Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 758: Alarm clock

Chapter 46: Shocking Bell

The ancient warrior can see at a glance that Li Xing is a mage, and his face suddenly shows a fierce smile. In this period, he has killed more than one mage. . . In his view, the low-level wizards in humans are simply not vulnerable.

"You came to die?" The warrior looked at the mouse with a cat, looked at Li Xing, and then acted like electricity, reaching for Li Xing's shoulder.

Li Xing didn't even move, let the other side grab the shoulder and look indifferent. As soon as the warrior's hand touched Li Xing's palm, he was suddenly blasted by a force of terror.


The palm of his hand exploded, and a groan was heard.

Seeing the dead, Li Xing stretched out his hand and lifted him up. With a little force, the warrior screamed screaming. This cries immediately attracted all the ancient fighters and gathered quickly.

What Li Xing wanted was this effect. Looking at the ancient warriors who surrounded him, he said lightly: "All people are ready to die." Then the words broke, "click" and twisted the warrior's neck.

Then he turned into a phantom, listening only to the sound of torn bones, and a dead body fell. In the end, with a big swipe, all the corpses disappeared, and they were sacrificed directly. Although there was not much power in exchange, it was better than nothing.

In the following period, Li Xing encountered several other massacres of ancient warriors, all of which were cleaned up by him. Only then did he understand that the ancients had begun preliminary temptations, and after such temptations, if there was no strong response, they would probably be aggressive.

After killing several batches of ancient warriors in a row, Li Xing felt that this was not the way. No matter how fast he moved alone, he could not stop the continuous invasion of ancient races. After some thought, he returned to the virtual gate.

The tentative offensive of the ancients has also disturbed all parties. Now Wan Famen disappeared, Luo Tianmen was destroyed, and only the Taixumen family was the only one. Their eyes turned to Taixumen, depending on the action of Taixumen.

At the top of the virtual gate, a meeting is also taking place. Jun Qianheng has a headache. As the head of the generation, he must come up with an idea.

The Supreme Master and Supreme Master are also here. These two masters are now very high-ranking and have heavy weight. An esteemed analysis said: "In the era when the emperor existed, once the ancients changed, they would be crushed by the emperor. But nowadays, Tianyuan can't be suppressed without the figures of the emperor. There are many kings of the ancients. I am afraid that the number of Taoist deities far exceeding Tian Yuanzhou cannot be countered. "

"However, Taixu Men is the leader of the Zongmen of Tianyuanzhou. If we don't express our position, other forces will not even get ahead. Taixu Men is in such a place, but we can't just ignore it, or what kind of martial leaders are we talking about?"

Jun Qianheng said: "Too elder means, what should we do if we are too virtual?"

The Supreme Master sighed: "Today, there is only military risk." He glanced at the crowd. "The ancient people don't know yet, the strength of the head has fallen. Too virtual door wants to act, but also with the help of the head Prestige. "

While talking, a figure appeared, but Li Xing was back. Everyone met the person in charge, Li Xing waved his hand and said, "No need to be polite, I have heard what you said."

Jun Qianheng said: "Head, really want to do it?"

Li Xingdao: "I traveled far and wide, and I saw a lot of evils of the ancients burning and looting. They used killing as their pleasure, their intentions were sinister. The ultimate goal was to exterminate the entire human race in Tianyuanzhou. This battle will sooner or later erupt."

"Since it is going to fight sooner or later, even pretending to be a grandson is useless." Li Xing said coldly. "The ancients are obviously tempting. As a leader, Taixumen must fight back. Otherwise, the ancients will only intensify."

Zhizun repeatedly nodded: "The head is right, but we need to discuss it in detail."

Li Xingdao: "The ancients really didn't know that my strength was suppressed by this world, but now they can use this to make them hard to understand and dare not start a war easily."

This is, Nangong Xiaoyi asked: "Head, your strength, really can't recover?"

Li Xingdao: "It can be restored, but it takes time. However, I recently discovered that at regular intervals, Zunji's cultivation can be achieved instantly, but the time is very short."

The eyes of the Supreme Master Dao Zhuang brightened: "This is enough! On that day, even the two kings were beheaded, which made the ancient people tremble. As long as they don't know the bottom of the head and the stance of the virtual door is strong, they will converge. . "

Li Xing nodded: "I can only think of it this way, whether it is useful or not, I have to try it." He thought again, "but Tian Yuanzhou is everyone's Tian Yuanzhou, and it can't be too fictitious."

Jun Qianheng: "The head of the team means to build an alliance?"

Li Xing nodded: "At the time Luo Tianmen was able to form a defensive alliance, and of course, a virtual alliance could be established. That defensive alliance was established only for a momentary greed, and it is extremely stable. But the situation is different now, the ancient royal family wanted to exterminate humanity It's the common enemy of all people. As long as it's not stupid, you know what to do. "

After detailed discussion, the next day, the shocking bell hanging over Taixumen suddenly rang "Dangdangdang". The bell is very magical, and in its reputation, it actually contains a spirit of Li Xing.

Anyone who hears the bell also feels Li Xing's will: "Whereever Master Tianyuanzhou, Fajun and above, please go to Taixumen!"

Shocking Bell ~ www.readwn.com ~ The magic weapon of fortune and powerful, this bell is melodious and spreads throughout Tianyuanzhou, all monks can hear it. The monks knew that the ancient invasion brought Tianyuanzhou to a crisis. At this time, Taixumen convened monks from all sides, the purpose must be to fight against the ancient royal family.

Although not long ago, there were many people who had to deal with the virtual door. But in the face of righteousness, many people still want to be thorough. If you do not cooperate with Taixumen at this time, you may end miserably in the future.

In ancient times, the royal family did not appear in history, but they were suppressed by the emperor. There was no emperor in the world, and he had to cooperate with Taixumen, so there was a way to live.

The most important thing is that Taixumen has a close relationship with the Demon Emperor and the Dragon Emperor, and has two Taoists, and one Li Xing who killed the ancient clan king. This kind of power immediately impressed many people.

At first, most people stayed on the sidelines after hearing the bell. After all, there are still people in this world who understand that, a group of old antiques that can't live in seclusion, actually rushed to Taixumen first.

These old antiques are some hidden figures who have been repairing for many years. One came here in a while. Soon, 87 famous figures came. Of these 87 people, there are actually seven Taoists!

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