Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 762: Zhenghua Road

Chapter 50: Zhengyi Dao

The King of the White Bone is the king of the King of the White Bone. He has a dull face. Although he has a human form, he has no half body. The whole head is a white skull, his eyes are green, like ghost fire. . .

Zheng Yizun wears a sky blue robe, black beard floating, a square eyebrow and a long face, with a majestic appearance. He held a sword in his hand, his body flowed, and he dared to meet up without fear, drinking, "Bone, look at how you chop me today!"

The bone-king Wang Leng hummed, and a spur of triangular ribs appeared in his hand. It was seven feet long, and there was a layer of blue and white cold light on it. The bone spur flashed, stabbing towards a chest, emitting a blue-white light.

Zheng Zun was not panic-stricken. He rolled up his sleeves and heard a thunderous sound of "Boom", a fire exploded, and a "Zheng Yi Shen Thunder", which directly dispelled the light. Then he straightened a sword, and hundreds of millions of sword lights killed him.

Dao Zun's name is not called in white. With every move, the rules of the avenue between heaven and earth are controlled by him. He suppresses the King of the White Bone with all his strength, making him seem to be in a thick liquid, and his movement becomes slow.

"Oneness of righteousness, cut evil and eliminate evil! Broken!"

Zheng Yizun took the opportunity to slash seven hundred forty-nine swords, seven hundred forty-seven sword lights, actually woven into the sky into a sharp sword array, called Zheng Yi to cut evil sword array, and released amazing lethality.

Throughout the sky, Jianguang and Bai Liang were like electricity. Eventually, they converged into a condensed subtle Jianguang, like a pinpoint, beheaded and killed.


This sword was so accurate that it stabbed the bones of Wang Wang's heart, but it made a sound of gold and iron impact, and the sword was scattered. The monk who watched the battle was shocked, this man is so arrogant! Just respecting that sword, the power was so great that he was actually blocked by his body.

However, the King of Bone was uncomfortable, his brows tingled for a while, and he stepped back three times. He was so angry and angry that he roared like a thunder: "Kill!" Yi Yang spurs in his hand and kills Xiang Zhengdao.

The bone royal family's weapons are usually bone spurs. Every warrior of the White Bone Royal Family will use the bones of his body to make a bone spur, which will be used as a weapon of battle. With the improvement of Xiu Wei, the bone spurs were continuously tempered with blood veins, and finally became extremely sharp and full of vitality.

In addition, the bone spurs of the White Bone Royal Family have their own set of assassination methods that have been passed down for countless generations. This means of attack is equivalent to Taoism and sorcery.

"The stars hit!"

The spur trembled at an incredible speed, and every time it trembled, a bit of coldness appeared in the air. At the moment of a millionth, thousands of cold mansions appeared, just like the stars in the sky.

Every bit of coldness represents a stabbing. This method is actually a hit with Guiyuan. Imagine the power!


The fine stabbing sound was very messy, but in one instant, it became a hum, a dull vibration, and then returned to silence. In the void, there was only a dazzling cold mang, which released a terrible murderous power and locked Zhengyizun.

It looks like a spark, but it's too bright, it's too bright. Mars is too fast, directly hit Zheng Yizun's brows, and arrived in an instant.

Being respectful, he was openly fearless, defending his sword, trembling his sword body, and hitting thousands of sword flowers in an instant. Of course, when a sword is stabbed, there is a sequence.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Thousands of swords were stabbed in such a short period of time from the bone spurs to the center of the eyebrows. Although there is a come first, the strength of each sword acts on the On the other hand, it made a dense sound like a long beep, which stabbed the eardrum.

Where the two were fighting, the void was torn, and their figures were fighting in a different space, and they sometimes jumped out to fight, regardless of time.

Dao Qin has the means of Dao Zun, and Wang has the king's advantage. This fierce battle lasted for a little while. Anyone on the side of the virtual gate knows that the longer the delay, the better it is for them. As far as a respector said, Li Xing is still practicing, and it may close tomorrow.

No one knows the extent to which Li Xing, who will clear the gates tomorrow, will reach his strength. So they are very much looking forward to it, and they hope that the Daoists will be able to stand a day until Li Xing exits.

The King of Bone Bone was arrogant and said that he would cut down the righteous respect, but now he has been fighting for a long time, and he still can't get the upper hand. Anxious and annoyed in his heart, he shouted, "I didn't expect you to have some means, but this means can't save You! Bones! "

"Ah! The King of the Bone is about to perform the Mystery of the White Bone. This kind of mystery can kill Daozun!" Exclaimed from the ancient royal clan.

The ancient royal families, each of which possessed a number of secret killing techniques, used for war. The power of mystery is much stronger than Taoism, and it is not easy to cast. Bone Bone Lore is one of the mysteries of the Bone King family, which can instantly increase the combat power ten times, thereby killing the enemy.

Just as Zun suddenly felt great pressure, the momentum of the King of the Bone continued to soar, increasing nearly ten times! His face changed, his eyes opened angrily, and he shouted, "The road resonates!"

Avenue resonance is the ultimate killing of Daozun. When performing this technique, Dao Zun and Da Dao became one and became part of Da Dao. At that time, the Great God resonated with the avenue, and it took Li Xing a lot of energy to finally kill it.

Just as the respect disappeared, he turned into a misty and invisible way, everywhere.

The Bone King shrieked again and again, and the bone spurs in his hands gave out a dazzling radiance. In this blow, he was assassinated! The avenue is incomplete and imperfect, so it has its flaws.

"Boom!" The road trembled, and the entire Tianyuanzhou trembled. The King of the Bone struck, faintly shaking the entire Tianyuanzhou, terrifying strength!

"The avenue is ruthless!" Suddenly, a desolate voice came from all directions.

The monks on the side of Taixumen ~ www.readwn.com ~ Daozun looked stunned, and Daozun sighed: "Zhengyi, a brother! You would rather kill the enemy than kill the enemy, Tianyuanzhou soul is inscribed in your heart!"

The so-called Taoism means to abandon self and become a part of the Avenue when the Avenue resonates. In general, when the life of Taoism is over, or when the ascension fails, the enlightened Tao will merge with the avenue, and the dust will return to the dust and the soil will return to the earth.

At the time of Taoization, Tao Zun's strength will instantly reach a terrible level. No one had expected that Zhengzun chose to enlighten himself at this time and took the opportunity to slay the King of the Bone.

"Master!" A Taoist monk bowed to the ground, and his tears flowed. He was the only man who passed on to the Taoist Master.

The look of the King of the Bone has changed, and he feels that he has suddenly become the enemy of the avenue. It seems that the Tao of the whole Tianyuanzhou is running crazy, and there is only one purpose, to destroy him.

"What?" Bone King couldn't believe it. He put away the bone spurs, guarded himself, and wanted to leave the scene.

Unfortunately, it is too late to know that he can't escape the mystery of boneless lore killing, but he did not shrink back, but chose to face the strong enemy directly and end up all together!

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