Chapter 13: Reunion

After Dongfangyu returned to Liangyi Peak, he seriously addressed the Lord's Eastern Holy Path: "Father, I decided to understand Wuming." He went directly into the retreat, in fact, he has become a puppet of Li Xing.

When Li Nature was found, Li Xing's mind set aside a big piece. The next step was to find a way to see his mother, Princess Yu. Princess Yu Shi was locked into the heavenly prison of the main peak of Tiandao. On that main peak, all the core figures of Tiandaomen were filled.

Generally, only the annual Tiandao Conference can be held once. The people on the main peak are mostly immortals with extraordinary strength. Therefore, it is quite difficult to rescue Princess Yu.

However, there was nothing difficult about it. I was afraid of someone with a heart. After three months of unannounced visits, Li Xing finally found a breakthrough. Take care of the prison in Tianlian, and change it in March. The repair of the prison is not very high. They are mainly responsible for monitoring the prisoner's situation and responsible for security inspections.

In a few days, the jail will come out and change to the next one. The upcoming prisoner, named Sun for gold. Sun exchanged gold for ten products and immortals, on the main peak are working-level little men.

However, this man married a small house, but was raised in a valley below the peak. Whenever there is time, Sun will change his gold to live in the valley for a while and enjoy a gentle time.

On that day, Sun changed his money to the valley, and as soon as he entered the hospital, he was slapped in the head with a slap. Li Xing stepped out from behind and turned into a mote, falling on him.

Sun changed his face for a while, and then returned to his normal appearance. He disappeared and went directly to the main peak. In the middle of the night today, it was the time he was on duty in the prison. It was only three months after he left, so he decided to come to the valley to see Xiaoyu.

Li Xing looked for his whereabouts and waited in advance. Of course, Sun's little sister-in-law was already under his control.

Jin did not replace the main peak, and even passed seven levels. If it were not for the sign on his body, even an acquaintance would not pass. This main peak occupies a very large area, reaching as high as ten thousand meters. Each section of the mountain has different palaces.

The fighting power of Tiandaomen, elders at all levels, and servants all live here. That day's jail, set high on the main peak, was heavily guarded.

When Sun changed his gold to Tian prison, the on-duty Chen was a bit surprised and laughed: "Sun changed his money, you are working fast today, and you came early."

Sun Huanjin laughed and said, "I just had a quarrel with that little girl and I was upset, so I came up in advance. Lao Chen, go back, I'll do it."

Lao Chen nodded. After all, staying here is worse than being at ease outside, saying: "I'm gone, be careful, there are a few murderers **** recently."

"Understand, not the first time on duty." Sun Huanjin laughed and watched the other party leave.

Lao Chen left, and Jin did not change the door, and entered the first portal. Inside, there were extremely complicated fairy arrays. One set was heavy, the other was careless. Taoists had to die out, very powerful.

Finally, Jin Buhuan came out of a fairy array. This fairy array emits seven-color fairy light. In the central position, a seven-color hill floats in the air, and a woman sits beneath it.

This woman is beautiful and elegant, she opens her eyes, and her eyes are beautiful, like a nine-day fairy, indifferently saying: "Sun exchanges gold, I asked you to inquire about it, did you ask?"

She is Princess Yu, the birth mother of Li Xing. The dust fell and turned into Li Xing's body, and he stepped forward and worshiped, "Master, mother!"

Princess Yu was surprised and looked at Li Xing: "You are ..."

"Baby Li Xing! Your son!" He took Li Nature out of the sky again.

For a moment, Li Ziran and Yu Shiyun were both stunned.

"Sister Fei ..." Li Ziran's voice trembled, tears were falling like rain. At that time, Princess Yu was older than him, and she always forced Li to be called "Sister Consort". This secret was even known to Li Xing today.

Li Xing's scalp was numb, pulling Sun to change his gold and go out. Behind him, there was a cry, and for a long time, a gentle call came: "Xinger, come and let Mom see it."

With a sigh, Li Xing didn't have any pain in his mother's life. This time he could make up for it. He brewed his emotions and turned back.

"Mom, I want to die ..." Li Xing plunged into the fairy array, billions of brilliance flashed and strangled, but as soon as he got close to him, he was bounced by the force of a real person without any damage.

Princess Yu's eyes are all straight, and her son is not afraid of fairy array? She was in a daze, Li Xing had plunged into her arms and wept. This time, it was felt. In the last life, his greatest willingness when he was a child was to be able to have a mother who loved him.

When he grew up in the lonely courtyard, he didn't know what mother's love was. Although there is an earth-shattering practice today, this wish has never been forgotten.

Princess Yu also cried with tears. She hugged Li Xing and patted him on the back, and said, "Don't cry, Xing'er, it's not good for the mother."

Li Xing was crying, crying all over the sky, and the sorrow cloud was bleak, which suppressed Li's natural emotions, and she felt that the mother and the child were deeply affectionate. This boy had kissed himself this way.

After crying for a while, Li Xing said with tears, "Mom, your son will take you away and leave this ghost place." He slaps his hands into the sky with a loud bang, and the impertinent fairy array directly collapses.

This fairy array can trap and kill the fairy, but he broke it with his hand.

Princess Yu was shocked and delighted: "My baby is a very powerful person." And he said, "Hurry up, once the fairy array is broken, it will shock the people on the peak."

Li Xing nodded, taking both parents into Baiyang Jingtian, and then sacrificed the nimble lamp and directly extruded it. Sun changed the gold to lead the way. Li Xing knew that there were still several places and suppressed several characters. He went forward one by one, broke the fairy array by two or three times, and rescued people.

Before and after, he rescued a total of five people. These five people, four men and one woman, have a strange breath on their bodies, like the breath of a tribe! This is the reason why Li Xing took the initiative to save people. The Dragon Emperor asked him to catch a few elephants and go back. So why not do it?

Li Xing broke out of the prison, and several figures appeared in the air, locking him. At this point, he had restored his original appearance, and no one knew he was Bai Yunfei. These figures, all of the Xianjun series, stared at him.

With no fear, Li Xing stretched out his hand and crushed a charm, then said, "Here are the core disciples of Xiawanmen, see several seniors."

In his words, several immortal monks were stunned, and one immortal asked: "Are you a disciple of ten thousand disciplines? Why did you go to heaven prison? Who gave you permission?"

"It was Taiyuan Xianzun who let the villain come." Li Xing said nonsense, "said to let go of the saint."

Taiyuan Xianzun is the head of heaven, Li Xing's grandfather.

With that said, several immortal monks were stunned. Isn't this possible? The sage is the daughter of the teacher after all. Did the teacher decide to forgive her?

Thinking of this, it took a lot of time. In the void, a huge palm appeared out of thin air, and Li Xing was taken away. A few immortals were furious, screaming at them, and chasing big hands.

Unfortunately, they moved too slowly. The shot was taken by the Dragon Emperor, the strongest Taoist series, and Li Xing was rescued instantly.

"Hurry up and report to teach! Master is coming!" The whole Tiandao Gate was alarmed. Unfortunately, who can stop Dao Zun?

After a while, Li Xing had returned to the Dragon Palace and was in the palace of the Dragon Palace. With a wave of his hand, five elephants were put down. The four men and one woman trembled when they saw the Dragon Emperor and said in surprise, "You ... Are you a Dragon?"

Dragons and elephants are natural enemies. Although they have never met, they can feel each other's breath.

The Dragon Emperor said lightly, "Li Xing, you take back your parents and take them to walk around the Dragon Palace. If you need anything, go to the Dragon Palace Director and open your mouth."

Li Xing stepped down. At this point, he returned to Bai Yunfei's appearance, a young man at the level of the fairy.

Six women, Chen Xue, Chen Shuang, Xue Ling, Bei Shibing, Shuiyue, and Murong Jiaojiao, all came to Baiyang Jingtian at this moment, appearing in front of Li Nature and Yu Yu.

Princess Yushi smiled like a flower, she curiously looked at six women who looked like flowers, and was very satisfied, and said yes and again. The six women were also quite unnatural. Under Li Xing's eyes, they all stepped forward to meet.

"Daughter-in-law has seen father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law Wan'an, mother-in-law Wan'an."

"Get up, don't be polite to the family." Princess Yu Yu lifted them up and took out six jade puppets from her body with a smile. This jade pendant is carved from fairy jade, and has the same magical function as the Buddha's beads. It is very precious.

There are ten princes in the hands of Princess Yu, belonging to her family. They are polished from the same piece of fairy jade and passed down for thousands of years.

The women thanked the family for their reunion and gathered together for the first time.

Reiki gathered into tables, chairs, and Yuanbao, picking up the spiritual fruit one by one and giving it to everyone to share. Li Xing took out Baiyang wine and spread it on the table with many exotic foods, and the family ate a reunion dinner.

"Master Father, Master Mother, baby toast you, congratulations on your reunion." Li Xing stood up and toasted.

Li Ziran sighed: "The past is like smoke ~ ~ At this moment, I want to come, as if dreaming." He looked at Li Xing, "I Li Zicheng fell down all his life, but gave birth to such a good son, contented." He drank it.

Princess Yu also smiled a little, and said, "Xinger, I really ca n’t see you as a mother. How did you cultivate this practice? It is a fairy house method and a witchcraft method, and the realm of this method And very clever. "

Li Xing smiled "hehe" and immediately hid nothing and said everything. Li Ziran and Princess Yu are intrigued again and again to meet the Emperor Tianxie.

The aura around him condensed into a virtual shadow. Li Ziran and Princess Yu stepped forward to meet: "See the Emperor!"

The word "Great Emperor" represents a kind of extremely high achievement. The extreme existence of Taoism has once dominated the entire Tianyuanzhou, showing how powerful it is.

Emperor Tianxie nodded slightly, and the first sentence asked: "Mrs. Li, I have a question, where is the ancestor of Jiyang today? Why hasn't he realized Jiuyangzhu?" Princess Yu can answer.

The power of Jiuyang belongs to the nine most magical powers between heaven and earth, and contains the secrets of great heaven and earth. In this sentence, even Li Xing raised his ears.

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