Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 722: Zhou Xianwentian

Chapter 10: Zhou Xian asks the sky

It was a smile that looked down on the world, Shenlong looked down at the caterpillar. . . One of them couldn't bear it immediately. He took a step forward, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at?" He reached for Li Xing's collar.

Li Xing walked slightly, turned into a phantom of nothingness, stretched his foot and hit the other person's calf.

"Click!" The man broke his leg and the man screamed and fell to the ground.

The others were taken aback. The young girl was so angry that her face was pale, pointing at Li Xing: "You stole my" fatty "I raised, how dare you hit someone?"

The girl was the daughter of the Lord of the Sword Peak, and raised a heavenly spirit beast, which was stolen by Li Xing and Lao Zhou. The girl was furious, so she came up to the theory.

The others shouted, "Little sister doesn't have to talk to him more, talk later!"

The crowd swarmed over, besieging Li Xing. Li Xing turned into a phantom and kicked. He was too fast and terribly powerful, no one could hide. Listening only to the sound of "click" and "click", they fell to the ground one by one.

Just three breaths before and after, all a dozen male disciples were kicked off their legs, lying on the ground and humming.

Li Xingbei lost both hands and pointed at them and scolded: "Asshole is a bastard! Wuming Peak is also where you scatter the wild? Get me out!"

There was a strange "bang", and everyone was kicked and flew, a scream sounded, and then went away, shocking the disciples passing by.

"Look, what's happening on the Anonymous Peak? Who's yelling, it's weird like a pig," someone said.

"Someone seems to have been taught, hey, go, watch the excitement go!"

So it didn't take long for many people to gather around Wuming Peak. At this time, there was no one to accompany the girl, and she was the only one left. Li Xing smirked on his face and approached step by step.

"You ... what are you doing?" The girl was frightened. In her opinion, Li Xing shot fiercely, and she was very powerful and bold, and she might dare to kill her.

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and said fiercely, "I said that I would be punished for breaking into Benfeng. Hurry up and stretch out my legs to break a few bones."

The girl screamed in fright, suddenly crushing a piece of jade charm. The jade charm was broken, emitting a ray of strange light, and at the same time, a long howling came from a mountain peak in the distance.

"What? It's actually Wang Feng, the first wizard of Jianfeng!" Someone opened his eyes wide. "This is a great show. Wang Han has always been interested in Ding Lan, the daughter of Jianfeng's master, and will definitely not let go of this new Come guy. "

"Wang Han is one of the top three in heaven in the younger generation. Swordsmanship dominates, and even many peak masters are not their opponents! It seems that the boy of Anonymous Peak is going to be unlucky."

A dazzling sword light fell from the sky, and the sharp sword qi emanated. Within a radius of 100 miles, there are ghost swords everywhere, like small fish, swimming around. The disciples who watched lively nearby were terrified and did not dare to move.

However, Jianqi didn't hurt them, just cruised around.

A man, fluttering in white, appeared in front of the girl Ding Lan. His square forehead, eyebrow, and jade-like nose, with every move, seemed to be a sharp sword, killing the Quartet, invincible to the world.

The presence of this person caused Li Xing to frown slightly, and he could see that the other party should be the second-grade divine, which is quite divine. And a sword skill, has already reached the realm, man and sword are one.

Compared with him, Li Xing looks much shabby. He looks only fifteen or sixteen and is not very young. And it is only the cultivation of Erpin Jindan Renxian, it seems that it is not in a grade.

"Sister Shi, how dare this person be bad for you?" Wang Han spoke, scornfully glancing at Li Xing, and asked the girl.

Seeing Wang Han, the girl sighed with relief, then stared resentfully at Li Xing, and said, "Brother, kill him for me!"

Wang Han didn't ask the reason, and said, "Okay." Jianming trembled, a ray of sword gas appeared in his brows, locking Li Xing.

These two were too arrogant at every turn, and Li Xing's face sank. He said, "It is advisable to kill the two. There is risk in killing, so be careful.

Ding Lan said sharply, "You little fairy, in front of my brother, is not as good as an ant. What is the risk of killing you? Brother, you immediately cut off his hands and feet. I see that old thief can say that what!"

Wang Han nodded slightly: "Okay." The flicker of Jianxin's heart flickered into a ray of swordlight, and shot at Li Xing like a needle, quickly and extremely quickly.

Before Jianguang arrived, a murderous spirit slashed over, leaving Li Xing's brows slightly tingling. He was secretly surprised, dared not to care, and quickly pointed it out. With this finger, he used the imperial star wheel to play an imperial star technique, calling it "split star finger".

As the name suggests, this astrology is practiced to a certain degree, and it can crush the stars with one finger, showing how terrifying the power is.

A touch of starlight, in response to the sharp sword gas, made a "wave" sound, Li Xing did not move, but Wang Han was shocked to retreat three steps, and the entire anonymous peak was "boomed".

Wang Han's face changed, and his eyes were clear, and he said, "Very well, your strength is so strong that you are qualified to fight against me!" Around him, an earth-shattering momentum began to soar, and a vortex of sword light appeared on him. Above the head, getting bigger and bigger.

In all directions, from all walks of life, infinite murderousness, countless sword intentions came together. Within a thousand miles, all of them are terrifying sword qi, forming a sword qi enchantment.

Li Xing immediately felt the strong pressure, and he lifted the nameless iron rod out, without saying a word, he would go out in a fuck. This stick hit, Qianshan trembled, the void collapsed, and the sky's sword was broken.

One fell for ten sessions, and the opponent's swordsmanship became even stronger, but Li Xing's strength was too strong and overwhelmed. The pressure of terror locked Wang Han. He was shocked to find that his figure was instantly fixed, and even the immortality on his body could not be performed.

This is the absolute suppression caused by absolute power, which suppresses his immortal skills and even his ability to act.

"Ah! Impossible! I am a genius who can't be defeated in the hands of the heavenly man. How can I be defeated by the hand of the little fairy? I don't accept it!" He yelled, his eyebrows curled up, and he even struggled out, sending out a bright sword light, Hit the iron rod.

Ding Lan was startled, is this still human? It is so powerful that even Brother Wang Han, who is number one in swordsmanship, does not seem to be an opponent!


Although he barely issued a sword, the difference in strength was too great. Wang Han's sword light shattered. His legs broke with a click, his knees fell, and he knelt down.

The iron rod was only three inches above his head. Li Xing held the rod and stared at Ding Lan coldly, asking, "Who is an ant?"

"You ..." Ding Lan's face turned blue, not knowing what to say. Only then did she and Wang Han not look at each other. How could you know that the situation was going down? Who could have thought that this person was so strong?


A burst of applause sounded, Lao Zhou smiled and patted his palm out of the void, and said, "Ah, it is worthy of the successor of the unknown peak, okay, very good!" Baby, don't get out of here, want to continue kneeling? "

Wang Han's complexion turned green and white for a while, then he screamed unwillingly to the sky, turned into a sword light, and flew away, leaving behind a string of resentful words: "Anonymous Peak! My Wang Han will revenge!"

Li Xing snorted, put away the iron rod, and said, "Lao Zhou, this chick is over to you."

Lao Zhou smiled "Hey", and said to the girl, "Dinger, aren't you leaving?"

Ding Lan stomped her hate and turned and left. She decided to tell her father, Jianfeng's master, this matter is not over!

People who have watched the liveliness are already stunned. There is such a thing in the world! Erpindi Xian was actually struck by Erpin Renxian, which was ten levels worse!

"Legendary! You can win beyond ten levels, absolutely legendary!"

In general, the realm is ten different, which is a very different distance, and it is impossible to defeat the opponent retrogradely. If this is the case, then he is a legend, a legend of the entire Lingzhou, a peerless wizard who will never be seen for thousands of years.

Ding Lan was gone, and the people watching it disappeared with shock. Presumably it won't be long before the name "Bai Yunfei" will be spread throughout Tiandaomen, and people at Sanqianfeng will know his existence.

"Anonymous Peak has risen." Wai Feng said.

In the thatched house, Lao Zhou was drinking dullly. From time to time, he took a look at Li Xing, his look was very complicated. Li Xing whistleed and blazed a small piece of spiritual meat, which was exactly the one Ding Lan kept.

"You must have your own secret." Lao Zhou said. "But I won't ask, every legend has its own legend."

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Lao Zhou, don't you have a story?"

"Yeah." Lao Zhou smiled, his smile was a bit desolate. "Three hundred years ago, who didn't know that Zhou Zhou was the first wizard of Tiandaomen?"

Li Xing didn't speak. He knew this week and seemed to decide to tell him something. This was a good start.

"At that time, I was full of spirits. I entered the fairyland at the age of eighteen. At the age of twenty-seven, I became the youngest fairy at the age of thirty-six. I became the youngest fairy in the history of Tiandaomen ~ www.readwn.com I thought that one day, I would step into the summit of Xiandao, shatter the void, and rise into heaven. "

"One day, I got a baby." Zhou Xiandao said with a complex look. "That's 'Ask the Mirror'."

"Ask the sky mirror?" Li Xing Yiyi said, "what's the magic?"

"Ask the goggles to know the past and future, and you can break a person's future." Zhou Xiandao said.

Li Xing frowned: "The imagination is unpredictable, and I ca n’t ask questions, otherwise it ’s easy to disturb the mood. Besides, all the way to cultivate immortals is against the heavens, who can judge?"

Zhou Xian smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, I was far worse than you at that time, and finally asked about the mirror."

"What did you see?" Li Xing asked.

"It will be three hundred years later, and when it strikes the realm of Xianzun, the body will die." Zhou Xian sighed. "Now, exactly three hundred years have passed."

Li Xingdao: "Because you know the future, you are depressed and have never cultivated?"

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