Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 752: Too Rise

Chapter 40: The Rise of Too Virtual

The Lord screamed loudly and suddenly pointed out. For a moment, Li Xing felt the space freeze. The word “Great God” did not attack Li Xing, but integrated himself into the avenue instantly and became part of the avenue.

He represents the avenue. At this moment, Li Xing's attempt to kill him is equivalent to breaking the avenue. And cut the avenue, only the ascending person can do it, that is the means of breaking the void.

But Li Xing said angrily, "You are the sky, and I will chop you today! Kill!"


The whole Tianyuanzhou trembled, Li Xing's eyebrows shot a golden light, wherever the golden light went, the principle of the avenue collapsed and turned into fragments of the avenue. In particular, his chaotic bursts of frenzied operation, collecting these avenue fragments directly, and then refining and absorbing.

The Great God was finally desperate, and Li Xiao suddenly exploded. Now that the incarnation is incarnate, the avenue is crushed, and he is finished. At this point, Li Xingyiqiang directly broke the avenue!

The Avenue of the Incarnation of the Great God, but also left his vigorous spirit, was also sacrifice by Li Xing, and no residue was left.

After beheading the Lord, the demon emperor bell "dang" and a wave of power dispersed. Regardless of how far apart and how much space, the mages that escaped from heaven and sky were all detained. This is the Taoist method.

Tianwaitian, his family had a great career, and when the Great God died, he was nothing in the presence of a respected master. At this moment, these people shuddered into a ball, staring at Li Xing, with complex expressions.

"Li Xing, what are you going to do with it?" Long Huang asked, and it was a pity to kill all these mages.

Li Xing said ruthlessly: "It's a pity to kill, and it should be controlled all." He then performed mind-control, which was a big deal, and he also performed a large number of mages, including two Daojun!

The real people in Tongtian were able to reach heaven, and the mantras they cast were also very powerful. Except for Tianzang and Tianyi, who were slightly rebellious, the others were unknowingly controlled.

Tianzang and Tianyi were suppressed by Dragon Emperor and could not move.

Li Xing knew that they were not easy to clean up, so he didn't say much. He flicked his fingers and two Zhenli blasted out. Hearing the sound of "Boom", they directly killed the two. Dignified monarch, when he said kill, he killed, showing the irony.

The Emperor smiled bitterly: "Who can think of you growing so fast?"

Li Xing sighed, and with this sigh, his momentum gradually weakened, and finally returned to the real person in the battlefield. The Li Xing who opened the six real human meridians, although strong, could not fight against Taoism.

The Dragon Emperor thoughtfully said, "It seems that heaven and earth have not been restored, and heaven and earth will not be restored to the original appearance of ancient times. Your practice must always be suppressed. Only then is it only forbidden by people to cast a spell to recover for a period of time. It's a pity that it won't last. "

Li Xingdao: "Thank you Yifu and Mr. Da for killing the king of the ancient clan. This feud has ended. After today, I will change my face and be invisible for a while until I am strong enough."

The demon emperor asked, "What are your plans?"

"Only my realm is a real human being. I can clearly feel that the world is constantly changing, and one day I can return to the ancient state. During this time, I will be careful. Of course, please also ask Yifu and Mr. Secret." Li Xingdao.

Dragon Emperor: "That's natural. We don't say that everyone still thinks you are the strong man who beheaded the ancient clan king, and dare not take the initiative to find you. In terms of being too virtual, you decide what to do. Will the door be hidden with you? "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Not only will the Taixumen not be hidden, but it will appear generously in front of the world."

The two emperors were stunned and immediately understood Li Xing's thoughts. The demon emperor said: "Although these actions can deter various forces, they cannot last long, and they can last up to ten years."

"Ten years is enough," Li Xingdan said indifferently. "I also ask my father and Mr. Da to secretly support me."

"You can rest assured that when Jiuzhou is unified, the demon and the dragon will have to guard against the forces of the outer continent and the second to prevent the invasion of the ancient kings. It is necessary to unite them. However, it is important that you grow up as soon as possible and become a generation. Emperor. "Dragon Emperor Road.

Li Xing couldn't help but have a question: "Father, can't Mr. Da become a great emperor?"

The demon emperor sighed: "How is the emperor doing well? You will understand later that the emperor, in fact, exists against the sky and cannot be inferred by common sense."

Li Xing nodded thoughtfully.

Three days later, the shocking bell still hung over the imaginary map, and the 800,000 Dragon Palace army was guarded below. But now, no one dares to come to seize Tianwu's secret. The battle of the South China Sea was shocking. Li Xing, with his own strength, killed two ancient kings, killed the Great God, and retreated from Taiyuanxianzun, and finally joined forces with the Demon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor to destroy Tiantian.

Countless schools know one thing, that is, Li Xing has grown up, even Dao Zun can be beheaded, and who can cure him? Not only do they dare not find too much trouble, but they are also afraid that Li Xing will come.

Even some of the forces on the outer continent are easily reluctant to provoke peeping again. The ancient royal family also became honest at once. They seemed to see the shadow of the emperors of Tianyuanzhou from Li Xing.

After several days of retreat, Taixudongtian spent a whole thousand years. In a thousand years, many wizards can be achieved, and many people will disappear into the long river of history.

Taixumen, one third of the disciples chose to enter Taixutu practice, but they are still alive, not even half of them. Although Li Xing provided a lot of cultivation resources, he even invested at any cost.

Half of the surviving people, and more than half of them are old people in the twilight, and there is not much life left. Some people may regret it, but this is a glorious moment for the entire Taixumen.

No one would have thought that Zhijun Dao and Supreme Dao Jun broke through, reunited with Tao, and resonated with Tiandi Avenue. As long as you enlighten for a while, the two Taoists can be steadfast and enter the realm of Taoism!

This is of course due to Li Xing, who spent time that day and used the silkworm technique over and over to improve the qualifications of the two, so that the two have achieved today's achievements. Of course, the biggest reason was that Li Xing's accident brought too much luck.

Although Taixumen has gone through a major disaster and suffered heavy losses, it may not be a Nirvana. Now it will stand up again, and two Taoists will appear at once.

In addition, Taoist Taoist, Qingyu Taoist, Taiyi Taoist, and Fire Crow Taoist also all entered the Daojun level. Among the four ridges of the South China Sea, the hundred flower owls finally entered the realm of Taoists.

What makes Li Xing happy is Li Nature. Originally, he went out quietly for a period of time, and immediately closed his practice after returning. At this moment, he realized that he had also hit Daojun's realm in one fell swoop. This is still too difficult for him to repair, it is difficult for Xuanjie to break through.

Her mother, Princess Yu, didn't surprise Li Xing. She finally entered a land of immortals and became an immortal monarch. Although her strength is not as good as that of Li Nature, she is also very gratifying.

Xiaoxiu did not disappoint Li Xing, reaching the level of enlightenment and becoming a Taoist. In addition, among the disciples, a large number of mages have also emerged. There are 69 single men. They are all well-disciplined disciples and vigorously cultivated by Tianwu Secret.

In addition to the above, there are three people walking into the Daojun level.

Six people, including Jian Xingtian and Nangong Xiaoyi, came back a little bit late and practiced less than a thousand years, but their progress was equally amazing. These six people seemed to have negotiated one after another and became Daojun one after another.

Today, to the best of my ability, although the entire Taixu Men has consumed many disciples, it has become a talented person. In Taixumen, there are 370 Fajuns, 73 Taoists, and a dozen masters.

In addition, it won't take long for the perfection and the perfection to enter the Taoist level. By then, Taixumen will be as stable as a rock without Li Xing.

Happy events followed one another, but Li Xing was still in a heavy mood because a woman died for her. He and Yan Zhenzhen can be said to have only two sides, but that day, they used their own fall in exchange for Li Xing's glory.

"I killed her." Li Xing sighed, standing quietly under the tree of faith.

"Are you sad?" Tian Xie said, "Or are you guilty? Blame the teacher for giving Jiuyin seeds to her?"

Li Xing sighed, "Master, the apprentice didn't mean it, I just blame myself for being incompetent."

"Shinto forbidden surgery, although I do n’t understand it, I also know that it can be cracked." The words of Emperor Tianxie seemed to make a thunder, and Li Xing opened his eyes wide.

"Can it be cracked?" He asked quickly.

"To save you, this chick has fallen to hell, of course she has to save her."

Li Xing smiled bitterly: "But the apprentice doesn't even know where **** is."

"There is a place where there is a sky. The so-called **** is actually the world below the earth, where there are demons, demons, and ghosts and beasts." Tianxie Emperor narrowed his eyes, "When you are qualified to become a generation of emperors , You will know these secrets. "

"These are secrets?" Li Xing Yiyi.

"At least, people above the emperor cannot enter it at all." Tianxie Emperor Dao ~ www.readwn.com ~ Na Long emperor is not bad, the emperor is against the sky, the road is intolerable, and the world is intolerable. "

Li Xing fought a cold war. How can you cultivate? Instantly, he asked again, "Master, if you enter the underground world, you can save the truth?"

"Actually, you can enter the underground world even if you haven't reached the emperor's cultivation behavior," said Tianxie Emperor. "But you have to go through a shortcut. Although you haven't been there before, you know from ancient books that it's located on the Nether Island."

Li Xing's eyes lit up: "Netherworld? Okay! I'll go to Netherworld now!"

"What's urgent!" Emperor Tianxie sneered, "Depending on your half-tone practice, even Tian Yuanzhou's opponent is not right, and you want to go to Nether Island?"

"How should that be." Li Xing began to sigh again. He was really guilty. It doesn't matter how he is, but it hurts others.

"Heaven and earth, the ghost knows when it will be completely restored, so do n’t put your hopes on the means of being a real person. You still have to practice it, do n’t you say you want to hide it for a while? It ’s good, slowly practice your Fa and Star Wheel Martial arts, step by step. You can rest assured that even if 10,000 years later, as long as you are strong enough, you can save Yan Zhenzhen. "

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