Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 736: Step on a group of ants

Chapter 24: Stepping on a Group of Ants

The North Teacher's House has become a ruined wall, a dead silence, turned into ruins. Not far away, a new building community has been set up, and several dignitaries of Bei Shi's family have been detained, including Li Xing's father-in-law and his mother-in-law, and Bei Shibai.

Li Xing rushed to the back of his head with an astonishing intention, and he didn't hide his identity. He yelled, "Everyone will die!" He turned into a huge mountain and suppressed it "banging".

After a thousand years of hard work, his strength has increased tenfold. Even the Taoist stepped on this foot, let alone a monk? The ground shook, and half of the house was trampled into fan powder. In a large area, hundreds of monks were trampled to death.

Later, he shook his hands with great strength, and his cage was broken, and everyone in the Bei Family rose into the air and fell into his true hands. A family of Beijing Normal University had only 12 people left at this time.

Li Xing couldn't explain to the shocked Bei Shibai and others, they took them directly into the sky, and then stomped their feet. Hundreds of escaped divine light and law light were fixed in the air, watching it suppressed, they yelled in despair.

"Who! Who is the one who is going to kill us?"

"We are from Heaven Battle Hall, you can't start! Ah! Luo Tianmen will not let you go!"


After one step, all the masters were silent, all masters and magic weapons disappeared, and none escaped. Li Xing spit down and left for a moment, as if stepping on a group of ants.

In fact, to him, these people are really similar to ants.

After limping for some distance, he entered Baiyang Jingtian to appease Bei Shibai and others.

"Master Father-in-law, Master Mother-in-law, you are shocked!" Li Xing looked guilty, showing his true countenance.

"Xing'er, it's you!" Bai Shilao, a teacher of the North Division, said, "I heard that the sect was too siege. We were worried day and night. Then I learned that you were hiding in the Dragon Palace, and I was at ease. You are all right, all right . "

Li Xing sighed and asked about the passing, and found out that the person who started was Tian Zhan Tang, and this matter was indirectly related to Li Xing. Since the last time, Tianzhantang suffered heavy losses, so it has recruited monks, and the whole country of Tianchen is restless.

There are only a few mages in the North Division, and they are also included in the recruitment list. Several ancestors of the Bei Shi family only expressed their unwillingness to join, and the Bei Shi family was directly destroyed.

Several old ancestors and all their people were killed. If someone hadn't been told that Bei Shibai was Li Xing's father-in-law and had a certain value, they would have been beheaded.

After hearing, Li Xing opened his eyes and yelled, "Master Father-in-law, rest assured, Xiaoxiong will destroy the battle hall tomorrow and avenge the North Division!"

Bei Lianlian waved his hand: "Do n’t be impulsive, the North teacher ’s family is almost exterminated. This is a deep hatred. But the battle hall has recently recruited a large number of masters, and Destiny, Tianzang, and Tianyi have sent a lot of masters to sit here. You must not go. "

"Hey" Li Xing sneered: "Master Father, no steel drill, no porcelain work, since I say these words, I am sure of success. You are born here to recuperate, and wait for my work, then Send you to practice at the Dragon Palace. "

Having said that, he directly flew out of the sky, released Xiao Liyan, and went to Heaven Battle Hall together.

Heavenly Battle Hall, two youngsters visited, and the owner of Heavenly Battle Hall personally met to meet him. These two boys are naturally Bai Yunfei and Xiao Liyan who are the incarnations of Li Xing.

Today, the base of the battle hall is the town's Lingzhan, a powerful magic weapon that is difficult for outsiders to attack. Among the magical treasures, the caves were built into the sky, and the palace was built inside.

The hall of the battle hall, the master of the battle hall, Shenhua Daojun laughed: "Gong Xiao, what wind blows you?"

Xiao Liyan is the son of God of Destiny. Although Shenhua Daojun is also the master of the Church, his status is far less than that of the Lord of Heaven, so he is naturally very polite to his son and does not want to offend.

Xiao Liyan laughed: "Shibo, I heard that your battle hall has gone through several battles. The younger nephew told his father and decided to come and help Shibo."

Shenhua Tao Junxin said how dare I let you help, in case something goes wrong, your father won't eat me? Thinking so, he said in his mouth, "Thank you Xiao Xiao, but you do n’t need a bull knife to kill chickens. Those little people are not worth the shot."

Xiao Liyan said: "You need to be polite. What is there for you to use? Just one sentence, my little nephew is here to help."

Xiao Liyan secretly said, "Is this kid Baba coming, is it really to help me? Just give him a leisurely messenger to do it. In the future, I will see Tianming Daojun, and his face will look good."

Thinking about this, Shenhua Daojun said: "Xiao Gongzi, the treasure house of the battle hall, lacks a director. If Xiao Gongzi is willing, why not go to the treasure house to be a general manager for a while?"

It's fat, and it's not dangerous. Everyone wants to do it.

Xiao Liyan agreed with a smile, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's an honor for my nephew to play for Shibo."

Thus, Xiao Liyan was mixed into the Treasury of the Battle of the Heavens that day. Since Bai Yunfei was his good friend, of course he was also brought in and became his deputy.

Tianzhantang's warehouse doesn't have many treasures, but it is expensive in quantity. Presumably Luo Tianmen dispatched it. There are 100 million gods in the middle, one hundred low-level magic weapons, fifty heaven-level spiritual veins, eighteen killing formations, and so on.

Li Xing looked directly at the treasury in the treasure house, and at a glance, he said nothing. With a big swipe, he moved the treasure house to the light. This place belongs to Xiao Liyan, no one can find it.

"With these things, I can train a lot of grassroots disciples, which is good." Li Xing was very satisfied. Then he put away Xiao Liyan, changed his life to his appearance, closed the door to the treasure house, and went out with a swing.

Out of the treasure house, he went directly to Tianzhantang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Dadaowan. In Dawan Wan, there are sixteen people from Tianzhantang's idleness. They come from Destiny, Providence, Tianzang, and newly recruited Taoists.

Destiny Daojun's son is here. How dare these Daoists be entrusted? I greeted this counterfeit kindly and treated me warmly. Not long after, sixteen Taoists came out to meet him.

Sixteen Taoists were sitting in the hall, drinking and chatting, during which Li Xing suddenly said: "Several people, there is a piece of heavenly treasure in the lower body, which is called an extreme heavenly sky. Please invite a few seniors to watch."

The sixteen Taoists are very surprised. Jingtian treasures are generally more precious. What is this extremely sunny Jingtian? They came with interest and said in succession, "Please ask the son to take treasure, let us open our eyes."

Li Xing smiled slightly, stretched out his right palm, hit a Baiyang aura, and said, "Please see."

Bai Yang's aura flashed and flashed, and a portal appeared. There seemed to be a great mysterious world.

Dao people looked at each other with shock, and they felt that this situation was a trivial matter, and it was truly a treasure. With a joy in my heart, I wanted to see something, and one after another entered the portal.

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