Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 754: Road ahead

Chapter 42: The Way Forward

The law of heaven and earth is broken, and the power of the dragon elephant has disappeared. This is naturally a huge blow to the real people in ancient times. Could it be said that this is the reason for the decline of ancient real people?

Li Xing was not sure, but felt that there must be some connection between the two. Thinking too much is useless, practice continues. At this time he held the Dragon Ball on his left and the Elephant Ball on his right, and then started the ancient Dragon Elephant Gong.

I'm afraid that no one has done it like him since ancient times, using dragon power and elephant power to practice dragon elephant skills. Real people in ancient times directly absorb the power of dragons between heaven and earth.

The dragon ball and the elephant bead both emitted glory, and the intricate dragon power and elephant power flowed into Li Xing's body, and then were absorbed by Dan Tian, ​​the dragon elephant virtual shadow.

In the shadow of the dragon elephant, all kinds of wonderful changes occurred, and the two forces were merged into one, transformed into the power of the pure dragon elephant, and then promoted the promotion of the power of the dragon elephant.

After practicing for some time, all the power of Dragon Ball and Elephant Pearl was absorbed by him. The number of dragon elephants he turned on increased from more than 1,300 to 3,000.

He opened his eyes and said, "The ancient dragon elephant practice is really amazing. Before you go out of your path, you can practice dragon elephant practice. This dragon elephant practice is to the extreme, and it can stretch the world."

"Unfortunately, both Dragon Ball and Elephant Beads have been consumed. We must find a way to get more Dragon Power and Elephant Power." With this idea, he decided to leave Taixumen and go out to find.

During the period of Li Xing's retreat, a prince and a philanthropic prince finally came to a complete realization of the Tao, the Tao conformed, and stepped into the Taoist level. There are two Daozun sitting in the town, he has nothing to worry about, Taixu Men has been as solid as gold.

On this day, Li Xing still ordered Jun Qianheng to act as head of the agency, but he quietly left. Except for the core person, no one knew that he had left the virtual gate. Of course, this time he came out, he performed a life-changing technique, and transformed into a young mage with the law of ten.

Ten Masters came to the Dragon Palace to meet the Dragon Emperor and ask about Dragon Power. The Dragon Emperor heard that Li Xing successfully practiced Dragon Elephant Gong, and said, "Sure enough! But you need dragon power, and no one can help."

Li Xing: "Father, how do you say that?"

"Come with me and you will know when you look at it." As soon as Long Huang waved his sleeves, he and Li Xing both entered a strange space. Entering this space, Li Xing saw the dragon corpses one after another, quietly suspended, and displayed in the air.

The number of dragon corpses is very large, but there is no trace of dragon power released on them, and they seem to have been drained. Li Xing was surprised: "What's going on?"

Dragon Emperor Road: "These are the ancestors of the dragons who were cultivated as wise men. After their death, their bodies are immortal, but their dragon power is drained. People of the dragon clan will dissipate the dragon power at the moment of death. In the meantime, reincarnation. "

Li Xing now understands that the Dragon Emperor is telling him that it is not easy to find dragon power in this world, unless hunting the living dragons, but how is this possible?

Since Long Li is not easy to find, presumably the same is true for Li Xiang, Li Xing had to temporarily give up practicing Long Xiang. After thinking about it, he can now start in three directions: Xingdi Jing, Jiu Yang Gong, and Da Luo Zhen Shen.

The practice of the Star Emperor Sutra is a gradual accumulation process. It can be said that as long as sufficient time is given, he can continue to grow until the Nine Emperor Star Wheel is condensed.

As for Jiuyang Gong, although Li Xing still can't see the mystery at present, there will be no mistake in practicing. Even he believes that Jiuyang Gong is more important than all the exercises.

The practice of Da Luo Zhenshen requires the collection of authentic texts lacking in the ancient Xuanjing to complete the second page. Only then can his Da Luozhen body be perfect.

In the end, Li Xing decided to practice the Star Emperor's Classics while searching for ancient authentic texts. This is currently the most effective way to improve strength.

Looking for the true text, if this matter is left in the past, it is indeed a headache for Li Xing. But now, his chaotic array is unpredictable. As long as he is willing to consume the source calculations, he can calculate the whereabouts of a certain authentic text.

After leaving the Dragon Palace, Li Xing, who was transformed into ten masters, seemed to walk the world aimlessly, but in fact he hadn't let go of his cultivation for a moment. The real person, walking, sitting and lying, no matter what they do is a kind of cultivation, and it doesn't have to be nested in one place.

All the time, he was absorbing three thousand stars. Jiuyang Gong also runs on his own. To this day, his Qingyang Gong has reached the level of nine successes, and he is ready to start the next heaven.

Among the caves, Li Xing practiced for tens of thousands of years, and there were not many practices available for Jiuyang Gong. Just because he understands that the cultivation of Jiuyang Gong is at the back and requires the power of Jiuyin to rectify it, otherwise it will end miserably.

Therefore, he did not dare to practice too fast, but practiced for a while, and gained more or less. Today, the main thing is to practice the Xingdi Jing.

The chaotic array finally calculated the whereabouts of the seventeen authentic texts, and the calculations showed that the authentic texts were located at the Troll Gate. Speaking of this troll gate, it can also be regarded as an enemy of Li Xing. At the beginning, the Trollmen, together with Luo Tianmen, Wanfamen, and Dongxuanmen, attacked Taixumen and sent two Taoists, Shili Taoists and Xuangui Taoists, to be killed.

Knowing his whereabouts, Li Xing naturally was not polite and immediately went to Troll Gate. Now, due to the battle of the South China Sea, the entire practice world is very calm, and various factions can't shrink.

However, under the guidance of Li Xing, from time to time, a little information was revealed. For example, a certain step into Daojun level today, and a few more masters tomorrow. These news, let the forces participating in the siege of Taixumen that day, could not help but be frightened.

Fortunately, in the past six months, Taixumen did not retaliate.

The inheritance of Troll Gate is very mysterious, and the means of cultivation can make people extremely powerful. In the troll hall, twelve troll sculptures stand in a circle. The sculpture is the image of the demon, which belongs to the trolls of ancient times.

There are rumors that the core members of the Troll Gate have the troll blood. To put it bluntly, these people have non-human blood flowing in them. They are the result of the trolls of the ancient royal family who intermarried with humans.

Therefore, the cultivation of trolls is different. Of course, this kind of thing will not be acknowledged by the trolls, and others will not tell it in person.

In the center of the hall, surrounded by twelve sculptures, is a small space where the phosgene rolls over, and the three high-rises of the Troll Gate close in. These three seniors are Taoist ranks.

Originally, there were five Taoists in the Troll Gate, but the poor Shifang and Xuangui were beheaded, but now there are only three left. Moreover, the remaining three people were also disturbed day and night, for fear that one day would be too empty to kill.

That day Li Xing was too fierce, even Dao Zun said that he would kill and killed two ancient clan kings. What does Troll Gate have? Just three Taoists sit in town.

They have been in retreat for a long time, hoping to purify the royal blood and strength in their bodies.

I don't know when, there is a young man in this sloppy space, and he stands coldly, motionless. The three retreat Taoists didn't feel anything at all.

Suddenly, one of the Taoists suddenly opened his eyes and saw Li Xing in a flash, and said, "Who are you?"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Ten Masters."

"Mage?" The three Taoists opened their eyes and were horrified. How did this mage come in?

They dare not underestimate the teacher. Li Xing is also a mage, but he is just as fierce. This person, without a word, ran to Troll Gate, and must not be an ordinary person.

"What are you going to do?" The three Taoists surrounded Li Xing with a wary look.

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Don't be nervous, this mage comes and borrows something from several people."

"Borrowing things?" A Taoist sneered. "We know you have the means, and have something to say, what are you going to do?"

Li Xing nodded: "Happy, then you're welcome. The troll gate got seventeen ancient authentic texts. The authentic texts are good. It's useless for you to keep such waste. It's better to leave it to me."

The three men were immediately angry, and the troll leader yelled, "Be arrogant! Who do you think you are? There are twelve trolls here to suppress you and make you never come back!" They secretly urged the twelve trolls, These are the twelve sculptures in the Troll's Hall, which are to subdue Li Xing.

A huge force came out, looming and locked Li Xing. His expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "What **** is big." He grabbed his hands, the power of the dragon trembled back, and he heard a "click", and a sculpture shattered directly.

The three Taoists were stunned. This large array can definitely trap Daojun, and this one broke it easily. In their heads, they suddenly thought of a person, the head of the cries, "You are Li ..."

The word "Xing" didn't have time to say, Li Xing really slaps his hands down, hits the tires, and blows. The rolling roots were taken into the altar and sacrificed. This source of power ~ www.readwn.com ~ can be exchanged for strength, thereby enhancing his combat effectiveness.

The other two roared, and before being shot, they were anchored by a mysterious force, unable to move. Li Xing reached into a Taoist Tao's tire, took out ten authentic articles, and then sacrificed them.

Another Taoist was frightened and shouted, "Don't kill me! Something to say!"

Li Xingzhang was not hesitant, and also reached out and digged into his womb, took out seven authentic texts, and threw them into the altar to offer sacrifices. After the sacrifice, a surging force blessed him, and he murmured, "It's not bad to kill more figures of the state, you can gain pure power."

That's right, it's not mana, it's not divine power, it's power, and it's no different from the power of ordinary people. But don't underestimate this power, when it is strong enough, it is just as scary.

"However, it is still not as cost-effective as the ancient royal family's life force." Li Xing thought. Before that, he beheaded and killed two ancient kings, both of whom had exchanged life force, which together amounted to more than 3,000 years.

Since he shot, Li Xing was naturally rude. He unknowingly looted the troll gate. Even when he left, the disciples of Troll Gate did not know that the three Taoists who had retreated were dead.

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