Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 729: Deities Graveyard

Chapter 17: Divine Graveyard

In the meantime, Li Ziran successively achieved the metaphysical steps and practiced one hundred kinds of great magic skills, and finally condensed the metaphysical steps. . . After that, it leaps and bounds, condenses the method, and enters the level of law and heaven. It took another five hundred years, and the late Li Xingzi, who was a late student, finally stepped into Fatian Qizhong and became a prince.

It took a total of nearly 1,200 times before and after, Li Ziran finally achieved Falun Gong. Of course, Li Xing can only do this step, and further up, he can't do anything.

On this day, a shocking light burst out of the eight-pole tower, and Li naturally walked down to the ground. Princess Yu greeted her and said joyfully, "Naturally, you have become a prince!"

Li naturally smiled slightly. Although he only had the metaphysical level, although he only reached the level of Fajun, his combat effectiveness was not weak at all. He was ridiculously proud of the world.

Li Xing also came out. He worked hard for nearly a month and consumed a lot of money, and finally allowed Li to naturally become a prince.

Princess Yu can truly feel that Li Ziran's strength is definitely above her, although she is a second-grade fairy. The family was happy, Li naturally looked at Li Xing and said, "Son, thank you very much."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Father, I forcibly improved your strength and left some hidden dangers. Tomorrow you will go out on your own, feel the power of the earth and earth, and consolidate your cultivation. As for the mother-in-law, stay in Dragon Palace to practice . "

Li naturally nodded: "Okay, but I have to accompany your mother for a while and leave next month."

As soon as this matter was over, Li Xing had a mind, and he was preparing to retreat for a period of time to open up the dragon elephant in his body. The tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind was endless. After a few days of cultivation, the message on his body lit up.

This news signifies that it was possible to establish contact with King Zhou of the wild seas of the South China Sea. Did something happen over there? He entered a message of divine power into the message symbol, and immediately heard the voice of King Zhou: "Your Majesty, I heard that Taixumen was under siege. What is the situation now?"

The barren land, far from the mainland, the news is not well understood, until today, the King Zhou has not received the news.

Li Xingdao: "The emperor is fine, the vitality of the virtual gate is not hurt, and it can still be used. How are you progressing in the barren land?"

King Zhou: "Your Majesty, Tian Wai Tian has established a destiny here, recruiting the barbaric powerhouses, and even let me wait."

"Huh?" Li Xing frowned. "Sky wolf ambitions are brutal, you have to be careful."

"Your Majesty, this is a trivial matter, and there is one more thing to report to Your Majesty." Da Zhou Wangdao.

"You speak." Li Xing became interested.

"The day before yesterday, his subordinates secretly killed a Taoist Tian Tiantian. From his memory, he learned that Tian Tiantian is preparing to open a mythical cemetery." King Dao Zhou, "In the mythical cemetery, a lot of treasures from the ancient mythology are buried. The ancient battlefield is even older. "

Li Xing has also heard of the mythological cemetery, but this place has not been born for a long time. Was it discovered by Tianwaitian? He asked in detail and found out that the Great God of Heaven and Earth found an ancient map and opened the mythical cemetery by means of heaven.

According to legend, the mythical cemetery is where the gods and real people go to war, and many earth-shattering gods have fallen there. However, because there are too many powerful things in this place, the space is distorted, and idlers cannot enter.

In the era of ancient destruction, the cemetery of the gods appeared once, causing a sensation. It was at that time that "shinto" appeared among the human monks. It can be said that the cemetery of the gods directly gave birth to the Shinto monks.

This is undoubtedly a major news. There must be a lot of divine power in the graveyard of the gods. For Li Xing, who has a tree of faith, it is all a priceless treasure, and it can produce a **** fruit like the fruit of power.

After commenting on the details, King Zhou said: "Your Majesty's deity is reincarnated. If he enters the deities' graveyard, he must be like a fish."

Li Xing thought for a moment, and said, "King Zhou, your news is very important. You have done a good job in this emperor's memory! I have already made a decision on this matter, and I will find a way to enter the mythical cemetery."

Da Zhou Wangdao: "Your Majesty must be careful, if necessary, you can adjust your subordinates to go at any time."

"It's okay, beware of people outside the sky." Li Xing said.

As soon as he got the news, he couldn't sit still, even the Emperor Tianxie felt it necessary to take a trip. However, if you want to enter the **** graveyard, you must pass through the sky.

"However, through the snake soldiers and snake generals, the two brothers in the Valley of the Serpent and Snake Valley, mixed into the heavens and heavens." Li Xing trembled, he has already asked, Tian Waitian is actually a huge cave heaven, like the great wasteland, established by the former great God Cave days.

Everyone who enters Tianwai Dongtian must be investigated. In fact, even without the Snake Valley brothers, Li Xing could find Tianwaitian. He has a map of Tian Wai Tian, ​​which he originally obtained from the ancestors of the Snow Mountain.

This map is a space mapper. With him, he can directly enter the sky, and I do n’t know which strongman made it. Therefore, he now has two methods, one is to break into the sky directly, the other is to use the identity of snake soldiers and snake generals to enter.

"Nevertheless, my strength at this time may be risky for space shuttles, and once found, it is difficult to escape." Li Xing trembled. "It is much easier to rely on the identity of the snake soldier and the general."

The first thing Li Xing has to do to set a plan is to enter the eight pole tower retreat. Li naturally practiced for 1,200 years, consuming 12 Zengshoudan, and Li Xing had 800 years of extra life force left.

Eight hundred years of life power, enough to open enough dragon real dragon. The eight-pole tower adjusted its time, one day outside the cave, and 200 days in the cave.

Ancient dragon elephant exercises, cultivated to the strongest realm, can open up one billion million yuan. The power of a dragon elephant hidden in each true yuan can kill a mage. It can be seen how terrible the power of dragon elephant training can be.

Day after day, year after year, Li Xing has long been accustomed to this boring practice. He had to stop practicing because the dragon elephant, Nei Dan, had been completely absorbed by him.

A dragon elephant, Nei Dan, helped Li Xing turn on 1,300 and twenty real yuan. At this time, the power of the dragon elephant in his body condensed into a dragon elephant phantom in Dantian.

Without the power of the dragon elephant, this dragon elephant can no longer be cultivated, only to this end.

"Where to look for the second dragon elephant Nedan?" Li Xing shook his head. He could not find the power of the dragon elephant to absorb the refining. His dragon elephant skills could only stop there and couldn't make progress.

More than one thousand and three hundred dragons are like real elements, making him feel that the true form is almost in a state of perfection. If he can open a few hundred real elements again, the true form may be completed.

"In ancient times, the power of dragon elephants can be cultivated only by the power of dragon elephants. Next, I will continue to complete the true form. Only by entering the graveyard of the gods and trying my luck, I hope to find more sources of gods and the power of gods The same can be done for true shape. "

Three days after the retreat, Li Xing stepped out of the eight-pole tower. He first performed a life-changing technique, transformed into a snake soldier, and acted as a younger brother. Then he controlled his elder snake with "Heart Control".

Tianwaitian has only one exit, and this exit is located in Tianmingtang, guarded by God, and located in the territory of Taiwei. Li Xing walked to Taiwei Kingdom and entered Tianmingtang.

Destiny Hall was built on the original site of Taixue Bethong, with palaces stretching and magnificent. When Li Xing and the snake were about to arrive, they were seen by a destiny inspector and laughed: "You two sneaked out, aren't you afraid of the Lord's blame?"

Li Xing recognized the snake soldier's memory through a memory of the snake soldier, and smiled, "Ma inspector, hasn't God Serpent Valley sent us to ask us?"

"Not only did you ask, you sent an elder to the Valley of the Snakes, and said that the owner is very angry, you two must be careful." The horse inspected.

Li Xing showed a bitter picture: "This time, it will inevitably be punished."

Ma inspected: "I'm afraid I don't have time to punish you two now. Listen to the news that the Great God opens a secret place and all forces will send people to enter. You two are well-known talents in Shengu Valley. Sent over there. "

As soon as Li Xing moved, thanking him, he continued to go deep. In the end, he passed the heavy restraint before he came to Tianwaitian entrance. On the way, he carefully observed and found that this place is as solid as gold soup. If there is no Taoist level cultivation, he would never want to break in.

Li Xing took out 10,000 gods to fund the passage, and passed smoothly. As soon as Guanghua flashed, it teleported to Tianwaitian. After reading the memory of the two brothers of the snake soldier, he was not too surprised, and soon became familiar with everything here.

Tianwaitian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although the area is not as big as the wilderness, it is also very wide. There are alpine plains, forests and rivers, and the aura is very abundant.

Li Xing and Snake will limp for a long time and enter the Valley of the Snakes. That Serpent Valley, located in the mountains, is a huge canyon. On both sides of the canyon, many caves were opened, and monks in the Serpent Valley lived there.

As soon as Snake Soldier and Snake will return, they will scream, "Junk stuff! How dare you come back?"

Both Li Xing and Snake General showed fear, and obediently flew towards a cave. In the cave, crisscrossed by passages, the two walked for a moment and entered a stone hall.

In the stone hall, the floor was paved with jade bricks and wall-mounted animal skins, and fifteen mages lived in it. In the middle position, sat an old man, Fa Tian Jiuzhong cultivation, and yelled, "You say, how do you punish?"

Immediately, a mage stepped forward and said, "Guzhu, since you are back, do n’t scold. You are about to enter the graveyard of the gods, and the ancestors of the zombie gods ca n’t retreat. You can send people to enter. Our God Serpent Valley, stick to the light of the ancestors, get 36 places. The snake general and the snake soldiers are the grandsons of the valley owner, and they are both gods who can kill the mage. During this trip, he They must go. "

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