Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 746: Public enemy

Chapter 34: Public Enemies

The silhouette's eyes fell on Li Xing and said, "You are finally here ..."

Li Xing worshiped respectfully: "The younger Li Xing, see the emperor."

The silhouette didn't speak any more, turned into a brilliance, and invested in Li Xing's eyebrows. Suddenly, Li Xing had a complete understanding of all the things of the Emperor Tian Wu.

Emperor Tianwu, a generation of wizards, was born to be able to speak. He was three years old to practice blood, five years old to practice qi, ten years old to practice God, twelve years old entered Fatian, and fifteen years old. A stunning talent, a generation of wizards, became a generation of emperors.

The Emperor Tianwu created the way of Tianwu, he kept exploring and wanted to go further. But helplessly found that the world has all kinds of restraints on him, and must be soared. However, as powerful as Tianwu, I don't know what kind of world it will enter after soaring.

But the emperor had no choice but to go this way. Eventually, he left the heritage and soared away. As the future is unknown, he does not know if he can continue to exist, so that he can save his life's efforts and establish the Tianwu Secret.

At this moment, Li Xing is also half a successor to the Emperor Tianwu. It is said to be half a successor, because the Emperor Tianwu established an organization outside, called Tianwutang, the five Tao Jun, who are Tianwutang, have of course been beheaded by Li Xing.

The purpose of Tianwutang is to find the right talents and train them fully, and then send them to the secret test. Tianwutang has been sent in more than once, but has not been successful.

This time, not only the people of Tianwutang appeared, but Li Xing entered with Tiandaomen and Luotianmen at the same time, and a conflict arose. It can be said that the successor of the Emperor who was selected by Tianwutang can only be regarded as half a disciple. Unfortunately, he was cut off by Li Xing and he stole his future.

With the idea of ​​Emperor Tianwu, Li Xing also knew how much treasure Tianwu had stored and how to collect it. It is truly a generation of emperors. The wealth of collections made Li Xing's heart beating.

Thirty-six thousand inverse panacea! A fortune of seventy-three heavy laws! A large number of divine medicines, real medicines, 150 million Xuanjie Shendan, and all kinds of exotic treasures.

Li Xing exhaled a long breath and said, "Master, developed!"

The Emperor Tianxie laughed: "This Tianwu collection is a little worse than being a teacher."

Li Xing's eyes widened: "Master's collection, cattle are better than the Emperor Tianwu?"

Emperor Tianxie hummed: "Because of the great destruction, you can rank among the top five in the heavenly man list as a teacher. You should be a vegetarian? Although Emperor Tianwu soared, he failed to explore the last layer."

"What is the last layer?" Li Xing Yiyi.

"In the future, you will know that it is not helpful to say more at this time. It is not early and I quickly collected the secrets and left the place." The Emperor Tianxie urged, but there were two fierce men outside.

Li Xing nodded and controlled the secret method left by Tianwu's idea, and he confined a law, and detained an octagonal palace from the void. This object is a cave magic weapon of the Emperor Tianwu, called "Babu Cave".

As its name implies, it contains eight caves, but the eight-pole tower has some similarities. In each cave day, a treasure is treasured. Babu Dongtian is the Dan Department, the War Department, the Medicine Department, the Gong Department, the Rune Department, the Zhen Department, the Treasure Department, and the Miscellaneous Department.

In each cave, there are huge treasures, so much that Li Xing could not imagine. Think about it, for a generation of emperors, who have been traversing Tianyuanzhou for hundreds of years, the accumulated treasures are countless.

Of course, Li Xing was rude. He directly received Babu Dongtian, and then flew out of this place to return to the South China Sea. At the same moment, the entire Tianwu Secret shook violently, and the Great God and Taiyuan Xianzun were afraid to stay, and fled.

As soon as the two sides left, the entire Tianwu Secret exploded and then shrank to a point and disappeared forever in this world.

The Lord's face was ugly: "Who will be snatched without a step? Who is that young man? Or Li Xing?"

Tai Yuanxian Zun was very calm, and said lightly: "It seems that my grandson is really a climate." He smiled slightly. "Anyway, he has this treasure, I'm afraid the trouble will be immediately."

After Li Xing returned to the South China Sea, the first thing he did was to enter Babudongtian and look at the magic weapon of the nature level. The news that he seized the secret possession of Tenmu will probably spread soon.

A man is not guilty, and he is guilty of it. Even if it is Taoism, getting such great benefits will cause other people to be coveted, let alone him? The important thing now is to do a good job of defense, even if Taoism cannot be broken.

Coincidentally, the Emperor Tianwu left a magic weapon of good fortune series, possessing seventy-three Heavenly Order bans, shocking the clock.

Babudongtian, Baobudongtian, Li Xing saw a variety of magic weapons. There are not many magic weapons in Tianyuanzhou. Not every magician has magic weapons. Most of them have holy things.

Because refining a magic weapon is really too time consuming, and most people do not have that energy. But at this moment, Li Xing saw thousands of magical treasures, common magical treasures, spiritual treasures, real treasures, and treasures of creation, which are all in the collection of the emperor, shocking the world.

He counted it and found that here there were more than 1,500 common magic treasures at all levels; 84 spiritual treasures, nine real treasures, and one good fortune. As soon as Li Xing appeared, all the spiritual treasures, real treasures, and treasures of manifestation manifested the Yuanling and came to see Li Xing.

On Li Xing's body, there is a breath of Emperor Tianwu, and there is no need to sacrifice. They all take Li Xing as the main body. At the same time, every thought flowed into his sea of ​​knowledge. He knew all at once the origin, life, functions, power, etc. of these magic weapons.

Most of the magical weapons were obtained by the Emperor Tianxie when he swept the world, some were obtained when he was young, and some were obtained later. The process of knowing the magic weapon is also the process of Li Xing's re-knowledge of the Emperor Tianwu. He has more respect for this emperor.

"What am I today? Hugh said that Master and Tianwu are masters. Even if they are superior, they are definitely not opponents. The path to practice is still far, and I have to go on!"

The instrumental spirit of Shock Bell is a middle-aged man. Although he has immense power, he still stepped forward to meet Li Xing and said, "Shock Sky sees his master."

The other magic weapons, who can manifest, are manifested one by one. See Li Xing.

Li Xing laughed. With so many magic weapons, saying that going out can scare people to death, but now they all belong to him. Tianwu Secret will greatly enhance the strength of Taixumen.

"Shocking, the crisis in Japan is heavy, you and I will fight together!"

With the fastest speed, Li Xing counted Babu Dongtian and realized what he knew. Then, an emergency meeting of Taixumen was held, and all important people were called into the Taixu hall.

At the Dragon Palace, Li Xing said that let everyone think about whether they are willing to enter Dongtian to accelerate their practice. For a while now, everyone has been thinking clearly.

Above the high-level meeting, I submitted the list below. The whole is too empty, and about a third of the disciples, including most of the management, are willing to enter Dongtian to speed up their cultivation.

Those who are willing to participate can naturally obtain a lot of cultivation resources and make rapid progress in their cultivation. Of course, this also has disadvantages. It may be impossible to cultivate and die directly in the sky.

Even if there are hidden secrets of the evil, the resources of Taixumen are still limited, and it can only focus on training a few people.

Due to sufficient preparation, the next day, Li Xing's bold and crazy plan began to be implemented, directly accelerating the too virtual hole sky, powerful and too virtual door. At the same time, the magical magical bell of the good fortune hangs above the imaginary map, suppressing this area of ​​the sea.

The disciples who did not want to participate all temporarily left Taixudongtian, entered the Eight-pole Tower, and practiced as usual. In the imaginary map, Li Xing is well-arranged, and a special person is responsible for inquiries and management of training resources.

One day outside, one hundred years passed in the imaginary sky.

However, the day after the Great God withdrew from Tianwu Secret, a news message spread like Tianyuanzhou. Li Xing of Taixumen ~ www.readwn.com ~ has acquired the secret of Emperor Tianwu, which is now located north of the South China Sea.

Suddenly, the forces of all parties in Tianyuanzhou moved by the wind and sent staff to the South China Sea to spy. Intelligence shows that Taixu Men did get the Tianwu Secret, because a heavy treasure shocking bell of the fortune series was suspended above Taixu Men, suppressing a sea of ​​water, and for thousands of miles, if idlers could not allow it, it would not be accessible.

The world shook, and the Great God convened forces from all sides to establish a "reverse alliance." Everyone in the world is benefiting, a super huge force seems to have formed overnight. The Great Lord is the main ally, the masters of the ten thousand methods, the master of the trolls, the master of the Xuanming, the master of the Tianyimen, etc., are the vice-owners. Even some small-minded factions and casual repair giants have also been born, and have held important positions in the VNI.

Since it is "reciprocating", there is always a name. The explanation of the Great God is that the Emperor Tianwu is the emperor Tianyuanzhou. Naturally, the wealth of the emperor Tianwuzhou belongs to the entire Tianyuanzhou and should not be distributed by one person.

For a time, Taixu Men was pushed to the cusp. There are rumors that whoever obtains the Tianmu Secret can rule the entire Tianyuanzhou and become a new generation of emperors. This is undoubtedly tempting.

Outside the stormy world, Li Xing was sitting firmly at home, waiting for the incubation of the seven little Jinwu.

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