Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 748: 10 faces ambush

Chapter 36: Ten Sides Ambush

The people who defeated the Nirvana were indeed almost ready to move. The Great God and the Peace Immortal were absent. The leaders were Tianyi Daojun and Tianming Daojun. These two men have Wanxiantu and Zhenhaiyin in their hands, and their strengths are also relatively strong.

"You all!"

Destiny Daojun spoke, and the lively and extraordinary scene suddenly calmed down. Daojun, Taoist, and mage all looked at him and wanted to hear what he said.

"The treasure of the Emperor Tianwu was obtained exclusively by Taixumen. On the Taixumen, the forged treasure was the treasure of the Emperor Tianwu, and was actually sacrificed by Li Xing!" Tian Ming Tao Jun sighed, "This Li Xing, although arrogant I want to fight against the entire monk world of Tianyuanzhou with one person's strength. But the ancients Yun, first salute, then soldiers. Before we start, we will send someone to persuade him, hoping that he will surrender his secrets, and he can start from light. "

"I'm going!" A Taoist stood out from the crowd. This person is not tall or short, not fat or thin, not beautiful or ugly, wearing a gray, gray or white clothes, wearing a red, red, purple, or purple hat, squinting his eyes, and stood up bravely.

"This is not a clever tongue person? This person has a clever tongue, maybe he can convince Li Xing." Someone recognized the identity of the person and said with a smile.

Destiny Daojun nodded with satisfaction. He was also worried that no one would dare to go, so he prepared people in advance. At this point, since someone came forward, it would be best to say, "The clever tongue Taoist is courageous. After returning, Ben Daojun will reward you with three anti-celestial pills."

Qiao Tongdao smiled slightly: "Thank you, go back when you go." He stepped on Qingyun and flew towards Taixumen. It didn't take long to see Li Xing in the air.

Li Xing hangs a virtual sword on his waist, holds the town's Tianyin in his hands, holds the majestic spirit, and is determined to relax, sees the other party, and yells, "Who's coming?"

Qiao Tongdao said suddenly, "Well! Li Xiaoyou, if you are too empty, there will be a disaster soon, aren't you afraid?"

Li Xing sneered: "It's impossible for anyone to destroy anyone. The little master isn't scared. You go back and tell the Nirvana. Whoever dares to come today doesn't have to leave."

Qiao Tongdao sneered: "What a big breath! How many Daojun do you have too much? How many Daoists? Do you think that you can compete with the world with one magic weapon? Wanxiantu and Zhenhaiyin are also magic weapons of good quality and stability. Press your head. "

Li Xing smiled: "You talk less nonsense, you can hit it!"

Li Xing, a person who is not afraid of heaven, is quite painful to Qiao Tongdao, but he has not given up, and continues: "Li Xing! You are a generation of wizards. People like you should hide your strength and grow slowly. How can it be easily hostile to the world? "

"Out there, there are 96 Taoists, 270 Taoists, forty-seven congenital treasures, twelve congenital treasures, one fortune, and other monks are countless. Li Xing, Are you really going to fight against the whole world? "Qiao tongue said fuckingly," If you can surrender the secrets of Tianwu and extinguish the anger of the people in the world, the trail is guaranteed by personality, and no one is too embarrassed! "

Li Xing frowned and was already impatient.

Qiao Tongdao continued: "The treasures of the Emperor Tianwu, the customs of the entire Tianyuan Island, the virtues of the people. Taixumen is not weak, but after all, it is weak, how can it be protected? Fang Weijun, a practitioner , Li Xing, you think clearly ... "


Li Xing pulled out with a slap, and the clever tongue felt that a horrifying force enveloped him, and suddenly he could not move. As soon as his face hurt, he was pumped away.

Li Xiasen said with one palm, "God is against the people of the world? God blocks me, I kill God! Buddha blocks me, I kill Buddha! The world blocks me, then the world will be destroyed!"

The clever tongue said, "I think you're crazy!" And said, "I think you're crazy! Let's see!"

The gray-faced and clever tongue man came back, which was among the people's meaning. Tian Jundao said in a deep voice: "I don't know how to advance and retreat too arrogantly, want to swallow the secrets of the emperor alone. Let's all work together to destroy the arrogant!"

"Destroy the Taixu Gate! Destroy the Taixu Gate!" Everyone shouted, one after another, the clouds of clouds connected together, forming a formation, and advancing towards the Taixu Gate.

In the distance, the six Dodges of light cross the sky and land. It was Jun Qianheng, Jian Xingtian, Wu Xiaobao, Nangong Xiaoyi, Li Xuanbai, and Li Yingxiong who returned. These six people have gone out for a while and have made great progress in their cultivation.

Not long ago, I heard that monks in the world were going to besiege Taixumen, and they all rushed over.

At the sight of Li Xing, all six were taken aback: "Brother, I feel that your cultivation is unfathomable now!" Li Xuanbai cried in surprise.

Jian Xingtian also said: "The gap is getting wider."

Li Xing smiled and was very happy to see them return, saying: "You are not used here for the time being, they have all entered the too-virtual sky to cultivate and come out three days later."

The next few people quit, Li Yingxiong said, "Brother, although we are not as good as brother, we can still kill someone!"

Li Xing stared at him: "There are so many words, so let me in." He didn't allow six people to say, he grabbed them by hand and put them directly into the too virtual map. No one could resist. Then he looked ahead and finally saw the countless monks approaching.

In fact, the people in the imaginary picture do not know everything that is happening outside, they are practicing with peace of mind. One day outside, hundreds of years inside, many people started to break through.

Li Xing must fight against the world with his own strength. This is a road of kings, destined to be filled with blood and fire, and one person will be ashamed!

Things are obviously more complicated than imagined. Just as the adversary was under pressure, a dark cloud appeared on another sky. Among the dark clouds, the figures of the ancient royal families loomed.

"Oops! How did the ancient royals intervene? Didn't most of them live in seclusion in the forbidden area? They didn't appear for tens of thousands of years ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why did they suddenly appear?" A monk who knew it exclaimed.

Tianming Daojun and others even frowned. Today's situation doesn't seem to be good, even the ancient royal family has stepped in, things are a bit difficult! In case they destroy Taixumen, and the ancient royal family regains their advantage, wouldn't it be a loss?

Li Xing also noticed the appearance of the ancient royal family. He sneered without fear. If there are more lice, it doesn't itch. One to kill is to kill, and one to two is to kill!

At this moment, a cloud of clouds suddenly appeared above Gao Tian. Above that auspicious cloud, looming one after another mysterious figure appeared, the breath of these people is actually honorable!

"So many people look busy?" Li Xing was also a bit surprised at this time. The people above them didn't know what position they were, but they were obviously not just Tianyuanzhou's power. Jiuzhou barriers have weakened, and people from other continents can come.

"I will never **** the treasure of the Emperor." There was a cold voice from the ancient royal family. "Everyone is at ease."

At the same time, a low voice came from the sky: "We pass by here just to watch the war."

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