Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 731: Building deities

Chapter 19: Building Gods

But Li Xing's eyes did not stay on the magic medicine, but stared at the monsters under the skeleton. . . Their form, which is between the real and the real, is like a light and shadow, which seems unreal.

These monsters look similar to apes, but they are smaller and almost the same size as cats. On their backs, there are blue-grey meat wings, their heads are pointed, and their small eyes are purple-gray, revealing a ferocious atmosphere.

Li Xing stepped back slowly, he felt that these small things were not easy to mess with, and they all contained huge **** powers, which he could sense.

After taking a step back, he heard a bang, and a monster rushed over. For it, distance didn't seem to exist, and it flew directly to Li Xing's head and bit his mouth.

Li Xing was taken aback. His speed was not slow. He spread his fingers and patted him with a slap.


Like a ball, the monster was opened with a palm, but it hurt his palm.

"Oops! It's so strong." Li Xing was so surprised, his heart hung up.

"Oh!" Thousands of monsters rushed over from all directions, with the goal being Li Xing. They were too fast. After Li Xinglian repelled more than a dozen times, there were multiple bites on his body.

The monster's teeth were extremely hard, and Li Xing's arrogant flesh was actually bitten out of blood. Fortunately, they can't bite too deep, and they will be shaken by Li Xing with real strength.

"All die!"

Li Xing was completely furious, and in Baiyang Jingtian, the tree of faith shot **** * ten thousand whiskers, as if a sharp needle, assassinated the monsters.


A monster was pierced and its shape dried up quickly. It soon became a dust and disappeared from the world.

Since the tree of faith can absorb the power of the gods, and these monsters contain a lot of gods yesterday, they must be able to restrain. This was just one of Li Xing's thoughts. At this time, it was exhibited with immediate results.

A joy in his heart urged more roots to be assassinated. The monsters were killed and turned into dust. At the same time, a power of the gods is absorbed by the tree of faith, and this power is called "the power of construction."

Obviously, the skeleton should be left over from an ancient deity, let's call it the construction deity. This deity must also be a divine master, these divine medicine. Although the gods have fallen, the origin of the gods is still there, and the power of the gods has given birth to these monsters.

The roots were strangled vertically and horizontally. All the monsters turned into flying ash within a moment. Seeing a lot of magic drugs, Li Xing showed a smile, and today's harvest is destined to be rich.

But at this moment, the sound of breaking air came from behind, and three young people rushed to the scene. They saw the gods, their eyes lit up.

"Elixir! So many elixir!" The eyes of the two left and right youths were all bright, and one waved to the left, and said to Li Xing, "Boy, the hole in the outside was penetrated by you? The strength is not small, it is not harvest A lot of things? Give them all up. "

The young man on the right also said, "Move faster, annoy us, and I will chop you today."

The man in the middle had a calm temperament and never spoke, just watching the skeleton of the gods quietly.

Seeing that Li Xing had no reaction, the two left and right **** angry, and at the same time they would jump out and attack Li Xing. "I don't know what to die, kill!"

Li Xing snorted and slammed into the shape of the man on the left. His collision was astonishingly powerful, purely physical.


The sound of the **** scream was screaming, his body was broken, and he couldn't live. The one on the right was startled and retreated hurriedly, but it was too late. Li Xing shook again and ran into it.

A second scream was issued and the man was also killed.

Li Xing looked at the young man in the middle. The man was still so angry that he sneered, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"You can't kill me, depending on you," the young man said lightly. "If you know my identity, you would never say that."

"Oh? What is your identity?" Li Xing asked.

"You don't have the right to know." The other side was very arrogant, with a condescending expression, scornfully glanced at Li Xing.

Li Xing was angry and nodded: "Very good."

"Oh!" He burst into shape and slammed into each other.

The young man had an ancient sword in his hand, which was cut directly with a sword. As soon as the sword came out, the ancient clumsy murderous oncoming came. With no fear, Li Xing fisted his fist at the ancient sword.


The sword bounced back, the young man's arms "clicked" twice, and the bones shattered. That ancient sword was also embedded in the bone seam on Li Xing's fist, and his face was white with pain, and he loosened his hands.

Li Xingmo put away the ancient sword with expressionless expression, blood on his hand. He ignored the youth and stared at the sword, which read the word "Destiny".

"Destiny sword?" He observed the sword body, praised, "Good sword, ancient soldiers!"

The young man's cold sweat on his forehead was unexpected. He was so strong. It turned out that under the circumstances, it is impossible to clam an opponent, and I do not want to encounter such a ruthless one.

Li Xing politely put away the destiny sword and asked mockingly: "Now am I qualified to ask you?"

The youth was still sneering: "Don't you see the two words on the ancient sword?"

"See, destiny," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "It's heaven, you are the descendant of God of Destiny Church, I guess right?"

The young man frowned: "Yes, God is my father, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid, I'm scared of death!" Li Xing laughed "Hey", "You don't know, your dead ghost father has been chasing me, but unsuccessfully."

This time, the youth's complexion finally changed. That being said, the other person is not the same person? The Lord of Destiny ~ www.readwn.com ~ can't scare him at all.

Li Xing stepped forward and said ruthlessly, "God raised by the bitch, I'm asking him for trouble, but you come to the door. Yeah, I will suppress you first, and I will have another one for Luo Tianmen Hole card. "

He reached out and grabbed the youth directly into Jingtian and suppressed it. The son of God is so extraordinary that it is better to keep it if he kills it, and it will be of great use in the future.

After dealing with the three of them, Li Xing swept his sleeves and put the entire skeleton of the **** into the sky for the tree of faith to absorb and refine. Soon, construction fruits will be produced.

After receiving the **** bones, Li Xing looked at Bao Guangyi again, and found that Bao Guang was still flashing on the top. He banged, raised his foot, and suddenly banged. The rock below was cracked and cracked. Shot of all kinds of magic light.

"What?" He lifted a cracked boulder three or two times and saw a dazzling brilliance. That Guanghua was issued by a real medicine, three inches high, and there were three ancient characters floating around it.

These three ancient characters are "Confucianism," "Ghost," and "Witch." Suddenly got three ancient authentic texts, Li Xing's eyes lit up and said: "Now, there is only one 'beast'!"

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