Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 744: Entering the Emperor's Treasure

Chapter 32: Entering the Emperor's Treasure

Seven golden black eggs, one by one, Jin Chancan, the light was burning. As soon as he touched the fire, he began to devour madly. Jinwu is the Suzaku, Suzaku is the Jinwu, or the Jinwu bird is the spirit beast born of the Suzaku.

At this moment, seven golden blackbird eggs were spinning around Li Xing, protecting him in the center. Seven huge fire dragons rushed into the eggs and became the nourishment for the golden blackbird eggs.

This golden blackbird has been placed in the Baiyangjingtian, devouring aura every day. With Li Xing's practice, there were 30,000 years. However, the environment in which the Jinwu eggs grow is special, which has caused them to fail to hatch.

The golden black bird, an ancient strange animal, once crossed the Jiuzhou continent. Among the beasts, it belongs to the top existence and it is difficult to hatch. However, today Li Xing encountered an opportunity. The Suzaku here is strong-willed and has a large number of fires, which is just used to cultivate little Suzaku.

When he reached the center of the first sea of ​​fire, Li Xing found that a pair of flaming wings were hung in the sky, and a light rain fell down.

"This should be the treasure of suppressing the battlefield, give it to me!" Li Xing rose into the air, grabbed his hand, and held the wing in his hand. Suddenly, the wings issued a scorching sword spirit, cutting to Li Xing.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The flames of Li Xing's body were splashing, and Jian Guang could not hurt him at all. Instead, he went up and grabbed the wings in his hands and put them away. From beginning to end, the seven golden blackbirds are madly sucking firepower.

Immediately afterwards, he entered the second sea of ​​fire. This sea of ​​fire is even more dangerous. If there are no golden blackbirds, Li Xing is definitely not willing to enter and may be injured. In the middle of the fire, the treasure of repression is a pair of bird claws, dark golden, and very sharp.

When Li Xing was about to collect the bird's claws, the claws suddenly flew up, grabbing Li Xing from left to right, and tore him apart. Fortunately, his physical arrogance, Da Luo Zhen's second body, ignored this injury, and directly collected his claws.

Then the third weight, the fourth weight, the fifth weight, and the ninth weight, each weight, Li Xing received a treasure, beak-shaped, bird-eye-like treasures and so on. When Li Xing finally took a Suzaku heart into his hands.

Just listen to a strange sound, nine treasures merged into one, condensing a treasure, Suzaku blade. This Suzaku blade looks like a sword but not a sword, like a sword but not a sword. It is very wide, and there is a powerful Lihuo killing might.

The advent of Suzaku Blade, the sea of ​​nine fires also disappeared, and Li Xing entered a hall. As soon as his people appeared, they were stared at by a few pairs of eyes, and none of them were masters, but fortunately, they were not a party.

Luo Tianmen Lord, Tianming Daojun, Tianzang Daojun, Tianyi Daojun, and a mysterious Daojun are supposed to be the legendary Tianji Daojun; Taiyuan Fairy King of Wanfamen, Tiandai Daojun, Qingman Daojun And six other unknown Daojun.

In addition, there is a young man in a red robe. Five Daojun are also standing behind him, all of whom have a terrifying martial art.

In comparison, Li Xing is too weak, only one person. The forces of the three parties all stared at Suzaku Blade in Li Xing's hands and the seven Suzaku eggs outside him.

"Is it you?" God raised his eyebrows slightly. "Good job!"

Li Xing looked calm. He put away Suzaku Blade and Jinwu Egg, and suddenly worshiped Tai Yuanxian: "Grandpa!"

For Taiyuan Xianzun, Li Xing learned a lot from Princess Yu. This grandfather, in fact, is not unforgivable, but also has the kindness of a father. It was only because of the actions of Princess Yu that he was so angry that Chun was held in anger.

In fact, if he wanted to, he could kill both Li Ziran and Li Xing, but he did not do so after all. It can be seen from this that the old man is not at least an evil person.

Li Xing's situation at this time can be said to be very dangerous, not to mention, just the Luotianmen, enough for him to drink a pot, so that he could not protect his life. Although he knew that there was more than one entrance, he could never imagine that several people would appear together.

He saw the portrait of Taiyuan Xianzun at Tiandaomen, so he recognized it at a glance, and as soon as his eyes turned, the "grandfather" called out.

Tian Jun Dao Jun lived on the spot, grandpa?

The immortal spirit outside Taiyuan Xianzun shook slightly, and said "um" lightly. Outsiders couldn't see his expression and didn't know what it meant.

Great God is also very surprised, Li Xing is actually Taiyuanxianzun's grandfather? How did this happen?

"Grandson, hand over Jiuyang Zhu." Suddenly, Taiyuan Xianzun spoke, and Li Xing had a headache as soon as he spoke.

At this point, he can only pretend to be stupid, and asked strangely, "Grandpa, what is Jiuyangzhu?"

Taiyuan Xianzun didn't say anything either. When he grabbed his hands, a huge force shrouded him. Li Xing waved a too virtual sword in his hands, sweeping across the sky, and his body retreated. Jian Qi hit Xianzun means and collapsed directly.

At this moment, Li Xing punched hard and shook Xianzun Weili.

"Boom!" He stepped back and forth, spitting blood in his mouth, smiling, "Why did my grandfather shoot?"

"The grandson is not obedient, and the grandfather needs to learn something." Tai Yuanxian said lightly. "You don't have to surrender Jiuyangzhu and say you don't need to do justice to destroy your relatives, and have beheaded you today."

Li Xing smiled, "Hey," he said, "I'm afraid that my grandfather's arms and legs are too old."

"Huh?" Taiyuan Xianzun moved his sleeves slightly, and seemed to be shooting.

At this moment, the young man and the five Daojun behind him suddenly moved quickly and flew into the air. I do not know when, a token appeared above the hall, suspended above it.

Tai Yuanxian did not respect Li Xing, and reached out to grasp it. The Great God also shot, and the strength of two shocking figures collided violently in the air. The young man in red robe and Dao Jun behind him were shocked.

The token jumped, and it suddenly fell down. "Dang" smashed to the ground with a clear sound. Www.readwn.com ~ As if in a still water, a stone was thrown, and the water was rippling.

The next moment, another day changed, everyone entered another world. Unfortunately, Li Xing and the young man in the red robe entered the same world with the five Daojun behind him.

This world is a world of martial arts, martial arts condensed into rules. Even the landscape on the ground, forests, plants, animals, fish, and insects are all changed by martial arts rules.

"This is ..." Li Xing was startled. "This is the Emperor Tianwu!"

Emperor Tianxie: "Yes, Tian Wu ruled by martial arts. This is his Dongtian, but not all, but only a part of it."

The young man in red robe laughed, "Haha, disciple has finally reached the cave you opened!" His eyes fell on Li Xing, sneer, "You are the so-called Wizard Lee Xing? Tianyuan First Master? "

Li Xing also stared at each other and asked, "Who are you?"

"Heavenly Emperor Tianwu, the future Emperor Tianyuan!" The young man proudly said, "Knelt down and surrender to me, you can spare you."

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