Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 742: Astrology vs. Mystery

Chapter 30: Astrology vs. Mystery

The other side was so arrogant that he dared to break into the Dragon Palace alone, obviously relying on it. . . Li Xingmo said expressionlessly, "To fight with me, yes, how about losing, how about winning?"

Dark blood ancient smiled: "I am dark blood ancient, I will not lose, you lose, die!"

Li Xing laughed: "You lose, don't die, how about sending 100 million catties of **** spar?"

The dark blood is ancient, and the **** spar is actually the crystallization of the source of the god, hidden in the ore. One hundred million pounds of **** spar is a large amount, at least one million pieces of ore can make up this number.

The entire Darkblood, the amount of mining in a year, but this is the case, this kid also dare to mention! However, he didn't even look at the other side, snorted coldly, and said, "Okay, if you lose, not only will you die, but Dragon Palace will hand over 100 million gods!"

A ray of divine light was shot in Long Huang's eyes, hitting the void, and suddenly "banged", leaving a middle-aged man. This man has the same dark red skin, but the momentum is much stronger.

"Since it's here, why bother hiding it, letting people despise it." Long Huang said indifferently. He felt that someone was spying secretly, so he shot it out.

The middle-aged man stared at the Dragon Emperor, surging in war, and seemed to be about to shoot, but after all, he suppressed it and said, "I, dark blood, come to your dragon palace. Here, I am the dark blood ancient of my nephew, and promise you Bet, if you lose, you are willing to pay 100 million Jin Jingjing. "

Li Xing said: "Please!" Striding into the field, the dark blood ancient also came out.

As soon as the Dragon Emperor waved and hit a white light, a square platform fell to the center of the hall, and the square above itself became a world.

"This is the endless platform, you can enter the internal competition, regardless of life or death." Dragon Emperor has absolute confidence in Li Xing. He is a generation of dragon emperors, and his vision is so bad that he can see that the ancient odds of dark blood are almost zero.

Both Li Xing and Dark Blood Ancient jumped to the stage and felt that their eyes had changed and entered a huge space.

Underground is a white solid stone, and above it is the infinitely high sky.

The dark blood ancient eyes shot blood, and the blood behind rolled back, condensing into a pair of dark blood wings. At the same time, a spear, the blood spear, appeared in his hand!

Li Xing was dazzling, and said, "Early division of the heavens and the earth, the evil blood king of the extraterrestrial monsters came to the world, scourges the souls, reproduces the offspring, and they become a member of the ancient royal family. Your blood is filled with evil and dirty blood, Needs purification. "

The general outline of the first page of the ancient Xuanjing, astronomy and geography, human history, all-encompassing, through it, Li Xing knew many major events in prehistoric times, and the King of Dark Blood also recorded.

The realm of the Dark Blood King is equivalent to the real king series, with great strength, creating an ancient royal family.

Dark Blood was shocked. How did this person know this? But then, anger raged in his chest, roaring like thunder: "You dare to insult the sacred dark blood tribe, this is a death penalty! Kill!"

The dark blood moved, and the wings of the dark blood spread out, ignoring the space directly, and moved thousands of times instantly, wielding the spear of the dark blood, beheading Li Xing.

Li Xing remained motionless, responding to changes constantly, without even blinking his eyes. A bit of blood appeared at the position of his brows, assassinated, and the speed was too fast to be discernible to the naked eye.


His fingers seemed to be always at the position of the eyebrows, hitting the spear, the blood spear immediately smashed, and the dark blood ancient arm numbed, and pulled away, showing a shock on his face.

"How can this be? The father said that the current human beings are very small. Below Daojun, I can kill them with one stroke. This man is obviously a small person with a heavy law, how can I not kill him?"

Dark Blood Ancient was surprised, Li Xing's strength exceeded his expectations. However, he had not lost his confidence. He shook his spear and yelled, "Dark blood strike!"

When this spearhead came, Li Xing keenly felt that the laws of heaven and earth were actually mobilized by it, and even contained the power of the avenue. This spear is undoubtedly very horrible. It can definitely kill Taoists, and Tao Jun must dodge.

Li Xing's mood was chic, he slightly raised his hand, the three thousand rules turned, condensed into a spear of rules, and "snapped" with a sound, and shot in the past. He wants to defeat the opponent purely by means of a mage.

"Boom!" A wave of colorful air exploded, Dark Blood Ancient was blown up to sit on the ground, and the Dark Blood Spear was shattered again. The spear of Li Xing's law was directly assassinated and penetrated into the heart of the dark blood ancient eyebrows.


The dark blood screamed anciently, and the flesh turned into a mass of dark red flesh, constantly squirming on the ground.

When Li Xing beckoned, the spear of the law flew out, and he frowned slightly, saying: "It really is a dirty race, it is so disgusting." He stepped out and stepped on the flesh, stepping on it fiercely.


His kick was too powerful, and the flesh suddenly turned into flesh and splashed to the ground. The flesh screamed fiercely, and the Spear of Law apparently failed to kill him.


Another kick, dark blood and ancient fury said: "Humble human, you deceive people too much!"

"You make yourself cheap, and run away from it for shame!" Li Xing said, leaving his feet idle, stepping on and off, stepping on a large piece of flesh into mud, and the dark blood ancient voice disappeared.

Off the field, the dark blood that came with Dark Blood Ancient, a cruel smile appeared on his face, and he didn't seem to be worried at all.


The mass of dark red meat suddenly swelled into a ball, with powerful strength, and suddenly opened Li Xing. On the ball, the dark blood ancient features appeared faintly, and he gave out a stern and cold laugh: "Small human, you don't know the horror of my dark blood tribe! Dark blood mystery, thousands of miles!"

"Om!" With a bang, the whole space was shrouded in a killing, brutal atmosphere. The blood-colored ball burst open, and from it a blood-sucked **** man walked out, holding a spear toward Li Xing.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, he felt the threat. The mystery of the royal family is also recorded in the ancient Xuanjing. Each royal family in the ancient times has inherited several kinds of mystery and its power is amazing.

This thousand miles of slaughter is one of the powerful mysteries of the Dark Blood Clan. These members of the royal family are non-immortals, non-buddhas, non-gods and non-devils. They belong to the tyrannical creatures outside the territory, have strong blood lineage inheritance, and are living beings.

The blood man stabbed with a spear, simple and direct, not fast, but it made people feel unavoidable. The general situation of heaven and earth was borrowed by this attack.

A layer of starlight circulated in the palm of Li Xing's left hand, and the starlight dropped down and condensed into a large bow. This bow, bright stars, Ambilight, caressing, a nine-color bow string appears.

Li Xing strung and bowed, and the three thousand stars trembled. This is one of the great killings condensed by the killing star wheel, the bow of silence!

As soon as the bow of doom came out, a terrifying momentum was suppressed, and a thousand miles of mystery was stabilized.

Two fingers and one loose, "Really!"

A thunderbolt light pierced time and space and killed the blood. Emperor star art is against royal mystery, people outside the field hold their breath, waiting for the results to appear.

"Breath!" With a strange sound, the blood spear was split in half by an arrow, and the arrow's prestige continued to pierce into the heart of the blood man. Dark Blood Gu issued a terrifying howl, his body inflated like an inflatable ball, and finally "banged" and exploded.

This time, he was completely dead and gone to silence, leaving only a black ash.

Li Xing put away the bow of silence and walked out of Tianyatai, facing the dark blood. Dark Blood Hidden complexion is ugly, because of the skin color, the entire face has become dark.

"Excuse me, 100 million catties." Li Xing said lightly.

Dark blood murmured angrily: "One hundred million pounds? Do you dare?"

"How dare you dare to give me a billion jins, I dare to accept it as well." Li Xing said scornfully, "how? Want to repent? You ancient savages, it is normal to say nothing but believe, I don't care about you. However, you have to say, 'Darkblood speak fart' in front of the world. "

His words were obviously irritating each other, 100 million catties of Jingjing, which is equivalent to the amount of ore he had obtained from the Yuan Sheng royal family, of course, he will not let it go easily.

Dark blood was furious. As soon as he pointed out, he would kill Li Xing. The sky is covered with blood and rain, and there are endless killings inside.

As soon as the Dragon King waved his sleeve, the vision disappeared, and the dark blood was also “backed up”, a little blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly: “Human Taoism is really powerful. The body flickered and disappeared.

Everyone in the field cheered and praised. The Dragon Emperor was also rejoicing and announced on the spot: "My son Li Xing, King of the North Sea Mumu, the emperor originally promised that if he entered Fatian, he would give him 800,000 troops."

Li Xing stepped forward and thanked him, saying, "The righteous father is at ease, there is a child there, and there is nothing to the north of the education." The army of 800,000 Dragon Palace is a very powerful combat force.

On this day, Taiyi Taoists and Fire Crow Taoists officially joined Taixu Men and became too elders. The four concubines of the South China Sea, also thanked Li Xing for his help, and became the elder of Taixumen Keqing.

In addition, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Da Zhou King, Blood Shadow Taoist, Poison Bee King, King Kong King, Dali King, Yin Shan King, and Blood Beard King, also took the opportunity to join Tai Xu Men. Of course, the Dragon Emperor did not know about the joining of these people. Taixumen Zhicheng Daojun knew the inside story and laughed endlessly.

All six were considered Li Xing as the reincarnation of the imperial emperor. They all followed with heart and became Li Xing's help, which was too powerful.

After a few days of rectification, in the cave days of Zhicheng Daojun, there has been silence to the first and perfection, and there has been movement. Their road tires have been reborn, turned into road babies, and repaired instead of rising.

With the return of the two Daojun, the power of Taixumen was greatly enhanced. In addition, Li Xing stepped into Fatian, and the overall strength surpassed the state before the siege. At this point, the time was ripe, and Li Xing took the imaginary map and led an army of 800,000 dragon palaces to the northern waters of the South China Sea, where the sea was king.

The first step is to build a royal palace. As a magnificent pastoral king, you cannot do without a royal palace. Li Xing possesses the qualifications of the gods and absorbs the power of construction. He exerted his best means and saw the huge waves and mountains and valleys being moved into the ocean floor.

The power of construction and the magic of magic, within a few days, an undersea building complex covering an area of ​​300 miles appeared, with 800,000 troops stationed in it, guarding the north of the South China Sea.

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