Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 755: Undead royal

Chapter 43: The Immortal Royal Family

After the troll gate, Li Xing used the chaotic array to calculate the whereabouts of the true text. He visited the parties successively, grabbing secretly, and continuously collecting ancient authentic texts. At the same time, he continued to practice and lived a happy life.

While Li Xing was walking around the world, looking for the true text, several major events happened in Tian Yuanzhou. The first major event, the death of the Jedi, was completely revealed, and in the sea, a dead land was born.

According to rumors, among the dead Jedi, there is an ancient royal family, undead. An ancestor of the undead tribe was suppressed by three kinds of treasures. Now he has been born, and the tribe of the undead tribe also see the sun again.

The second major event was the opening of the South China Sea forbidden area, which also transformed into a land in the sea. There are more than one ancient royal family in this forbidden area.

The third major event, Wan Famen disappeared. In other words, the Wanfa Menju faction left Tianyuanzhou and all entered Lingzhou.

The pressure of Wan Famen has been very high. Even the great God and the king of the ancient clan were cut by Li Xing. What is Wan Famen? Tianyi Daojun and other high-level officials were restless. After some discussion, they actually moved the entire Wanfa Gate.

No doubt, this decision represents that Tiandaomen abandoned the idea of ​​joining Tianyuanzhou. Originally, without Li Xing, Tiandaomen wanted to compete with the Great God. But Li Xing was born, beheaded the Great God, and Taiyuan Xianzun was taken away.

In this way, after considering the risks, Tiandaomen finally abandoned Tianyuanzhou. These ten thousand gates, but it took a lot of effort for Tiandaomen to support a force, said that there would be no loss, the loss is not significant.

But this is helpless. The situation is stronger than people. If the wind does not see the rudder, Li Xing will kill Tiandaomen if he is not protected. By his means and power, although the two immortals of Tiandaomen may not be really scared, the final result must also be unwilling to bear.

Huhu was another half a year, Li Xing found a lot of authentic texts, but on the second page of the Ancient Xuanjing, there was still a word. One word short, his Da Luo truthfulness can reach perfection.

The final calculation shows that this last authentic text must enter the dead Jedi.

Li Xing naturally heard about what happened to the Jedi. But without fear, he flew directly to the southwest and reached the sea where the dead Jedi was. The Jedi at this time was very different from the original.

The former dead Jedi, space overlaps, but now it is different, it has spawned a land, floating on the ocean. On this land, there is no vitality in the distance.

However, Li Xing still found that in the sky's death, there were two splendid brilliance that rose into the sky. Of these two glories, Li Xing realized that one of them was the tree of life.

Between the Forbidden Grounds, there are three treasures, namely the Palace of Longevity, the Stele of Life, and the Tree of Life. The tree of life Li Xing has seen before, and even fought with one against the corpses. The Longevity Hall also entered and took the Longevity Tree.

"Another Guanghua, it should be the monument of fate." Li Xing said, "I took the tree of eternal life in the eternal life hall, and it seemed to have lost spirituality."

Combining rumors, Li Xing realized that he had taken the tree of eternal life that day, maybe he had made a big disaster and released the ancestor of the undead. Of course, this is just a guess. Moreover, he did not take the shot that day, and the heir to the so-called Emperor Changsheng also had to take away the tree of Changsheng.

For the undead, Li Xing can be said to know quite well. Because on the ancient Xuanjing, although the records of the ancient royal family are brief, they mention the three royal families in detail. One of them is the undead royal family.

In ancient times, before the gods and real people, there was a group of ancient ethnic groups on the land of Jiuzhou, called the ancient royal family. Members of the royal family have their own unique bloodlines. They often have humanoid shapes, but they are not humans, just similar.

These batches existed in ancient times, the strength of which is related to the purity of blood. The purer the blood, the stronger the strength. When the blood is completely pure, they can have the same strength as their ancestors, known as the ancestor.

Under the ancestors, they are called kings. Generally speaking, all races are ruled by kings, and ancestors rarely appear. You know, the ancestor is a rare existence that can compete with the true king of ancient times.

Under the king is the quasi-king. Below are warriors, below warriors are warriors, below warriors are base slaves.

Different ancient royal families have different bloodlines and strengths. Immortal bloodlines are one of the strongest bloodlines. Wang Banzhong, ordinary slaves, have considerable fighting power and are not weaker than the cultivation of national scholars.

As for warriors, they can definitely fight against god-man. The quasi-king is the current level, and the king of the ancient clan is about the honorable level. Generally speaking, the king is the peak of the ancients. Once they break through, they are the ancestors.

Above the ancestors, it will not break anymore. But if it breaks through, it is beyond the blood of the ancestors to perform a nirvana. After Nirvana, it was beyond the existence of the ancestors. They were called holy kings.

In ancient times, there have been ancestral saints, but they are extremely rare, only three. Holy kings have appeared in the three major ancient royal families mentioned in the ancient Xuanjing.

The strength of the Holy King, which can confront the true King and kill the gods, is an extremely horrible existence, which has long been extinct with history. The ancient royal family was once a powerful competitor of ancient real people. But for a long time, the real people in ancient times have overpowered the royal family.

If it is said that the real people in ancient times were first-class citizens in the barren times of ancient times, then the ancient royal family can only be regarded as second-class citizens. Of course, after the barbaric era and the era of great destruction, the ancient royal family had a slight advantage.

As for the era of the Great Destruction, nothing happened to Li Xing. But even the ancient royal families refrigerated themselves, obviously something must have happened. The defect of the avenue law also appeared at that time.

Entering near the dead Jedi, Li Xingcai found that there were many monks around, apparently all came to observe the situation. In the death of the Jedi, no one knows exactly what happened, everything is a legend, not to believe.

During this time, is there really an undead royal family, and even the undead ancestor was released, no one is sure.

However, this was quickly determined. The whole sea trembled, and the death Jedi below suddenly produced a great suction. Even Li Xing was unstable and almost sucked.

The rest of the monks walking around were miserable. They just wanted to see the excitement in the air, and didn't want to encounter this disaster. Screaming one by one, they fell into the dead Jedi. As soon as their bodies fell to the ground, their vitality began to drain away quickly, and eventually turned into a pile of dead bones.

Li Xing had already experienced this process long before, consuming tens of thousands of years of life that day. He took a breath and hurriedly left the scene.

Li Xing hasn't stayed away. If Zhenwen didn't get it, how can he leave? Fortunately, there was no disappointment. Three days later, a black smoke rose from the dead Jedi, and there was a row of soldiers in the black smoke. They flew into the air, forming a parade, as if they were patrolling around.

"It's very arrogant!" Li Xing sneered, and now he can infer that this place really is the site of the undead royal family, and it seems that it has the meaning of expansion.

According to the ancient Xuanjing, the living environment of the undead royal family is the dead Jedi, and when souls enter it, life will be quickly consumed. Of course, there are gains and losses. People of the undead royal family can indeed never die, but only if their territory continues to expand.

why? The reason is simple. The so-called immortality of the undead royal family originates from strangling the lives of others. In other words, the more dead beings, the longer they will live.

Of course, such an evil race cannot expand indefinitely. One day, they will either expand to the limit, no life can swallow, no place can expand, and they begin to decline. Or, the undead royal family threatens the world, and everyone unites to destroy it.

Those patrolling soldiers acted quickly, and soon met Li Xing. Li Xing deliberately did not evade, to see what the immortal royal family was, and how to deal with it.

The people of the undead royal family look like humans, but they seem to be condensed by black smoke. They look like a smoker, and the smoke is still creeping.

There were seven soldiers in a team. After seeing Li Xing, they all roared into excitement, turned into seven black smoke, and rushed forward like crazy. Before the black smoke arrived, Li Xing felt that the life force in his body began to be unstable and seemed to be detached from himself.

"Huh!" He sneered, his hands cracking down. Seven smoky air stagnates in the air, all of which are ingested by him. Then he fluttered and disappeared.

Baiyang Jingtian, the seven undead soldiers, turned into a cloud of black smoke, squirming and rolling, and actually began to corrode Baiyang Jingtian, to biochemically produce a small piece of dead Jedi.

"Huh?" Li Xing was surprised. He urged a magic circle to come out and lock the black smoke all at once, making him unable to move. Although this thing is evil, after all, its power is too weak to compete with him at all.

Black smoke felt tremendous pressure, and seven human figures were forced to show up. One of them said: "Bold humans! Do you know who we are?"

Li Xing deliberately asked, "What are your identities?"

"We are undead royal fighters. If you dare to offend the undead royal fighters, you will definitely be drained of life in the future, and the death is ugly!" The soldier chuckled.

As soon as Li Xing was thinking, the talking soldier exploded with a wave, turned into fly ash, and died directly ~ www.readwn.com ~ The so-called immortality is not immortality, but can be immortal.

The other six were startled and no longer as arrogant as Fang.

Li Xing said coldly, "What do I ask, what do you answer, honestly. Otherwise, I will kill you one by one."

Although the status of the undead royal fighters is not high, they have a long life span. Would they be willing to die? After looking at each other, they reluctantly agreed to answer Li Xing's question.

"Why are your undead royal families in the death penalty? How long have you been here? What happened before?" Li Xing asked three questions in a row.

A soldier said: "This is the secret of the undead royal family, you can't ..."


As soon as Li Xing was thinking, the soldier was dead. He asked the second one lightly: "You said."

The soldier shivered, this man didn't blink when he killed, let's just say it! The original story originally told the history of the existence of the undead royal family and why it appeared in the dead Jedi.

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