Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 720: Anonymous Peak

Chapter 8: Anonymous Peak

Eighteen thousand miles is not far away, but for Li Xing, it will not take him too much time. On the way, it was not all plains. It passed through several forests, mountains, and rivers.

When you look at it, you will enter the Tiandu Mountain range. When passing a mountain peak, a magic light suddenly burst from below, and his body was also sloshing. He couldn't help but stop and looked down.

I saw several monks in a valley running away. In the middle of the valley, a cut stone released the billowing magical energy, condensed into a ghost image and headed straight into the sky.

It was also that this devil had bad luck, and he was born and met Li Xing. Li Xing was annoyed when he was hit by the magic gas, and said, "Don't you have long eyes?" With a big wave of his hand, "Boom" was suppressed.

His repression, which is not trivial, is devoted to demons. It is the enlightenment of King Kong's magic handprints that he has learned from the fierce Zen of the Demon, combined with Zen methods. In the palm of your hand, there are three thousand zen sings, one hundred thousand Buddha lights, and only one town, the devil snarled and shrank into the size of a fist.

He rolled his palms, and in the palm of his hand, a three-inch tall demon head was suppressed by Zenguang, unable to move, staring at Li Xing with anger, and constantly resisting, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

The three monks below, who just released such a powerful demon, thought that this time they would have done a terrible disaster. How could I know that such a strong man suddenly appeared, and I took away the demon head.

The three were shocked and delighted, and flew up into the air together, saluting Li Xing.

"Thank you, Brother, for all your help and gratitude!" The three men said busyly, and they were all surprised when they saw that Li Xing was so young. "Dare you ask what kind of disciple the brother is?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Little brother Bai Yunfei, anonymous repair."

The three looked at each other, and an old red-faced monk said: "In the next Fan Chengen, they are Xu Xiaozu and Zhang Dasheng. We are all disciples of Tiandaomen. We cut a rough stone here and don't want to cut out a demon. Ruofeidao Brother shot, we were miserable. "

Li Xing beheaded a man from Tiandaomen, read the memory, and knew the contents of the Golden Scriptures, so it was also seen early that these three people might bet on the original stones and did not want to cut out the magic head, caught off guard.

With a slight smile, Li Xing said: "Several good luck, if this demon is conquered, it can be cultivated to protect the law, please accept it." Then, he gave the sealed devil to the three.

The three were very surprised, and Fan Chengen quickly said: "Without this reason, if it were not for Dao, we would already be dead. The demon was caught by Dao, and naturally it belongs to Dao."

Li Xing laughed: "The gentleman doesn't win people's love. The three of them managed to cut out the devil's head. How can I intervene and please accept it?"

The three of them were just polite. When they saw Li Xing's sincerity, they were all happy and took over the devil. Then Xu Xiaozu sighed, "The method of Dao Brother is so clever. I don't know which immortal art?"

Among the immortal gates, the practice of immortality is practiced from the beginning, unlike the Taoist monks, they first practice divine magic, and then practice magic until Daoism. In addition, fairy arts are divided into three categories: lower land fairy, middle land fairy, and upper land fairy.

Li Xing is an expert and knows that the immortal magic is actually similar to divine magic, and it is not a true magic. Fairyland in the midst of the world can reverse the rules and truly appreciate the "anti-sky" nature of Xianmen. As for Shangjingxianshu, it reverses the Heaven and Earth Avenue and is extremely powerful.

Theoretically, Daojun of the same level is up against Xianjun, and it is difficult to win with stability. It is because the Xianjia methods are all retrograde and powerful.

Li Xing naturally couldn't tell the truth, saying: "The side door that I learned by accident happened to the left and not to be in the elegant hall, which made the three laugh."

"Hey, where is the next door? I think it is grand and grand. It must be a fairy tale." Xu Xiaozu laughed. They all saw that Li Xing, who was higher than them, was a second-class person immortal, and Jin Dan was almost complete, so there was a compliment in the discourse.

Li Xing showed such goodness. Actually, he wanted to pass through the three people and mix into the heavenly gate, so he spoke humblely and politely. After a few chats, the two sides were quite speculative. Li Xing suggested that everyone go down to drink and talk, and first took out Baiyang wine.

"Oh my god, what kind of wine is this? It's really fragrant!" As soon as the three people smelled the smell of Baiyang wine, their eyes straightened, so naturally they wouldn't object.

In the valley where the devil was born, four groups of people sat together, each holding a gourd wine, drinking it, and after a few words of conversation, there was nothing to talk about.

"I said, Brother Bai, if you're alone, you might as well join our Tiandaomen. Tiandaomen, with hundreds of thousands of disciples, has huge power and rich resources. If you join, you can definitely develop better." Zhang Dasheng suggested.

Li Xing sighed: "I want to join Tiandaomen here, but no one is recommended. I wonder if Tiandaomen is willing to take part in the repair?"

Xu Xiaozu laughed: "Doesn't Brother Bai know that as long as it's enough for repair, will we all be included in Tiandaomen? Otherwise, how can we become the No. 1 faction and push Xuannvfeng and Sage Valley."

Li Xing moved in his heart and asked, "How about the strength of Xuannvfeng and Sage Valley?"

"Although it is not as good as Tiandaomen, it is not weak, and each has a fairy statue." Zhang Dasheng said, "Except for the aliens living in the forbidden area and the elephants who live in the east and west, these two forces are the biggest."

Li Xing humbly asked for advice, and after one or two visits, he got a complete picture of the situation in Lingzhou. Combined with previous knowledge, we finally have a deeper understanding of this strange place.

Similar to Tianyuanzhou, Lingzhou is blocked in all directions by barriers. The west, the north, and the south all have ends. Only the East China Sea has a vast expanse, and there are billions of aquariums living in the East China Sea.

Adjacent to the East China Sea, there is a vast area called Donghuang. Above the Eastern wasteland, there are people of the Elephant family. Like the Dragon family of Tianyuan is the master of the South China Sea, the Elephant family is also the owner of the Eastern wasteland, and even the antennae extend into the East China Sea.

The people in Xianmen were not born, and the practitioners have a life as a practitioner, and there is almost no intersection with ordinary people. Moreover, Xiuxian has extremely high qualification requirements, and many people cannot even break through the foundation of the first step, which leads to missed opportunities with Xian. This also makes the number of monks in Lingzhou small, but the overall strength is strong.

Although Tianyuanzhou is full of patriots and warriors, the combat power is completely incomparable with that of Monk Jindan. Brother Jindan is equivalent to the realm of God and man.

The practice school is not only the Tiandaomen. In addition, the Xuannv Peak and the Valley of the Saints also have great power. In addition, there are some small martial arts scattered everywhere. There are many hidden retreats who live in the East China Sea and only occasionally walk inland.

There is no help, and then there is a chance to drink together. The three Xu Xiaozu patted their **** and promised to lead Li Xing into the heavenly gate. Li Xing expressed his thanks and decided to go to Tiandaomen with them the next day.

The purpose of these three people going out is to find rough stones and cut out something. Now that I have a demon head, I am quite satisfied. I accompany Li Xing the next day to Tiandaomen.

Tiandu Mountain has a vast area of ​​90,000 miles. Upon entering, Li Xing felt a strong aura, secretly shocked, and asked, "It is indeed a fairy land, and there are so many auras."

Zhang Dasheng laughed: "Our ancestor of the Heavenly Gate, the ancestor of the extremely Yang, exerted unparalleled means to open up the earth's lungs and draw out the aura. He nailed the supreme spirit pulse to the place."

Li Xing nodded, but he thought, "The ancestor of Jiyang is still alive. I don't know how strong he is now. How strong is he now? I don't know what it was like Master."

In the misty sea of ​​hundreds of thousands, the sun is rising, and the peaks are rising, thousands of them. Several people introduced on the way, Tiandaomen, there are three thousand peaks, and each peak is an immortal heritage.

The three thousand mountain peaks include Ziqi Donglaifeng, Guangcheng Peak, Haoran Peak, and so on. There are peak owners sitting on the peak. Each peak owner's repairs are high and low, and they have a number of disciples. Some of these peaks are prosperous, while others are almost withered.

Among the three thousand peaks, there is a main peak. The masters on the peak are like clouds. The disciples are generally inhabited by the elders. The disciples are generally not qualified to enter, and the most mysterious, even the three of them who are in the Tiandaomen are not clear.

Zhang Dasheng three, are descendants of Yu Qingfeng. Yuqing Peak is one of the peaks with greater influence. However, the three clearly did not intend to lead Li Xing to Yu Qingfeng, because Yu Qingfeng's recruitment of disciples was very strict and it was not easy to pass.

Bypassing Yuqing Peak, the three took Li Xing to a bald hill, as if it were a mountain peak, which was cut in half by a giant sword. There is no grass on the top, and there are still broken walls on all sides. There is a thatched hut on the top, and the inside is emitting smoke.

Li Xing opened his eyes and asked, "Where is this place?"

Zhang Dasheng laughed dryly: "Brother Bai, didn't you say you want to join Tiandaomen quickly? Then tell you, it is easiest for Tiandaomen to have only this 'Unknown Peak'. The owner of the peak is unknown.

Li Xing has a feeling of being deceived. Since the visitor does not refuse, why can't half of the figure be seen? It can be seen that what this so-called unnamed peak looks like. But he didn't care. Lai Tian Dao Men Zhi is not here, so he doesn't say anything.

Seeing that Li Xing had no objection, Zhang Dasheng exclaimed: "Unknown senior!"

A lazy voice came from the hut: "Fuck ~ www.readwn.com ~ What's it called? Didn't you see that I was grilling meat?"

Zhang Dasheng twitched at the corner of his mouth, and dare not refute, saying only: "Let's bring a cult wizard to the predecessor.

"Go! I'm not rare!" The other side refused directly.

Xu Xiaozu said to Li Xing: "Brother Bai, the predecessor is angry. You must ask him here, and it will be successful. We still have something to do, let's go ahead." After that, the three turned away.

This time, Li Xing also rolled his eyes. What is this product? Can you even be the master of the peak? At the same time, he also saw that Zhang Dasheng had blown up the cowhide before the three, and what he said to join Tiandaomen was wrapped in them, and now it seems to be nonsense, and he has to rely on himself in the end.

Laughing at himself, Li Xing suddenly felt that it was a pity that Sanhulu Baiyang Liquor landed on the semi-bald peak from the air, and was preparing to meet the so-called peak master for a while.

Step by step, he walked to the thatched hut, took out a gourd Baiyang wine and shook it, then opened the stopper and said, "Senior, junior delivered wine."

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