Chapter 60: The Immortal

Above the emperor's urn, Bao Guang shook, the power of infinite faith penetrated through time and space and blessed him. He was improving Li Xing's power every moment. . .

The fourteen demon heads that have been conceived have all contributed to Li Xingyu's belief in belief. These demon heads are born together, each with their own expertise, and dealing with this matter is simply a professional counterpart, extremely easy.

After all the business ideas are analyzed and processed, if it is necessary to come forward, Li Xing will separate the demon head and go to deal with it. Most of them are trivial things that can be dealt with in the past.

His chaotic divine power is different from ordinary divine power. A certain divine power can only deal with a certain faith. For example, the **** of light, the faith of those who adore the light and purity; the **** of darkness, the faith of those who are sunk in darkness and evil.

Li Xing's strength characteristics can be called his chaotic deities, which can sense all beliefs, whether dark, light, chaotic, or orderly, can be accepted.

Along the road of Emperor Di, after experiencing endless mountains and rivers, cities and towns, Li Xing swept the world with a powerful method, and imprinted a huge map of eastern Tianyuanzhou in his heart. In addition, he used his methods to leave a sense of heart around Tianyuanzhou.

This method is a technique taught by Emperor Tianxie, calling it a "mind map". This method can put the world into the heart, so that the world is my heart, and my heart is the world. Between the heavens and the earth, every move, if they watch the fire, is not the power of the emperor and cannot be performed.

After half a month, I finally went to the Hengduan Mountains at the junction of Tianyuanzhou and Lingzhou. I looked up, covered the mountains, and traversed the road. Li Xuanbai said: "Brother, here is Hengduan Mountains, and there is a passage ahead."

The passage mentioned by Li Xuanbai is a passage connecting Tianyuanzhou and Lingzhou. Between the intercontinental barriers, a broken hole can be passed by ordinary people.

Li Xing is not going to enter Lingzhou today. In addition, the land of Lingzhou, connected to heaven, has hidden many secrets, and it is not appropriate to establish enemies for the time being.

At this point, Tianyuanzhou has reached the extreme east, and Li Xing is about to turn around and return to the capital. At this moment, there was a fairy light flying in front of him. On top of that fairy light, a young boy in Tsing Yi and seven women were entrusted.

The teenager's face is like a crown jade, and his mood is chic. The women behind him are also beautiful and charming. The Xianguang shop spread out, and it was a hundred miles away, and bumped into the emperor's concubine, without any evasion.

The sword tortured Tian Leng hummingly, and issued a tortured sword intention, as if lightning through the sky, electric light burst into the sky, and fell into the fairy light. However, Xianguang only moved slightly and was not split.

Jian Xuntian's complexion changed slightly. He had attained Taoism and possessed the blood of gods. His strength far surpassed that of ordinary Daojun. Even to the Supreme Master, he can escape easily and give a blow, but he can't split this fairy light!

One blow was invalid, and Jian Xingtian did not take another shot. The others are also the same. Their strength is no better than the sword penalty. Even if they shot, I am afraid they can do nothing. In this case, the emperor of Yuan Dynasty had to be launched.

The sword penalty day hit, the boy opened his eyes. He held a wine glass, reclining in the arms of a beautiful woman, and sneered. A beauty said with a smile: "Well, who is this, great support, is that the thing that pulls the car a legendary dragon?"

Another beauty pouted and laughed: "The boy is a fairy, and he has never been so extravagant. This person is so bold, I don't know who is Tian Yuanzhou."

"Look at the crown above his head, it must be the emperor of the country. The guards around him are a bit interesting. Well, they should be masters at the level of immortals."

The beautiful people laughed freely and did not look at Li Xing and his party in the slightest. The word "谪 仙" in their mouths made Li Xing's heart move. "Xianxian" means the immortal reincarnation. Such people come from heaven and have extraordinary qualifications.

Li Xing's self-cultivation is also difficult to judge. He seems to have surpassed Xianzun's level, and it seems that even Xianzun is not, which shows that the other party's realm is very high.

Several beauties talked with a smile, and the young man's eyes fell on Li Xing, his sneer on his face was fixed, then his brows were locked, because he couldn't see Li Xing either. When the teenager waved his hand, he shook his head, and the beauty kept silent.

In their impression, the young master would not stand up no matter who he met, and said to them, no one in this world deserves him to stand up. But today, the young master actually stood up and looked dignified.

"Who are you?" The boy asked, not in a contemptuous tone, but in a reciprocal attitude.

"Tianyuanzhou, Emperor Yuanyuan." Li Xing said lightly, apparently did not regard the other party as an unknown pawn.

The young man sighed, "It is really unexpected that a character like you can appear in this surviving world. In the legend, every time in Tianyuanzhou, there will be an emperor who is trying to overpower the ancient royal family. It seems true . "

"Your Excellency?" Li Xing asked, "Do you know the heavens?"

"You want to know, you will go to heaven in the next day." The young man laughed. "However, you must pass me first."

"Over your level?"

"Your self-cultivation is clearly not high, but possesses a terrible power. Once you grow up in the future, you will definitely ruin the heavens. How can you stay?" The young man said flatly, as the judge was sentenced The prisoner was sentenced to death.

Li Xing was not surprised, with a slight emotion: "You are an immortal in the sky, why bother to die?"

The sneer sneered: "I am the reincarnation of the Heavenly King of Celestial Territory. Since then, the dragon elephant world has experienced it. Although it can not exert all its power, it is not a problem to cut you."

Li Xing stepped down the emperor's coffin, and said lightly: "Whether you are an immortal or a Buddha, if you block me, you will die. Needless to say, do it."

The beauties retreated in horror, but they understood that when the young man started, it would inevitably fall apart, and nearby creatures would suffer, so they didn't dare to lean too close. Jian Xingtian and others also opened up a distance.

In the hands of the teenager, there was an old sword with a pine pattern, without any trace of killing on the sword, three feet long and three fingers wide. As soon as the ancient sword came out, the sky was dark, and the earth was condensed. It seems that the world and the earth revolve around the ancient sword.

Li Xing also took out the star soldier, and the star soldier changed into a long sword. The sword has no body, and is three feet three inches long. Its starlight is dazzling and dazzling. Star soldiers in hand, he quietly transported magical powers to refine the soldier.

The Ancient Xuanjing Refiner chapter introduces the refining techniques, one of which is a quick method, called a killing sacrifice. Every time a weapon kills a person, it adds a touch of power and murder. For example, if the extermination knife kills a person, it will absorb its soul and increase its power.

However, the methods recorded in the ancient Xuanjing are even more magical, and they can be "killed." If you kill a fairy, the weapon will increase the power of the fairy. If a **** is killed, the weapon increases the power of the god-man.

Of course, this type of refining method is quite difficult. Who can kill the immortal and cut the gods?

The star soldier sword, Li Xing's long sword pointed forward, killing the enemy, locked the Qixian youth's vitality, said: "Sign up."

The boy proudly said: "Yingxian Valley, Chu Tianshu." The ancient sword in his hand swelled, and the sky was full of swords, which also locked Li Xing.

Both men held their swords and locked each other, but remained motionless. All the air machines between heaven and earth seemed to freeze, and the mountains were silently turned into powder. The black gaps appeared, and the light was on and off, as if the end of the world had arrived.

In the air-machine confrontation, Li Xing can be sure that although the other party is not a figure of the Great Emperor series, he is already very close, and it is definitely a strong enemy. Moreover, the person's strength seemed to be suppressed and not fully demonstrated.

Chu Tianshu was equally vigilant. He felt that the force released by Li Xing was horrific and made him feel a lethal threat.

Time seemed to freeze, and the two hadn't moved for a long time. Chu Tianshu finally couldn't bear the first one. With a long shout, the sword trembled and came to assassination.

Li Xing remained still, until the sword tip stabbed his shirt, the star soldier suddenly pointed out. Chu Tianshu showed a cruel smile on his sword and stabbing. The Seven-Star Ancient Sword can hurt even the King of Heaven. This man is so big and dare to take the blow.


The moment the sword tip penetrated into the skin, it suddenly exploded, turning into a seven-pointed starlight, flickering, and then being put into Li Xing's body, absorbed by the destiny star wheel.

The Qixing Ancient Sword, with its seven-star spirit, is actually a star soldier. Li Xing practiced the Star Emperor's Sutra, and all the stars vowed to worship. How could a star soldier in this area hurt him? It is directly decomposed into the source star force and absorbed by the imperial star wheel.

At the same time, the Star Sword had already been cut off, and "Sen" had beheaded Chu Tianshu. At the same time, the secret method of the refining machine was run, and suddenly the power of Chu Tianshu was taken away.

Chu Tianshu yelled, and the man shouted, "Dare to!"

Li Xing sneered: "Hugh said that you are not the King of Heaven, but the true King of Heaven. I will cut you, kill!" Jian Guang fluttered, cut vigorously, and cut Chu Tianshu into a mist of blood for a moment.

The blood mist seemed to have life and was absorbed by the star soldiers. On the sword body, there were three more points of power and a touch of blood red.

Only before the battle ~ ~ Li Xing can be described as a coincidence to win, he has long seen that the ancient sword is a star soldier, can not hurt him at all, so he played that "desperate" style of play. Of course, desperately false and real life, Chu Tianshu was too confident and was beheaded by Li Xing.

Li Xingzhi's ability, originally on Chu Tianshu, was seized by him. How can he escape? He was cut off directly, and the master who was close to the series of the Great Emperor died like this.

Here Li Xing killed Chu Tianshu, and Jian Xingtian raised seven heads over there. It turned out that the seven beauties there fled as soon as they got started, and they seemed to be going back to move soldiers.

Jian Xingtian was not a good man, and he caught up with it. Seven swords cut seven.

Li Xing glanced at his head and said nothing. He knew the intention of Jian Xingtian, and Chu Tianshu and other strong men, the forces behind Yingxian Valley must be no small matter. Kill the people of Yingxiangu, it is best not to spread the matter to avoid trouble.

After beating Chu Tianshu, Li Xing raised his sword and said, "There is a Luobao Abyss nearby. Take a look in the past to see what weird in the abyss."

Li Xing did not say, there is a secret under the abyss of the treasure, which is the treasure house of the evil.

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