Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 740: Impact Law Day

Chapter 28: Shocking Heaven!

Three thousand kinds of laws and three thousand kinds of heavenly power were released at once. Suddenly, the God of Three Thousand Laws in the air formation also moved, and under the control of the nine gods, they launched an attack on Li Xing.

"My life is in my sky, kill me!" Li Xing screamed and began a life-and-death struggle. He transformed his magical power into a great being, holding the door of the law and killing three thousand law gods.

A deity is the fastest, and it represents the power of the law of space. He immediately came to Li Xing and waved the blade of space to cut off Li Xing's head.

"Go to death!" Li Xingyuan opened his eyes, the majesty was soaring, and the door of the law shot directly.


First, the blade of space was broken.


The second time, the space law **** was broken, and then the third and fourth time, Li Xing was extremely fierce. With nine strikes, this law **** was broken into law fragments.

Pure fragments of law are absorbed by the gate of law, which strengthens the power of space law and makes it complete.

More gods of law rushed over and besieged Li Xing. The blades condensed by each piece of law are amazingly powerful. They cut into Li Xing's body and made a "squeak" sound, which could not even cut the skin.

Da Luozhen is the most important person, and he is so strong that he will not invade!

"All dead!" Li Xing yelled, the huge true shape, waving the door of the law, wielding and beating. Absorb a **** of the law, the power of the gate of the law is increased, three or five times, kill another, and then absorb the fragments of the law.

Tianjie's movement was too big, and the entire Master of Tianyuanzhou felt that the power of the surrounding laws began to be chaotic and seemed to be disturbed by some powerful force. They all agreed and looked in the direction of Li Xingdu.

There were even some terrifying forces. At that time, they rushed to the wild areas of the South China Sea. It didn't take long for a great power to appear outside of Tianjie, and then they saw a scene that shocked them.

"Oh my God! Who is doing this? It actually attracted the God of the Three Thousand Rules, how is this ... how is that possible? But it happened, who can tell me what happened?" A Tao Jun stunned and muttered. language.

There was more and more power gathered, and finally, the Emperor Emperor, the Great God, and the Dragon Emperor also appeared. At the same time, some ancient beings in the barren waters were alarmed, hidden in the void, and observed secretly.

Next to the Dragon Emperor, the four Princes who had disappeared for a long time appeared, and he exclaimed: "The vision of the Father Emperor is really brilliant. After Li Xingdu was robbed, not many people could be suppressed by Tian Yuanzhou! Three thousand gods, my God, How did he do that?"

Dragon Emperor's expression was also very dignified: "I don't think it's that simple. There are more than three thousand rules. It seems ... there are follow-up scourges, look down!"

The Great God had a dignified expression. Behind him, the three Tao Juns, Tianming, Tianzang, and Tianyi, also looked dull. They didn't say anything, but they undoubtedly felt the threat brought by Li Xing, this person was amazing! I do not know where it will grow, it must be removed as soon as possible! This is their common aspiration.

Several high-level officials from Wanfamen also arrived, and the looks of Tian Jun Dao Jun and Wu Ji Xian Jun changed. Tian Yao sighed: "Unfortunately, he failed to kill this child early. Now that he is in a good position, it will be difficult to kill again!"

Li Xing spit out the river and mountains, holding the door of the law, and constantly killing one **** after another. Every time a **** of law is killed, the gate of his law is one point stronger, and each law is completed.

"Look! Every **** who fails to kill and absorb the power of the law of God! God? How strong is he? Can he compete with Daojun? So many law weapons can't hurt him!"

"This person's physical body has reached an incredible level. He is too lazy to dodge even to dodge, and directly withstands the attack of the law and god."

There were also several acquaintances in the audience. Taiyi Taoist, Fire Crow Taoist, the Four Seas of the South China Sea, King Zhou, and Blood Shadow Taoist all appeared.

Tai Yi Tao smiled a little, and said, "My friends in Fire Raven, you and I don't have to think about it. After today, I will join the Taixu Men directly. Li Xiaoyou really exceeded your expectations. With his help, you and I will become Daojun. . "

In the fourth quarter of the South China Sea, Bai Huaxi laughed: "This boy, did not let us down, are we going to become a great emperor?"

Qimen gazed at Qiguang and laughed, "Maybe that's the case. After the Emperor Tianxie, the world will be chaotic. If another emperor can come out, the world will restore order."

The most surprising are the six demon kings, including King Zhou, Blood Shadow Taoist, King of Strong, Poison Bee, Bloodbeard, King Kong, King Yinshan, etc. Li Xing is their "savage emperor". The better they are.

"His Majesty the Emperor, she was truly shocked, and she was so powerful when she went through a law robber, and she will surely dominate the world in the future!"

"None of our choices were wrong. In the future, they will all be the heroes of the empire." The blood shadow Taoist laughed. At first, Li Xing taught him Da Luo's amazing achievements.

"Boom boom!"

Li Xing was beheaded again and again. For half a day, the God of the Three Thousand Rules had been killed by him seven or seven. At this point, his whole body was full of the breath of laws, and mana began to flow in his body to temper his body.

"Okay! I'm going to kill the gods of all the laws and consolidate the supreme fetuses!" He shouted, and the door of the law in his hand waved even harder. One by one, the deities of God, were shot into pieces.

When the last **** of the law was beheaded and killed, Li Xing's gate of law finally reached its completeness and condensed directly into the sky into a great fetus. This fetus has eight holes on it, nine tricks on the bottom, and the power of swallowing the law.

As soon as the fetus succeeded, Li Xing felt empty for a while, and felt that the gate of the law had a feeling that it could not fall away. He quickly shattered the fruit of each god, absorbed the power of the gods, and replenished the origin.

All the power of the gods descended, and his power became stronger and stronger. When millions of **** fruit were absorbed, finally, in the true form, the ancient godhead was triggered.

The ancient god's personality rose into the sky, and with a slight shock, it absorbed all the deities' powers on Li Xing. The power of chaos, the power of order, the power of wisdom, etc. These many divine powers are integrated into the ancient godhead. Such a powerful divine power makes this godhead regain the power of the past, and releases great power.

At this moment, Li Xing felt for the first time that the ancient godhead belonged to him, and he became the master of the godhead. In other words, he officially has a godhead and has become a god! Of course, his deity is still very weak, far less than the gods of ancient times.

The ancient god's personality shook slightly, the world shook, and the great existence of the nine or nine statues finally shot. They held the magical soldiers condensed by the divine power and beheaded Li Xing. There are big swords, giant swords, spears, nine deities, nine gods.

These gods are born from the sympathy of heaven and earth, have no consciousness, but have powerful fighting power, and each statue is comparable to Daojun.

At this moment, when Li Xing was thinking, the ancient godhead was shocked, releasing a ray of divine power, divine power, and then returned to Li Xing's body. At this moment, his heart moved, and a magic soldier appeared in his hand.

This divine soldier is a huge sword, completely condensed by the power of the gods.


The Heavenly Sword Technique was exhibited and beheaded to one of the Daojun. With the help of the star-killing power, Li Xing's sword-knife method broke through instantly and reached the ninth level. There are only eight types of nine-level Heavenly Swords, but they are shocking.


The blade of light flashed, a giant was cut through the magic soldier, and half of his body was split off. Then Li Xing shouted, this deity became a **** power, devoured by him, and became the nourishment of the ancient godhead.

The remaining eight deities moved at the same time, beheading from eight directions. They actually formed a killing line, combining their strengths together.


Li Xing's shoulder was cut with a deep wound. In his wound, the strong law power was woven into the bones and meridians, and even the blood flowing out contained the power of law, deities, and real people. A drop of blood, Anti-Elixir drugs are precious.

"A return to Yuanyuan! Kill!"

Li Xing screamed, and issued eight swords at once, and the eight swords merged into one, condensing into four types of horrible swords and ten types of swords!

Ten-level swordsmanship, the swordmanship mastered by Emperor Tianxie at that time, who can fight?


After a series of muffled sounds, the eight gods were killed and the four deities killed, and their strength was absorbed. However, Li Xingshi made a hit with this return and paid the price. There was a crack in Da Luozhen's body, and blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Nine gods were beheaded. Each of these nine gods represents a kind of divine power. As it happens, Li Xing also absorbed nine kinds of deities.

At this moment, in the palace in the void, the vague figure seemed to grunt, and then a high vortex appeared above the sky, and the sky was filled with stars.

At this point, Li Xing felt that his killing star wheel and the destiny star wheel ~ www.readwn.com ~ both oscillated. He changed his look, knowing that the calamity was coming again, and it was aimed at the calamity of the astral body!

How difficult is it for him to consolidate the imperial star wheel and let the stars surrender? Presumably, there will be calamities above the heavenly stars, come to kill him!

"The two tribulations just now, one is the law scourge, and the other is the scourge of the gods. This scourge should be the star power scourge. No matter how many scourges, I have to go through it!" Li Xing was trembling with trembling, and there was another scream.

The sky is full of stars, condensing into a respectable body, they represent the will of the stars, all of them are fighters with the strength of the stars, there are also as many as three thousand!

Li Xing "haha" laughed, the killing wheel in his body slowly rotated, and the whole body released the breath of killing. That breath, condensed into a magical star soldier, was also a giant sword.

With a stab in hand, Li Xingyuan opened his eyes, murderous, and killed the three thousand star power fighters. This must be a **** battle. According to the Star Emperor's Scriptures, the gods of ancient times almost fell when they were looting.

"Blockers! Kill!" Li Xing growled, the stars trembled, and he slashed to a Star Warrior. The trajectory that Daoguang traversed seemed to have the same depth as the world for three thousand years.

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