Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 723: Anonymous Gate

Chapter 11: Anonymous Door

"I blame the heavens and others, and angrily interrupted Wuming Peak and drove all the disciples on the peak out. Then, one person stayed here until today." Zhou Xiandao said, "I spend every day in boredom, At this moment, I want to come, even if I know what is the fate? The way to immortal is to fight against heaven and fight against ourselves. "

"It's not too late." Li Xing laughed. "Otherwise, you wouldn't tell me all this."

Zhou Xian laughed: "Yes, for three hundred years, although I haven't made any advances, but after countless things, even marrying a wife and having a child in the world, I have made a fairy heart very firm."

"Congratulations." Li Xing smiled. "Surely soon, you are Zhou Xianjun."

Zhou Xiandao: "But the nameless vein cannot be broken because of me. Fortunately, with your presence, I can safely leave this place."

Li Xing shook his head and shook his head: "Old man Zhou, you want to be beautiful, you want to leave this broken place to me? I don't do it." He refused so utterly, joke, what's so good about this unnamed peak, it's like a bird not pulling Shit, dogs don't pee.

Zhou Xian smiled again: "Three thousand peaks of Heavenly Road, each peak has a kind of inheritance. Want to know the origin of Heavenly Road Gate?"

Li Xing said, "Please."

"Before Tiandaomen was not established, the entire Lingzhou was composed of countless immortal sects. They were scattered around, and they often fought to seize the resources for the cultivation of immortals. Until the ancestor of Jiyang was born, he swept through with one person. Throughout Lingzhou, the collection of fairyland classics and the creation of the heavenly gate. "

"All the Xiandao martial arts belonged to him, and they sorted out the three thousand immortals. The ancestor of Jiyang said at the time that the three thousand magic methods of Xianmen were first in namelessness." Zhou Xiandao said, "what do you know as unnamed?"

"The beginning of the unknown world." Li Xingdao, his understanding of Xiandao is also extremely extraordinary.

"Well said, no name is the beginning of the Yuan, primitive is the ultimate pursuit of Xianjia, don't you want to learn?" Zhou Xian asked with a smile.

Of course, Li Xing wanted to learn, and his practice of Xiaoyao Jing was obviously inferior to this nameless method. Although his immortal path condenses, he is not the best. If you want to cultivate the immortal path, the inheritance of this unknown peak is an opportunity.

"Let me think about it." Li Xing frowned. He came to Tiandaomen. His main goal was to inquire about his parents. He didn't waste much time here.

For a long time, he seemed to have figured it out, saying, "Okay, I'm willing."

Zhou Xian nodded: "That's the case, I'll pass you the nameless way now." His hands immortalized, and his eyebrows shot out an inexplicable brilliance and broke into Li Xing's mud ball palace.

This is a mysterious and mysterious idea, an unknown realm, the pursuit of the beginning of the Yuan, retrograde battle.

"The name can be named, very famous; the Tao can be said, very Tao; nameless, the beginning of all things; famous, the mother of all things ..." Suddenly, Li Xing's mind sounded a passage from a previous life.

The text of the scripture is concise, and the content it records resonates with the unknown, and Li Xing thinks, seems to realize, and settles down. In a state that seems to be intentional or unintentional, there is no "I" in the world.

Xiandao is also a kind of Tao, although it goes against it. Li Xing's real human body happens to be the innate Tao body. As for the realization of the Tao, no one can be better today. For three days, in just three days, his body was full of light, and a mysterious atmosphere was released.

The whole of him seems to have not changed in the slightest, and he seems to have been reborn. In the chaotic array, the magic array produced a wonderful change, condensed into an inexplicable portal, called the gate of the unknown.

Zhou Xian looked shocked, and said: "Three days to get the word, unprecedented! Boy, you are a genius!"

Li Xing smiled slightly. His cultivation on the Immortal Road has reached the "earth immortal" realm, condensing a fairy gate in his body. Xianmen is equivalent to Famen, and further, the fairy cells can be gathered.

At the thought, the nameless door rushed out from the heart of the eyebrow. It didn't have much power, but it made people feel mysterious. This is the nameless, also Yuanshi, this gate, also known as the gate of Yuanshi.

Zhou Xian laughed, shouted from the sky, and thundered loudly, yelling, "Today, the mountain is reopened without a name, and disciple Bai Yun is promoted to be the master!"

The sound spread through the three thousand peaks, and the peaks shook.

The next day, the main peak sent a messenger to register "Bai Yunfei" and officially recognized his identity. In Tiandaomen, the inheritance of each peak is determined by the owner. In fact, the whole Tiandaomen is a very loose martial art.

Only when the enemy is present will they unite and fight together.

On the third day, the leaders of other peaks came one after another. Zhou Xian felt that the bare mountain peaks were ridiculous, and went out for a trip to display the supreme immortal energy. He moved to a peak and inserted it into place.

After that, they opened up the ground, attracted the aura, performed the immortal method, planted exotic flowers and plants, and built the pavilion. Almost overnight, the Anonymous Peak changed dramatically and became a paradise on earth.

Those who come to see the Lord of the Peak, in name is to see, actually want to see Li Xing's strength. The first Feng Lord to come is the Lord of Jianfeng. Obviously, this person is not good.

The Lord of the Sword Peak is the one with the highest strength among all the Peak Lords, and has reached the level of the immortal of the first grade. The master of Jianfeng, named Ding Jianan.

Along with Ding Jianan, there are a dozen other peak leaders, led by them. As soon as Ding Jian'an arrived, he said, "Where is the Unknown Lord? Come out and welcome!"

"Welcome your mother!" He yelled and yelled, and then Li Xing, holding the iron rod, walked out with a swing, followed by the lazy Zhou Xian.

Ding Jianan's face was cold: "Speaking well, I blame me for teaching you." Zhangkou sprayed, billions of tens of milliseconds of light rushed out, and every gleam of light was a hint of sword. This is an upper-bound fairy, called the sword of ten thousand swords to penetrate the heart, to kill life.

Li Xing was motionless and let out an unknown door. He has to deal with this person purely by means of the fairy house. As soon as the nameless door came out, it released a chaotic and strange light, which captured hundreds of millions of swords.

Subsequently, the Anonymous Gate shook for a moment, and the sky was gone.

Ding Jianan's body is slightly shaken ~ www.readwn.com ~ Take a step back and say in surprise: "Anonymous Door!"

The rest of the peak masters were also surprised. This nameless gate was established since the Tiandao Gate, and only two people came to realize it. One is Jiyang ancestor, the other is Zhou Xian!

The crowd was surprised. Li Xing hung his nameless door and glanced fiercely at the crowd, saying, "I know you are coming to your door for trouble, and you are not convinced to come together!"

Feng Zhu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Some people said, "It's arrogant! Even if you understand Wuming, it's just a ten-pin fairy. Why is it so enlightened? Master Ding Feng, you must teach this person well!"

Although the speaker was righteous, he still had to make Ding Jian'an help, obviously he was not sure to win Li Xing.

Ding Jian'an was pushed out, and he was the mastermind of the trip. He couldn't back down, sneer: "Okay! Let me teach you today, my sword of Supreme Supreme!"


The mountains shook, Ding Jianan's whole body, burst out of invincible sword energy, connected the sky, and boundless, seemed to be able to cut the sky and cut the ground apart, so that Zhou Xian also slightly discolored, and his expression was dignified.

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