Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

: 724 Goodbye Li Ziran

Chapter 12: Goodbye Li Nature

The terrifying and sharp sword atmosphere shrouded the Quartet up and down, forming a sword enchantment, trapping Li Xing in it. Sensen murderous, straight through the soul. The same is the sword enchantment. Ding Jian Anshi exhibited it. Compared with Wang Han, I don't know how many times he was overbearing. He is indeed a master at the fairy level.

In the face of the sky's sword qi, Li Xing was very calm and calm, saying: "The sword is also the road, break me!" A finger was stretched out, and the unknown door oscillated continuously. A starlight shot out of the portal.

That starlight is extremely brilliant and unparalleled. It cannot describe its color and change rapidly; it cannot describe its sharpness, it seems to be able to cut through nine days and ten places. The Emperor Star technique issued by the natal star wheel is exhibited through the door of the unknown, and has extraordinary power.

"One sword, light cold, nineteen continents, kill!"

The dazzling sword light illuminated the sky, and the sword qi rushed, and the 100,000 clouds were scattered; the sword qi shook, the mountains and mountains trembled, and the creatures fled. This momentum shocked the whole Tiandaomen.

The chaotic martial arts will blend with it, with the help of the supreme power, it will show a stunning blow.

"Oh my God! What sword art is that? It seems that the power of the stars is concentrated, and the power of all heavens and blessings are blessed by it, this ..." Seeing the bustling Feng Master's face changed, he exclaimed.

"Legendary sword!" Someone sighed. "Able to kill Xian!"


As if in the early hours of the morning, a ray of sunlight rising from the east, fiercely bright, shining a dawn. Li Xing's sword spirit broke through the sword world and rose to the sky. Nine days went up, and the lower finger pointed to the nether world.

Ding Jianan's swordsmanship was broken, his face was as dead as a face, and he saw a prismatic swordman, broke through the limit of time and space, and instantly killed him at the position of his eyebrow, but eventually stopped.

The young man, fluttering in white, and Yushu facing the wind, stood indifferently in the air, and said lightly: "Read the friendship of the same door, spare your life, get out!"

Ding Jian left Anming Peak peacefully, and the rest of the peak owners finally realized that Anonymous Peak was finally about to rise. In the distance, Ding Lan burst into tears, stared at Li Xing resentfully, and followed his father.

One sword defeated the immortal, and no one dared to look down on Anonymous Peak again. The next Feng leaders met with great courtesy, and even sent gifts. Li Xing was not polite.

Few days later, the number of visitors gradually decreased. Li Xing felt that the timing was almost the same, and as the unknown peak owner, he went to look for Li Ziran, the father of this life.

During this time, he had inquired long ago, and found out where Li Ziran was. He was detained at Liang Yifeng. The master of Liangyi Feng, Dongfang Sheng, has a son Dongfangyu. This Dongfangyu is the person who detained Li Ziran, the fourth-grade fairy, and the core disciple of Tiandaomen.

Li Xing sneaked into Liang Yifeng many times, but he couldn't find Li Ziran's figure. He decided to capture Dongfang Yu directly and ask the situation. Now that he has the identity of the owner of the peak, no one will find it.

On this day, he took two gourds Baiyang wine, two anti-Pandan medicines, and went to Liangyi Peak to meet. Some time ago, Liang Yifeng, the Lord of the East, also visited the Anonymous Peak. This is a return visit.

Liangyi Peak, the tradition of Liangyi, has beautiful mountains and rivers, and there are many outstanding disciples on the peak. Lord Wuming came to worship, Dongfang Sheng came out to greet him, and arched a hand and smiled: "Oh, Lord Bai Feng is welcome, please sit down."

In the living room, Li Xing put down the elixir. On that elixir, the glory was soaring, and the blind man could see that it was extraordinary.

Dongfang Sheng's eyes brightened, and he said that the nameless peak was really generous. Last time, I just sent a few sets of purple jade tea set, and he actually gave back such valuable things.

Li Xing laughed: "Small gift, no respect. I have heard that Guifeng's Oriental Yugong has amazing qualifications and is about to break through the fourth grade immortal? He specially sent two anti-celestial medicines, Xianzhendan I hope that I can make an early breakthrough. "

Dongfang Sacred Heart laughed: "Brother Lao, where can you be a dare?" Then ordered, "Have Dongfangyu come to meet Lord Bai Feng."

For a moment, Dongfangyu came out. Dongfang Yu, I don't know how many years have lived, but it looks like he is still in his early twenties. He also knows what happened. They sent Xian Zhendan to the door. That was a kindness. He naturally came to see him politely.

"Dongfang Yu met Lord Bai Feng." His eyes were fixed on Xian Zhendan, his eyes were shining, and he was indeed preparing to break through. With these two immortals, there is a greater chance of success.

Li Xing looked so happy, he stood up and said, "At the sight of Brother Dongfang, I was happy in my heart. It seems that you and I have a destiny, Brother Dongfang, please sit down."

Dongfang Yu secretly surprised, does this person really like himself? He sat down and talked about each other. The Dongfang Saint also secretly rejoiced, saying that if Yuer could become friends with this person, it would be very good for him in the future. This unknown peak master, with unpredictable strength and amazing potential, may become a Taoist master in the future.

After talking a few words, Li Xing said, "Brother Dongfang, Liangyi and Wuming have similarities. It's better, you can sit at my Wuming Peak today, and I'll pass on your Wuming, how?"

Dongfang Yu is stunned, is this man stupid? Send inverse panax medicament, and send an unknown name? Although he thought so, it was cheap, and he certainly wouldn't miss it. After a few words of excuse, he said, "There will be work."

Dongfang Sheng is even more pleased. If Liang Yifeng can be inherited anonymously, he may have the opportunity to become the first peak in the future!

In this way, Li Xing deceived Dongfang Yu to the Anonymous Peak, saying that he was anonymous. On the peak, the two entered a Dan room.

Dongfang Yu is very looking forward to it, according to Li Xing's intention, let go of his heart and accept his expressiveness. Although there was a small guard in his heart, how could he stop Li Xing's supreme thought?

What was taught at first was a nameless one, but the next moment was the horrible idea. At the same time, Li Xing ’s head flashed witch light, brewing for a long time the “mind control”, and slapped it down.

The seventy-two great curses were well-deserved, and they directly controlled Dongfangyu. His thoughts and thoughts, all previous experiences, and even the two rituals, have become Li Xing.

"Miscellaneous things! It's so vicious!" Li Xing flashed a murder in his eyes. It turned out that this Dongfangyu first locked up Li Ziran, but in order to torture him, he was actually sent to the dungeon.

In that dungeon, it was filthy and cold. There were evil vampire locusts that sucked human blood, and Li Ziran had been in it for months.

"Go, bring someone over." Li Xing coldly.

Dongfangyu looked confused for a while, then returned to nature, came out of the unknown peak, really ran to the dungeon. Li Xing waited in situ for a long time, Dongfang Yu was holding one, and the smelly people appeared.

The man, with a dull look and a messy beard, lay on the ground like a corpse, motionless. He was also nailed with dozens of red poisonous locusts with big fists. Who wasn't Li Li?

As soon as Li Xing waved his sleeves, the water, odor, and poisonous locust on the man were all turned into flying ash and dissipated. He lifted up his hands with both hands, his heart warmed up and whispered, "Father! I am Xing'er!"

Li naturally closed her eyes, suddenly opened, staring at Li Xing: "You are Xing'er,"

Li Xing nodded: "I changed my appearance." Then his shape changed for a while, and his life changed, and his original appearance was restored.

"Did you find it here ... Is your cultivation high? Okay, great ..." Li Ziran laughed, and coughed up blood. His cultivation was not high, and he only practiced triple training of qi, and was tortured by Dongfang Yu for several years, already breathless.

Li Xingdao: "Father, rest assured that with me, no one dares to bully you again." As soon as he waved his hand, Li naturally took Bai Yangjingtian and followed him.

Li naturally wondered: "Where is this?" He saw that there was aura everywhere.

While talking to him, Li Xing adjusted his body, the Emperor Star Wheel, emitting a series of stars, and together with Bai Yang Reiki, repaired his damaged body. It didn't take long for Li Ziran's face to feel a little more angry.

"Father, how did you come to Lingzhou?" Li Xing couldn't figure it out. Li is naturally a practicing sage, and it is impossible to run to Lingzhou.

Naturally, Li saw that his son had such a high degree of cultivation today, and was content with contentment, and laughed: "When your mother was arrested and taken away, he told me that there is an immortal array in a secret place. I worked hard for ten years, When I finally found that place, I entered Lingzhou. "

Li Xing sighed, Li Ziran was a scholar and walked for ten years just to enter Lingzhou. But he was too weak, after all, how could he rescue his mother?

Li Ziran talked about his story with the Heavenly Virgin.

The Heavenly Virgin is one of the three thousand peaks of Heaven. The maiden's peak is one of the most powerful peaks in Tiandaomen. The lord of the peak is called the maiden, and its status is much higher than the general peak.

Li Xing's mother, Concubine Yu, entered Tianyuanzhou with the help of Xian Zhen that year. At that time, Princess Yushi was already in the rank of second-grade divine, and she was quite powerful. But she went to Qingyun City and met Li Ziran, who was still a naive boy and the son of the Li Family of Sanyiyuan.

Peerless Dixian, actually fell in love with the blood-thirsty warrior who had trained in the first place, and gave birth to Li Xing ~ www.readwn.com ~ but one night, Princess Yu cried in Li Tianran's arms. , Say who you are and leave.

It is not Princess Yushi's heartlessness, but she does not want to affect Li Nature. Tiandaomen sent a message to let her return immediately.

Princess Yu returned to Tiandaomen, who was already the body of the woman, which made the Tiandaomen outraged, and locked this into the prison. After that, Li naturally became depressed and became an alcoholic.

Later, Li naturally decided to go to Lingzhou to find his beloved wife. After walking for ten years, he finally found Xianxian. Of course, he could not open Xianzhen at all, but was discovered by the Tiandaomen who came out of Xianzhen. After asking for his identity, he caught Tiandaomen and was finally detained by Dongfang Yu.

Having said everything, Li Xing said, "Father rest assured, I will save my mother out. At the same time, I will also help my father to improve his strength." He nodded with one finger, and put the mark of the Star Emperor in Li Nature's eyebrows.

After that, he put the fighting amulet into Li Nature's body, and then laughed: "I must help my father gather the Xuanjie Yuanshen, Xuanjie physical body, and then break through all the way."

Naturally, Li was relieved. Over the years, he was physically and mentally exhausted and can finally take a rest today. How did this once timid son grow up so powerfully?

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