Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 737: Supernatural

Chapter 25: Real People

Jiuyang Jingtian is part of the skill of the ancestors of Chunyang. It is a combination of nine great heavens. The weight is greater than the mystery. Li Xing now has the strength to transcend Taoism, but he still cannot fully understand the depth of the nine Yangjing heavens. See through the mystery of Jiuyang Reiki.

Such a state of heaven naturally has a strong appeal to Taoists. And they could not imagine that the grand "son of God" would strike them. Who could imagine that someone would dare to kill 16 Taoists?

In the heavens of Baiyang, there are Qionglou Yuyu everywhere. The endless, rich Baiyang aura has shocked the sixteen Taoists and said, "It's Baiyang aura! So many Baiyang auras!"

Li Xing also entered Jingtian, and at the same time, the portal disappeared. He smiled slightly and said, "You see, what kind of situation is this?"

A Taoist raised his eyebrows: "Is it the legendary Jiuyang Jingtian?"

"Yes, in the legend, the ancestor of Chunyang opened up the nine realms of heaven, representing the power of Jiuyang. The power of Jiuyang represents the ultimate mystery between heaven and earth. Whoever can get it can rule the world!" The detailed Taoist added.

Li Xing smiled and said, "It's good to know. It is also an honor to die in Jiuyang Realm."

"What?" Dao people paused, Li Xing's words were too sudden. But some people responded and shouted, "No, we're doing it!"


The aura of the sky, in a wonderful way, combined into a mysterious runes, countless runes, formed a large array of Baiyang, suppressed. Every Taoist was suppressed by a large array, and there was no chance of resistance.

"Ah! What is this?"

Taoists, each practicing Taoism and resisting with all their strengths, but how can they compete against the large array? One by one was unable to move.

"Who the **** are you?" Someone reprimanded, and if he dares to do so, he will certainly not be the son of Destiny Dao.

Li Xing sneered: "Everyone is going to die. Do you know so much?" He waved his hand and patted at a Taoist. The corpse extinction curse of the Eight Famines was cast, and it was shot with one palm.

Taoists are suppressed, how can they dodge? Seeingly being calculated by Li Xing. Later, Li Xing exerted mind control to control the Taoist.

Sixteen Taoists, elite characters from the four destinies, Tianzang, Tianyi, and Tianzhan, with great powers, were successively controlled by Li Xing with mind control techniques. In addition, they also all hit the "Spell of Silence".

Of course, this time the plan was so successful, only because of his use of Xiao Liyan's identity, he got into the Heaven Battle Hall and deceived everyone into Baiyang Jingtian. In another scene, he absolutely has no chance. No Taoist will be stupid enough to enter his realm and die.

Sixteen Taoists were all under control. Under the control of Li Xing, they went out of Baiyang Jingtian. Four went to Tianmingtang, three went to Tianyitang, and the three went to Tianzang with Li Xing. Six Taoists stayed.

Sixteen Taoists, no one noticed the anomaly, acted simultaneously. Of course, all Taoists were dispatched, which immediately caught the attention of the Lord of the Heavenly War Church. The remaining six Taoists, under the instruction of Li Xing, said that the Lord had an urgent order to summon them to go.

Although the Lord of the Heavenly War Church had doubts, he did not continue to question. Since the Lord has a command, it is better not to ask more.

Not long after, Li Xing and three Taoists came to Tianzangtang. The three Taoists were originally subordinates sent by Tianzang. At this moment, they brought Xiao Liyan and an unfamiliar boy to them. It seemed important.

Several important members of Tianzangtang came out to greet. Among them is the son of Tianzang Daojun, Yun Jingxian.

When Yun Jingxian saw Xiao Liyan, he sneered, and said, "Brother Xiao, come to Tianzangtang, what's the matter?"

Xiao Liyan frowned: "Brother Yun, there is an important thing to discuss with you, can we speak outside?"

"Talk outside? Can't Tian Zangtang speak inside?" Yun Jingxian sneered. He got the news early, and Xiao Liyan wanted to capture the word "beast".

Xiao Liyan said, "Brother Yun, my brother is asking for something. There are too many people and it is difficult to speak. Brother promises that if you agree, you will thank Brother Yun with a treasure."

Yun Jingxian's heart moved, and his heart trembled: "This Xiao Liyan is not my opponent at all, and he never dares to count me. Just go out with him and see what he wants to do."

Thinking like this, Yun Jingxian nodded: "Okay, I'll go out with you."

Immediately, the three Taoists left, and Li Xing, Xiao Liyan, and Yun Jingxian all stepped out of Tianzang Hall. They limped for a moment and entered a barren mountain.

Yun Jingxian said, "Xiao Liyan, here, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Liyan didn't speak, Li Xing said, "It's almost time, we can start."

Yun Jingxian didn't pay much attention to Li Xing at all. A god-man in his eyes was almost like an ant, and he didn't look at it any more. Seeing him say this at this time, could not help frowning: "What are you talking about?"

Li Xing said: "I'm talking about death soon."

The Taoists were limping at an extremely fast speed, and at this moment they had arrived in Tianyi Hall and Tianzang Hall in batches.

The Taoists who arrived at Tianyitang were obviously wrong and indifferent. As soon as they arrived, they went directly to the place where the Taoist people lived and dispersed. One Taoist found the Destiny Daojun, one Taoist entered Daowan, and the other Taoist entered the core disciple gathering area.

Destiny Daojun is a cloud of light and shadow. He looked at the Taoist who came suddenly and asked, "What's so panic?"

The man raised his head, his eyes empty, without a trace of human emotion. Suddenly, he showed a weird smile, and said, "Dear Lord, die!"


A bright light erupted from his body, and the corpse extinguished the curse, exerting its terrifying power. At the beginning, the nine-level dragon elephant master of Fa Tian exploded, blasting the deified Daojun into serious injuries, which caused heavy losses to Tian Zhan Tang.

At this moment, how terrible might a Taoist explode? Moreover, the entire Destiny Hall, three Taoists exploded at the same time, generating incredible power.

The three horrible white lights expanded instantly and then quickly contracted. The loud noise and light waves disappeared, all that remained was silence. All the monks in the Destiny Hall had only a cloud of shadows standing up from the ruins.

This shadow is the Destiny Daojun, who issued an angry roar: "Who is it? Who is it?"

At the same time, horrific explosions occurred in Tianzang, Heavenly War, and Providence. The worst thing was the Heavenly Battle Hall. A total of six Taoists exploded, and three of them surrounded Shenhua Taojun.

The horrible explosion caused the entire Heavenly War Church to fly into ashes, and the deified Tao Jun died on the spot.

Except for the three Taoists, Tianming, Tianzang, and Tianyi, only those who performed the mission outside did not die, and the rest were all killed.

The sound of the explosion came, Yun Jingxian stayed and looked at Li Xing. Li Xing waved his hand and shrouded it directly, faintly saying: "Dead!"


The supreme power to suppress it, Yun Jingxian didn't even react, and the flesh exploded directly. In the chaotic phoenix, an ancient character floated up and down, and Li Xing grabbed it in his hand. It was the character "beast".

The ancient text, the word "beast", was taken up by the ancient Xuanjing, and suddenly, the first page of the ancient scriptures became bright. A complete scripture was displayed and printed into Li Xing's knowledge of the sea.

A culture of enlightenment, the power of civilization, was conveyed down. Li Xing seemed to be enchanted, suddenly sober, and realized, knowing what is me, what is nature, what are the heavens and the world, wisdom enhances, and understanding Enhanced.

This is a mysterious and indescribable mood, his spirit has been sublimated.


The true power in the body is constantly expanding, as if opening up the world. Those meridians of the heavens and earth are intertwined, creating a powerful meridian of great shores. This meridian is the real meridian!

In the blink of an eye, the first real meridian emerged, Li Xing felt that his strength and spirit had been greatly improved. It seems that he really felt his power today.

In the blink of an eye, the second real human meridian was opened again, and his power increased again. With each breath, a real human meridian opens, and the meridian connects the natural avenue, making Li Xing one with heaven and earth, one with heaven and earth, and unlimited fighting power.

Under the twelve real meridians, Li Xing is now called a real person in the battlefield.

However, the meridians continued to be opened and opened on their own, and soon broke through the twelve. Twelve-fold real human meridians and above, called flying real people, can fly in the air to the ground.

Layers of meridians until the twenty-fourth is opened!

As soon as the twenty-fourth real human meridian opened, Li Xing opened his eyebrows in his heart, and suddenly looked up at the sky. He actually saw a lot of space, crossed an infinite distance, and saw a huge world.

Above that world, there are immortals, buddhas, witches, demons, gods, beasts, boundless.

He looked down again ~ www.readwn.com ~ and saw the heavy and heavy underground world, there are monsters, monsters, snakes and beasts, all very powerful. Even some powerful beings felt his divine thought and looked over.

His heart trembled, and a long howl sounded, the clouds were scattered, the mountains were trembling, the heavens and the earth, the ghosts and demons were shocked.

Once the twenty-fourth meridian is opened, it is said to be innocent! Even in ancient times, the innocent human being was very powerful.

At the same time, Li Xing's true form was completely fulfilled, and he felt that he could fight with heaven and earth with no fear of everything.

This wonderful state lasted only a few minutes. At the next moment, his momentum continued to weaken, and he finally recovered to the level of the sixth-class real human meridian and the real human on the battlefield. The raised eyebrow also disappeared.

"What's going on?" Li Xing said for a moment. He felt that there was a great power between heaven and earth, which completely suppressed his strength. It seems that as long as he breaks through this layer of power, he can leave the world.

"Ancient human beings really domineering. After reaching the realm of real human beings, they should be able to ascend." Tianxie Emperor gazed at the strange light. "The world is changing, this world does not allow real people, you may be suppressed!"

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