Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 760: Who is the Great Emperor

Chapter 48: Who is the Great Emperor

The young man, who claimed to be the heir to the Emperor of Longevity, was named Sima Jian, and Li Xing had encountered him once in the dead and Jedi, and captured the eternal spirit tree from his hand. The other person was a character encountered in the secret collection of Tianwu, who was passed down by the Emperor Tianwu, supported by Tianwu Hall, and finally failed to defeat Li Xing.

Apart from the two, the remaining two were also young men. These four people are not high in cultivation, but their eyes are higher than the top. It seems that Li Xing does not look at them. If you think about it, they all pretend to be descendants of the Emperor, and Li Xingming does not have such an identity.

Sima Jian was the first one to stand out and yell at everyone, and shouted, "In the under Secretary Ma Jian, the elder Emperor is born, and he has the inheritance of the elder Emperor. If you are seniors, if you are willing to fully support the cultivation in the lower body, I will definitely be a generation The Great. "

The other three people also reported their own endings. The Emperor Tianwu inherited Tang Rong, the Emperor Emperor of the Emperor Wuyuan, and the Emperor Yuansheng emperor of ancient love.

Four people, once revealed the identity of the great emperor, and it really attracted attention, and many people even thought that if these four people were strongly supported, maybe an emperor could be cultivated! Once the emperor came out, there was no need to fear the threat of the ancient royal family.

Even some Dao Zun's thoughts were active, and the questioning Dao Zun laughed: "The original four emperors have inherited, it is great! There is a proposal in the old age, everyone gathered resources to train the four great emperors. . As long as one person can finally succeed, Tian Yuanzhou has hope. "

When his proposal came out, many people agreed.

Li Xing's heart looks like a mirror. The four so-called successors of the Great Emperor stand up at this moment, which must ignite some people's hearts, thinking that with great support, they may become a great emperor.

The four people will also pick the time, and speaking out at this time will undoubtedly bring great benefits to themselves. Thinking about the solution in his mind, the Emperor Tianxie said: "Li Xing, it's time to disclose your identity and let them know that Tianxie has also been passed down."

Li Xingfang was also thinking, saying, "Master, let them be proud first. Of the four, except for the successor of Emperor Wu that day, the other three should have received the treasure of the emperor. Their strength is not trivial. Such a few people, It would be a shame if it were not for my use. "

"What do you mean, don't suppress them for the time being?" Tianxie asked. "They have the inheritance of the emperor. Once they get up, they will inevitably oppress you."

Li Xing smiled: "Did Master not have confidence in the disciples? Hugh said that four of them, even if forty, I don't take it to heart. Don't forget, my Master is the God of Evil, the top five of the list Character. "

Emperor Tianxie smiled "Hey": "Just if you have confidence, Araki gave you 100,000 years of life force, time is urgent, and quickly find an opportunity to retreat for a period of time."

With that said, Li Xing laughed: "Master, the apprentice is having this idea." With that, he laughed loudly and caught everyone's attention.

Sima Jian looked coldly: "What does Brother Li laugh?"

Li Xing stood up and said, "Well, this emperor is definitely not a state that anyone can reach. All four are so confident. The manager is very happy. Unfortunately, the time is short. Qianji Tao only asked me, I hope to train an emperor early. "

Qianji Daozun nodded and said, "Old decay has this intention. I want to know if Li's door is secure and impacts the realm of the emperor. If he is confident, he can enter the realm of heaven and adjust his time to practice."

After hearing that, Sima Jian's four faces were a little ugly. Into the cave, I adjusted the time to practice, and once I was unsuccessful, I would die in it. The fact that they dare to stand up at this moment does not mean that they have absolute confidence to impact the realm of the emperor.

"That's the case! This is a way. If any monk is confident that he can break through, he can enter the cave to practice. Everyone will provide him with resources for cultivation to help him become a great emperor!"

"However, the risks are also great. It ’s hard for the emperor not to be cultivated, but the cultivator is always dead. However, there is no way to do it. At present, if there is no emperor sitting in the town, everyone has no heart. Where is the royal family fighting? "

"I heard that Li Zhangmen has a real human body and his qualifications are incomparable. He may be successful. If the four emperors are descended, they will go into Dongtian practice together with Li Zhangmen. That would be the best."

Everyone talked, and the four emperors passed on ugly faces, dare not accept anything. Joke, although they have the inheritance of the emperor, they still have to go step by step. After all, their lives are limited. Who dares to close this deadlock?

The eyes of the monks projected, and none of the four said that they all fell on Li Xing, depending on whether Li had the courage to summon everyone.

Li Xing smiled and said lightly, "Okay! I'm willing to try."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was happy, Qianji Daozun laughed: "Li Limen is indeed the power to kill the ancient king! After this retreat, you must be able to step into the realm of the emperor!"

In Li Xing's mind, he was not absolutely sure. However, he originally planned to retreat to improve his strength. At least he must achieve the level of cultivation. Otherwise, how can he fight against the ancient royal family? Speaking at this time, not only raised his name, but also made him see his confidence, and immediately suppressed the remaining four so-called great emperors.

"What great emperor is passed down, there is no confidence at all, even the retreat. He is still in charge of Li, and he is qualified to become a great emperor. The emperor should have this kind of ambition and confidence."

"Presumably these four people, but take the opportunity to swindle the cultivation resources, no matter whether they can achieve the emperor, anyway, they will make enough money." Some people also saw the purpose of the four people.

Four people from Sima Jian had an ugly face, and they were all blue and white. Suddenly, they were about to leave the scene, but Li Xing said, "Slow!"

Sima Jian stopped and sneered, "Why? Isn't it too far to go?"

Li Xing smiled and said to everyone: "The four of you are also a cry among the monks and have the obligation to do your part. Since the four are descendants of the emperor, they will all know the location of the treasure of the emperor."

Everyone's eyes lit up at the mention of the treasure of the Emperor. Yes indeed! Since these four boys are regarded as the heirs of the emperor, they must have opened the treasures of the emperor, otherwise, what qualifications are there to say that they are heirs of the emperor?

Suddenly, every strength weaves into a large net that covers the sky and holds the four together, and their faces finally change.

People are very vigorous, and there are so many respectable people in the town, and everyone is brave, and they are righteous one by one, swearing at four people.

"Give up the treasures of the emperor! You dare not enter Dongtian to cultivate, but you have no confidence to become the emperor. If you cannot become the emperor, how can the resources of the emperor be wasted on you?"

"The treasures of the emperor should be used on the blade to cultivate a true emperor! Li Zhemen is willing to enter the cave and speed up cultivation. These treasures should be provided to Li Zhemen. Only in this way can we hope to become a great emperor!"

"Yes! The treasure of the Emperor is the wealth of the entire Tian Yuanzhou. It cannot be swallowed by a single person. And now is the moment of life and death. No one can have selfishness!"

At this moment, Sima Jian had four hearts that wanted to cry, and they suddenly came out and regretted it. Originally, I also wanted to use the identity of the Great Emperor to gain some benefits at this critical moment, but it was unthinkable that it would become like this, but I would spit out my own things.

The Dragon Emperor stood still: "Yes, although my Dragon clan is a foreigner, I am willing to provide resources for cultivation. Besides, you are a human being? Since you donate all your resources, everyone will go all out to cultivate an emperor. "

Seeing the benefits, the Supreme Master and Supreme Master said: "The Dragon Emperor is justified. It is not that we are bullying less, but the situation is critical. We must use extraordinary methods. Right now we can only give up the bigger ones. The four are still obedient. obey."

At this step, the fight is impossible, and the faces of the four people are ugly.

The scene calmed down, and a series of eyes projected over, leaving four people like backs. On the day of Emperor Wu Rong, Tang Rong gritted his teeth and said, "Li Xing, Tian Wu is hiding in your hands, everyone knows this."

Li Xing smiled and said, "Brother Tang just stood aside, you don't have to give anything more."

Tang Rong sighed, walked aside, and focused on the other three. The Emperor of the Void Emperor drew a deep grin for a long time, and suddenly raised an eyebrow and said, "Since this is the case, I would rather go into the cave and practice with the head of Li!"

As he said, Gu Qingtian and Sima Jian also expressed their willingness to enter Dongtian practice. You know, the Great Emperor ’s Secret is the foundation for their future growth. How can they cultivate without a Secret?

But the situation is stronger than people. At the moment, it is absolutely impossible to surrender the treasure. Maybe it will be cut off directly. Would they be cheaper Li Xing? So they also gritted their teeth and were willing to enter the cave to practice and fight again.

At first seeing the attitude of the three, Li Xing smiled slightly and nodded: "Very good. In this way, there is a greater chance of appearing an emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ everyone is also happy, Qianjidao said respectfully: "Li head, three friends, since you are all willing to enter Dongtian, you can make a request to all the monks present. As long as you can do it, old imagination, no one will quit. "

To be clear, Li Xing and others need what they lack. Regardless of Fu Dan's utensils, they can be arbitrarily raised.

As soon as this statement was made, no one objected. It's all this time, and it's useless to hide. For the monks, if the Great Emperor could not be cultivated, everyone would be dead, and it would be useless to keep things. If the Great Emperor is cultivated, those who help the Great Emperor today will not be benefited in the future?

Therefore, this move is not afraid of being hidden.

As soon as the words came out, Sima Jian immediately said: "The juniors need 30,000 anti-celestial pills!"

Later Gu Qingtian and Yao Wushi also made their own requests. Immediately, the crowd did not hide it, and left and right, it was easy to satisfy the three people's requirements.

Next, it was Li Xing's turn, and he smiled slightly and said, "I hope that all of you will be able to hand over the ancient authentic text on your body."

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