Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 770: Emperor of Yuan Dynasty

Chapter 58: The Great Emperor

After discussing with the seven women, Li Xing had a conspiracy case, settled down and let them prepare separately, and he took the opportunity to cultivate for a period of time. Now that the emperor is about to rise, his strength can only be improved, otherwise how will he command the world?

The **** dog named "Hero" has been released by Li Xing. Li Xing has also said that it is not a bad mystery. At the moment, he is rehearsing and practicing, and Da Luozhen actually has to break through.

Originally, he could tell the complete Da Luozheng body exercises, but in order to be able to subdue the **** dog in the future, he can only hide for the time being. This dog is very magical, he doesn't say much about his strength, and knows a lot of secrets, which is very helpful to him, of course, he can't let go easily.

Under the tree of faith, Li Xing entered the practice. The real human origins snatched from the ancient battlefield are successively thrown into chaotic arrays, broken down into fragments of the principle of the road, and the power of pure dragons.

Fragments of Law merge themselves into the large array, increasing the power of the chaotic large array. The power of the dragon elephant is constantly leaking out, opening up new dragon elephant real elements. Every dragon elephant real element is a vortex of power, containing explosive terrible power.

Even the true source of the true saints were decomposed, and the true source of the true kings underneath was even more careless and quickly stripped away. One by one the dragon elephant real elements were turned on. After all the origins were decomposed, the number of true elements doubled to 36,000. It also means that his power has doubled.

"Ancient real people have their own Tao, what is my Tao?" Li Xing asked himself. He majored in Dharma, Wudao, Xiandao, Buddhism, Bone Tao, and the Tao of real people, and even absorbed the ancient royal family. Bloodline power.

His strength is very complicated, and there are many but not so many things to realize, so he wants to come. The question was raised and he immediately noticed the chaos. This chaotic array originated from the chaotic martial arts, and even at this time with a strong martial arts breath.

The chaotic array can absorb all laws without excluding, which is a kind of inclusiveness and a kind of broadness. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind, and an idea suddenly popped out. As soon as this idea came out, it was full of light, and Li Xing's heartbeat accelerated.

"What about the Immortal Road? What about the Buddhism? Even with the Three Thousand Avenues, I can use the Chaos Avenues to blend together! Mixing the Avenues of the World and returning them to one yuan is for the mixed yuan!" Li Xing immediately realized, showing thorough Smile.

What is a hybrid?

The hybrid element is all-encompassing and omnipotent. The hybrid element is an orderly hybridization, which is the truth and the reason. Everything is a mixed element, with its big outside, its small inside, the upper shooting stars running, and the lower world reincarnation.

There are many types of mixed yuan, but they are chaotic.

After realizing this, the chaotic array changed again, condensing into a big shadow. This tripod is called a hybrid tripod, no matter what kind of power enters it, it will be mixed into one, and transformed into chaotic power.

The origin of the real person has been decomposed long ago, but Li Xing sits still for three days, and realizes the Taoism. On this day, he laughed a long time, rising from his clothes, leaving the country and entering the hall.

The deities in the temple have been waiting for a long time to discuss the Emperor with Li Xing.

Dragon Emperor Road: "In ancient times, there was nothingness, Yuansheng, Changsheng, Tianwu, and Tianxie. The five emperors all had names. Today, we have to set up an emperor name for future generations to recite."

The Supreme Master Tao groaned for a moment and said: "My emperor was born in Tianyuanzhou, wouldn't he be called the emperor of Tianyuan?"

The demon emperor shook his head: "It's not right. Now Jiuzhou is unified, and with the power of our emperor, it will surely be able to sweep all directions. The name" Tianyuan "is too cramped."

Qianji Daozun: "My emperor's martial arts is deified, and no one can defeat the meaning of true martial arts, but he can be called the true emperor of martial arts!"

Qiyuan Taozun shook his head: "Ancient Emperor Tianwu, taking Wu as the respect, is it not the case to grab the limelight with his predecessors? It is still inappropriate."

Everyone uttered a lot of utterances, such as "Dagger Lord", "Acting Emperor", "Fuwei Emperor", "Xuantian Emperor", "Dulao Emperor" and so on, all were rejected.

Li Xing was silent all the time, suddenly a smile, and everyone snored. No matter how much advice there is, the emperor must nod. He groaned: "I have a number, calling‘ Hyun Yuan ’, what do you think?”

Emperor Yuan? Everyone was stunned and did not understand the meaning of mixing the Yuan. Li Xing explained: "The avenue is simple, push the four images and return to the two instruments, and play the two instruments to chaos. , The only true deity of Shinto, everything in Buddhism and Taoism is empty, everything in bones and Taos is true, everything is mixed with all spirits and united, it is mixed. "

Li Xing did not go deep into saying that the Tao of Reality actually belongs to the mixed Yuan Avenue, and finally reaches the perfection of form and spirit, which is true to the Tao. The dragon image is shaped, the avenue is god, and the form and **** are united.

After listening to this commentary, everyone showed a sense of sudden realization, and praised: "Miao, Miao! My emperor has this great wisdom, and he can be called" hybrid Yuan "!"

At this point, Li Xing used the name of Emperor Yuan to be the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Three days later, the ceremony of the emperor began. Tian Yuanzhou Dao Zun, Dao Jun, Dao Ren, and other characters all came to congratulate. The ancient royal family, Lingzhou Tiandaomen, also sent messengers to congratulate. The emperor was born, all ghosts and gods were shocked, no one dared to despise Emperor Wei.

As a salute to the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the demon emperor urged the mountain and river maps, exerted unparalleled power, and opened up an emperor capital in the demon forest. When the emperor came out, the demon emperor also had to surrender, and the demon and the human race were no longer the enemy and lived together.

Of course, Li Xing has great respect for the demon emperor. You do n’t have to ask questions about the demon race. Moreover, in the future, the monks will walk the world, the monks must not be hostile, and the **** status is equal.

This result is exactly what the demon emperor pursued for thousands of years. At the beginning, the former demon emperor and the human race fought because of their prejudices. People cannot tolerate demons, and demons also hate people, so they fight for a long time.

Today, the demon emperor shrinks the scope of the demon forest, turning it into a passage that covers only a thousand miles. The demons don't want to occupy Tianyuanzhou, they just want to obtain an identity. Today, they finally get what they want, which is a great joy.

As soon as the emperor came out, the emperors of all countries in Tianyuan all abdicated and did not dare to be called emperor. Among the imperial capitals, there is a temple, the No. 1 mixed temple. The ceremony was very tedious, with 100,000 people watching the ceremony.

Li Xing wore an imperial robe. The imperial robe was interwoven with three thousand complete rules. There were sun, moon, stars, heavenly changes, mixed Yuan Avenue, dragon elephant power, and various changes.

The seventeen Tianyuan superpowers, with great wisdom, joined forces to create a royal seal. That emperor's seal is the natural seal cut out by Li Xing that day. And it is amazing that the avenue represented by the above daowen belongs to the complete avenue, not the incomplete one.

The seventeen great powers, with their own experience, engraved it, so that the great seal of this side has an extraordinary power. Baoyin Huanghuang, lasing billions of millimeters of light, shot up the bullfight, and down town Huangquan.

Li Xing took over the imperial seal, and entered the mixed Yuan Taoism that he had realized. Suddenly, the big seal was "buzzed", releasing the power of God, and a mysterious Tao pattern is displayed below. There are thousands of worlds evolved among them, all wonderful.

"Mixed Yuan emperor, Shou and Tian Qi, Megatron Jiuzhou!" Everyone congratulated.

Just then, a loud laugh came from outside the hall, the voice was sharp and harsh. The people looked furious, who was so bold that they dared to disturb the emperor's ceremony!

Li Xing looked as usual, and said lightly, "Who?"

A figure came from outside the hall. This man was thirty years old, dressed in white, personable and elegant. He carried his hands to the center of the hall, stared at Li Xing, and laughed: "Between heaven and earth, there is the only true God. You are a common man, how can you live with heaven? You replace the heart with your own heart, and your heart can be stingy!"

The ministers were furious and yelled, "Bold! Take it!"

Li Xing waved his hand to prevent several Dao Zun from taking the shot, and asked the white monk indifferently: "I see that you have faith, isn't it the monk of God Wangzhou?"

The monk in white flashed his eyes: "Holy Religion, Tutan is shining! God in red!"

God Wangzhou truth teaches that monks believe in the only true god, which is divided into four levels: Li, Spirit, King, and Sect. Clan monk, similar to the man of law. Among the clan classes, the high-end person is called the Son of God, similar to the Master of the Realm.

The son of God is divided into the son of white clothes, the son of yellow clothes, and the son of red clothes. Above the Son of God, there is also the saying of the Son, which rarely appears and belongs to the rank of the Great Emperor.

Li Xingdao: "You said that the great emperor took his heart seriously, nothing more than relying on a false godhead to oppress me in the name of God. Today I will let you know that this great emperor is a **** and does not need to believe in his god!"

"Boom!" Behind him, the fat bear stood up for a day, shining brilliantly, shining brightly. During that great day, there seemed to be 100,000 worlds floating up and down.

Tutan's pale face suddenly changed, and he was surprised: "Impossible! You actually opened up the kingdom of gods, this is the cultivation of the Son!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "You insulted the emperor, you have already committed a felony, and leave it as your own practice." A big hand grabbed ~ www.readwn.com ~ The kingdom of one hundred thousand gods enveloped. With the power of the gods to restrain the power of the gods, Tutan Guanglie has no power to fight back.

"Ah! Don't! The villain convicts, the emperor spares his life!" Tutan yelled lightly. He had hidden mystery in his body, and if he wasn't good, he could take it away at any time. How did you know that Li Xing shrouded in a country of 100,000 directly suppressed his method and could not leave.

Tutan screamed in anger and screamed, and the light of faith rose up around him. This is the power of faith of countless people in God Wangzhou. As the Son of God, he possesses a pseudo-god given by the gods and can enjoy certain benefits.

The power of these beliefs has been integrated into the 100,000 kingdoms and has become a tonic for the kingdom of gods. After a scream, Tutan was beaten down by Fan Chen, and now he becomes an ordinary person.

Li Xingdao: "Go." With a wave of his sleeves, Wu Diwei opened the space channel and sent it to God Wangzhou.

He immediately cut off the practice of a red goddess, and he was dazzled and exclaimed. The God of Red, the strength is not under the respect of the Taoist, and he can handle it at will. The way of the emperor is really mysterious!

After the vignette, the ceremony continued, Li Xing took the throne, arranged civil and military officials, and pointed out the hundred thousand mountains and mountains, becoming the best singer in the world, a generation of mixed Yuan emperor!

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