Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 727: Palace of Eternal Life

Chapter 15: Longevity Hall

The younger man sneered and said, "Brother, there is someone who doesn't know how to live or die. We dare to say that we are turtles with reduced heads."

The older boy said coldly, "Kill him!"

Li Xing looked surprised: "Cursing a tortoise to kill a man, how can there be such a reason." He seems to have been scared, so that the fierce light appeared in the eyes of the two teenagers.

The younger brother of the two teenagers said, "Boy, before you die, let you die and understand that you and me are prominent."

Li Xing asked cooperatively: "Dare to ask, what are the two prominent identities?"

The elder brother was a little impatient, and said, "Little brother, such a small person, why not talk to him and kill him."

The younger brother smiled: "Brother, do you kill him? Slowly torture him and kill him. What's the fun?" He approached Li Xing step by step, and said, "Boy, have you heard of Tianwaitian?

Li Xing said in surprise: "Are you from the sky?"

"Tian Wai Tian, ​​Shen Snake Ridge." The younger brother said, a strange breath was released from his body, and a ghost of a snake appeared behind him. At this time, the deification is tenfold, and the magical means of cultivation is the seven-color strange snake, which is revealed at this time.

I have to say that this boy is very strong and can definitely kill his peers. Unfortunately, he met Li Xing. With his strong physical body, the teenager punched Li Xing's nose with a punch. He prefers the scene of nosebleeds.


His punches were extremely heavy and fast. Li Xing seemed to be unable to hide, but was hit directly, making a dull sound.

At this moment, it seemed as if the frame was frozen. The boy screamed "ah" and raised his fist and threw it vigorously. With this punch, Li Xing's nose was okay, but his hand broke a few bones, and he cried out in pain.

Li Xing apologized, and quickly said, "Your colleague, eh? Why is your bone so weak that you can hurt yourself by beating someone?"

Shocked and furious, the young man cried, "Brother, he's a treasure!"

No wonder he said so. He has always been arrogant with his physical body. Today, he actually suffered a loss on this, thinking that Li Xing must have some treasures for his body, which only hurt him. And when that punch was hit, Li Xing did have a flash of light on his body, generating a terrible counter-shock force.

The elder brother snorted: "There is nothing to protect the body, lie down for me!" He flickered behind him and pointed to the vital part of Li Xing's body.


My fingers seemed to be on the iron, and my brother's face turned red all of a sudden. It was painful. The crushing of the phalanges really hurt. Although he didn't scream like his brother, he drew in the air, and his body suddenly became stiff.

Li Xing turned around and sighed: "Originally my brother is so weak." Then he asked with concern, "Does your finger hurt?"

The elder brother and the younger brother were so angry that they retreated. They finally saw it, the person in front of them was unfathomable, and their strength was definitely above them.

"Who the **** are you?" The elder brother asked, alert.

Li Xing's face sank, and he said, "You just hit me, no matter who I am, you have to learn it back. It's a matter of righteousness that you must fight back and scold and return." The powerful force controlled it and flew to Li Xing's feet, lying on the ground, like a dog gnawing mud.

Li Xing stepped on his head, and with a little force, he heard a "click", and the boy screamed. When the brother was shocked, he punched Li Xing, but was greeted and pulled by Li Xingyi, fell to the ground like a dead dog, and was suppressed by a terrorist force, unable to move.

"God! This man is too powerful!" This was the thought in the hearts of the two brothers, and their faces were blue, and they had a bad future.

Li Xing nodded to the other's head and said, "Ask a few questions. If I don't answer honestly, I will take one step and send you on the road."

This was definitely not a joke. The younger brother was scared and stiff, and quickly said, "God is forgiving, we have to answer any questions." The elder brother was calm, and did not dare to say a few words.

"You two, why are you here to die?" Li Xing asked.

The younger brother said: "Return to God, this is one of the core areas of the Dead Jedi, called the Temple of Eternal Life."

Li Xing looked at the hall stacked with corpses and asked, "This is the Hall of Longevity?"

"Yes, the death jedi is full of the breath of death. But the core area contains infinite vitality, and there is a supreme existence such as the tree of life and the hall of longevity."

Li Xing asked a few more words, both of them answered honestly and did not dare to hide. The two brothers, one named Snake Soldier and one named Snake General, were from the Valley of the Snakes. Tianwaitian is a vast place created by the Great God.

The Great God did not control all the forces, so there are many sectarian families in Heaven and Heaven, each acting independently. Of course, if the Lord has a life, all forces will work, and no one can disobey the orders of the Lord.

God's will, God's possession, and God's destiny are the core strengths of the Great God. They are also formed by various forces to serve the Great God. It can be seen that Tianwai Tian is the foundation of the Great God and the land of strength.

The Valley of the Snakes is a larger force in Tianwaitian. Snake soldiers and snake generals have a considerable position in the Valley of the Snakes, and they are the grandsons of the valley owners. The Valley of the Snakes raised a very powerful God Snake. The first generation of the old Valley Lord saved the life of a God Snake, so his descendants have always been protected by the God Snake.

After questioning by Li Xing, I learned that the **** snake is exactly the legendary sky snake and mysterious beast. That **** snake has lived for tens of thousands of years, and its strength is between Daojun and Daozun. Even several gods have visited it.

Snake soldiers and generals, by chance, learned a secret from the mouth of the **** snake. In Tian Yuanzhou's death Jedi, although extremely dangerous, there are three treasures that prolong life.

These three things are the tree of life, the hall of longevity, and the monument of life. These three treasures, no matter which one they get, are huge gains.

Unconsciously, the two ran secretly out of the sky and came to the dead Jedi. Their luck was really good. After experiencing one of several vicious dangers, they actually found the Palace of Longevity. However, before having time to enter, Li Xing broke in.

After asking clearly, Li Xing put the two into Baiyang Jingtian, temporarily suppressed them, and then began to study the Changsheng Hall. Outside the Hall of Longevity, full of decaying breath, the black lotus kept appearing and dissipating.

He walked around the hall, afraid to enter rashly.

"Master, what are the origins of this hall?" Li Xing first consulted the Emperor Tianxie.

"The Changsheng Hall is simply a magic weapon refined by the Emperor Changsheng." The eyes of the Emperor Tianxian blinked. "And it is a treasure of heavenly order created by the 72-fold law. I don't want to be here!"

Li Xingda was taken aback. In the history of Tianyuan, there were only five emperors. From top to bottom, they were nothingness emperor, Yuansheng emperor, Changsheng emperor, Tianwu emperor, and Tianxie emperor.

The five emperors were the most powerful of all ages, each leading for thousands of years. Everyone is shocked and brilliant. No one in the world can surpass them, otherwise the Emperor will not be able to achieve it.

"It turned out to be Emperor Changsheng, Master, Emperor Changsheng, I wonder if it eventually rose?" Li Xing asked.

"According to the information held by the teacher, the Emperor Changsheng should have fallen." Tianxiedao said, "If it ever soared, would the Temple of Changsheng remain in the world? This treasure will be intertwined with his life and will not be easily given up."

The two masters and apprentices talked about it, the Emperor of Heavenly Evil said, "In the hall of longevity, there is a work of creation, and there is a fountain of gods in it. A tree of longevity grows beside the spring, and it can bear fruit."

"The name of Emperor Changsheng has a great relationship with the tree of Changsheng. Legend has it that the tree comes from heaven."

"The Hall of Longevity is actually made up of dead bodies. It clearly represents death, but it contains the power of longevity." Li Xing shook his head, "a contradiction treasure."

"Everything bears Yin and holds Yang, as expected." Tianxie said, "This hall is terrible and dangerous."

Between words, space shook, and someone seemed to enter again. Li Xingyin lost his body. Before that, the brothers of the snake family, like him, saw people come to hide their bodies.

However, in contrast, Li Xing's stealth methods are much smarter. With the help of the nimble lamp, it is difficult for outsiders to find.

A teenager suddenly appeared at the scene. This young man has a general trend around him. He swallows mountains and rivers and wins snow in white clothes. His face is also very brave, as if all the masculinity in the world is blessed on him.

Upon seeing this person, Emperor Tianxie praised: "Good appearance! Li Xing, this **** noble appearance, must have an extraordinary origin. Fortunately, he cultivates in general, and you will have to question it later."

Li Xingdao: "This man seems to come specifically for the Palace of Longevity."

Like Li Xing, the boy walked around the Palace of Longevity. Suddenly, he tied his hands and released a mysterious atmosphere. Suddenly, the entire Longevity Hall rumbling, emitting a white light, enveloped the teenager.

The boy rose into the air and flew to the hall of longevity. At this moment, Li Xingfu came to his heart, followed closely, and plunged into Guanghua. Suddenly ~ www.readwn.com ~ a suction produced, and he was taken into the hall together with the teenager.

There is so much glory in front of you that nothing can be seen. When the foreground was clear, a sharp ray of wind suddenly hit Li Xing's brows. The wind is sharper than the sword gas countless times. It is as fast as lightning and can not hide.


Li Xing's heartbroken, he was beaten back. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a quaint hall, and the young man looked at him in surprise. Obviously, this finger was hit by a teenager.

Li Xing's physical arrogance can make him feel pain. He can see how strong the finger strength is. He touched his forehead, and said angrily, "Dare to hit me?"

The young man's body disappeared at once, then appeared outside Baibukai, and his skill was shocked by Li Xing. He seemed to know that Li Xing was terrific, and he didn't want to bump into it.

Li Xing hummed, "You can run?" He chased after him closely, and he was no worse than a juvenile, and he was not afraid that the other party would run away.

In the main hall, there are vast, seemingly bright and dark. The teenager limped in one direction. It didn't take long for a long-lived mood to be conveyed, and a strange little tree appeared in front of it.

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