Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 741: Archmage

Chapter 40: Master Treasure

Li Xing was taken aback, saying that it was bad! Why is this person's nose so sensitive? As he was about to escape, he heard a hearty laugh. A tall, burly man with big eyes and big eyes appeared in a vacuum.

As soon as this man appeared, the eyes of the five weirds flickered with murder. The fat man hummed: "Shen Gongye, what are you doing?"

The man named Shen Gongye sneered, "Hey," Wu Xue could come, but I ca n’t come to Shen Gongye? Obviously, I came here first, and you broke in later. "

Soul Eater said coldly: "Shen Gongye, everyone thinks that you declare your righteousness and do things brightly and brilliantly. But we Wusha know that you are more sinister and malicious than anyone, and are a purebred hypocrite."

Shen Gongye laughed again and shook his head and said, "I can comment on the name of" hypocrite ". I am very happy and know my soul-eater."

Seeing here, Li Xing's mind was a little loose. It wasn't him who was exposed, but someone else. However, this Shen Gongye is also cheeky enough. Others say that he is hypocrite, and he is so reckless that he has no shame.

Soul Eater said: "Shen Gongye, Mingren don't say secret words, why are you here for that matter?"

Shen Gongye sat down oppositely generously: "Brother Soul Eater, don't you dare to say what it is? Think I don't know?"

Soul Eater hummed and did not answer.

"The top ten masters of Fatian were reborn in Tianwu Kingdom, and few people knew about it, not more than ten. At present, these people have already arrived in Tianwu Kingdom, and they will soon be able to Find the whereabouts of Duobao Master. "Shen Gongye said.

Tianchi drank, "Do you still know anyone?"

"Of course there are people, and their strength is still above the five brothers." Shen Gongye sighed. "I'm weak in the downside, I just don't know how to be with myself. I don't want to meet the five brothers. Better, let's join forces How to find Duobao Master together? "

Skull sneered again and again: "Cooperating with you Shen Gongye, it's the same as working with tigers, we are not so stupid!"

Shen Gongye said with a smile: "Since not cooperating, I have to say goodbye next. I will tell you how to find Duobao, and someone may be willing to cooperate with me."

"What?" The worm on Soul Eater's face wriggled violently, looking extremely scary. "Do you know how to find Duobao Master?"

"What is Duobao Master? Wisdom is unparalleled, how can he let others easily find his whereabouts? As long as he leaves this place, and then opens the reserved treasure, he will be able to make rapid progress in ten years and return to Fatian. Freedom. "Shen Gongye sighed," Fatian is so heavy, I don't know how many treasures he has treasured, if we get ... 啧啧 ... "

Snow Mountain's five evil spirits all moved. Although they did not trust the hypocrite Shen Gongye, they couldn't help cooperating with him. You know, Naduobao was once the sixth horrible existence on the Tianyuanzhou Fa Tianfa list.

The accumulation of such figures is beyond the imagination of others. Once they found the reincarnated body of Duobao, they could force him to tell the whereabouts of the treasure, earn him a lot of money, and lay the foundation for cultivation in one fell swoop.

In the title of Duobao Division, there was the word "duobao". At that time, he had twelve magic weapons, which were extremely powerful. When fighting against others, the magic weapon flew wildly, shaking the earth, and it was a peerless powerhouse in the sky.

Wushan Wusha for a while, heaven and human battle, and finally still can not resist greed, bite the soul and said: "Okay, we can cooperate, but you have to say the way first."

Shen Gongye immediately agreed, saying, "A place where the treasure master hides must have sky shining. However, this sky is so subtle that you and I can't find it unless we find a god."

"You mean Linglong turtle?" Hei Nian said, "Linglong turtle, I like sky light the most, I will worship at the sight of sky light."

"The exquisite turtle is not a strange thing, but this thing is extremely scarce. The number is less than that of Fa Tian's six strong men. It is not easy to find. It just so happens that I have one." Shen Gongye found out one from his arms. Exquisite turtle.

"So what are you waiting for? Immediately!" Ghost Camel cried.

"Not in a hurry." Shen Gongye waved his hand. "I said that it was not only us but seven or eight mages who grabbed people. They already knew that we existed. As long as we started, we would surely shock each other. , Said there must be a fight. "

"Huh, do you have any fear?" Tianchi sneered.

"We are naturally not afraid of them. However, the world is unpredictable. In the event of a powerful existence, if we step in, will we have to suffer a great deal?" Shen Gongye said, "So we must Work out and move on, and think of a perfect solution. "

Next, the six mages discussed countermeasures. After hearing about it, Li Xing already understood what their method was. It was nothing more than an attack on the west. The six were divided into three groups and went to one place each.

Once you find Duobao Mage, capture it immediately, then split up and leave, and arrange a meeting place after the event and so on.

When several people discussed, Li Xing little by little, carefully moved out of the five mine towers, until they walked a few kilometers, and then proceeded at full speed and left far away.

When Li Xing stopped on the other side of Tianwu City, sweat was already seen on his forehead. I was very nervous just now. In the face of the six mages, once exposed, it would be a dead end.

"It turned out that Linglong Turtles could find Duobao Master. When Song Jian on the Song Dynasty asked me for Dan, he gave me two things. One is Linglong Turtle, the other is Wuling Gourd. Wuling Gourd has been planted in Jingtian, wait In seven or eight years, it will be able to blossom and bear fruit. But this exquisite tortoise has been sleeping after entering the Baiyang Realm and has yet to wake up. "

Thinking, Li Xing grabbed Linglong Turtle from Jingtian. At this moment, his cultivation is already very clever. When opening up the heaven, he can hide his breath and no longer worry about being sensed by the mage or the god-man. Therefore, he can now start Jingtian anytime, anywhere.

Linglong Turtle is still sleeping, Li Xing bounced on its little head and yelled, "Little guy, wake up, sleep for a few years, haven't you been full?"

Li Xing's little head was bombarded by Li Xing, and he screamed in pain as he opened his eyes, staring angrily at Li Xing.

Li Xinggan laughed, and found a Baiyang Shendan, saying: "Do me a favor, this elixir is yours, how?"

When Linglong Turtle saw Baiyang Shendan, her little tongue stuck out. It seemed that she understood Li Xing's words and connected the turtle's head.

Li Xingdao: "Take a look for me, can there be sky light around me?"

The Linglong turtle looked around, suddenly, it looked reverent, nodded in a northwest direction, and seemed to be worshipping the power of a mighty shore.

Li Xing's heart leaped wildly and thought fiercely: "People don't make money or get rich, horses don't grow grass and fat. Today, I will fight with these many mages to see who can find the multi-master first!"

He performed the shadowless technique, walking between the streets and alleys, and finally came to a large house with the help of the exquisite turtle. Among the big houses, the houses are one after another, obviously a big family.

Li Xing sneaked into it silently, and released his thoughts and began searching.

In a firewood room in the backyard, a thirteen-year-old boy with clear eyes, sitting in a haystack, seemed to be thinking about something.

When Li Xing's divine thoughts swept here, the boy suddenly felt tight and his face changed. This slight change was captured by Li Xing. In the firewood room, Guanghua flashed and Li Xing appeared.

The boy stared at Li Xing, and Li Xing stared at the boy.

After a long time, the boy sighed, "How did you find me?"

Li Xing showed the delicate turtle with a grin.

The boy nodded: "Yes, no matter how I hide, I still want to release the sky."

Li Xingdao: "You shouldn't stay here for long. Don't worry, I'm not malicious to you. At least twelve mages are looking for your whereabouts and follow me to keep you okay."

The boy thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Okay, before the reincarnation, the date was wrong, and today ’s suffering is difficult. If you can help me, I will definitely complete you in the future."

Li Xing smiled: "No need to say more at this time, go." He took the teenager into Baiyang Jingtian, and then left the place.

Things went so smoothly that Li Xing also felt incredible. However, the youthful temperament is good, and the roots are extremely beautiful, so naturally they will not be fake. But he couldn't figure it out, why didn't the Masters start early?

Li Xing didn't even want to assassinate the little boy Wu, and left Tianwu City directly. How far he can run, he will never return within March.

Tianwu City, another group of mages, numbered up to eight. They also focused together. The person in the middle of the host was an old man and laughed: "The five mountains in the snow mountain should be at the moment. They will believe in Linglong Turtle and Tianguang, and take away the fake master."

Another old woman laughed: "They don't know. Although the young man is a good man, he can't emit sky light. That light is because we have placed a heavenly panacea and heavenly panic in his body. "

"They were lucky, and they got a goddam for nothing." The third mage laughed. "And we can slowly find the real multi treasure mage!"

On the other side ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xueshan Wusha and Shen Gongye, also in the middle of the night, took out Linglong Turtle to find Duobao Master. Unfortunately, Linglong Turtle did not respond at all.

"How could this happen?" Wu Sha cast his skeptical eyes on Shen Gongye, and Shen Gongye saw sweat on his forehead, and said suddenly, "I don't know, it shouldn't be like this ..."

Suddenly, he turned his eyes and shouted, "No, they're one step ahead!"

He yelled, Faw was frightened, and Fenian was full. Shen Gongye took the opportunity to say: "Let's find them separately!"

So, this night, there was no peace in Tianwu City. Thirteen mage masters, linguistic concepts, crisscrossed, and tossed all night. At midnight, the two sides finally met. They couldn't find the real "Fake Duobao".

What's even more weird is that thirteen mages rummaged through the entire Tianwu City, not even Zhenduobao.

"Fuck! What the **** is this!" Tian Chi yelled angrily. "Don't you say that you have used a trick, and you haven't caught the Mighty Master?"

On the other side, the eight mages looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "We are all played by Dobo's reincarnation!"

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