Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 766: Ferocious dog

Chapter 54: Ferocious Dog

Li Xing possesses a kingdom of one hundred thousand spirits and has great strength. He only heard the sound of "Boom". The entire mountain chassis was directly broken and lifted up suddenly. . . Together with the mountain peaks, hundreds of millions of milliseconds of light were emitted below, rising into the sky, making people unable to open their eyes.

Li Xing drank softly, the whole mountain was taken into Jingtian, and then he looked down. I saw the root of the mountain peak, which was suppressing a bronze square tripod, and the tripod was tumultuous, with three hundred authentic texts floating up and down.

"The true king's source!" Li Xing's eyes flashed. As a real human being, he could clearly sense that this is the true king's source! And the true king's origin contains three hundred ancient authentic texts.

He was naturally rude, and the true-shape hand directly held the copper tripod and directly absorbed it into the space of a kingdom of gods. This time, the harvest was huge, not only the true king's origin, but also diamond.

The movement of Li Xing was so loud that he alarmed the two nearby kings, rushing to the left and right, and just hit him. When they saw it was Li Xing, they were taken aback. They said nothing and turned away.

Li Xing sneered, "Since he's here, still want to leave?" He flickered, pinching a king's neck, snapped, and then threw it into the Big Five Elements Furnace for refining.

Then another flashed, catching up with the second king, and solved it in the same way. The two kings belonged to different races, and their blood power was purified to provide Da Luozhen with perfect body.

Even cutting the second king, you are just as happy as anyone else, and continue to play the chaotic array to find the true text. For more than a month, scattered and scattered, he found more than a dozen authentic texts and obtained hundreds of authentic texts. However, only one place was found for the real human origin, and it belongs to the Tongtian real human origin, and the number is not large.

Of course, such a search would inevitably lead to the king of the ancient clan, and he was cut by three. At this point, he has beheaded ten kings in the ancient battlefield. The kings also realized that they were not good, and they became more and more careful.

On this day, Li Xing estimated that he was in a real Tibetan area and immediately went to dig. When I arrived, I found that I had entered a peculiar terrain, and there were honeycomb-shaped rock caves on the ground.

"Whooting" sounds, pillars of fire, rushed into the sky, reaching several hundred meters high, is spectacular. The colors of the flames vary from blue to blue and red and white.

Li Xing's gaze fell on a huge hole. This cave has a diameter of more than 100 meters, and the flames emitted are naturally thick and powerful, and the howling wind caused by the impact can directly kill the mage.

However, this strength could not hurt Li Xing, he looked down curiously, and then released the Fenian search. As soon as Fa Nian went down, he felt a fierce will hit him, making him stunned and almost fell down.


A black shadow rushed out of the cave like lightning, engulfed by the wind, and hit.

Li Xing sighed, punched in the past, feeling like hitting steel, shaking his arm with numbness, and then "snapped" three consecutive steps back. The shadow also stagnated, fell to the ground, and stared fiercely.

This time, Li Xing saw what it looked like, a dog. Yes, it was indeed a dog that attacked him. The dog's black fur was bright, and he stood tall, with large, round ears, and was snarling at Li Xing "whine".

Li Xing crooked his nose and was attacked by a dog! But he was also surprised that the dog's physique was very arrogant, and he was fine with a punch.

"Whose dog?" Li Xing rolled his eyes, "How do you bite?"


The **** dog barked, and "snapped" twice assaulted. It's fast and powerful, and it bites Li Xing's palm in one go. The teeth were so sharp that they pierced the skin and hurt the muscles.

Li Xing was startled, his arm flicked, left and right, listening only to the loud sound of "Boom", the rocky ground was smashed out of one giant pit after another, the dust was flying. This kind of power, even the king can fall to death, but this dog is all right, and he is not slack in death.

Li Xing was furious, slamming another fist and hitting the black dog's body, making a "thump" muffled sound, both sides pained.

If someone looks at it from a height, they will find a white shadow and a black shadow rolling in the flames. At the same time, the screams of dogs and the painful voices of people kept coming and going.

In his life, Li Xing had never experienced such a fierce battle. He was evenly matched and did not say, and the opponent was fierce. He bit the one without loose mouth. Moreover, the dog's paw was also very sharp, and the shirt made by Chen Xue had been torn apart.

One person and one dog fought from the sky to the ground and from the ground to the sky again. After three days and nights, they finally separated.

Li Xing was sitting on the ground with his butt, panting and panting. After playing for so long, he also felt numb and he didn't want to move. The **** dog lay on the ground like a dead dog, vomiting his tongue.

"Fuck! Your skin is so thick!" Suddenly, the **** dog uttered words, shocking Li Xing. This dog can talk, just curse.

"Who owns your dog? Why bit me? Without giving a reason today, I stripped you of stewed dog meat to eat!" Li Xing was also annoyed because the dead dog delayed him a lot of time, and People are too tired.

The **** dog said angrily: "I ran to the king's place to scatter the ground, and dared to yell, you are just tired and crooked. The king is going to chop you and eat it as a bun!"

One person and one dog met his eyes, one raged, one fierce, and he would continue to fight. Suddenly, the **** dog raised his face and asked Li Xing, "Your companion is here?"

Li Xing sneered: "I have only one person, and I don't need any help from a dog."

The **** dog snorted loudly: "Don't be arrogant. Today, the king has something to deal with, and I'm too lazy to deal with you." It flickered and disappeared. It seemed to be in a hurry, and seemed to be avoiding something.

At this time, he also felt a terrible breath approaching, and then heard a roar of thunder, the sky suddenly darkened. When I looked up, I saw a 100,000-foot-long giant snake flying in the sky, swallowing clouds and misting.

The giant snake released a powerful divine thought and locked Li Xing. It was still far away. Suddenly when he heard it, he had a strong suction that cut the void and pulled him.

As soon as Li Xing was unstable, he was drawn into it and was suddenly sucked into the belly. The wind was blowing, the black gas was rolling, and I suddenly entered a wet and horrifying world. There are endless seas of mucus around, the mucus is black and highly corrosive.

The clothes on Li Xing's body, "Sisi" smoky, soon disappeared, and his skin was stinging.

"It's amazing!" Li Xing was taken aback, working really hard and fighting with all his strength. At this moment, he found that not far away, two kings were desperately trying to fight the mystery against the corrosion of mucus. A part of their body has been lost, and it is very miserable.

Li Xing snorted coldly, his real hands grabbed them directly, pinched them to death twice, and threw them into the Big Five Elements Furnace.

"Animal, want to eat me?" He used the method of heaven and earth to expand his figure, his hands finally supported the back of the snake, stepped on the belly of the snake, and said, "Open!"


The snake's body was swollen suddenly, and it made a sound of pain.

"Broken world!"

Li Xing yelled violently, and a star emperor technique was exhibited. The Star Emperor's Classics is fifty-four, and the power of this Star Emperor's art reaches terror. The snake's body exploded, and it died instantly.

A giant stepped out of the void. At this moment, the snake corpse slammed heavily on the ground, shaking the ground. He walked over, cut left and right with the Taixu sword, and took out a huge bead from the snake.

This bead is huge, like a hill, with a strong source of power inside. Li Xing is still unaware of the effectiveness of Snake Beads.

After killing the giant snake, the **** dog suddenly jumped out again, staring at Li Xing and said, "Boy, there are two sons. I think you have also become a real person, it seems to be a family."

Li Xing's face suddenly darkened: "Family? You are almost the same as the **** family."

The **** dog was angry, "Wang" made a sound, and slaughtered again, and a big battle began.

Li Xing can slay the snake, but he cannot hurt the dog. In fact, he had seen that this dog had cultivated a magical skill similar to that of Da Luo Zhenshen. His physical strength was so overwhelming that he could win steadily when he met the king of the ancient clan.


After fighting for a long time, after all, Li Xing was superior and chaotic martial arts were not blown. He found an opportunity to suppress the **** dog with the Five Elements Town Seal. Dayin suspended in the air, emitting billions of milliseconds of light, and hit the **** dog.

The **** dog couldn't move, and stared angrily at Li Xing, trying to eat people.

Li Xing smiled, "Hey **** dog, you came out twice to stop me. Are you afraid of what I find?"

The **** dog's face suddenly changed: "Wang! Boy, there is nothing here!"

"Really? Then I'll look." Li Xing said, jumping off the cave.

When the man jumped down, the **** dog's gloating expression appeared on his face, and he said to himself, "Little bastard! Don't bite you!"

Not long after ~ www.readwn.com ~ a scream came from below, Li Xing turned into a light and rose into the sky. Behind him, five heads of pale gold, five or six meters long crocodile pursued.

It turned out that Li Xingcai entered the bottom of the cave, and was blocked by a five-headed crocodile, and he bit his mouth. The crocodile is a terrible life in the barbaric times of ancient times, and it is even more horrible than the giant snake.

They are inaccessible, their teeth are hard, they basically eat all living things, and they walk like electricity, making it difficult to escape.

"Click! Click!"

Five big mouths, sharp teeth constantly hit each other, scaring Li Xing's scalp. He can conclude that if he is bitten, he will at least be seriously injured, even if he does not break his hands and feet.

"Broken Bow!"

When Li Xing escaped, he performed Emperor Astrology and shot five arrows in one breath. The dying atmosphere made the Macaw also have to temporarily retreat.

Taking this opportunity, he sacrificed a nimble lamp, and all of a sudden disappeared. At that time, after 100,000 years of hard work, his strength soared, and this nimble lamp was also sacrificed. The magic lamp of nihilism belongs to the ancient gods and the treasures of the creation series. It is infinitely useful and can not be found by the crocodile.

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