Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 765: Kill 5 Kings

Chapter 53: Killing the Five Kings

"In time, as long as enough of the source of the gods is absorbed, the kingdom of the gods will gradually be completed. By then, will I not be the real god?" The idea came out, and Li Xing's heart jumped.

The accumulated more than 20 million **** crystals were crushed at once, turned into rolling **** power, and was absorbed by the kingdom of gods. The space in each kingdom of gods has begun to expand and has expanded more than ten times, but it is still a childish stage.

"Master, is the apprentice's strength now comparable to that of the emperor?" Suddenly, Li Xing asked the Emperor Tianxie a question.

"Purely on power, you can be better than the great emperor. On the realm, you are still far behind." Tianxie emperor honestly said, "This kind of strength can open up the treasures of the teacher. At the beginning of the teacher, he collected a lot of treasures. You are very useful, find a chance to take out the treasure. "

Li Xingdao: "This is not anxious, the disciples decided to go to Nether Island to find the power of Jiuyin."

To this day, his Jiuyang Gong has reached the Qingyang state, but if he wants to continue to cultivate, he must rely on the power of Jiuyin. However, the power of Jiuyin exists in the underground world, and you must pass through the Nether Continent to enter.

Within the ghost continent, there are ghosts, also known as overcast people. However, after reading the ancient Xuanjing, Li Xing realized that the so-called ghost family belonged to one of the ancient royal families and one of the three royal families juxtaposed with the undead royal family. There was once a holy king.

The power of the ghost clan is that it can plunder the luck of others and kill the opponent's future.

This method is more terrifying than the undead taking other people's lives. In ancient times, the ghost clan invaded the entire human race and plundered the entire human fortune. Therefore, after death, a considerable part of them cannot enter reincarnation, because they have no afterlife, and their spirits will enter the nether through special channels and become so-called "ghosts."

"Ghost" can become the food of the ghost clan, or the slave of the ghost clan, with a low status and miserable condition.

Killing life is tantamount to killing the present. This is the means of the undead royal family. Killing the future, killing the future, and turning the enemy into ghosts is the means of the ghost family. In addition, there is a terrible ancient royal family, which can kill the living beings in the past, and is called the former royal family.

I heard that Li Xing is going to Youmingzhou, the Great Emperor of Heaven evil said: "A few of your women have practiced Jiuyin Gong, and they really need the power of Jiuyin. However, Youyinzhou is quite dangerous. Are you sure?

Li Xingdao: "Master, rest assured, before going to Youzhou, the apprentice will go to several places to further enhance his strength."

Needless to say, Tian Xie also knows where Li Xing is going.

Ancient battlefields, cemeteries of deities, and forbidden grounds in the South China Sea are all places where Li Xing is going. In particular, the ancient battlefield is extremely vast, and a large amount of ancient authentic texts are lost in it.

The first place Li Xing was going to was the battlefield in ancient times. Of course, this time he wants to enter alone, and with his current strength, he can penetrate the space and enter directly.

However, when Li Xing was about to enter the ancient battlefield, a large number of ancient kings gathered in the ancient battlefield. Obviously, they have been here for some time.

On a desolate hill, the five kings gathered, each of them holding a weapon, which seemed to have just fought.

One king said: "Damn humans! It's so greedy that it's a shame for every tribe to pay 20,000 gods every month!"

"What can I do? That Li Xing is very powerful. Killing the king is like cutting grass. Who dares to fight with him? Several ancestors are sleeping and can't come out for the time being. This is nothing, the most feared is this person. Continue to advance in the way of real people. "Another king said," At the beginning, in the era of the Great Destruction, hundreds of human beings quarreled, there were many great peers, and they could even compete with the ancestors. These people are extremely intelligent, and they want to discover ancient real people. The source, the real person. "

"Fortunately, the Prophet King at that time shot and sealed all the real human origins here. However, after so many years, according to the prophets' prophecy, the real human origins should be awakened. We royals must find these origins as soon as possible, and then Dispose of all. "

"However, the original power is not easy to deal with. The will of the real people in ancient times is hidden in it. Only then did the two kings accidentally be torn by the original power."

"Moreover, these real human origins are not easy to handle, and they must be moved outside the big world by incomparable means. This is actually redundant. Why not just kill that Li Xing directly?"

"Beheaded? The ancestor is not awake. Who can fight with him? This man definitely has the power of the emperor. The ancestor appears and suppresses him at most, and he cannot be killed."

"If only there is a holy king, the blood of the holy king can surpass the ancestors, reach a more powerful position, and move towards a stronger road." A king longed for the tunnel.

The five kings were talking. Suddenly the space shook. A human figure appeared and was familiar.

As soon as Li Xing came out, he saw five kings. He was taken aback. How could these kings appear? He said quietly, "How can some be here?"

The five kings changed their faces, shouting shyly, "Li Xing, what are you doing?"

Li Xing's heart was strange, and said, "Why, I can't come to the battlefield in ancient times?" During the talk, he suddenly shot. The powerful force covers all directions. Who can resist?

The five kings felt their breath suffocated, roared like thunder, and shot with all their strength. It is a pity that Li Xing has united the kingdom of gods. He is almost a **** and has the same strength as the emperor.

"Boom!" The wind and thunder appeared, and the five kings couldn't move at once.

"Ah! How could your strength become so strong?" One king yelled in horror. "Hold up together and escape to tell the other kings!"

"Where to escape?" Li Xing's expression was cold, his real hand pressed down, and he shouted, "Extinction!"

"Boom!" The dust filled the sky, and the bodies of the five kings exploded directly. The pure blood source was absorbed by Li Xing in the Great Five Elements Furnace.

Five forces enter the body, and Li Xing runs the big five-element furnace for a long time. Under the operation of Zenith, the Big Five Elements Furnace shook and shone brightly. All of a sudden, these five elements of the furnace become the core of Da Luozhen.

The Great Five Elements Furnace is the treasure of the ancient Five Elements King, and it finally shows its magic. Before, Li Xing hadn't condensed a real person, and I didn't know how to use it. For the first time at this time, I found that this thing is really magical.

The Great Five Elements God Furnace, after absorbing these five forces, releases the pure power that Li Xing can absorb. The five kings and the five blood powers all became the things that nourished Li Xingda Luo's true body.

"Huh!" Li Xingchang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling happy, because he found a way to use the blood of the royal family to improve Da Luo's true body. His Da Luo Zhenshen reached the sixth level of completeness, but it is much more difficult to break through.

In the future, he can continue to absorb the power of the royal blood, and maybe he can break through again and enter Da Luozhen's seventh weight.

After killing the five royal families, Li Xingshun read their memory, and his heart jumped: "In ancient battlefields, there is actually a real source!"

Li Xing's meridians of the real people have opened up the twenty-fourth layer and become a real human being. However, if he wants to continue to cultivate, he must absorb more real people. This news is too important for him.

"If I get more real people, I can become a true king, even a true saint!" Li Xing's eyes flashed.

The five true kings were silently destroyed without disturbing the other kings. From the memory of the five kings, Li Xing knew this trip, and the ancient royal family sent a total of 64 kings. Now five are dead, two of them are injured by real life, and fifty-seven are left.

Fifty-seven kings joined forces with great lethality. Although Li Xing was not afraid, he was also worried about causing the sleeping ancestor. Therefore, he decided to act in secret, to get the seal of the real human source!

In a chaotic array, he quickly calculated that at the same time he was looking for the authentic text in the ancient battlefield. For the complete ancient Xuanjing, I don't know how many ancient authentic texts he needs, he must collect a little bit to complete it.

The second day after entering the ancient battlefield, Li Xing came to a bare mountain with the help of the chaotic array and the treasure light instrument. The rocks on this mountain peak are black and towering.

Li Xing flew round and round around the mountain peaks, constantly firing, but couldn't see what was buried in the mountain. Only the Baoguang instrument can dimly sense the treasure.

The chaotic array predicts that there must be ancient authentic texts in the mountains.

If you don't see the problem, then do it. As soon as Li Xing shook the star soldiers, the iron bar slammed down, and he heard a "ding" sound. His arm was numb when he was shaken, and the Star Soldier almost let go.

At the impact, Mars splattered, leaving only a white mark. At this moment, Li Xing was completely shocked. What was so hard?

He landed on top of the mountain ~ www.readwn.com ~ and reached out to press on the black rock, and observed the induction carefully. After a moment, there was a flash of light in his mind, thinking of something, diamond.

Diamond rock originally did not belong to this world. They are things collected by ancient gods from outside the world. And, only if there is a status among the gods, is it eligible for diamonds.

With special methods, the diamond element force can be extracted from the diamond. King Kong's strength is an indomitable and extremely strong force. This power is often used to build weapons.

All this was the knowledge that Li Xing obtained from the ancient Xuanjing. He felt a movement in his heart, and suddenly thought that his own body, Da Luo Zhenshen, might be able to absorb King Kong's strength!

After a while, he frowned. The diamond is so hard, how can it be taken away? The star soldier in his hand turned into a huge axe and began to smash "Dangdang". After smashing a dozen times, Li Xing finally gave up, and King Kong Yan could not be broken at all.

"Since it can't be broken, then move away." Li Xing gritted his teeth and suddenly released the supreme true shape. He was thirty thousand feet tall, higher than the mountains. Then he hugged the mountain with his arms and yelled, "Get up!"

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