Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 750: Ultimate prohibition

Chapter 38: Ultimate Shinto Prohibition

The old man of the dark blood tribe hummed, he did not perform any magical Taoism, just reached for Yan Zhenzhen to grab, there was a shocking blood, covering Yan Zhenzhen. Yan Zhenzhen fluttered in white, with the holy light on her body, like a practise, against the blood.

Among the ancient royal families, someone immediately cried, "This woman is not simple, she has reached the rank of honor!"

Characters at the level of Taoism and Xianzun are united with the avenue, and the avenue is called Daozun. Yan Zhenzhen has practiced Shinto and has reached the rank of honor. She can fight against the immortal and Taoist respects. She has this qualification.

The king of the ancient royal family seems to be above the level of strength. As soon as he hits, he suppresses Yan Zhenzhen and sneers: "Since you don't know life or death, kill them together!"

At the same time, Li Xing held the Five Elements Town Tianyin and smashed it. That day, Dao Jun was considered to be a mighty man. He created a Zhenhaiyin with a progression level in his hands. Unfortunately, Li Xing was still beaten back and forth, and Dao was injured by the earthquake.

"Stop!" Connected three times, Tian Ming Dao Jun was afraid, and yelled.

Li Xing's hand held the town of Tianyin, as if the gods were descending from the earth, and said coldly: "Tianming Daojun, what do you have to say?"

Destiny Daojun exhaled and said, "Li Xing, you are not a prodigy. This is not something blind people can know! This is your dependence, and the future must be a new year's day, but it is also your shortcoming!"

"Disadvantages?" Li Xing was unmoved.

"You think, why do the ancient royal families and masters of outer continents gather here today?" Tianming Daojun sneered, "Tianyuanzhou is the core of Jiuzhou and the earth is terrific. Five horrors have appeared in history. Great Emperor. "

"So what?" Li Xingdan said lightly.

"The relationship is very important!" Said Tianming Daojun. "After the era of antiquity, the ancient royal family wanted to awaken five times, but each time they were bombarded and had to continue to sleep. Why are you doing this?"

Li Xing's heart moved: "Because of the five emperors?"

At the same time, Emperor Tianxie said: "I didn't expect this person to know such a secret thing. The ancient royal family, not immortals and non-gods, had powerful means. If they really rushed out, they would be able to exterminate the entire human race. . "

"Master repressed the ancient royal family? What happened?" Li Xing had never heard the Emperor Tianxie mention the matter and could not help asking.

"I killed nine kings of the ancient royal family and one ancestor when I was a teacher." Tian Xie the emperor easily said, "They were so shocked that they did not dare to be born. Until today, it seems they are going to move again."

Li Xing now understood why the five emperors were respected as a generation of emperors. They not only have earth-shattering cultivation, they are also the guardian power of human beings. With their own power, they can sweep over the enemy. This is The majesty of the emperor.

Seeing Li Xing's silence, Tian Ming Dao Jun continued: "Li Xing, if you surrender the Tianwu Secret, Luo Tianmen can integrate the entire world of Tianyuanzhou's cultivation and protect you until you become a great emperor."

Li Xing laughed, his smile was cold: "Destiny Dao, you are a fool? The emperor has to go on his own, and he has to say more. Today you will kill me, it ’s useless to say anything, and leave your life behind ! "

Seeing that Li Xing's murderous power could not be extinguished, Tian Ming Dao Jun felt a cold heart, and said sternly: "Li Xing! This Dao Jun is desperate, and you can't get any benefit. Why kill someone?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "People don't commit me, I don't commit people. You take your own life and perish, and it's too late to say anything at this time." He waved the Five Elements Town Seal and shot again.

"Fight it!" Destiny Daojun was finally desperate, released Dao directly, held up Zhenhaiyin, and fought against Li Xing.

"It's no use, you are destined to die." Li Xing's voice was as cold as ice. For a moment, Zhentian Yin relentlessly suppressed. The big seal on that side locked the heaven and earth, the space was frozen, and Zhenhaiyin's light was completely suppressed.


The divine magic weapon was destroyed by Zhentian Zhen. A congenital ban was directly crushed in the inner middle. Tianji Daojun's body flickered, and an explosion screamed. It turned out that this Zhenhaiyin is not really a true magical jade, but it was forcibly compensated by Tianjidaojun, but there are still regrets after all.

At this time, to a fierce man like Shang Li Xing, a killer device like Tianyin of Wuxing Town could not support it immediately. It was in its original form and fell to the congenital true treasure of the 71st law.

This one was fierce enough, the destiny Tao Jun's Dao infant shattered directly, screamed, and disappeared. Li Xing was also suffocated, spit another blood, and was seriously injured. Daojun is desperate, the lethality is extremely terrible. If it were not for the power of the town's Tianyin, his Da Luozhen could not support it.

Zhenhaiyin wailed, and "Boom" broke through the void, and he flew back to the Lord. Li Xing yelled, "Stay!" He directly pressed Tianyin of Wuxing Town, and then Haiyin of Zhenzhen couldn't stand still, and he got into the sky.

"I don't know what's going on outside." Chopped his fate, took Zhenhaiyin, and Li Xing stepped out of the void. As soon as he came out, he saw that Jingzhong was still confronting Wanxiantu. And in the distance, a girl's mouth with a trace of blood, barely supported the attack and kill of an ancient royal family master.

"Really!" Li Xing raised an eyebrow and yelled, "Old ghost, fight with me!"

He held the town of Tianyin and walked in a hurry. Without saying a word, he would smash it down.

The old man's blood was tumbling around, and Yan Zhenzhen was about to be won. He didn't want Li Xing to come out. He snorted coldly: "Two little dolls, let's die together!" A weapon appeared suddenly in his hand.

This rear gear is a scarlet skull scepter with an evil and terrifying breath on it. Even if this feeling is felt by Tao, you must retreat from it. This is the weapon of the ancient royal family, the ancient king!

The old man pointed his scepter to the air, spreading the blood, as if in substance, beheading Li Xing. Zhen Tianyin was rushed by the blood and shivered slightly, and actually promoted the connection with Li Xing.

This time, Li Xing was so horrified that without the town of Tianyin, he was by no means an opponent of this old thing! And that blood light strangled over at once, this is not a spell or a Taoism, but the terrible power of the old man itself, the power of the dark blood tribe!

At this moment, Li Xing felt the death was approaching. At the last moment, he actually asked Tian Xie a sentence: "Master, have you heard of 'crossing'?"

After asking these words, the entire space, the vast South China Sea seems to be still. Blood light remained motionless in the air, and Li Xing's movements stopped, as if everything was frozen.

Everyone heard a noble and sacred voice, and seemed to be praying to the gods in the midst.

"May it cost God the mercy of sinking **** ..."

The voice came from Yan Zhenzhen's mouth. He seemed to be exerting a supreme means to forcibly freeze the space to save Li Xing's life. She could see that as soon as the other old man Wang Bing came out, she and Li Xing would both die.

At this moment, instead of being afraid, she made a decision to cast one of Shinto's ultimate forbidden techniques at the cost of losing herself in exchange for Li Xing's life.

A brilliant light came from nothing and fell on Li Xing. The ancient godhead on his body reacted. This power was very magical. It actually made Li Xing temporarily get rid of the restraint of the power of heaven and earth and restore the strength of the true human being!

Although Li Xing didn't know Yan Zhenzhen was performing the forbidden technique, he clearly felt that a divine power was blessed on him. At the same time, there is also a force of evil sinking into Yan Zhenzhen.

With a flower-like appearance, she was gradually aging and passed away, and a black hair turned white, and her clear eyes gradually disappeared.

"Ah ~"

Li Xingyang screamed in the sky. When he faced the robbers that day, he was so beastly. His heart was full of helplessness and fear, and in his eyebrows, he gave birth to only eyes, and shot a lot of golden light.

A breath of breath was released, which was shocking. The change of Yan Zhen really made him make a stern scream, and the cloud was dispersed, and the raging sea was rising.

"Really!" Li Xing truly released the body of Tongtian, a man of enormous height, with his head above the ground, and his feet, like a giant of heaven. He held up the aging Yan Zhenzhen with both hands, and his tears were flowing.

Yan Zhen really smiled slightly, but she didn't say anything. In the void, a deep and horrible channel appeared, which issued a horrible suction, locking Yan Zhenzhen.

"Live well." Yan Zhenzhen's eyes revealed such expectations, and then her person turned into a ash and was sucked into the channel.

To show God's ultimate forbidden technique, there is a price to pay. She gave the blessing of God to Li Xing, but she sank herself forever, into an endless and unknown dark hell, and suffered forever.

Like Li Xing, he picked up Zhen Tianyin and slammed into the passage fiercely. It is a pity that the passage disappeared before the dawn of the town, leaving no breath.

The royal families in ancient times were stunned. They could not imagine that the woman would use such a powerful means and willingly use her own sinking in exchange for the glory of others, which they could not understand.

The old man was shocked. He found that Li Xing's strength had suddenly increased, and the whole person was holding back for a long time. After the nether passage disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ he cried: "Ancient real person!"

Real people in ancient times, the existence of the ancient royal family in the ancient times, has disappeared, how can it appear again?

Li Xing turned around, his expression of indifference was extremely extreme, he stared at the old man: "The ancient royal family, all are dead!" Raising the Five Elements Town Tianyin, hit the old man directly.

To what extent is the realm of Tongtian real people? The voltage-stabilizing master can counter the ancient king. At this moment, he has a real weapon town Tianyin in his hand. Previously, Zhen Tianyin could not exert much power, but at the moment it is in the hands of Tongtian Real People, and the power has soared by many times.


As soon as the big seal came out, the void seemed to be evolving in feng shui, with a radius of 100,000 miles, and all the creatures felt the horrific murderous power.

The king of the Dark Blood tribe changed his face, he growled, and greeted him with a blood skull stick, yelling, "Shoot together, kill the real person!"

During this trip, three kings came from the ancient royal family, and the other two also jumped out and shot together to compete against Li Xing, who has restored the level of innocence. Wang Bing is in their hands!

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