Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 721: Yakiniku

Chapter 9: Grillers

The wine was overflowing, and in the thatched house, there was a voice with the same nose, and the voice called, "What wine?" Indented. . .

For a moment, the voice of "Guru Guru" Niu Yin came out, and then praised: "Good wine!"

Li Xing smiled and said, "There are still some in the younger hands. I wonder if the seniors want to drink?"

"Come in." Fengzhu Anonymous Master finally spoke.

Li Xingyi was short, entered the thatched house, and saw an old man with a dirty face. He was dirty, wearing a ragged shirt, and was holding a wine gourd. In front of him, there was a fire, and a chicken was stuck in a branch, and it was roasting and eating.

When Li Xing looked closely, he suddenly found that the chicken was not a trivial matter, it was a "sky chicken" among the spirit beasts, and it was a heavenly order beast. This old product is actually roasted with chicken, which is too extravagant.

"Seniors drink a lot." Li complimented, sitting down politely, staring at the chicken that day. Not to mention, the chicken is roasted this day, and the taste is not average. The chicken is all the essence, which is better than taking the medicine.

Mr. Feng gave Li Xing a glance and said, "I want to eat it myself."

Li Xing smiled "hehe", and he was not polite. He reached out and tore a chicken leg, and ate it with interest. As he ate, he said, "Senior, this peak does not accept disciples. If so, see if it is appropriate for me."

"It's not suitable, I didn't know until the assessment." The old goods pointed at Li Xing.

"How to evaluate?" Li Xing asked with a smile.

"Wufeng on the west has a white jade tiger. The tiger meat is delicious and ten times better than the day chicken. If you can steal it from me, even if you pass the assessment," the old goods demanded.

Li Xing was almost choked. This is also called assessment? He looked at the old goods in surprise, and the latter continued: "When you stole, you got it right. Pick the fat ones. Those little heads are too thin and the meat is too little."

Li Xing said nothing and turned away.

Unknown Fengzhu was strange this time, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Steal white jade tiger." Li Xing left a sentence.

Five hundred miles westward, she really saw a mountain peak soaring into the clouds. Above that mountain peak, there is a kind of martial arts breath, but this kind of martial arts is slightly different from Li Xing's martial arts, and it has a kind of anti-sky momentum.

Wufeng is one of the three thousand peaks in Tiandaomen. It is the most powerful one. It is full of immortal martial arts. Few disciples of other peaks dare to go wild here. But Li Xing didn't care about those. He sacrificed the nimble lamp and sneaked into Wufeng silently.

Above Wufeng, the palace is continuous, but ten thousand times stronger than the unknown peak, quite meteorological. It didn't take long for him to find a cold pool near Houshan. In front of that Hantan, five white jade tigers lay on their faces, the largest of which was eight meters away, showing the king's style.

Li Xing touched it, and glanced at the tiger's **** and tiger's back, thinking: "It's fat enough to eat." His trip may not be all about joining Tiandaomen. Passing the assessment, there is a small aspect. I really want to try tiger meat.

This white jade tiger is generally white jade with gloss and bright white. And as soon as the body moved, many ghosts appeared around. It turns out that after the tiger eats people, a trace of souls of those who are eaten will be left for the tiger to drive and help the tiger kill more people.

At a glance, Li Xing found that there were hundreds of those ghosts, and his heart trembled: "It turned out to be an evil tiger, and it just happened to kill." When he thought about it, he stepped forward to hold the tiger.

This tiger is infinitely powerful and belongs to the king of the heavenly order beast. Unfortunately, he encountered Li Xing, the back of the neck tiger skin was caught, the horrible true power was suppressed, and it could not move even a hair.

Li Xing's movement was so fast that his body flickered and the tiger was lifted away. The four nearby tigers didn't even sense anything.

After taking the tiger, Li Xing didn't stop and immediately returned to Anonymous Peak. When he got to Wumingfeng, he put away the nimbus lamp, held a **** tiger, and walked outside the thatched house. He said, "Senior, the tiger is here. How can I kill him?"

A voice came from the room: "Bleed first, then peel."

Li Xing responded with a slap, and the concealed Tianling cover broke. He shoots a ray of sword gas between his fingers, cuts it vertically and horizontally, as if Ding Ding unleashes the cow, picks out the tiger meat, and then wraps it with the tiger skin and captures it into the room.

As soon as Wu Mingfeng's eyes brightened, looking at Li Xing's eyes, he was full of admiration, saying: "Good job, after today, you are the only descendant of Wu Mingfeng." He raised the fire neatly and was about to barbecue.

Li Xingdao: "Immortal Master, let me come." He hit a ring finger, a light of light fell to the ground, and then "screamed" into a five-color flame, but it is the five elements of real fire.

Wuming Fengzhu was happy to rub his hands: "Okay, there is really fire."

Together, the two men took out the boxy tiger meat and grilled it on the fire.

After baking for a while, Li Xing asked, "Xian Shi, have you been grilling meat like this before?"

Wuming Fengzhu squinted his eyes: "What? Is it wrong to bake this way?"

"Very wrong." Li Xing sighed. "Although the taste of tiger meat is beautiful, it is too simple and should be seasoned."

As he said, he took out a lingering fruit, squeezed his hand, and the blue juice dripped down into the tiger's flesh. This cyan fruit juice has the same effect as salt, but it is by no means salt and tastes more delicious.

After that, he took out the red, green and purple fruits and mixed the various juices together. Some are spicy, some are sour, and some are salty. The aroma of tiger meat is instantly overflowing, and the taste is extreme.

This hand was learned by Li Xing from Yuanbao. Yuanbao is scared of things, but most of them are stubborn. Many of the fruit that Li Xing planted were scourged by him. He made a variety of juices and drank them as tea. His skills were so good that even Li Xing couldn't help learning. A few hands.

At this moment, the fruit juice of Ling Guo was matched with the flesh of the Heavenly Order Spirit Beast, it was a perfect match, even Li Xing felt that he had the talent to be a cook.

Wumingfeng's main saliva ran down, wiped his mouth, and said, "Boy, there is a future!"

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and hit the iron while he was hot, and said, "Xian Shi, we have no name, how can we be so run-down? Has anything happened?"

Anonymous Fengzhu closed his mouth and said nothing. Li Xing quickly changed the subject and said, "Immortal Master, listen to a few of them, the maiden of Tiandaomen has been locked up? Why is this?"

Wuming Fengzhu hummed, "There are a lot of questions." However, he still answered Li Xing's question and said, "The maiden did something that made the palm teacher angry and was naturally locked up."

The meat roasted by the five elements of real fire has a strong flavor of the five elements, and the taste is very good. Li Xing took out two gourd wine and drank it.

In the meantime, Li Xing struck side by side, asked some questions of concern, and got a satisfactory answer.

After eating and drinking, Unknown Fengzhu sighed. Now Li Xing wondered, "Immortal Master, why sigh?"

Wu Mingfeng sighed: "There are only four white jade tigers. Eat one less. What if you ate it all? Yunfeng's phoenix meat is sour, not as good as tiger meat."

Li Xing is speechless, fuck. What else can this old good eat besides eating?

After saying that, what did the unknown Master think again, frowning: "Don't call me Xianshi, call me Lao Zhou."

Li Xingzhi had a strange temper, and nodded in agreement, saying, "Lao Zhou, as an unnamed peak passer, should you teach me something?"

Lao Zhou Ba used his nails to pull the flesh in his teeth, lazily saying, "The Tao is nameless.

Obviously, the other party's words were shit, but Li Xing nodded and said, "I see."

In this way, a disciple was added to Wuming Peak. The disciples on the outer peaks found that the smoke from the unnamed peak continued to smoke from day to night, and the aroma of the barbecue could float a hundred miles away, letting the passing people flow.

Xu Xiaozu seemed to have forgotten Li Xing and never visited him again. Unconsciously, three months later, in addition to stealing spirit beasts and eating barbecue, Li Xing secretly cultivated and opened up ten dragon elephants.

On this day, Lao Zhou was not on the peak and I didn't know where to go, only Li Xing was there. Suddenly, there was a clear yell from outside: "The old thief on the anonymous peak, come out to Miss Ben!"

Li Xing awoke from the decision, and said that his heart was broken, and the suffering master came. In the past three months, the spirit beast of the three thousand peaks has been scourged by him a lot, and they all entered the stomach. Those on the peak were not unaware of who did it, but they could not find evidence.

After Li Xing and Lao Zhou ate the spirit beast, they would destroy the corpses neatly, and the traces would not be left, so others could not take them anymore.

When someone came to your door, you couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb. Li Xing shook his shirt and walked out of the thatched house. Looking out, he narrowed his eyes. In the air, there were a group of monks of Xianmen. There were more than a dozen people, the middle one was a young girl, seventeen or eighteen.

The small waist is slender, the eyebrows are curved, the skin is white and thin, and it can scoop out water. She wore a red dress and was very eye-catching. At this moment she was glaring at Li Xing with her hands on her hips.

With a look of confusion, Li Xing said, "You brothers come to my nameless peak, what can you tell me?"

"Hmm! Still pretending to be the old ghost out!" The young girl scolded, pointing at Li Xing, with a look of impulse ~ www.readwn.com ~ very arrogant.

Li Xing trembled: "No wonder the old goods suddenly went out today, Bacheng knew that there was trouble coming to the door." He secretly cursed a few words, accompanied the laughter, "The peak owner is indeed not ..."

"Boy, the old stealing spirit beast, you must be involved, right? Step forward and kneel down to accompany the little sister and sister!" A man stepped forward, expressing eloquence and staring at Li Xing.

This man is actually a Jiupin status. It seems that as long as Li Xing does not kneel, he will start.

"Yes! Kneel down and plead guilty to the teacher, otherwise I won't spare you today!"

"Huh! The old thief accepted a little thief. It wasn't a good thing at first sight. It's fine today!"

The men behind the girl spoke out loud.

When Li Xing didn't hear it, he said to himself: "Lao Zhou said that each peak has its own rules, and the disciples of Waifeng must not go in and out at random, otherwise, they will break their dog legs."

After that, he stared at the group of people, and laughed, making everyone laugh at the soles of his feet.

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