Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 745: Beheaded King. Wu Tianji

Chapter 33: Beheaded King. Wu Tianji

Red Sleeve Youth and the five Daojun around him were able to come here, indicating that they were very powerful, or that they used some kind of treasure like Li Xing. In short, these six people should not be underestimated.

However, the other party was so arrogant and arrogant, and angered Li Xing. He smiled and said, "You **** child, don't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue. So, you kneel and give me nine beatings. If I do n’t kill you, how about accepting you as a gatekeeper? ”

The face of the young man in red robes gloomed, staring at the cold light, staring at Li Xing: "I don't know what is thick and thick, this boy wants you to die, please die!"

The two Daojun behind him shot at the same time, each of them had a sword, which was the true treasure of the thirty-sixth law. Moreover, these two swords obviously have one main attack and one main defense, which are the supporting magic weapons.

The two monarchs didn't look down on Li Xing at all, but before they could clearly see it, Li Xing took advantage of a congenital real treasure to slam the Taiyuan Xianzun. Although Taiyuan Xianzun did not do his best, it also showed the strength of the opponent.

"Si Lingling!" One red, one white, two swords, intertwined, and beheaded to Li Xing.

Li Xing understands that the situation is very bad for one-on-six and must be decided quickly. He sacrificed the sword that was too virtual, and saw the fierce light, and said, "Too vain! What do you think of these two swords?"

Taixu boy hummed: "Master, let's work together to collect them!"

Li Xing laughed, Jian Guang turned around, turned into a sharp light, and assassinated away. This blow, in the eyes of the two Daojun, was too risky. He actually had a sword and body. Who did he think he was? Have a Taoist body?

As soon as this idea came out, Erdao Jun madly urged Jian Guang to cut Li Xing under the sword. The two sword lights were intertwined into a vortex of sword air and slammed into Li Xing, who was one with the sword.

"Ding Lingling!" For a while, Li Xing splattered with flames all over his body, but smashed the sword vortex violently, killing a Tao Jun. At an instant of one hundred thousandth, he came to the other side and grabbed him by the neck.

No one has ever fought against Daojun like this, and when he comes up, he pinches his neck and pinches one by one. The prince felt that his strength was imprisoned at once. Then I saw that Li Xing's other palm was slamming hard.

What kind of palm is this? The stars above are dazzling, all kinds of forces come together, and they are destroyed, and the body of Daojun is completely destroyed. He screamed, the baby shattered and his body turned gray.

One stroke killed the Daojun, and the other Daojun was shocked. But it was too late, and Li Xing came to him in front of him. He also squeezed his neck, and then slapped him with a slap.

The other three Daojun snarled again and again, and shot at Li Xing. Taixu sword came out and killed the past. At the same time, Li Xing cracked down severely, locked two pieces of Tianjie Zhenbao with one hand, and yelled, "Give me!"


Bai Yang Jingtian, ingest this two treasures at once, suppress them. After returning to God, Li Xing flew to the opposite side with a flash, and punched from behind. The target was a Daojun.

There was also an ancient artifact in the hand of that prince, a shield, which suddenly appeared behind him.

"A return to Yuanyuan! Break me!" Li Xingyuan opened his eyes and played ten times as hard.


The shield shattered, and Iron Fist hit the opponent's back mercilessly. The monk screamed and died. The other two were startled and dodged. But Li Xing held Taixu sword in his hand and sneered, "Where to escape?"

When he waved too much sword, the sky swept across the sky, covering thousands of miles, beheaded and killed with immense power.

The young man in the red robe was blushing and blinking. His three capable subordinates were killed. This was a great shame. He couldn't bear it. He stepped out and punched Li Xing.

When this man shot, a strange light flashed outside him, making his speed and strength reach an incredible state far beyond Li Xing. Therefore, Li Xing couldn't escape this punch, so he could only do it.


Fist touched his fist, Li Xing shook his body, the young man took three steps back and was shocked: "You can actually take the battle of heaven and earth?"

It turned out that the young man had a suit of heaven and earth, a treasure left by Emperor Tianwu. The heaven and earth battle suit is not a magic weapon, but the Emperor Tianwu used his martial arts ideas to combine an ancient fetish and was powerful.

Taking the next punch, Li Xing was numb with half of his body shaken, but also stirred his warfare and screamed, "Take me a punch again!" He got up and cast the star emperor, running chaotic will , Hit a "star fist".

Junxingquan, combining Emperor Astrology and Chaos Martial Arts, no one has performed it before, this is the first time for Li Xing. As soon as this punch came out, the force of three thousand stars surged, and Chaos Martial Arts seemed to find a suitable carrier, and a descendant burst out.

A cloud of chaotic stars swept across, which surprised the red robe youth, and did not dare to fix it. Unfortunately, he couldn't escape. This punch had already locked his receiver. Even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he would have to take this punch.

"Fight!" The young man in the red robe shouted, madly urged his mana, and punched again.

Since stepping into Fatian, Li Xing does not have a clear understanding of his strength. The predecessors casually beheaded and killed three Daojun. They knew their own strength and had surpassed Daojun and approached Daozun.

What kind of strength can we not let go of? Try your best and never back off.


The chaotic martial arts was extremely fierce, and all of a sudden he retreated from the will of martial arts in the battle dress of heaven and earth. In this way, this ancient fetish will be vulnerable, and it will break with a click.

The surging punches, tearing the arm of the young man in the red robe, will reap his life.


Right and left, two figures approached. They were actually babies, the size of a baby, and bright lights. At this juncture, Li Xing had to withdraw his fist and fight against the two Tao infants.

"Hurry up, son! This person is terrific!" A Daoying cried.

The boy yelled in the sky, but he also knew that he couldn't stay, otherwise he would lose his life. He was unwilling to make a long scream, but after all, he was a flickering figure.

"You are loyal, but unfortunately you still want to die." Li Xing sneered, while sweeping his hands with too much sword. Suddenly, a Dao Zun was caught by him and pinched fiercely, "he exploded.

Another Tao infant was also swept by Jian Guang and cut in half. The two Taoist deities fell. However, the power of that baby explosion was very strong, and Li Xing's palm was stinging, which actually leaked blood.

At this point, all five Daojun were killed by him, and only one heir of the Emperor Tianwu was escaped, and two treasures of Heavenly Order were collected.

In the world of martial arts, only Li Xing was left. He released the will of martial arts to sense the martial arts in this world. This heaven and earth is the corner of the cave opened by the Emperor Tianwu. To comprehend it is to enlighten the Tao of the Emperor Tianwu.

Li Xing stood there quietly, motionless, and the chaotic array continued to deduce changes, thoughtfully.

At the same time, the Great God and Taiyuan Xianzun also entered a world at the same time, and they also confronted each other at this moment. The Great God said: "Taiyuan, I have heard of your name for a long time. Unfortunately, this place is Tianyuanzhou. You are not eligible for the inheritance of the emperor."

"The emperor inherited the virtues, and Jiuzhou will eventually unify." Tai Yuanxian said indifferently.

"Since you don't know what to do, you don't want to stay with you." There is a big seal in the hand of the Lord, and the power of the mighty shore is released. It seems that it can suppress heaven and earth and order everything.

Taiyuan Xianzun snorted coldly: "Although this treasure is close to good fortune, it is a pity that it is a step behind." He waved his sleeves, a picture vacated, and there seemed to be hundreds of thousands of immortals in it. Wherever light goes, all kinds of surrender.

The Great God's face changed slightly: "It is said that the ancestor of Tiandaomen was very yang, and a million immortal figure was refined, so it must be it!"

"Big God, the treasure of nature, you can kill the monk, if you want to survive, quit quickly." Taiyuan Xianzun said, "Otherwise, all stay."

The Great God "haha" smiled and said: "Taiyuan, you may not underestimate Tian Waitian. The weather of Zhenhaiyin is a little bit worse, but this is not a problem." Suddenly, "Oh!"

The mysterious Tianji Daojun suddenly transformed into a magical light of Zhenji and rushed into Zhenhaiyin. Suddenly, the big seal of this side was radiant, and suddenly a congenital ban was added to upgrade it into a treasure of good fortune!

"What? What means is this?" Tianji Daojun and others were very surprised.

The Great God said: "Tianji Daojun is not a human. He is an array of heavenly formations. Today, in order to fight against Wanxian Tu, Tianji Daojun contributes life. Taiyuan, you have to bear the price!"

The decisive battle between the two honorable figures has begun, but this does not seem to have much to do with Li Xing, he is still quietly enlightening the Tianwu way. Real people's bodies, called innate Taoism, are not without reason. They have a strong ability to understand the Tao.

After three hundred breaths ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing opened his eyes and said, "The way of heavenly martial arts seems to break the laws of this world, and contact higher-level rules, this is called heavenly martial arts."

"Dominating the martial arts, the principle of the slave road, that's all." He smiled slightly, and the will of martial arts and the will of Tianwu gradually merged.


A large amount of martial will rushed into his chaotic array and was absorbed. His martial will is getting stronger and stronger, and the chaotic array of power is getting stronger. At the same time, the astronomical array that was obtained from the forbidden ground of the celestial machine suddenly “buzzed” and was thrown into the chaotic array by itself.

Li Xing suddenly felt that his deduction ability had been increased by a hundred times, and the speed of absorbing Tianwu's will has also soared.

"Boom!" The entire martial arts world disappeared instantly and was sucked into the chaotic array. At the same time, he also entered a large hall, in the hall, stood a virtual shadow, he was tall and imposing.

Even if Li Xing doesn't know this person, it can be seen at a glance that this person is the Emperor Tianwu, or in other words, it is a ray of thought left by the Emperor Tianwu.

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