Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 773: Celestial Treasury

Chapter 61: Heavenly Treasury

The Luobao Abyss has existed since ancient times, and was discovered by the Emperor of Heaven Evil. It was found that there is a very powerful strange treasure in this abyss, called Luobaoyan. This falling treasure rock was far away, and the treasure fell on its own.

But if you get close, even people may fall, very dangerous. At that time, it took a lot of effort for the Emperor Tianxie to finally sacrifice Luobaoyan, and finally built the Tianxie Treasury in it.

Luo Baoyan itself is difficult to break, and even the Tianxie Emperor spent a lot of energy that year, so until today, no one can take away Luo Baoyan. The abyss where Luobaoyan is located naturally becomes Luobao Abyss.

The emperor arrived at the abyss of Luobao, Li Xing said: "You are waiting here." He grasped the tactics taught by the Emperor Tianxie and immediately reacted with Luobaoyan below, and a brilliance rushed from below.

Li Xing was well prepared and jumped against Guanghua, the light and shadow in his eyes changed, and finally entered a world. At the beginning, the Emperor Tianxie sacrificed and smashed Baoyan, and opened up a world in it to build a treasure house.

In front of him, a hessian light blocked the way. In this light, there were seven hundred forty-nine large arrays. If the secret method of the Emperor of Heaven is not introduced, Gu Ye must be forced. Taking Li Xing's cultivation at this time, although not afraid, it is also troublesome.

At this moment, he squeezed his tactics, and that Heiman made his own way. This time, Li Xing went straight to the door. Go deeper and deeper, until you find a vast light, there is a lot of space overlapping in the light.

"This treasure house has nine spaces. At first, the teacher feared that unincorporated descendants would break in. It was cheap, so he set a ban, and only those who have the honor or above can enter." This space is collected by the teacher's life, including magic weapons, runes, elixir, exercises, spirit veins, plant essences, inner beasts of the monsters, magic weapons and magical treasures of heaven and earth. "

Li Xing would like to know how many good treasures are hidden in the treasure house. The moment he entered, he felt the huge force swept away, and if he was not strong enough, he would be ejected directly.

Obviously, this space has the ability to automatically screen to prevent those who carry the Secret Method of the Emperor from entering easily, lacking the strength to inherit the Mantle of the Emperor.

In the first space, all the treasures are magic weapons. When people enter them, they are all kinds of magic weapons, and they are suspended in the air quietly. When Li Xing appeared, all these magic weapons agitated.

At the beginning, Li Xing entered the secret possession of Emperor Tianwu and encountered a lot of magic weapons. At that time, he was already very shocked, but now he has discovered that the treasure of Emperor Tianwu is nothing compared with Emperor Tianxie. No wonder, the Emperor Tianxie said that he could be ranked in the top five of the list of heavenly people, that is by no means bragging.

Among the heavenly treasures, the most powerful magic weapon is the treasure of good fortune with 73 heavy laws. In front of him, there is a supreme magic weapon.

This supreme magic weapon, but it is a great seal, calling the evil seal of the name, the Founder is upright, extraordinary and mighty. Around the evil seal of God, countless magic weapons revolved around him. At this time, the Great Seal rushed out of a glory, showing a spirit.

This Yuanling is a young man who stares indifferently at Li Xing. He has the charm of the three-day evil emperor and asks, "Who?"

"Heavenly people pass on people." Li Xing smiled, stretched out his palm, and a virtual image appeared on the palm of his hand, which was an image transmitted by Emperor Tianxie from Jingtian.

"Xiaoyin, I haven't seen you for a long time." Emperor Tianxie smiled.

The young man's body shook, and Tiger's eyes were in tears, and he cried, "Master!" He immediately bowed to the ground, "Xiao Yin knew that the master was still alive and had to wait so hard!"

Emperor Tianxie: "This is my disciple named Li Xing. Today, the mixed Yuan emperor, you will assist him in Jiuzhou in the future."

Xiaoyin worshiped Li Xing: "Young Master!"

The other magic weapons also came around, like the courtiers seeing the emperor, and fell to the ground. Li Xing looked closely. Among these magical treasures, there were 27 congenital true treasures and 280 congenital spiritual treasures.

At the beginning, Tianwu secretly hid, among the eight caves, there were nine real treasures, eighty-four spiritual treasures, and one good fortune. Compared with Tianxie's, it's really worse, both in quantity and quality.

Emperor Tianxie said: "Li Xing, except for the Seal of Tianxie, you are now all sacrifice. They can help you to cultivate Feng Lingyu."

To be honest, Emperor Tianxie had a friend, Kunwu Taoist, who left three treasures and beheaded gourds, sealed magpies, and magical treasures. Miao Yingbao Rune has been consumed by Li Xing, but it has not been used to kill gourd and Feng Lingyu.

Killing gourds and Feng Lingzhang are both illegal treasures, both of which have great origins. They are the killing treasures of the era of ancient disillusionment and the times of ancient wilderness. It was impossible to slay the gourd, but there were 3,000 sword arrays. At the beginning, Kunwu Daozun only practiced one hundred sword arrays, and he was able to cross the world.

Feng Lingyu is even more magical, and his origins are unknown. I only know that it belongs to the barren era, and can seal the character Yuanling and enhance his power. This treasure can increase the strength without limit. There are 36 main positions and 36 auxiliary positions.

Speaking of Feng Lingzhang, Li Xing smiled bitterly: "Master, disciples haven't tried this long ago. This is too evil, and there is no way to worship."

Emperor Tianxie: "That's because you can't do anything. This shouldn't belong to this world. The origin is a bit mysterious. It has a fight with your altar. At the beginning, Kunwu also looked for me and asked me about the origin of this thing."

"Didn't Kunwu Tao sacrifice this treasure?" Li Xing stunned.

"No, his strength is good, but he is not yet qualified. At that time, the teacher had thought about how to sacrifice this treasure, but fortunately came up with a way." He said, chanting to the law of Tian Xieyin, "Ready. It's up! "

The evil seal of the sky shook with a "hum" and greeted, and the twenty-seven true treasures rose into the air and levitated.

Li Xingyi: "Master, what is this?"

"Circle!" Tianxie Shen said.

Li Xing took out Feng Lingjun, which was drowsy with no trace of spiritual power.

"Don't you have more than a dozen real treasures on you? Take them out." Tianxiedao said, "Thirty-six real treasures that have been sacrificed will be sealed into the sealed spirit, that is the method of sacrificial alchemy."

Li Xing's eyes lit up: "Master Shengming!" He immediately knew the trick, and now took out nine real treasures. There are twelve real treasures in his hands, which are nine real treasures obtained from Babu Dongtian, as well as Taixujian, Baji Tower, and Babu Dongtian.

The real treasures on his body have been sacrificed. But the twenty-seven real treasures of the Emperor Tianxie will be re-sacrifice. Zhenbao sacrifice is actually easy. As long as you have the magic weapon's permission, you can succeed in no time.

Thirty-six pieces of heavenly treasures float in the air and communicate with Li Xing's heart, regardless of each other. He opened his eyes suddenly and yelled, "Broken!"

The magic weapon vibrates, generating powerful coercion. If the power of Zhenbao is fully exerted, its strength is comparable to that of Taoism. At this moment, it is equivalent to the simultaneous exertion of thirty-six Taoisms by the same time, which locks up Feng Ling.

"Boom!" Feng Linghua Guanghua Wandao finally broke through a crevice, thirty-six real treasures, one after another, into each one.

The electric light was chaotic, the thunder burst, and thirty-six real treasures respectively occupied the thirty-sixth theme of Feng Lingyu. Feng Lingyu finally started to run, and there was a layer of chaos on it, and an ancient ancient array was running.

Suddenly, Li Xing was also in touch with Feng Lingzhang, feeling that a mighty force was conveyed, and his own strength was improved by another level.

Emperor Tianxie: "Hey, if you can seal thirty-six gods, you will be powerful."

Li Xing rolled his eyes, thirty-six gods? I am afraid that a **** is not easy to subdue, so how can I find a god?

Holding Feng Lingzhang in hand, Li Xing laughed: "Master, it is better to send the rest of the Lingbao into the Ling."

Emperor Tianxie said: "There are 3,600 auxiliary positions, but it's okay."

Li Xing immediately ran the Feng Lingquan, taking the three hundred hunling treasures of the Tianxue Treasury, the eighty-four lingbaos of the Emperor Tianwu, and a total of 384 lingbaos, all of which came into the auxiliary position. Suddenly, Feng Ling's prestige added a little more.

A big shot, when waving, it was chaotic and obscured, covering the sky, with great power, Li Xing got another treasure. He put away Feng Lingzhang and said, "There are three thousand sword formations in the beheading of the gourd. Unfortunately, they cannot be sacrificed. They must be put into the star wheel to support them. The apprentice decided to sacrifice them into a star soldier."

Emperor Tianxie: "Do you have ambitions and want to use three thousand star power to sacrifice three thousand sword arrays?"

Li Xing nodded: "The disciples feel that this beheading gourd will come to an end, and there will be great achievements."

Emperor Tianxie said: "This matter will be said in the future, you should first collect everything." There are nine major spaces here, and in each space, there are corresponding treasures.

Li Xing is also not polite. He knows that except for the evil evil emperor, the rest is given to him as the heir. When the evil evil seal is taken into Baiyangjingtian, he then enters the second space.

The remaining eight big spaces, each with their own treasures, were all harvested by Li Xing, and the harvest was generous, and he could not help but laugh: "Master, how about one of the three prefectures?"

Emperor Tianxie: "Three houses are the house of inheritance ~ www.readwn.com ~ The treasure house is just a treasure house, you will know in the future."

After collecting the treasures, Li Xing jumped out of the settled rock and reached for a move, and the drop of the rock fell into his hand, turning it into a palm-sized stone. This is also a treasure, and it can be used as a magic weapon in the future.

Above the Luobao Abyss, the depraved breath disappeared, and it became an ordinary abyss.

At this point, the east tour was successfully concluded, and Li Xing and others fought back home. On the return day, the civil and military officials of the imperial capital came to welcome them. Li Xing stepped into the palace, and some people yelled, "The emperor, the imperial descendant, Yao Wushi, Gu Qingtian, and Sima Jian said the treasure of the emperor has been identified.

"Among them, the Void Emperor's treasures have been ruined, and the treasures have been dug up by their predecessors and no longer exist. The treasures of Yuansheng Emperor were taken away by the Yuansheng royal family a month ago. According to the history, the emperor Yuansheng has, The ancestry of the Yuansheng royal family. Today, there are only the treasures of the Longevity Emperor, and the remaining parts have been opened by the officials and other treasures. "

Li Xing waved his hand: "Okay, I will take it to the Treasury and dispose of it in the future." He is so wealthy that he doesn't pay much attention to these things. The above three people, who initially competed with Li Xing, fell to this end and must surrender their treasures.

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