Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 730: Enter the cemetery

Chapter 18: Entering the Graveyard

The Lord of the Snake Gods did n’t really want to punish the two grandchildren, but just wanted to teach them, lest they dare to go out alone in the future, and heard the words, saying, "You two, please go back and prepare for me. After five days, with the elder Enter the graveyard of the gods! "

"Yes ..." Li Xing and Snake responded quickly.

For the next few days, Li Xing could not stay behind the door, staying with the snake, and entering the graveyard of the gods when the time came. His mind-control technique is very clever, and his life-changing technique is even more incredible, so no one has found anomalies.

Soon, the fifth day, thirty-six people were selected from the Valley of the Snakes, including the owner. These thirty-six include eighteen mages and eighteen god-man. The Valley of the Snakes almost moved out.

On this day, the Lord of the Snake Valley led everyone to Tianwai Square. Tianwai Plaza is a place where the Great God gathers the forces of Heaven and Heaven. At this moment, people are gathering, and the darkness is pressing.

Li Xing looked away and was surprised. There are so many mages in this world! It seems that the three major organizations of Tianming, Tianyi and Tianzang are only the tip of Tianwaitian's iceberg, and the people in the square are the home of Tianwaitian.

In fact, how many masters and gods are there in Tianwaitian, even Brother Snake Soldier is unclear. But today, we can see one or two. On this square, there are nearly a thousand mages and tens of thousands of gods.

No other force in Tianyuanzhou can match this kind of strength. Moreover, that great God is the cultivation of Dao Zun series, and it is no wonder that Luo Tianmen can sweep all forces in a short time.

Although Li Xing's incarnate snake soldier is a genius junior in the Valley of the Snakes, here he is just a little person, and no one will notice him. When he released his mind, he felt a strong existence one after another. Among these thousands of mages, there are also figures of state.

Around, people talked, and the issue was naturally the cemetery of the gods.

"It seems that the cemetery of the gods must be huge, and the Great God alone can only search a limited area. This allows all the forces of Tianwai Tian to join it."

"This is the wisdom of the Great God. Regardless of how much influence Tian Tiantian has, do you still want to listen to the Great God? Let everyone go in to strengthen the whole Tian Tian. Moreover, if anyone finds a treasure, how dare they swallow it alone? Not to be delivered to the Lord. "

"The graveyard of gods, but that is the battlefield of ancient gods, there must be a lot of danger." Some people were worried.

"In my opinion, it is not the graveyard that is dangerous, but its own." Some people have a foresight, "If you meet a baby, who is willing to let it go? Bleeding fights are bound to occur."

In the speech, half a day passed, a great ghost appeared in the air, and the voice was not angry: "The number is already there, entering the cemetery." With a big wave of his hand, a passage like a tornado pillar hangs in the void.

The people below entered the entrance one after another in the agreed order. From this point, we can see that the status of Shengu Valley in Tianwaitian is relatively low, which is obviously not a big force.

In the turn of the Valley of the Snakes, thirty-six people have risen into the air and entered the passage. When a person enters the passage, he just feels spinning and cannot control himself. I don't know how long it took, many people felt their feet heavy and stepped on the ground.

This is a vast world, the sky is high, and when looking around, all are huge pits. Each of those pits is huge, huge like a basin. Between Dakeng and Dakeng, there are bare rocky Gobi deserted.

"This is the cemetery of the gods?" Li Xing was curious. He wanted to search by the divine thoughts, but found that the divine thoughts could not be performed at all. Some people even want to fly up and find themselves unable to fly at all.

Even some Taoist figures found that their power was imprisoned, and Hugh said that even Tao could not be performed. Everyone was restless.

Immediately, the voice of the Great God resounded: "The rules of the avenue in the cemetery are distorted, spells and Taoism are prohibited, and divine thoughts cannot be cast."

All the people were disheartened at the same time, and at the same time they knew they would have to walk even if the Great God came. It is for this reason that we call all the people outside Tiantian, otherwise how many treasures can we find by walking alone?

The people gradually settled down and walked away, so they broke up, each choosing a direction and walking away. On the side of the Valley of the Snakes, the valley owner asked the crowd to walk in groups of three or five.

The journey of exploration finally began, and Li Xing and Snake were divided into a group. They chose a direction. Before long, Li Xing took a chance and threw the rest away, only taking away the snake general.

Finally, he found a safe place to put away the snake. Immediately took out the Baoguang instrument and began to look for treasure. This treasure light instrument, an ancient treasure, was originally a thing of Wan Famen. It was he who killed Zhuang Zihan and others in the battlefield of ancient times to take it. Today it finally comes in handy.

On the Bao Guangyi, there was a calmness. Within a thousand miles, there was no Bao Guang, which made Li Xing very disappointed. He started and ran fast. Although he can't perform cricket technique, he runs as fast as his arrogant body.

At this point, he ran, ripped through the air, and hurried forward. Even if some mages flew up, he might not be fast. It didn't take long for him to run a mile away, and his heart didn't beat and he couldn't breathe.

"Has it!" As soon as his eyes lighted, he found that a huge light appeared on the Baoguang meter, the size of a fist. He took his direction and hurried forward.

Upon reaching the target, it was found that this was a huge pit filled with melting and solidified rocks, showing that there had been a terrible war here, and there must be a **** falling here.

Baoguangyi ~ www.readwn.com ~ has been covered by Baoguang, emitting a white light.

"Things should be underneath, but covered by rocks." Li Xing observed the surrounding environment and concluded.

"Break it for me!" He punched it, and the true shape of the giant fist blasted down. He heard a loud noise, the dust was flying, and a large hole was cracked at the bottom of the pit. Li Xing's eyes brightened and he jumped down.

Under the cave, there was a dark and quiet scene, and I didn't know how deep it was. Li Xing kept landing and the speed was getting faster and faster. At this point he can't fly, I'm afraid he has to fall directly to the ground. However, he was arrogant and fearless.

For half an hour, he felt a huge force coming from below, and suddenly a loud noise finally landed. Under his feet were the rocks he had broken, black on all sides.

It's like the underground world, dark everywhere. Faintly, a wave of power came from the front, and Li Xing moved forward. He ran like electricity, and it didn't take long before he saw the light.

A giant skeleton of a giant, mountain-like shore, lying quietly, motionless. Above the skeleton, a weird plant grows, all of which are magic drugs.

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