Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 278: Build a strong man

Chapter 16: Creating a Strong Man

The little tree was very short, only one person tall, but someone had a waist so thick, and at a glance, it looked like a human, and even his mouth, face, nose, and long beard appeared. But it is indeed a tree with lush foliage and verdant leaves, covered with white jade colored, fist-sized humanoid fruits.

Under the strange tree, there is a spring of water, which provides food for the strange tree. Suddenly, Li Xing thought of Shenquan and Longevity Tree in his mind. But seeing the young man, he had stood in front of the longevity tree and was dazzling.

He turned and looked at Li Xing, his fortitude revealed his murderous face, and said, "You should not come."

Li Xing hummed, and this person was only going to kill him. Naturally, he would not have a good impression, and said coldly, "I really shouldn't come. I'll come and die on your behalf."

The boy smiled, his smile was very light, but he was full of confidence and contempt: "Your constitution is really extraordinary, but unfortunately it is still not my opponent."

"Oh?" Li Xing raised an eyebrow. "You're so confident?"

"You may still have a chance just now, but now, you are doomed to die." The young man said, his hands squeezed, and the Evergreen Tree immediately shook, shrank to a height of three inches and fell into his hands.

Later, the **** spring also turned into a spring eye, like a transparent egg, which was put into his palm.

After charging Shenquan and Longevity Tree, the young man said, "You have great potential. If you are willing to serve me as your main body, I can not kill you."

Li Xing stared at the other side with a wary look. This person easily took two artifacts. Is it related to the Emperor Changsheng?

"You are the heir to the Emperor Changsheng?" Li Xing asked.

The teenager laughed: "You're not too stupid, I don't want to kill you any more, kneel down and serve me as my principal."

Emperor Tianxie said: "It was the heir to the Emperor Changsheng."

If it is said that the Emperor Changsheng or the Emperor Tianxie is more powerful, no one can answer. This question is as unsolvable as asking which of water and fire is more powerful. However, Li Xingke was not afraid of him, because he was the heir to the Emperor Tianxie.

"How?" Said the young man. "It is a glorious thing to become a servant of the Great."

"The successor of the Emperor Changsheng, but this is also the case, now I will kill you." Li Xing coldly hummed and punched out.

The young man shook the growing tree in his hands, and the small tree immediately shot billions of filaments, entangled towards Li Xing. The supreme power from Li Xing was inserted by the silk. They are like small straws that draw Li Xing's strength and life essence.

As soon as he felt this, Li Xing immediately closed his fist, flashed aside, and looked at the other side in surprise, saying: "The tree of everlasting life can absorb human strength and life!"

Hundreds of millions of silks, gorgeous, walking around the young man, he smiled: "If I have a long life, others must be short-lived, this is the mystery of the tree of long life. Give you another chance, kneel down and loyal to me . "

Emperor Tianxie sighed: "Although this son is not as good as you, he is almost invincible with the tree of eternal life."

Li Xing's eyes were fierce, and he said, "That's not necessarily the case! The descendants of the Emperor Tianxie will kill the descendants of the Emperor Changsheng today!"

This predatory chariot can also plunder power and use it for its own purposes. Li Xing decided that he would rather destroy the chariot than kill him!

The plundering chariot floated under Li Xing's feet and lifted him up to release the light of billions of wars. At the same time, the power in the body slowly turned to prepare for a fatal blow.

"You're not convinced?" The young man laughed. "Then you have wasted your last chance. Today Sima Jian, the successor of Changsheng Emperor, will kill you."

Li Xing has been consummated, and he protects himself with a nimble lamp, and then lifts the iron rod.

"What?" The other side was taken aback. The reputation of the Emperor Tianxie was still above the Emperor Changsheng, making Sima Jian look blank.

At this moment, Li Xing shot and drove in a chariot. Sima quickly waved the longevity tree, hundreds of thousands of ray of thorns passed, and rushed to the chariot. Numerous silk threads suddenly plunged into the phoenix of war and began to devour aura in large quantities.

This eternal tree was really weird, and even the plundering chariot could not be stopped, and began to be swallowed up by a lot of power. However, Li Xing will not be threatened for the time being, and it will only be consumed by plundering the chariot.

"Give it a hit, kill!"


The phosgene of war wrapped an iron rod and fell from the sky, carrying no load, as if it could break the sky and bombard it. A return to the yuan, although some are not true, can still improve the power.


Hundreds of millions of filaments condense into one palm, holding the iron rods unceasingly. However, the second stick shadow came again and was bombarded again.

"Boom boom!"

In a series of six blows, the filament exploded and shattered, and the iron rod was pressed down. Sima Jian was shocked and wanted to flash back, but was locked by murder. No matter where he fled, Li Xing would follow suit. In desperation, the emperor had to inherit the tree of eternal life.


No matter how powerful the longevity tree is, it depends on who is used. Sima Jian's strength is not strong enough, and it can not show its proper power. Moreover, the lamp of nihilism also belongs to the treasure of the emperor, and the ninja light resists the tree of eternal life.

The tree of eternal life was blown away by a fuck, Sima Jian was able to escape and flashed backwards. Li Xingsheng was afraid that he would **** the everlasting tree again. He would start off by throwing the nihility lamp, and a large swath of nihility light would come down and shoot the evergreen tree.

Sima Jian was furious and said, "Return me a tree!"

"You're awesome!" After watching the Longevity Tree, he waved and hit, with great momentum.

Sima Jian could see that as long as he was hit, his small life would be reimbursed. Now he gritted his teeth: "Li Xing, the descendant of the Great Emperor of Heaven, I remember you!" Then he fluttered and disappeared.

Li Xingsheng was afraid of not cheating, and did not go after him. He stole the nimble lamp, and took the tree of eternal life into Baiyang Jingtian, and returned to the same way.

It is easy to enter the temple, but difficult to exit. The Sima Jian did not know if he had already gone out, but Li Xing was trapped here.


Suddenly, the whole hall shook, and Li Xing felt the rush, and he was bounced out and tumbling to the ground. It turned out that he was thrown out of the Changsheng Hall, and when he looked up, he saw that the whole hall continued to collapse, and finally turned into a mass of creeping flesh.

Emperor Tianxie was startled: "Hurry up! Without the repression of the immortal tree, the immortal hall will be demolished!"

Li Xing didn't dare to delay, turned around and left, entered the space-time passage, and quickly limped. Although the Sacred Spring was won by Sima Jian, he grabbed the tree of longevity and gained a lot.

Of course, this Sima Jian is undoubtedly a big hidden danger and must be removed in the future. Otherwise, it will definitely grow into a powerful enemy. The emperor is a descendant and cannot be ignored.

After getting the tree of longevity, Li Xing's goal was achieved, he went straight out of the dead Jedi and rushed to the Dragon Palace. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came out of the Jedi, he saw countless gods and mages siege over, and someone shouted: "Heavenly people pass on, catch him!"

"He has the treasure of Emperor Tianxie on his body, and he will be asked soon!"

Li Xing was taken aback. What happened? As soon as my thoughts turned, I guessed that Sima Jian must have spread rumors and let these people deal with themselves. He didn't explain it either, his body flickered, and he disappeared directly in the place, so that the people who chased him down.

"You have revealed your identity today, and you will have trouble in the future." Tianxie said, "However, your strength is strong enough and you are not afraid. Sima Jian, who has the inheritance of the emperor, will be beheaded in the future, it must be There will be big gains. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "He is also considered to be the emperor's inheritance? As soon as I killed him, I was afraid he would not come out." After condensing the true form, he has great confidence.

Returning to the Dragon Palace, Li Xing immediately started to help Li Nature practice. At this moment, the longevity tree was stably suspended in Baiyangjingtian. Strangely, this tree couldn't absorb Bai Yang's aura, and even had a cowering look, which seemed to be afraid of something.

After observing for a while, Li Xing discovered the reason. Whenever the tree of eternal life is ready to absorb Baiyang aura, it will touch the large array in the realm and suppress it at any time.

"It seems that the tree of longevity is not a level compared to Jiuyangzhu. The former is too weak." Li Xing had speculated.

On the evergreen tree, ninety-nine long-lived fruit bear. No one has eaten this fruit. I do n’t know how it works. Li Xing picked it and swallowed it.

Longevity fruit enters the body and immediately releases pure life force. This life force is slightly different from the life force provided by the tree of life, and seems to have a little more evil.

He shook his head, the power of the dragon rushed, and the life force bounced out again, and it turned into a long life.

"This long-lived fruit is very evil, and there are absolutely hidden dangers in eating it." Li Xing confirmed, "It must not be used for his father."

He thought about it and just threw the fruit into the altar. That altar is even more evil, and if everything is not sacrificed, it may be able to exchange for pure life force.

The longevity fruit fell on the altar ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly the "wave" exploded, and the strange breath of life was absorbed at the same time. At the same time, there were more than 30 ideas, which communicated with Li Xing's consciousness In exchange for this power, there are full 200 years of life power!

"So many?" Li Xing was overjoyed. He sacrificed ten fruits in a row and gained 2,000 years of life. Two thousand years is enough, it can definitely allow Li Ziran's cultivation to reach a tyrannical level.

After gaining life force, he immediately refined Zengshou Dan, a total of twenty.

At this point, everything is ready and Li Xing can start. Li naturally entered the octopus tower, and the octopus boy adjusted the time and practiced with the assistance of Li Xing. All kinds of elixir and various methods were exhibited by Li Xing one by one, regardless of cost.

Li Xing itself is a living textbook. His experience in practicing nine lives and nine destroying Vajrayana is not bad, and the experience of condensing the mysterious fetuses has been used by Li Nature.

In the eight-pole tower, Li Ziran's screams were heard daily, but his cultivation was indeed advancing by leaps and bounds. One hundred years later, Li naturally cultivated into nine lives and nine destroyers, and he did not harm the magic; for another three hundred years, he condensed the body of the eighty-one heavy battle; and for more than two hundred years, he condensed the natal star wheel.

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