming" the woman's white snow butt.

As the woman yelled, she gasped and said, "My grandfather, why are you so powerful. What kind of skill is that dragon elephant? Is it really so powerful?"

This woman is also not simple. She is a person with a strong sense of wisdom and has some wisdom. She immediately asked the question and wanted to know more information.

"What do you know about this little hoof? Dragon Elephant Gong is the first amazing skill of ancient and modern times. Legend has it that you can break the taboo by practicing this skill." Dragon Elephant Master said.

"Forbidden? What is forbidden?" The woman lifted Yushou, and asked him with an aroma on her face.

"This world has long been different from the ancient world. Do you know why? The whole world has been cursed by God, so that human beings will decline, and everything will wither to what it is now." The mage of the dragon elephant said a secret.

The woman wondered: "Is there a realm of heaven?"

"Naturally, there are all kinds of people in the celestial realm, and the vastness and boundlessness." All these knowledges of the mage dragon elephant were learned by him in an adventure, and they were sold at the moment.

Li Xing heard it for a moment, and he trembled: "I'm afraid that there is some secret in this dragon elephant mage. Don't kill him first, ask it clearly." Thinking of this, he secretly transported a sorcery.

The eight wild and seventy-two fierce curses, one of which is called "Heart Controlling Curse". To cast this mind-controlling curse, you need a reason, as long as the opponent has a little energy, you can control it.

Of course, the premise is that the strength of the curse must be higher than that of the cursed person, otherwise they are vulnerable to backstabbing.

Li Xing slammed a curse, chanted the curse silently, and a halo of evil aura appeared on his palm. After being fully prepared, he secretly voiced: "Mage of Vientiane!"

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, but Master Vientiane was startled and angrily: "Who?"

With this response, his mouth was full of energy and he was captured by Li Xing's curse. Li Xing photographed with a silent palm, the middle door of the dragon like Famen's top door bone, heard a "pounce", he shook his body, his expression became dull.

This terrible curse is very vicious and almost impossible to crack. Li Xing's strength was originally under the mage of dragon elephant, but suddenly he was in trouble. How can he avoid it? Directly hit, was controlled by Li Xing.

Suddenly there was such a big living person, the woman was not surprised, but she winked at Li Xing. Li Xing didn't even look at it. With one fingertip, he performed a great divine skill and sealed her power. The woman passed out and died, and after waking up, she would forget what happened today.

Mind control is a trivial matter, which is equivalent to the fact that this dragon elephant master has become a clone of Li Xing. His experience and memory, even his achievements, belong to Li Xing.

After controlling the dragon elephant, Li Xing showed a startled expression on his face and said, "It turns out that this dragon elephant mage has been passed down by a senior alien. The senior alien is unable to cultivate the true due to his physical limitations. Dragon Elephant Gong, the ancient Dragon Elephant Gong. So he practiced it with supreme ingenuity, and made a set of shrinking version of Dragon Elephant Gong. "

As for the ancient Dragon Elephant Gong, it is a practice that can be practiced by real people. Today's human beings have no qualifications for cultivation. According to memory, ancient dragon elephant exercises are just one of the basic exercises for real people. In ancient times, the purpose of practicing dragon elephants was only to consolidate true power.

In ancient times, the power of dragon elephants was everywhere between heaven and earth, and they were the source of the growth of real people in ancient times. Even between the heavens and the earth, there will naturally be a kind of powerful creature, called dragon elephant.

The dragon elephant is so powerful that it turns the world upside down. Only the true Saint and true king can suppress them.

Li Xing read part of the memory in an instant, surprised and happy. At the same time, he learned that this place is a division of Heaven and Earth, with the corpse demon as the division. Speaking of this corpse devil is also his old enemy, and his strength is not weaker than the dragon elephant mage.

At first, the corpse devil could not kill him, and was hurt by the demon emperor's money. Later, he teamed up with Master Longxiang again, concealed against him, and was repelled by the Four Sisters of the South China Sea. In addition, the corpse devil is also an enemy of the elders on the imaginary door, and the master of Qingyu.

"Since it's here, by the way, smash this division and cut off the corpse demon." Li Xing sneered, his body smirked, and he performed the ancient magic magic dust, turned into a dust, and fell on the mage of the dragon elephant.

The mage of the dragon elephant changed his shirt and went straight to find the corpse demon.

The corpse demon is retreating at the moment. The place where he cultivates is a cave, which is heavily guarded and guarded by four mages. However, the mage of the dragon elephant is the brother of the corpse demon, and naturally no one will stop him and let him enter.

After entering the cave, there is a lot of space inside, and there are several stone gates on the four walls, and the law ban is set on it. Mage Dragon Elephant stood still, and said loudly, "Brother, I have something important to tell you."

The corpse demon is practicing corpse exercises, and when he hears the sounds, he asks, "What is so urgent?" Talking, the stone door opened, the turquoise corpse rolled, and a tall figure came out.

Master Longxiang acted in full accordance with Li Xing's intentions. He stepped forward and said, "Brother, Tang mainly harms you."

"What?" The corpse monster was startled. At this moment, the dragon elephant mage suddenly exploded, holding the corpse monster like an octopus.

The corpse monster was startled and called: "Second, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Li Xing appeared, pointing at the back of the corpse demon. This finger belongs to the "reincarnation finger" in the nine emperor astrology. When it is pointed out, it is sent to reincarnation.

The corpse demon had successfully worked hard for the corpse, and it made a sound of "boom", which turned upside down and collapsed. The old devil could only scream and not fall to the ground.

No one could have imagined that his brother would hug him suddenly, while a terrible enemy sneaked in behind. Originally, with his cultivation, if he was vigilant, he might not have a chance to escape.

As soon as the corpse demon died, Li Xing collected all the treasures on him and ordered Vientiane Master to go out.

Master Wan Wan yelled, there was a big earthquake, and he slapped the four masters outside the cave to death with one hand, and then killed the remaining members of the branch. In the Xiaoyao Valley Church, there are seven mages and more than 180 gods.

Dragon Elephant Master is so advanced that people don't even know that he is going to kill them, one by one is unknown.

As soon as a god-man ran out of a woman's arms, he was stabbed in the head with a finger and died, and another mage was still practicing and was knocked down by a dragon elephant punch and shut him.

Killing is like slaughtering a dog, one trick per move, and no one is the enemy of the dragon elephant mage.

When the dragon elephant was in power, Li Xing walked around the hall in a hurry. What should be taken, what should be destroyed, did not leave anything of value to Luo Tianmen, and the land was scraped away. .

The prostitutes were taken away, leaving behind corpses and stubbles.

After clearing up, Li Xing turned into dust, stuck to the mage of the dragon elephant, and left Xiaoyao Valley. During this trip, he was looking for a place to look into the memory of the Dragon Elephant Master and figure out the ancient Dragon Elephant skills.

One branch was wiped out by unknown people. The host of Tianzhantang was furious and went out to visit Xiaoyao Valley. When he returned, he looked dignified and seconded to Tianmingtang to help the killer.

The next day, two heaven-level killers came to Heaven Battle Hall.

However, he said that Li Xing was in the middle of Baiyang Jingtian at the moment, and his mood was very calm. It turned out that a dragon elephant merit was actually involved in such a big event, the cause of ancient human decline!

Infer all of this, and write it down as the predecessor stranger who passed down the word, the Taoist title of ancient history. Wan Gu Dao Zun is a very remarkable figure. He obtained the dragon elephant skill from the ancient powerful candle dragon, an ancient ancient skill that has long been lost.

The eternal wisdom of Taoism is extraordinary. After five hundred years of research and calculation, he believes that in ancient times, the power of dragons was full of heaven and earth, and it could be absorbed and refined by people. At that time, the real human beings, while absorbing the power of the dragon elephant, were enlightened on the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, so as to cultivate the way of real human beings.

After the era of great destruction, the power of the dragon elephant disappeared. After a large number of real people have soared or died, there are no real people in the world.

After his research, he believes that the era of the candlestick dragon's existence has no power in the world. At the same time, this also confirmed Li Xing's original conjecture that Candle Dragon did not have a real physique, so he had to create a diamond shape that can be achieved only with the help of external forces.

King Kong refining should be only the first step of the candle dragon. Next, there should be more complete means of refining. One thing is certain: the next cultivation must be related to the origin of real people.

Regardless of the true shape-refining routine of Candle Dragon, it is undeniable that Li Xing has accomplished this step perfectly by virtue of the magic of nine lives and nine destroyers, which not only absorbs the origin of real people, but also outlines the world's longitude and latitude to achieve a real human body.

The body of a real person can innately connect with the natural avenue. With this kind of constitutional path, it will be boundless. Therefore, the people of later generations also call the real human body the innate Tao, which means that the innate can understand the Tao.

"The power of the dragon elephant, the avenue, the way of real people ..." Li Xing was thinking, while he was running chaotically. He has a real human body and the power of a dragon elephant. From the dragon elephant master, he knows the primitive practice methods of ancient dragon elephants, and understands several ways, so it is not difficult to deduct.

After a moment, his face was shocked: "That's it! The power of the dragon elephant is really the basic method. When it is combined with the road, it is the way of real people!"

For a moment, Li Xingwu was aware of the cause and effect, and felt bright. Some time ago, the confusion that had arisen from cultivation had disappeared. He knew what he was going to do next.

"When practicing in ancient times, you must first practice Dragon Elephant Gong ~ www.readwn.com ~, and then go to the avenue of enlightenment, and then enter the path of real human beings, and even become true kings and true saints! The next step is to use the dragon in my body. Power of elephants, cultivate this primitive set of ancient dragon elephants! "

In the forbidden area of ​​the heaven, the ancient real person Xuanyuanbai once told the real person's hierarchy. The real human meridians are opened in the body to be called real humans. The real meridian is 1981 heavy, and every time you open up another layer of real meridian, the strength will leap once.

Among them, the real human meridians pass below the twelve levels, and are called real people in the battlefield; if they pass the twelve levels, they are called flying real people; the twenty-four levels are above, they are called the real people; the thirty-sixth levels are above, they are true kings; , Is truly holy.

Like the eighteen heavy flying real people, they are no worse than the seven masters of Fatian, and even surpass them. On top of the real people, true kings, true saints, the strength is even more incredible.

Thinking of the eighty-one real meridians, Li Xing frowned. He had a question about why he hadn't opened the real meridians in his body? Has it absorbed so much that the original strength of the true sacred series is not enough to open up the real human meridians?

"It's definitely not the case. What went wrong?" Li Xing was puzzled. He continued to make a chaotic array and still couldn't get the answer. Is it true, as said by Van Gogh, that no real human can be seen in this world?

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