Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 743: Tenmu Secret

Chapter 31: Tianwu Secret

On the day Li Xing spent his calamity, countless people watched the calamity. The matter spread throughout Tianyuan, no one knew it, no one knew it. . . In addition, he defeated the ancient royal family and was protected by the demon emperor and the dragon emperor. Therefore, the title of the first mage of Tianyuan was called out.

The first mage means that under the realm, he is invincible among mages. Of course, Li Xing's strength can actually kill the Taoist characters, but it is hard to say if he is against the Taoist Supreme.

In this case, there must be some people who are extremely unhappy, such as Wan Famen, Luo Tianmen, and Troll Gate.

In the imaginary picture, Li Xing summoned the imaginary sword and laughed, "How can I be qualified to worship you now?"

Too little boy said lightly: "Naturally, please!"

Li Xing used his means to unify with the idea of ​​the Taixu boy, and completed the sacrifice in a short time. This is also his super strength, otherwise ordinary mages, how could he so easily practice the forty-nine-level true treasure of the 49th law.

With a too virtual sword in hand, Li Xing felt that his strength had improved again and said to himself: "With this sword, even if you meet Dao Zun, you may not be able to escape. As for Dao Jun, you can completely kill."

For another three days, the Dark Blood sent someone to send 100 million **** crystals. After accepting the **** crystal, Li Xing immediately began to prepare and opened the Tianwu secret possession.

The Heavenly Secret was discovered when he was searching for the relics of the Ice Mage, but because of his limited strength, he could not open it.

At this time, Li Xing held the secret of Tianwu in his hands. It was a brilliance of the size of a fist. It contained mountains and trees, birds, animals, fish and insects extinguished, and it contained a world.

"Finally opening the Tianwu Secret." Li Xing laughed, but he was immediately attacked by the Emperor Tianxie. "Do you think Tianwu Secret is so good? What you have is just a portal, a gateway to it. The portal to the secret collection of Heavenly Martial Art. "

"What?" Li Xing said for a moment, he always thought that Tianwu Secret was already in his hands, but he didn't expect it was just a portal.

"Tianxiefu Treasury for Teachers has also set up several portals, hidden in infinite space, and can only be found through the portals." Tianxiedao, "The secret entrance portal of the Emperor Tianwu should be more than this one. "

Li Xing's complexion was suddenly difficult to look at. He had thought that it was a duck in his hands, but he couldn't eat it now.

Tianxiedao: "You don't need to be discouraged. With your strength, just grab it. Even if you encounter Dao Zun, you may not have no chance."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, go ahead and check it out!" He yelled, running chaotic martial arts, and powerful martial arts locked the secret portal.

Suddenly, the entire portal shook. The portal shook and immediately shocked many characters.

Luo Tianmen, the Tianzang Daojun in the practice suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "No! There is a change in the secret of Tianwu, has anyone entered?" He immediately found the Great God and reported it.

The Great Hall of Heaven, the Great God frowned, "I thought that it was very difficult to find the entrance to the hidden treasure. This day, the secret treasure of Luo Tianmen, a must-have, will not be touched by others!"

Tianzang Daojun: "Great God, there is more than one entrance. We can't wait any longer. Originally, I wanted the Great God to make that treasure of nature, and then enter it, and I can open the secret stably. But now, Can't wait any longer, get in immediately. "

Tianyi Daojun sighed: "The magic weapon of the order that day has condensed seventy-one heavy innate bans. Only a little bit of flames are left before you can enter the level of good fortune. Unfortunately, it's a shame!"

Great God: "Anyway, Ding Haiyin has reached seventy-one heavy legal bans. With the urging of this seat, there is a great opportunity to open the secret."

Wan Fa Men, Wan Fa Hall.

Tianyi Daojun, Vientiane Dao, and other men stood respectfully below. On the throne of teaching, sat a figure of no face. He was wearing a gossip fairy costume, black beard fluttering, and his fairy was shaking earthly.

This person is Taiyuan Xianzun, who teaches in heaven. Behind Taiyuanxian Zun, there are six monarchs standing with great momentum.

Tianxun Daojun said: "Xianzun, someone is about to enter Tianwu's secret possession, and his subordinates thought that they can't wait any longer, they must do it immediately. Otherwise, in case someone gets on board quickly, they will regret it too late."

It turned out that Li Xing shook the portal and Tian Jun Dao Jun felt it. Tian Jun Dao Jun also mastered a portal, and discovered it with the old man of the eight poles. In order to swallow it alone, he also secretly calculated the eight-pole old man.

Taiyuan Xianzun said indifferently: "Since then, Benxun has brought the 10,000 Wanxian Map, which is a magic weapon of the fairy family of the creation level."

There is a magic weapon in Xianmen. There are three types of immortal ban. The magic weapon forbidden above 72 cents immortal belongs to the rank of good fortune. Generally speaking, due to the immortality of Xiandao, the magic weapon of Xianjia at the same level is more powerful than ordinary law jade.

Tian Jun Dao Jun rejoiced: "So, it must be foolproof!"

At the same time, there was an aura of aura in the western Osawa. The oasis covers an area of ​​thousands of acres, with purple carnations growing on it. Among the bamboo forest, a stone house was built. In the house, a young man was seated.

The young man, with a beautiful appearance and a star-shaped eyebrow, wore a purple robe, and his state was solemn. Suddenly, the young man opened his eyes and said, "Come."

Suddenly, a phantom appeared in the room, and he knelt down and said, "What did the boy ask?"

"Someone moved Tianwu Secret, can't wait any longer, ready to shoot." Youth humane.

The Xingying was startled: "My son, I'm not ready yet ..."

"It goes without saying that this man is a descendant of Tianwu and loved by the Great Emperor Yingling, he will surely take the secret." The young man said lightly, full of confidence in his tone.

However, he said that Li Xing penetrated into the group of Guanghua with martial arts ideas, and suddenly felt that his consciousness had entered a **** sea and could not reach the margins. He can only continue to extend the will of martial arts, hoping to find something.

The chaos in the body is running wildly, but he feels in a dazed situation. He can't help changing colors, and it is so difficult to enter the portal?

After three full days, Li Xing's will touched the will of the Emperor, and the brilliance in his hands suddenly expanded, covering his body. The next moment, Li Xing entered a world that had never been before.

The surroundings are full of chaotic time and space, and vortexes are constantly washing away in all directions, which is extremely dangerous. Li Xing's true form was so arrogant that he even felt pain.

"Great!" He didn't dare to carelessly, took out the virtual sword, and the ether virtual sword lightly protected his body, he felt much better now.

In the chaos of time and space, without knowing his position and time, he couldn't move. At this point, we must test his understanding of the law, and face the law of time and space.

Li Xingfa read it out, suppressed it with a large hand, and drank softly: "Order!" The power of the law, accompanied by the majesty of order and gods, was released at once.


The law of chaos stabilized at once, and then extended out in all directions. In front of him, a golden light avenue appeared, and it continued to stretch forward. Above Jinguang Avenue, there are endless moves of martial arts, each of which is different.

Li Xing walked on the avenue, speeding fast, wherever he went, the chaotic rules subsided by himself and extended the golden avenue in front. After a day of walking, the avenue came to an end, and a gate appeared, which seemed to connect another world.

Not long after, in the unknown space, Wan Famen, Luo Tianmen, and the unknown son also entered a portal.

Crossing the portal, Li Xing was in a misty space. The thick martial arts breath rushed towards the face, as if returning to the situation of entering the sky martial art that day.

"How is this place so similar to the space in the Tianwu picture?" As soon as this idea came out, a martial spirit rushed out in front of him, and roared, attacking Li Xing. This martial spirit represents a kind of martial arts, but Li Xing has never cultivated.

As soon as Li's eyes brightened, he played the chaotic martial arts and played against him. After three strokes, he smashed Wu Hun's head with a punch, and a martial arts will was accepted by him. In a short time, the chaotic bursts of vibration shook slightly, increasing a hint of power.

One after another, more and more martial spirits appeared and attacked Li Xing, all of which were solved by him. This is a purely martial arts duel, one move and one style, spelling the artistic conception of martial arts, spells and astrology are not useful.

One by one, Wu Xing fell, and Li Xing kept advancing, beheading and killing three thousand Wu Xun along the way. When the Thousand Thousand Martial Souls were chopped, the fog "boomed" and dispersed, and a rotating nebula appeared in front of it.

The nebula revealed terrifying coercion, and Li Xing did not dare to enter rashly.

"This is a great Suzaku formation." The Emperor Tianxie reminded, "Taking the will of Suzaku as the hub, the four-in-one combination is called Tian. This is exactly the origin of the word" Tianwu ". Called 'four-phase martial arts.' "

Li Xing immediately remembered that the ancient Xuanjing recorded that when the heavens and earth first opened, the weather gave birth to four kinds of wills: Qinglong Will, White Tiger Will, Suzaku Will, and Xuan Wu Will. This will, in a special place, will give birth to a spirit beast.

Li Xing nodded: "It is indeed Emperor Tianwu ~ www.readwn.com ~ I feel the martial arts breath in this nebula is far more pure than mine."

"Your chaotic martial arts potential should be above the Sixiang martial arts, but it is not yet perfect." Tianxie Emperor disapproved. "It will not be difficult to surpass Tianwu Emperor in the future."

With a smile, Li Xing fluttered into the battle.


The hot breath rushed towards his face, and Li Xing's hair was instantly burnt, and he quickly ran Zhenli to counteract the anger. Looking around, a sea of ​​fire, heavy flames, blocked the way.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes and called, "What the **** is this place?"

"This sea of ​​fire is getting worse and worse, there are as many as nine." Tianxie Dadao said, "In each sea of ​​fire, there is a treasure that suppresses the flames of fire. Be careful when you do."

Li Xing watched for a while and began to sigh: "This fire is so terrible, Taoist people can burn to death, how to enter?" With a turn of his eyes, he suddenly took out the seven golden eggs and laughed, "I have an idea!"

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