Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 739: 3000 Law God!

Chapter 27: Three Thousand Dharma Gods

While accumulating strength, Li Xing naturally will not waste time. While waiting for the maturity of the **** fruit, he will take the opportunity to cultivate the body of the emperor. In fact, since Li Xing condensed the empire's star wheel, he can absorb three thousand star powers at the same time and directly practice the star emperor's scripture.

The Star Emperor's Sutra has a weight of 981, which can condense up to nine star wheels. Li Xing has now condensed a star wheel, and he has a long way to go until he reaches the ninth level.

The destiny star wheel slowly rotates, the power of the stars descends, and his body is tempered, day after day, year after year. Unconsciously, after three thousand years, Li Xing cultivated a second star wheel, and this star wheel was called the killing wheel.

As soon as the killing wheel comes out, it means that Li Xing can perform the killing technique in astrology. Each of the great killing techniques has great lethality, and it is very harmonious.

For three thousand years, the tree of faith has matured 360,000 **** fruits. Of course, this is not enough.

For the next three thousand years, Li Xing practiced bones. Li Xing's bones have always felt lacking, and now he can gradually improve with the help of the "strong body" on the ancient Xuanjing.

Of course, the strong body has not been fully displayed, but it has already benefited him a lot. King Kong is not bad at magic, real human body, Da Luo shocking heaven, silkworm, and fighting body, and so on, all are merged and sublimated.

The chaotic array continued to calculate, and in the end, a unique method was formed. Da Luo Zhenshenjuan, the best of the best, merged the best of the hundred, took the best of them, and developed a superb form of performance.

Of course, the practice of Da Luo Zhen Shen is still not perfect. One day, when the strong body is supplemented, this Da Luo Zhen Shen will reach the ultimate state and become a set of extraordinary skills.

At present, this set of Da Luo Zhenshen tactics deduced by Li Xing has only six heavy heavens, each of which is a completely different world. At this time, Li Xing was just Da Luozhen's first priority, and he couldn't complete it.

The practice of Da Luo Zhen Shen is to absorb all the powers that can strengthen the physique and use it for himself, and gradually strengthen the physical body until it reaches the peak of Da Luo Zhen Shen.

What is even more amazing is that Da Luo Zhenshenju can continuously absorb and integrate more exercises. In the future, if he has enough understanding, he will launch the seventh, eighth, and even higher realities of Da Luozhen.

Of course, in the end, how profound this real Luo Luo really is, even Li Xing is unknown. No one in the world can know.

For another three thousand years, Li Xingda Luo Zhen first completed successfully. At this time, his physical strength can directly resist the world calamity, even against the peerless power of Daojun series.

In three thousand years, another 360,000 **** fruits have emerged.

Da Luo Zhen's first complete success, Li Xing did not stop, he began to focus on the cultivation of the power of the sky. In the gate of heaven, the pillar of the sky pattern is condensed, which is composed of three thousand kinds of heavenly forces.

The power of the sky is actually the power of laws, or the power of laws. For example, the power of five elements, the power of no phase, the power of yin and yang, the power of four phases, the force of gravity, the power of two instruments, and so on. The power of the sky, if it is controlled by the mage, and is exerted, is the so-called mana.

Behind every force of heaven lies a deeper avenue. The power of phaselessness goes further, which is the way of phaselessness; the power of yin and yang goes further, which is the way of yin and yang.

Some practitioners believe that the power of the sky, the power of the law, is an extension of the avenue. If the avenue is a sea, then a certain rule is a drop of water in the sea. If someone can see the whole sea through this drop of water, then he can enter the path.

Li Xing's understanding of the power of the three thousand days is deep enough to condense them into the texture of the sky. But this is not enough. In the next step, he must consolidate the three thousand sky patterns into a legal ban!

Li Xing's first cohesion of law was powerless. The power of phaselessness, which took three years, was finally condensed into a phaseless law, which represents the law of phaselessness.

Subsequently, the laws were condensed out, coiled together, and condensed into a pillar of law, suppressed in the gate of heaven. The pillar of this law is constantly strengthened and thickened, and every time after a period of time, a law is added.

An ordinary mage can only gather three or five rules in his body, but Li Xing has to gather three thousand ways!

Year after year, more than 8,000 years have passed, and the pillar of the law has finally condensed and succeeded. And during this period, all the ore was absorbed by the tree of faith and produced the fruits of the gods, totaling as many as 1.36 million!

At this time, the life force brought by the longevity fruit was also consumed, with only 2,000 years remaining.

"It's finally about to break through. Entering the level of law and heaven will definitely cause a terrible disaster and must go out." Li Xing opened his eyes, his eyes seemed chaotic, he said to himself.

A shocking light, burst out from the eight-pole tower, directly broke open space and appeared far away from the Dragon Palace. Li Xing's body flickered one after another, and he kept entering the wild waters.

At this point, he recovered his true colors, no longer "Bai Yunfei". After becoming a mage, he will experience the calamity, change his destiny, cut off his breath, and no one will be able to predict him.

The sea was vast and the surrounding creatures felt the danger, and desperately swam toward the periphery. Over the past nine days, under the sympathy between Qi and Qi, a large block of clouds appeared. Those robbery clouds, some red, some purple, some blue, some gold, actually condensed into the image of gods.

One deity who knows nothing exists stands in the air and there are nine deities in total. Every **** of cloud robbery releases terrifying coercion. This coercion cannot even bear Daojun, and Taoists will be killed directly.

Behind the existence of the nine deities ~ www.readwn.com ~ An ancient palace appears, faintly, seems to have a great existence, sitting in it, commanding billions of gods and deities.

In all directions, the strength of a rule of law came together. Every law power gathers around the nine deities. Each rule is condensed into a **** of rules, holding a sharp weapon, locking down Li Xing below.

The gods of the law are various, some human shapes, some beast shapes, some tall, some short, but each has a terrifying momentum and is not lost to the characters of the state.

Li Xing's complexion changed suddenly. He expected that the disaster would be terrible, but he did not expect it to be so terrible!

"Don't!" Li Xing couldn't help but beat the middle finger, which was too bullying!

Throughout the ages, has anyone experienced such terrible calamities and besieged by the God of the Three Thousand Rules? No, there isn't one. Li Xing is the only one. Unfortunately, this glory is too easy to pick up.

"Mages can enslave the rules, and when they are robbing, they will naturally be backstabbed by the rules." Li Xing raised his spirits, and he screamed aloud, rushing up a great portal above his head! It emits three thousand rules of light, representing three thousand rules!

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