Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 735: Just a word

Chapter 23: Just One Word

"Should we continue to improve the strength of the true shape?" Li Xing smiled bitterly.

"Not so." Emperor Tianxie shook his head and said, "The perfection of the true form is not only the enhancement of strength, but also the fulfillment of the core strength. You have absorbed the source of the real person. . "

"I haven't condensed a real person long ago, apprentice?" Li Xing thought, "Isn't it satisfactory?"

"Of course not. The Xuanyuan Bai did not tell you that it is normal to be a real person if you open the real meridian. You do n’t even have the real meridian open. What kind of real person is it? I have to open the meridian. Only then can you be perfect in this true form. "Emperor Tianxie said his point.

Li Xing frowned and sighed: "The ghost knows the real human body, when will it be able to open the real human meridian. Although it feels that the key may be in the ancient Xuan Jing, unfortunately the Xuan Jing has not been officially opened yet, and it is a ' Beast 'character. "

"So many hardships have come over. There is a‘ beast ’character, so how can you say that?” Tian Xie, the emperor, relaxed his tone.

Li Xing just said with emotion and nodded: "Master said, the next step, I should take the initiative to find the word" beast ". Tian Tian Tian's" Tian Yi Tang "is well-informed and may be able to know this person's" beast " The word's whereabouts. "

When Li Xing stepped out of the Baiyang Realm, he still turned into Bai Yunfei, and then took the son of the Lord of Heavenly Destiny with him to Tianyi Hall. The son of Destiny Church Master, Xiao Liyan.

Of course, Xiao Liyan was controlled by Li Xing's "mind control technique" and became a puppet. When acting and speaking, he was at the mercy of Li Xing. During this trip, Li Xing must rely on the identity of Xiao Liyan, and thus the power of Providence.

Tianyitang, like Tianmingtang, was built in the state of Taiwei. It didn't take long for them to arrive. The two talents were discovered when they approached Tianyitang.

"What man? Get the name!" A god-man who greeted him was quite rude and did not take Li Xing and Xiao Liyan seriously.

Xiao Liyan sneered: "Blind your dog's eyes! I don't even know Xiao Xiao?"

There is only one person who dare to call Xiao Da Shao in Tian Tian Tian, ​​the baby son of the Lord of Destiny, Xiao Liyan. This person is high, bad-tempered, cold-blooded, and ruthless.

When the god-man heard it, he was suddenly stunned, his body was half short, and he slaped his mouth fiercely, saying, "The villain is damn, Bai has long eyes, but he didn't recognize the big and small! Please forgive the big and small!" Then, kneel and scratch your head.

Xiao Liyan said: "As a slave, I don't care. I have to come here to do something."

The god-man breathed a sigh of relief, and asked charmingly, "What are the young and big men to do? It would be a great honor for a little man to be effective."

Xiao Liyan said impatiently: "Take me to see your God of Heaven branch."

The god-man didn't dare to respond, and said quickly: "Yes, the villain will lead the way." Then he looked at Li Xing and said, "Young and old, is this?"

"He is a friend I made. Why, you have something to say?" Xiao Liyan stared.

"Don't dare." The god-man shook his head in shock, obediently leading the way, straight into the core. There is one who leads the way, it is much easier along the way. Whenever there is a difficult level, as long as the god-man reports the name of "Xiao Dasha", there is nothing dare to let go.

Li Xing was secretly surprised, this Xiao Dasha really had some meaning, it seems that in the sky, he broke into a very loud name, everyone was afraid of him.

The two were taken into a hall, and the deputy hall owner had already learned the news, and one hurried over. The deputy church master is a monk from Fatian Jiuzhong who laughs from a distance: "If you miss something, you will forgive me!"

Come, with a mustache, black hair, bright eyes, full of momentum, stepped forward to Xiao Liyan, and said, "What are you asking, come here?"

Xiao Liyan said: "Vice-minister, I have something to ask for next."

The deputy host laughed: "Where is the young and the young, so that Zun is one of the gods and has a high status? Whatever young and young commanded us to do with one sentence, we will do it even if we die."

Xiao Liyan laughed: "Thank you so much, deputy co-host, this is a trivial matter, ask about something."

"Oh? I don't know what's going on?" The deputy chief sighed with relief, and he really blame Xiao Liyan for asking too much. It's not good to refuse, it's offended to refuse. I ca n’t agree, it ’s not easy to explain to the host, it is difficult at both ends.

It's much easier to inquire about news and other things. Just one sentence can be ordered.

Xiao Liyan said, "Vice-host, please check for me. Where is the word" beast "in ancient authentic texts?

The deputy chief agreed quickly, and gave the order on the spot, and then accompanied Xiao Liyan and other news. At about this hour, someone came to report: "Vice-minister, there is news already."

Then, the subordinate presented a sign. The deputy chief took the sign, glanced at it, and smiled: "There is news, young and big, that‘ beast ’has been collected by Tian Dao ’s Yun Dashou.”

Xiao Liyan's face sank and he was very upset. The deputy chief laughed with companionship: "Da Dao rest assured that Tianzang is about to hold an auction conference recently. Although the word" beast "is not among them. But with big and small faces, Yun Da and Da will surely be accommodating.

Li Xing read Xiao Liyan's memory early and knew something. The Lord of Tianzang has a son called Yun Jingxian. This cloud shocked the fairy, who had always not dealt with Xiao Liyan, and the two had conflicts more than once.

Yun Jingxian, a peerless figure at the Taoist level, has far more power than Xiao Liyan. Xiao Liyan himself, only Fatian Qizhong. Because of the huge gap in power, Xiao Liyan couldn't find anything cheaper ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Obviously, the deputy church owner also knew about this matter, so his expression at this moment was a little embarrassed, and he seemed unwilling to mention Yun Dashao.

Xiao Liyan said, "I know, thank you." Then he turned and left.

Xiao Liyan and Li Xing left, and the deputy chief sighed with relief and called a subordinate: "If you go and send a letter to Yun Dashao, you can say that Xiao Dashao may take his word" beast ", Yun Dao is careful. "

After leaving Tianyi Hall, Li Xing immediately rushed to Tianzang. Tianzangtang is in Tianchen Kingdom, not far away, so it is better to leave early. As for Xiao Liyan, he was put into the realm of heaven and will not be released until then.

"Yun Jingxian's strength is not weak. He must think of a way to get him out of the way, so he can get started." During the flight, Li Xingsi drew countermeasures and tried to seize the beast words.

He plunged into space to fly at an extremely fast speed, and entered Tianchen territory that day. As he passed by Bei Shi's place, he released a fire of God's thoughts by the way, and wanted to see the situation of Bei Shi's house.

I do n’t know, at a glance, Li Xing's eyebrows were upright, and the killing was stunned, and he said, "Things that are dead, actually come to the door!"

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