Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 751: kill! kill! kill!

Chapter 39: Kill! kill! kill!

Three king soldiers, a **** skull scepter, a pale bone spur, and a black and black statue. All three things released the power of the magic weapon of nature, emitting three bright brilliances of red, white, and black, respectively, and hit the town Tianyin.

Li Xingsen smiled violently. The real meridians of Tongtian are really mad, and Zhentianyin is violent.

"Go all to death!" Li Xing shouted, and Wei An's body, with supreme power, suppressed it.

"Click! Click!"

The continuous howling sounded, the void collapsed, and Haitian seemed to be chaotic. The red, white and black brilliance were crushed at once. The old man of the dark blood tribe, first of all, was hit directly in the head by Zhen Tianyin, and a fight was made, and a "ding" sounded, and the fire was splashing.

With one blow, the other two kings were shaken apart. The king of the Dark Blood tribe was drowsy, completely stunned, wobbled, and unstable. Subsequently, Li Xing struck down for the second time, and then took another violent blow.


The Dark Blood clan's flesh flew into the air, and his powerful force knocked him into a different space. Li Xing was chasing after it, attacking one after another.

Tongtian is a real person, and it is also a fierce man in the ancient times. He can hunt down the kings of various ethnic groups in ancient times. Li Xing has five other weapons such as Tianyin in the hands of the town. Then, haven't you made a hole in the world?

Yan Zhen really fell, completely beyond his expectations, but he could run, but he didn't want the silly girl to carry it out.


"Boom boom!"

Li Xing was completely insane, the Indian seal swung wildly, and his potential was inspired. With each hit, Wang Qikong, a dark blood spit, spurted blood. The blood of the dark blood tribe belongs to the essence of the source, and it is weak for one spray.

Li Xing took a dozen shots madly, the other two kings were shocked, did not dare to follow up, just watched from a distance, and seemed to forget that they were also involved in the encirclement.

The King of the Dark Blood Clan was also anxious, suddenly spitting a blood spit, screaming: "Bloodline inheritance, outbreak!"

"A return to Yuanyuan! Kill!"

Tongtian is a real human being, and he can cast Guiyuan Strike, because he has a strong body. In the void, it seemed that there were twenty towns of Tianyin hitting at the same time. In this blow, Li Xing played twenty times as powerful as a real person!

The king of the dark blood tribe, only halfway through the outbreak, was suddenly locked in by a desperate momentum, he screamed, and made an unwilling growl. Unfortunately, it was useless.


As if smashing a piece of meat with a large hammer, the ancient king was smashed into a mud, and his blood was thrown directly into the altar by Li Xing, and he began to sacrifice.

"No! Come on!"

The rest of the ancient royal family was finally afraid, and the two kings turned around and left, and were ready to bring the rest of their companions.

Unfortunately, Li Xing has stepped out of the void: "All stay!" Tianyin of Wuxing Town was merciless and repressed fiercely, the two kings exclaimed, dare not make a hard connection, forcibly broke through, and evaded to both sides.

This time, the people on the black cloud were bitter. They came from nine tribes, and there were many nobles and even quasi-kings. They were all dealt with by Li Xing.

"Ah! I'm the quasi-king of the black bone department. I can't die! I'll resist it!"

"Immortal curse, broken!"

The brilliance of various colors rose into the air, but under the power of Zhentian Yin, it looked inconspicuous. The print body shook slightly, and they shattered. Da Yin kept on cracking down.


Hundreds of ancient people were shot dead, and their deep spirits were directly sacrificed by Li Xing in exchange for many powers.

The eyes of the two surviving kings are straight, the real human beings in the ancient times are too scary!

At the same time, Tian Jun Dao Jun had already received Wanxian Tu. He said he would go to the same door and turn away. The strength shown by Li Xing shocked everyone, but this is the power of honor! It ’s even higher than the honor in combat effectiveness. What ’s going on? Is he really an ancient real person?

The original aggressive defensive alliance was also dissolved. Almost at the same time, a decision made by all people's hearts, thousands of Guanghua, fled in all directions, and did not even dare to watch it.

They know that this time it's a big deal! Not only did Li Xing not die, he killed the Destiny Daojun, but also drew the power of the ancient royal family and the outer continent. The most terrible thing is that Li Xing suddenly repaired soared to a horrible level, and even the kings of the ancient people shot and died. What is this strength?

If you think about it, everyone will be air-conditioned and feel like they can't stay any longer. This is all beyond their expectations.

The two ancient kings were also afraid and left. Where can I go? Li Xing, a town with a big seal, was locked in a lock.


Li Xing was bleeding from the seven holes, and only then returned to Yuanyuan. He was backswept again and was very badly injured. But he didn't care, he attacked fiercely, and cast a second blow.

"Li Xing! Do you want to provoke humans to fight with the ancients?" The locked man was desperate and yelled.

Li Xing didn't even care about it at all. The Indian seal "Long Rong" suppressed it. With twenty times the fighting power, he slap him to death and sacrificed his energy.

The other king, also locked by Zhenwei, rushed left and right, but couldn't get away, roaring again and again, Li Xing turned the town's seal over. As if the heavens and the earth were hanging upside down, the ancient king turned into a villain with a flower in front of his eyes and stood on the town Tianyin.

Li Xing said ruthlessly: "Tell me, where is the dark blood family?"

The king was really scared. As ancient people, they had a long life and mighty power, so they didn't want to die. At this time Li Xing asked, he actually told the truth, and then said: "Don't kill me, we can talk about the conditions ..."


As soon as Li Xing shook Tianyin, the man exploded, and the fate of sacrifice also fell.

Li Xinglian slashed the three kings together, murderous, he raised his head, and the eyes of the sky shot in golden light. In the void, the secret spaces exploded one after another, and a famous figure appeared.

They are the great powers of all continents, including fairy, witch, and Tao, and even trolls and monsters. All parties have power. These people are all honorable numbers, but they fall down in a daunting manner.

Li Xing gave a cold hum, and everyone shivered. He said nothing and turned away, apparently returning to his hometown. He was so fierce just now, how dare these people come out to die?

The ancient clan is not only distributed in Tianyuanzhou, but other continents also exist. They know that the ancient clan is powerful. This man dared to kill the king of the ancient clan, what else was he afraid to do?

However, it is said that in the Dragon Palace, as soon as Taiyuan Xianzun sat down, he knew that it was not good. Although he was far away, he still felt the earth-shattering battle, because Wanxiantu recorded everything, which was equivalent to his personal experience.

After Li Xing killed the second king, the immortal Zun's face changed. He stood up and arched, saying, "Dragon King, there will be a period later. You tell Li Xing that Tiandaomen will not be opposed to Taixumen and Dragon Palace in the future. Please also tell Princess Yu said that I still recognize her daughter. "

The Dragon Emperor did not stop, he knew that the war had ended, and said lightly, "Okay, Taiyuan Taoist walk slowly."

Immediately after Taiyuan Xianzun's forefoot left, Li Xing arrived. A twinkling light entered the Palace of the Dragon Emperor, and Shen said, "What about the righteous father?"

Long Huang sighed: "I know everything that happened. I am here to suppress Taiyuan and cannot be separated. The woman is trying to save you ..."

Li Xingmo expressionless, said: "Father, go to the demon forest!"

The Dragon Emperor also knew that Li Xing was really angry this time, and he said nothing, and immediately went to the demon forest with Li Xing. What to do on this trip is naturally to kill the Great God!

Of course, the Great God knew everything. His Zhenhaiyin was taken away by Li Xingqiang, and he almost vomited blood. It is a pity that the demon emperor had already prepared and offered the demon emperor bell directly and dragged him.

As soon as the bell rang, half a day passed in Langzhong. When the Great God returned, Li Xing had arrived eagerly and yelled, "Lord, suffer!"

Before anyone arrives, the terrible seal of one side is shrouded directly. The Great God did not dare to say that there was an ancient Wang Qiang. At this moment, Li Xing was eyeing him, and suddenly he was all air-conditioned and shouted, "I have something to say!"

His mouth was so screaming, but his hands were unambiguous. He was very clear. Facing Zhen Tianyin, the following magical weapons were all stunned.


The Great God shattered his arms and then exploded. He groaned, but broke the lock by chance to hide in the space.

"You can't get away!" Li Xing looked through with fierce eyes, "Mr. Dad, the righteous father, the three of us have fallen into the sky!"

Up to now, there is no need to keep hands. The two emperors nodded, and led by Li Xing, went straight into the sky. Tianwaitian is a hidden space that outsiders cannot enter. But this is not difficult for Li Xing. He has a map of Tiantiantian, a space map in his hand.

In the vast space and time, three streamers constantly shuttled into the sky and sky.

The Great God did hide in Tiantiantian, but as soon as his front foot arrived, Li Xing followed him. This great God has been struggling for the first time, and now he is being rushed, Li Li said, "Li Xing, don't bully people too much!"

"Hulling people? I want to chop you today!" Li Xingsen said arbitrarily ~ www.readwn.com ~ one big seal, repressed again.

This day outside the sky is actually a cave sky, how to withstand the torment of Li Xing, once the town Tianyin came out, the whole cave sky trembled, and then "banged" with a blast.

The high-level Dongtian, which God had worked hard for many years, was destroyed. In the outer world, a large number of monks lived, and those who were not high in cultivation were directly turned into fly ash in the explosion, leaving no residue.

Of course, some people survived, but they were all masters at the level of Fa Tian.

When it was printed, it was still in the sky outside the sky. When the day of Yin was suppressed, the sky was shattered and everyone went into the void.

The Dragon Emperor and the Demon Emperor shot at the same time, the Demon Emperor Seal and the Dragon Emperor Bell simultaneously locked the Great God, making it difficult for him to run even. At the same time, Li Xing furiously launched a third blow to Guiyuan.


"Boom!" Tianyin of Wuxing Town was urged to the limit, and between the tremors, twenty shadows were shaken, and then merged into one, crushing the space, crushing time, and landing.

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